General Hospital
Season 38
Families, friends, enemies, and lovers experience life-changing events in the large upstate city of Port Charles, New York, which has a busy hospital, upscale hotel, cozy diner, and dangerous waterfront frequented by the criminal underworld.
Where to Watch Season 38
253 Episodes
- 01.02.01 - TuesdayE1
01.02.01 - TuesdayPreview:Sonny crosses over to where Lily waits for him! Recap:Lucky and Liz planned a dinner party for their friends and worried about whether or not Emily would show up. Lucky asked Liz to take it easy on Gia and Liz agreed to try. They decided that if they felt themselves being rude to Gia, they would just kiss. The nice dinner turned into a verbal battle with Gia inflicting most of the blows. Ned was furious that Alexis was considering letting Zander stay with her. Alexis believed it was her job to ensure Zander's safety, but Ned didn't see why she had to be the one to take a risk. He understood her reasons though he hated the idea. Felicia overheard the cop who was on the take talking about his crimes, but he walked away before she could see him. Mac gave Felicia full access to the personnel files to try and find the crooked officer. A.J. offered to post a reward for information about the shooters, but Taggert told him that would seriously impede the investigation. After Hannah agr - 01.03.01 - WednesdayE2
01.03.01 - WednesdayPreview:Emily and Zander realize how strong their bond is. Recap:Roy believed Melissa's letter was a forgery because she would have no reason to write him or to forgive him. Bobbie thought that Melissa might be working with Larkin, but Roy was certain Larkin was acting alone. Wanting to keep Bobbie safe, Roy told her he had to investigate by himself. Chloe responded to Stefan's kiss with surprising abandon, but stopped him and told him she needed more time. Having just lost Jax, she needed to make sure she was over him before starting a new relationship. Ned accused Zander of being a master manipulator and compared him to Sonny. Zander took the comparison as a compliment and told Ned he had no intention of leaving Alexis's place and going back to prison. Ned and Alexis argued over her need to take care of Zander, but he decided that being with her was the only thing that mattered. Sonny flatlined and in his near death state, he visited Lily in heaven. She was taking care of his lost ba - 01.04.01 - ThursdayE3
01.04.01 - ThursdayPreview:Monica realizes what a threat Sorel is. Recap:Bobbie visited Ford and asked him for his opinion on the letter from Melissa. Though Ford couldn't give her much information, he did tell her that he didn't believe that Melissa was working with Larkin. When Bobbie confessed her actions to Roy, he was upset with her for digging for clues. He wanted to keep the past in the past and concentrate on moving forward. Hannah and Taggert clashed when his feelings about the Sorel/Sonny case seemed to be crossing into the personal rather than the professional. He questioned her objectivity where Sonny was concerned and she refused to speak to him until he could be rational. Elton tracked down Nikolas and asked him for help in contacting Alexis. His career was in ruins after the wedding debacle and he needed to find a new job. Gia suggested that he talk to Laura at Deception because she knew Laura needed help. Nikolas accused her of just trying to get an edge on Liz. Nikolas later admitted to - 01.05.01 - FridayE4
01.05.01 - FridayPreview:Felicia is caught by one of Sorel's men. Recap:Acting on Hannah's advice, A.J. sat down with Emily and Zander to see if he could find some redeeming value in their relationship. A.J. was polite at first until he decided that he didn't like Zander, which upset Emily. She was further antagonized by Juan who wanted to know what Emily's true feelings for Zander were. He was hurt when she said her feelings went beyond friendship. Meanwhile, all the Q's got together to discuss Emily. Everyone except Monica and Lila was set on sending Emily to St. Catherine's. Taggert barged into Sonny's hospital room to question him about the shooting and to ask him about his plans for Sorel. Carly berated him for upsetting Sonny and she called Benny to tell him Sonny needed increased security. Sonny woke up to see Carly talking to Benny and panicked. Felicia was frustrated that Mac couldn't immediately act on arresting Conrad and she put her own plan into motion. As Conrad walked down the hall, Feli - 01.08.01 - MondayE5
01.08.01 - MondayPreview:Sonny tells Carly that he loves her! Recap:Zander visited Sonny to thank him for saving his life and was surprised by Sonny's assurances that Sorel was no real threat to him. Emily tried to make her family understand that Zander was not interferring with her plans for life. She told them about her desire to go to law school and make real changes in the judicial system. The Quartermaines refused to listen to her and she swore that she was going to see Zander no matter what they did. Monica finally broke down and agreed that Emily needed to go to boarding school. Felicia bluffed to Sorel that Mac knew where she was and was coming to arrest them all. Fortunately for her, Mac figured out what had happened and ran to her rescue. He reminded her that part of her duties was not to put herself in dangerous situations. Bobbie was preoccupied by thoughts of Melissa and even asked Laura if Roy had ever mentioned the woman to her. She wasn't soothed by Laura's lack of knowledge. After drea - 01.09.01 - TuesdayE6
01.09.01 - TuesdayPreview:Nikolas and Gia find themselves in a sticky situation! Recap:Emily and Zander admitted their deep feelings for each other and they kissed. Emily returned to the mansion to find her bags packed and the jet waiting to take her to boarding school in California. Emily begged her family not to send her away, but they insisted that she was going. In rebellion over Emily's leaving, the staff went on strike against everyone except Lila. A.J. lent Hannah a sympathetic ear about her troubles with Taggert. As they spoke, Taggert showed up with flowers that he threw at Hannah and then stalked away. A.J. suggested that if she went after him he would forgive her, but Hannah wouldn't do it because she hadn't done anything wrong. A.J. asked her if she was ready to end things with Taggert. Hannah wasn't sure what her plan was, but she thanked A.J. for being a good friend. Stefan tried to tell Chloe that her dream wasn't real and that he hadn't kidnapped her, but he eventually admitted to what h - 01.10.01 - WednesdayE7
01.10.01 - WednesdayPreview:Edward threatens Zander with a fire poker. Recap:Laura told Bobbie that even though she didn't remember Roy ever mentioning Melissa by name, she did remember him being troubled by the past. She also remembered him saying that he wished he could make things up to "her." Bobbie asked Laura how she felt about Luke and Laura said she was moving on with her life. Felicia talked to Bobbie about her relationship with Mac and admitted that Mac's casual attitude towards her was disconcerting. Liz tried to teach Lucky to ice skate and they ended up just having a romantic time in the snow. Alan and Monica delivered Emily to St. Catherine's and tried to make her see how great the school was. Though Emily begged and cried, they refused to take her back to Port Charles. Resigned to the fact that she had to stay for the time being, Emily put on the school uniform. Remembering that she had her credit card and an internet connection, she planned to buy a ticket back to Port Charles. Zander prep - 01.11.01 - ThursdayE8
01.11.01 - ThursdayPreview:Gia alienates herself from the group once again. Recap:Chloe's surgical procedure was a success and Tony pronounced her cured at last. Knowing he wasn't welcome, Stefan visited Chloe anyway and apologized for what he had done. Chloe still refused to concede and inch and kicked him out. Stefan asked for Alexis's help in changing Chloe's mind but she considered his actions despicable. Liz was shocked that Juan so easily accepted Emily being sent away, but Juan thought it was the best way to keep her safe. Liz called Lucky and Nikolas so they could figure out how to help Emily and everyone berated Gia when she didn't see why Emily's situation was so bad. A fed up Nikolas told Gia he was tired of her selfishness and didn't know why he ever thought she was a good person. A forlorn Gia later realized what a mistake she had made. Carly wasn't pleased that Laura had hired Elton even on a trial basis without her input, but Elton soon won her over. Carly and Laura agreed to disagree abou - 01.12.01 - FridayE9
01.12.01 - FridayPreview:Ned and A.J. find common ground. Recap:Bobbie asked Felicia for her help in finding out information about Melissa. Felicia discovered only the basest facts about the case and told Bobbie that if she wanted to know more, she would have to go to Chicago where the case files were. Under the guide of inviting her to brunch, Bobbie spoke to Hannah about her childhood with Roy. Hannah divulged that though Roy never spoke of his cases, there was one case where he said he broke a woman's heart. Bobbie booked a flight to Chicago and lied to Roy that she was going to a nursing conference. When Edward berated Reginald for the staff's rebellion, Reginald explained to them all that they hadn't really tried hard enough with Emily and they were just using boarding school as an excuse. He further explained that they could fire the entire staff if they wanted to, but the protest would continue. A.J. and Ned made a surprisingly united front by agreeing that Emily belonged at home. In spite of Ed - 01.15.01 - MondayE10
01.15.01 - MondayPreview:Zander asks for Sonny's help. Recap:Zander visited Sonny to thank him for all of his help and to ask him for a loan. He said he wanted to rent a room at Kelly's so that he could give Ned and Alexis their privacy. At Kelly's, instead of asking about a room, he asked Liz to give Emily the message to stay where she was. Later, he took money from Alexis's wallet and left her a note before leaving. Bobbie went to Chicago to look at the case files on Melissa and Leo. Back in Port Charles, Felicia asked Roy where Bobbie was and he told her that he thought she knew that Bobbie was at a nursing convention. Stefan asked Alexis if she would agree not to tell Nikolas the truth about Stefan's misdeeds. Alexis refused to lie for him anymore and told him that either he told Nikolas or she would. Ned comforted Alexis when she moaned about her twisted family. He assured her that she was nothing like the rest of them and told her she was the love of his life. After Gia had to hide when Stefan ca - 01.16.01 - TuesdayE11
01.16.01 - TuesdayPreview:Carly attacks Sorel! Recap:Felicia covered for Bobbie and told Roy that she thought she remembered Bobbie telling her about the medical conference. Felicia and Roy had a long conversation about he and Bobbie's relationship and how his past had affected it. He told Felicia that his life as a double agent had cost him many of his personal relationships, including his love for Bobbie. Meanwhile, Bobbie was in Chicago trying to find Melissa's testimony against Roy. Using subtle flattery and charm, Bobbie convinced the clerk to let her look through the files for the testimony. She finally found it and read a portion where Melissa stated that Roy had lied to her that he loved her in order to get to her brother. Helena tried to convince Alexis to stand with her against Stefan. Though Alexis agreed that Stefan's actions were reprehensible, she told Helena that under no circumstances would she ever side with Helena because of how dangerous and murderous Helena was. Alexis's calm demeano - 01.17.01 - WednesdayE12
01.17.01 - WednesdayPreview:Nikolas breaks down when he learns the truth about Stefan. Recap:Laura gave Carly the news that there was trouble with their business associates in Paris and she needed to go there to take care of it. Carly was understanding and thanked Laura for handling the business so that she could be with Sonny. In a frenzy, Alexis told Sonny about Zander jumping bail. They both surmised that he had gone to California to get Emily. Alexis urged Sonny to put some of his men on finding Zander, but Sonny was confident that the teen knew he needed to return to PC and would do so on his own. Carly gave Sonny better news when she told him how much she loved him and how happy he made her. Stefan cornered Gia in front of Kelly's to advise her to stay away from Nikolas. Though she pretended to be unaffected by his words, she was happy when Lucky and Liz interrupted. Gia asked Lucky if he thought that she and Nikolas were as inappropriate as Stefan and Helena seemed to think. Lucky told her to stand - 01.18.01 - ThursdayE13
01.18.01 - ThursdayPreview:A.J. provided a voice of reason for the Quartermaines. Recap:Felicia gathered the girls to help celebrate Mac's birthday with him. In addition to a special breakfast and dinner, they planned a day on the ski slopes. Mac thanked Felicia for planning everything and she reminded him that he was her best friend and she always wanted him in her life. Ned was at the mansion when the Quartermaines got the call from St. Catherine's that Emily had run away from boarding school. Ned was horrified and admitted to them that Zander had skipped town. Edward and Alan were in a panic and Edward called the police. While waiting to talk to the Quartermaines, Taggert and Hannah discussed their relationship and Hannah was surprised when Taggert was understanding and compassionate about Emily and Zander's situation. Chloe ran to tell A.J. who showed up and provided the only voice of reason. He suggested that Emily hadn't been abducted by Zander, he figured she had run away because her family hadn't - 01.22.01 - MondayE15
01.22.01 - MondayPreview:Sonny tells Lily about his love for Carly. Recap:Liz wanted to go with Lucky on his search for Emily, but he wanted her to stay in Port Charles. Lucky didn't want her to miss her photo shoot for the Face of Deception campaign. He thought that his mother might be disappointed and he asked Liz to stay for the sake of Laura's happiness. She eventually agreed, but made him dance with her before he left. Carly was dismayed when Sonny said he wasn't going home with her because he had a private errand to run. She used every ploy she could to at least get him to take her with him, but he refused. At home alone, she fretted to Johnnie and later to Alexis when she crossed the hall. Alexis helped Carly to realize how lucky she was to have love with Sonny and that calmed Carly down. Sonny visited Lily at the cemetary to tell her that he remembered seeing her when he nearly died. Though he didn't remember the specifics of what happened, he remembered that Lily was happy and at peace. He wan - 01.23.01 - TuesdayE16
01.23.01 - TuesdayPreview:Sonny and Carly reaffirm their love for each other. Recap:Stefan blamed Helena for his troubles with Nikolas. Helena countered that Stefan was the one at fault, she was only trying to make Nikolas see the truth. She said that she wanted her grandson back and she didn't care what she had to do to have him. Helena relished her triumph over Stefan and knew that he would never truly retaliate against her because he loved her. Nikolas and Gia denied their feelings for each other and promised never to kiss again. The awkwardness between them dissipated when they discussed what Nikolas was going to do about Stefan. Nikolas felt that he had let Stefan play him for a fool one too many times and he was ready to just cut his Stefan out of his life. Carly needed reassurance from Sonny that nothing was going to happen to him. She was terrified of losing him for good. Sonny told her that she was the reason he was alive and he had no plans to leave her. Making him promise not to move too much - 01.25.01 - ThursdayE18
01.25.01 - ThursdayPreview:Emily and Zander enjoy their last night together. Recap:Florence invited Gia to dinner so that they could scheme on how to ease the problems between Hannah and Taggert. Gia couldn't stay because she had an appointment at Deception. Florence was dismayed that Gia was choosing a dream career over her family. Gia asked her mother to stop berating her if she couldn't offer support. Florence's hopes for a pleasant evening rose when Taggert and Hannah showed up. Though initially uncomfortable by the set-up, they soon warmed to each other. Once Florence left however, they started talking about their conflicts over Sonny and A.J. and things swiftly fell apart. At his apartment, Roy tried to initiate a romantic evening with Bobbie, but had to put it on hold when he got an emergency call from the club. Left alone, Bobbie snooped through Roy's belongings and found a stack of letters from Melissa. She read them and cried when she realized they were love letters. When Roy returned, she coul - 01.26.01 - FridayE19
01.26.01 - FridayPreview:Sonny dreams that Carly is killed. Recap:Taggert was surprised to learn that Mac was involving Felicia in police business after the mayor's warning to keep her out. Felicia recognized that Taggert was just trying to be a friend to Mac, but Mac assured Taggert that Felicia was an asset that they needed on their team. Felicia couldn't hide her joy when she received a call from Luke and Mac wasn't fazed by the call at all. Stefan pleaded with Nikolas to try and understand his motives, but Nikolas just accused him of being selfish and destructive. Chloe overheard their conversation and asked to speak to Stefan alone. She told him that Nikolas was too smart to fall for Stefan's lies anymore and so was she. She zinged Stefan when she told him that he would just end up bitter and alone. Chloe had a much more pleasant conversation with Ned until their talk turned to Alexis. Ned was initially remaining firm about not caving and forcing Alexis to come to him. When Chloe reminded him of t - 01.29.01 - MondayE20
01.29.01 - MondayPreview: Bobbie finally meets Melissa Bedford. Recap: Ned made the first move towards reconciling with Alexis and went to the Penthouse to talk to her. Alexis quickly ended her business duties and told Ned that she was fully committed to working out their relationship problems. As they made out on the sofa, they were interrupted by Roy who needed a favor from Alexis. Ned asked her to choose between doing a favor for Roy and being with him. She waffled and Ned took her indecision as an answer and he left. Roy asked her to seal the records of his testimony in the Bedford case. He believed that if found in the wrong hands, the testimony could ruin his life. Stefan demanded that Laura help him repair his relationship with Nikolas, but Laura told him that he deserved Nikolas's scorn. Stefan said that nothing and no one would keep him from Nikolas, not even Laura. Liz was extremely nervous at her test shoot and didn't want to start until Laura arrived. The photographer convinced her to start - 01.30.01 - TuesdayE21
01.30.01 - TuesdayPreview: Liz welcomes Jason back to town. Recap: Luke panicked when he tried to get access to the Cassadine funds and the banker wanted to ask him questions to verify his heritage. Luke managed to bluff his way through the questions and was relieved when the banker told him he'd see him in the morning. Emily begged Taggert not to use handcuffs on Zander and Monica surprisingly tried to be on Emily's side. Lila stalled Taggert from taking Zander away by serving tea. On her way to the mansion, Alexis stopped by Sonny's Penthouse to make sure that Zander was going to be safe this time. Sonny assured her that Zander was worthless to him dead and promised to take care of everything. Emiyl begged Alexis to stop Taggert from taking Zander to prison, but Alexis said they needed to go to the station to work things out. Emily swore to Edward that she would never forgive him. At the photo shoot, Liz was annoyed with herself for freezing up and Laura was annoyed by Carly's disruptive presence. Liz - 01.31.01 - WednesdayE22
01.31.01 - WednesdayPreview: A.J. kisses an unresisting Hannah. Recap: Nikolas teased Gia about her modeling fantasy, but told her that she really looked like she knew what she was doing. He grabbed her and started dancing with her and when they almost kissed, both pulled away. Liz asked Lucky to give her some time to paint and calm down about the photo shoot. She promised to meet him at Kelly's later on. Once he was gone, she told Jason how much she hated lying to Lucky, but she agreed to let Jason hide out in her studio. Ned walked in on Taggert and Alexis talking about Zander's case and asked Alexis for a moment to talk. He accused her of being obsessed with her work to the exclusion of all else--including him. She countered by saying that he wanted her to sacrifice herself just to make him happy. They agreed that though they loved each other, they were at an impasse. When Alexis refused to compromise any further, Ned said that he wouldn't either and maybe they should end their relationship once and fo - 02.01.01 - ThursdayE23
02.01.01 - ThursdayPreview: Luke runs into trouble at the Turkish bank. Recap: Luke convinced the bank manager to leave him alone in the vault and he used all of his illegal tools to try and break into the safety deposit box. When none of his lock picking tricks worked, he tried to blow the box open which set off a loud alarm. He told the manager that the bank's security was horrible and he was taking the box with him. The manager wouldn't allow it and Luke had to leave without getting inside the box. Nikolas apologized to Liz for Gia's behavior over the Deception campaign. Liz was confused as to why Nikolas felt it necessary to defend Gia. He pledged his friendship to Liz and said that he didn't want the campaign to come between them. Mac was happy to run into Laura outside of Kelly's and bought her yellow roses as a gesture of friendship. Laura told Mac it was always a pleasure to see him. Inside, she sat with Nikolas and Liz and gave Liz the news that the results from the photo shoot would be ready so - 02.02.01 - FridayE24
02.02.01 - FridayPreview: Carly has a special job for Lucky. Recap: Edward tried to bribe Tammy into letting him rent the room at Kelly's so that Emily wouldn't be able to. Tammy refused to let him do it and told Emily the room was hers if she wanted it. A devastated Edward wanted Emily to reconsider her decision, but Emily was ready to flex her independent wings. Edward left and though Lucky supported Emily, he wanted to make sure she knew what she was doing. Emily was convinced that she was making the right move. Alexis asked Sonny if he would bail Zander out again and Sonny agreed. They went to the police station to get Zander released and were surprised when Mac forced Zander to wear an ankle monitor. Sonny later demanded answers from Zander about why he fled. Zander explained that Emily needed him and Sonny understood that and said that he respected that Zander came back. He warned Zander to never betray his trust again. Zander went looking for Emily and she ran into his arms on the docks. Bobbie - 02.05.01 - MondayE25
02.05.01 - MondayPreview:Lucky takes some hot shots of Gia. Recap:Luke returned to Port Charles and immediately called Felicia and asked her to visit him. Felicia said she would come, but she first called Mac to let him know that she planned on seeing Luke. Mac told her that Luke would hurt her, but what she did with her life really wasn't his business anymore. They agreed that their friendship was returning and that was the best they could hope for. Felicia urged Bobbie to come clean with Roy about her digging into his past. Bobbie asserted that she wasn't just trying to figure out what had happened to Roy, she was trying to protect herself since her last two husbands had betrayed her so badly. She didn't want to set herself up for another failure. On the plane to Chicago, she realized she'd left her planner behind. Roy found the planner at Kelly's and Bobbie's itinerary for her Chicago trip fell out of it. Liz took Jason breakfast and was surprised when he asked her to leave for a while. Liz worried - 02.06.01 - TuesdayE26
02.06.01 - TuesdayPreview:Luke and Felicia dance the night away. Recap:Roy received confirmation from Tammy that Bobbie had indeed gone to Chicago. He called Bobbie at home and left her a message saying that he knew she was busy with Lucas, but he wanted to see her as soon as possible. In Chicago, Bobbie questioned Melissa Bedford about Roy's behavior when Melissa knew him. Melissa said that she believed that Roy was a good man and didn't want to lie and that was what had made him such a brilliant liar. She knew that he had cared for her and her brother, but she was really never able to discern what was the truth and what were the lies in their relationship. Bobbie was further stunned to learn that like her, Melissa was a surgical nurse. Alexis and Ned had an awkward meeting at Kelly's when Alexis questioned whether or not she should still be legal counsel for L & B. Ned didn't think it was a good idea so Alexis said she would bow out of it. Without any warmth at all, Ned said goodbye to her. Carly was - 02.07.01 - WednesdayE27
02.07.01 - WednesdayPreview:Ned and Alexis still can't come to terms with each other. Recap:Ned informed Chloe of his and Alexis's decision to remove Alexis as L & B counsel. Chloe was perturbed that they were both being so pigheaded and refused to work things out. Ned declared that it had moved beyond that stage and said that he loved Alexis, but their relationship was basically over. Alexis interrupted a talk between Carly and Sonny when she needed Sonny's advice over her situation with Ned. She vented to Sonny that she couldn't believe she had become the kind of woman who was pining over a man. While she loved Ned, she really didn't think she had done anything wrong. Angry and jealous over Sonny choosing to talk to Alexis rather than spend time with her, Carly asked Sonny if she had any reason to worry about their relationship. Sonny told her that he spent time with Alexis because she was a good lawyer who kept him out of jail. Carly didn't think he needed to placate Alexis so much since the threat to - 02.08.01 - ThursdayE28
02.08.01 - ThursdayPreview:Lucky asks for Liz's forgiveness. Recap:Felicia broke into the apartment of the man suspected of shooting Sonny. Mac went in and searched for evidence that would implicate the man. He struck gold when he found the police uniforms and surveillance pictures of Sonny and Zander. When the man came back to the apartment, Felicia distracted him so Mac could escape. They returned later with the police and a warrant. Chloe called Alexis to L & B to try and reunite her and Ned. Ned came in and he and Alexis immediately started to argue. Chloe tried to mediate, but they remained pigheaded in their beliefs that each of them was right and the other wrong. Alexis finally stormed out and Ned declared to Chloe that he and Alexis were officially over. Emily settled into her new independent life as a waitress and assured Zander that though she missed her family, she was happy. Meanwhile, Edward cajoled Juan into taking Emily to dinner to try and convince her that she was making a mess of her li - 02.09.01 - FridayE29
02.09.01 - FridayPreview:Another attempt is made on Sonny's life. Recap:Felicia and Mac were proud of the way they trapped and arrested Sonny's shooter. Mac was certain that the mayor was not going to accept the good police work, but Dara informed them that the mayor intended to hold a press conference congratulating Mac. Roy managed to make Bobbie understand why he needed to see Melissa. Though she still didn't want him to go, she gave him her support and told him she would be waiting for him when he got back. In Chicago, Roy flashed back to the day he betrayed Melissa. He almost didn't knock on her door, but finally did and came face to face with her. Stefan begged for Nikolas's forgiveness and asked Nikolas to look past his bitterness and remember their past relationship. Nikolas declared that the uncle he knew was dead and he wanted no part of who Stefan was. Stefan went to Laura and demanded that she help him protect Nikolas from Helena. Nikolas and Gia came in and overheard his uncle's tirade. Em - 02.12.01 - MondayE30
02.12.01 - MondayPreview:Nikolas and Gia enjoy a romantic interlude. Recap: Stefan didn't rattle Laura or Nikolas with his demand for Laura's cooperation. Unable to keep quiet, Gia defended Nikolas to Stefan which impressed Laura. Laura was unable to make a decision about the Face of Deception, though she did tell Gia that her shots looked good. Later, Nikolas showed his appreciation for Gia's support. Sonny and Carly were unharmed by the gun fire though Carly suffered a brief panic attack. Sonny lamented that he hadn't kept her safe, but Carly assured him that she knew he would always protect her and keep her alive. Liz was distraught when she realized that Jason had overheard an intimate moment between she and Lucky. She admitted to Jason that it was too difficult for her to keep lying to Lucky and told him that she couldn't let him hide in the studio anymore. While Bobbie worried about Roy's reunion with Melissa, Roy was in Chicago greeting the woman he had betrayed so long ago. He was moved and stu - 02.13.01 - TuesdayE31
02.13.01 - TuesdayPreview:Hannah has a mandate for A.J. Recap: Valentine's Day reigned in Port Charles. Laura was surprised by a Valentine's Day gift from Scott. A.J. brought in presents and treats for Hannah. Both Jason and Lucky had presents for Liz and even Carly was wanted to think less about Sorel and more about the day of love! Hannah couldn't hide how pleased she was by A.J.'s thoughtfulness and Felicia was impressed and amused by the gift. Taggert simmered nearby watching the pleasant exchange. Roy returned from Chicago to be met by a concerned Bobbie. She wondered what had happened that he ending up spending the night in Chicago. Roy opened up to Bobbie for the first time and his honesty led her to forgive him. The two re-cemented their bond by making love. Sorel met with the traitor inside of Sonny's camp. It was Sonny's bodyguard Rick! He informed Sorel that he had been assigned to stay with Carly. Deciding that was only a minor change, Sorel went through with his plans to eliminate Sonny. L - 02.14.01 - WednesdayE32
02.14.01 - WednesdayPreview:Lucky surprises Liz with a Valentine's Day celebration. Recap: In the spirit of Valentine's Day, Chloe set up a romantic meeting between Ned and Alexis. She recreated Christmas holiday when they met and suggested they recapture their lost happiness. As they reminisced about their past and all the things they loved about each other, it seemed as though they might reconnect. Things fell apart when Alexis took a business call and left. Lucky was planning a huge surprise for Liz and Nikolas gave him romantic pointers. Lucky suggested that his brother use them on Gia. Liz gifted Jason with a box of homemade fudge and was surprised when he gave her a piece of glass that he'd bought in Italy. Emily took Zander to a barn to relive the first nice moment they had when they were on the run. She confessed to him that she used to imagine them sharing a formal dance and even though there was no music, he danced with her. Gia apologized to Laura for barging into a family argument between Laur - 02.15.01 - ThursdayE33
02.15.01 - ThursdayPreview:Emily wishes Juan well and says goodbye to him. Recap:Felicia questioned Luke about his plans to recapture the Ice Princess. Luke was happy that she was back on board with him and the two started to make plans. After having a pleasant conversation with his father, Lucky was in a good mood and taking photographs on the docks. Liz found him there and he marvelled over how great their lives were. He told her how precious their relationship was to him and so was the honesty they had between them. Unwilling to let her deception go on any longer, Liz confessed to Lucky that she knew Jason was in town and deliberately hadn't told him. Gia and Nikolas were awkward after their night together. Nikolas didn't want to pretend like they had never made love and neither did Gia. She did have reservations about starting a relationship and told Nikolas that they would remain roommates and friends only. Ned asked Gia to come to L & B and offered her a job as a PR assistant. Both he and Nikolas w - 02.16.01 - FridayE34
02.16.01 - FridayPreview:Sonny makes his enemies pay for their sins against him. Recap: Felicia and Luke prepared to get the key to the vault in Istanbul from Helena's yacht. Luke wanted to use the Darius Cassadine disguise, but Felicia convinced him that Helena would see right through that. He agreed to do it her way, which was to simply break into the yacht and take the key. Lucky reeled from Liz's confession that she knew Jason was in town and hid the information from him. She tried to make him understand the situation, but Lucky only heard that she hadn't told him the truth. He went to Nikolas for advice and was stunned when Nikolas revealed how deep Liz's ties to Jason were. Lucky confronted Jason on the docks and told him to stay away from Liz. Bobbie and Roy celebrated the realization that they had come to a turning point in their relationship. They were determined to be truthful and honest with each other and not let anything come between them. In Chicago, Melissa received a letter from GH off - 02.19.01 - MondayE35
02.19.01 - MondayPreview:Lucky confronts Jason. Recap: Luke and Felicia stole aboard Helena's yacht and rifled through one of her safes. They found cash--which Luke pocketed--Helena's stiletto and some legal documents, but no key. As they prepared to try the other safes, Helena and Stefan came in. Luke and Felicia ducked out of sight as mother and son spoke. Stefan accused Helena of using her mind control over Lucky as a test case for Nikolas. He claimed that she wanted to use mind control to make Nikolas do whatever she wanted. Helena called him delusional, but when he left, she told Andreas she needed him to calm her down. Felicia and Luke continued their pursuit of the key. Liz and Emily found Jason and Lucky engaged in a fierce confrontation. Liz came between them and told Lucky that nothing was going on with her and Jason. She managed to drag him back to Kelly's before things got out of hand. Once they were alone, they made up but Lucky made Liz promise that there would be no more lies and secrets - 02.20.01 - TuesdayE36
02.20.01 - TuesdayPreview:Emily attempts to reconnect with her family. Recap: Carly tried again to make Sonny see the foolishness of a divorce, but Sonny was determined to end things between them. He reminded Carly of how hellish it was for him when Lily and the baby died in the explosion. While she understood his pain and fear, she didn't think it was worth ending their marriage over. To that end, she boarded a plane to Martinique, the island where she and Sonny were supposed to get remarried. Laura was overwhelmed by how much work needed to be done for Deception. She tried to get in touch with Carly for help, but Carly was too involved with her personal life to think about work. Amy suggested that Laura use her authority to make decisions and choose a Face of Deception without Carly's input. Jason and Lucky went toe to toe again, with Lucky verbally abusing Jason. Liz tried to hide her disapproval, but Lucky sensed it. He apologized to her for always fighting with Jason, but suggested that if she stop - 02.21.01 - WednesdayE37
02.21.01 - WednesdayPreview:Nikolas declare's war on the Cassadines. Recap:Luke visited Gail at the hospital to ask her if she thought Lucky was completely de-programmed. Gail assured Luke that even if Lucky's programming was still there, he was much better and she didn't see the need to continue his treatment. Luke ran into Felicia in the park and was surprised when she asked him to go to Winterfest with her. While Luke was reluctant to go, he eventually gave in when he saw how much it meant to her. Felicia asked Maxie if she would be averse to the notion of Luke and Felicia dating. While Maxie admitted that she hoped Mac and Felicia would get back together, she said she wanted her mother to be happy. She also realized that she would be closer to Lucky. When Lucky came into Kelly's, Maxie asked for his opinion on their parents dating. Lucky told her he didn't have a problem with it as long as nobody got hurt. He offered Maxie his friendship and told her to think of him as a big brother. Nikolas called a - 02.23.01 - FridayE39
02.23.01 - FridayPreview:Nikolas is infuriated by Laura's decision. Recap: Jason visited Lila at the mansion and she was overjoyed to see him. Monica interrupted their visit and beseeched Jason to talk to Emily about moving home. Jason assured her that Emily would know that the family loved her and would make smart decisions. When Alan came in and accused Jason of being a bad influence, Jason left. Alan lamented to Monica that the son they once knew and loved was gone and would never return. Gia told Nikolas that since she wasn't the Face of Deception, there was no longer a reason for her to stay in Port Charles. Upset over her decision and Laura's, Nikolas went to see his mother. He yelled at Laura and told her that her decision to make Liz the Face was a bad one and that Gia was the right model for the job. While she was disconcerted by his anger, Laura stood firm in her decision. Meanwhile, Lucky went to the cottage thinking to give Nikolas and Gia the news, but Gia confirmed that she already knew. - 02.26.01 - MondayE40
02.26.01 - MondayPreview:Lucky observes Jason's moves on Liz. Recap:Sonny and Carly stood before the priest in Martinique and exchanged their vows in a beautiful ceremony. Carly marvelled at how different it felt to have been married in a church with God present. Sonny said it was different for him too and pledged that his commitment to Carly was sacred and binding. Lucky was furious as he watched Jason giving Liz pool lessons after Liz had promised him she would stay away from Jason. He confronted the duo and demanded that Liz leave with him at once. Though Liz understood his anger, she didn't think he was being fair and refused to leave with him. Feeling betrayed, Lucky left her with Jason. At Kelly's Lucky poured his heart out to a sympathetic Emily just as Liz was having a similar talk with Jason. Amy convinced Laura that she had made the right choice in making Liz the Face of Deception without Carly's input. As Luke and Felicia were in the midst of breaking into Helena's bedroom safe, Helena walke - 02.27.01 - TuesdayE41
02.27.01 - TuesdayPreview:Carly and Sonny celebrate their new life and love. Recap:Luke was ecstatic to finally have the key to the Cassadine safety deposit box in hand. He told Felicia that he planned on going to Istanbul immediately to retrieve the Ice Princess. While Felicia knew that she couldn't go with him, she wished him success. Luke told Roy to prepare for the journey. Mac received a dressing down from the mayor who continued to berate him for using Felicia to help nab Sorel. Tired of being told how to do his job, Mac resigned. A call from Maxie prompted Felicia to find Mac and she was shocked to see him packing his belongings. While she worried that she was the cause of his career troubles, she supported his decision to leave. Liz took one last motorcycle ride with Jason. She tried to explain to him why she couldn't see him anymore, but the reasons didn't make sense even to her. Though Jason urged her not to do something she didn't want to, she maintained that in order to keep her relationship - 02.28.01 - WednesdayE42
02.28.01 - WednesdayPreview:Monica has a dizzy spell in front of Emily. Recap:Sonny and Carly returned to Port Charles and reunited with Michael and Jason. As Carly headed for Deception, she asked Jason to walk with her. They sat in the park and recognized the positive changes in both of their lives. Carly thanked Jason for being such a good friend to her and he thanked her for the same. Alexis told Sonny that she had gone over the rudiments of testifying with Zander, but Sonny felt that wasn't enough. Sonny called Zander to the Penthouse and said that he would coach him from now on and Sonny charged Jason with keeping Zander safe until the trial. Gia continued to rant about not being the Face of Deception and used Liz's poor test shoot as an example that she was better for the job. Nikolas told Gia that Liz was raped by a photographer and he was stunned when Gia remained stuck in her own selfishness. They later ran into Carly in the park and Gia spilled the beans about Liz being the Face. Roy surprised B - 03.01.01 - ThursdayE43
03.01.01 - ThursdayPreview:Carly and Laura square off over the campaign. Recap:Laura and Carly faced off over the Deception campaign, with Carly arguing that Laura had made all the decisions for their company without consulting her. Laura refused to back off her choice of Liz and vowed to Carly that the launch party was happening as scheduled. Nikolas apologized to Lucky about his reaction to Laura's selection of Liz, and the brothers agreed to call a truce. Gia went to see Liz in her studio and claimed she wanted to end the fighting between them. Gia questioned Liz about how she would handle the intrusions on her privacy after she became a famous model, heightening Liz's stress about the Deception job. Carly later found Gia and enlisted her help in sabotaging Laura's announcement at the party. A suspicious Nikolas advised Gia not to plot with Carly. Emily told Liz she was bringing Zander to the launch party, but Liz said Laura did not want Zander there. An upset Emily stormed out after announcing she wo - 03.02.01 - FridayE44
03.02.01 - FridayPreview:The focus is on Sonny at the Deception party. Recap:Emily got over her anger at Liz and helped her friend get ready for the launch party. Though Liz and Lucky tried to convince her to come with them anyway, Emily refused to leave Zander. Zander worried that Emily had to sacrifice too much to be with him and pointed out the discrepancies in their lives since they'd met. Emily assured him that she wanted to be with him and didn't regret anything. As they said a sweet goodbye, Emily was horrified to see two men attack Zander in the alley. At the Penthouse, Sonny toasted Carly's success and reminded her that he believed in her and he knew she would make good things happen for her company. Carly was warmed by his support and the only thing that dampened her mood was when Alexis stopped by at Sonny's invite. He wanted her to go to the party with them so he had someone to talk to. Though Carly was less than gracious, she eventually agreed that Alexis could join them. Laura was stunned - 03.05.01 - MondayE45
03.05.01 - MondayPreview:Sorel's men threaten Zander's life. Recap:Emily was horrified as she watched Zander be beaten and dragged away by Sorel's men. She called Jason who immediately came to question Emily. On the strength of one clue, he figured out where Zander was being held and raced off to find him. Held captive by Sorel's men, Zander tried to bargain for his life and told the men that if they harmed him, Sonny would track them down and retaliate. They assured Zander that there would be no trace of him for anyone to find. Jason stood outside and looked in the window, waiting for the right time to rescue Zander. Having left the Deception party, Edward and Alan discussed their family and Alan was surprised when Edward blamed the Quartermaine troubles on Sonny. Edward was convinced that Sonny was indirectly responsible for Emily running away, Jason turning to a life of crime, and A.J. becoming an alcoholic. Alan retorted that he didn't think Sonny was responsible as much as Edward was. At the Decep - 03.06.01 - TuesdayE46
03.06.01 - TuesdayPreview:Scott races to Laura's rescue. Recap:After putting herself in the spotlight at the Deception party, Carly announced that both Gia and Liz were still the candidates for the Face and there wasn't a clear choice yet. While the press went wild, everyone searched for Laura who was locked on the roof. Laura and Mac tried to stay warm as they waited for someone to figure out where they were. Mac danced with her and told her it was the best way to stave off frostbite. Scott realized that Laura was probably locked on the roof, but when the lock was glued shut, he sought help from the maintenance man. When they finally got the door open, Scott was stunned to see Laura in Scott's arms. Sonny and Carly had already left by the time Laura was rescued, but the teens were still around. Laura warned Gia that Carly was a liar and a user. Scott offered to go with Laura to confront Carly. At the cottage, a suspicious Nikolas point blank asked Gia if she had locked Laura on the roof. Jason burst th - 03.07.01 - WednesdayE47
03.07.01 - WednesdayPreview:Alan and Monica find strength in solidarity. Recap:Liz and Lucky returned from the Deception party to find Jason and Zander talking to Emily. Though Liz wanted to stay and tell Emily what happened at the party, Lucky suggested they go upstairs--away from Jason. Liz came down later and confessed to Emily that she was having second thoughts about being a model. Liz wanted to tell Lucky, but he kept talking about how all of their dreams were coming true and she couldn't bear to disappoint him. Emily worried that Jason was hurting from seeing Liz with Lucky, but Jason denied it. Zander goaded Jason about his feelings for Liz and Jason in turn, berated Zander for his stupidity. Nikolas asked Gia if she had locked Laura on the roof and he accused Gia of becoming a lot like Carly. Not willing to risk his anger, Gia lied and said that she hadn't done anything. Nikolas gifted her with a self-help book that he hoped would help her get past her personal demons. Alan found Monica pacing ar - 03.08.01 - ThursdayE48
03.08.01 - ThursdayPreview:Luke sets out to reclaim the Ice Princess. Recap:Alexis ran into Mac in the park and marvelled when he told her that he had quit his job. She didn't understand how he could leave work that he loved and Mac suspected that she was confused about her own life. Mac received another visitor in Felicia who wanted Mac to reopen the private investigation firm with her. While Mac was flattered that she still wanted to work with him, he told Felicia that he wasn't ready to work again just yet. In Istanbul, Luke and Roy planned Luke's break-in at the bank's vault. Luke was certain that his disguise as Darius Cassadine would still hold up, but Roy wanted a backup plan just in case. As it turned out, the previous bank manager recognized Luke as a fraud and wanted to have Luke arrested. Roy burst in and claimed at first to be a federal agent. He then knocked out one bank employee while Luke took care of the other. Luke opened the deposit box and was shocked by its content. Helena visited Nik - 03.09.01 - FridayE49
03.09.01 - FridayPreview:Carly does her best to sabotage Liz's photo shoot. Recap:Luke was stunned to find that the Cassadine safety deposit box only contained CDs, not the Ice Princess. Not knowing what they were, Luke replaced the CDs with music CDs from his bag. He and Roy left Istanbul immediately, certain that the Turkish police weren't far behind. Bobbie accused Melissa of wanting to work at GH to be closer to Roy. Melissa denied Bobbie's claim and said that she simply came where there was work. Bobbie asked Alan if he could fire Melissa, but Alan said that without proof of Melissa's misdeeds, he couldn't let her go. Bobbie warned Melissa that Roy would never stand for her working at the hospital, or living in Port Charles. Emily suspected that Sonny was going to move Zander out of Alexis's Penthouse and went with Zander to beg for leniency. Sonny blasted Zander for his stupidity and for hiding behind Emily. He told Jason to move Zander to a safe house and warned Zander that it would be the last - 03.12.01 - MondayE50
03.12.01 - Mondayb>Preview:Gia searches for Liz in Jason's room. Recap:Scott offered Sonny five million dollars to buy Deception but Sonny wasn't interested. Scott brought up Sonny's gangster lifestyle as a reason that Laura shouldn't be involved with him. Then he yelled at Sonny for ruining Karen's life when she was a teenager. Sonny turned the tables on him and told Scott that he wasn't to blame for Scott's lack of parenting. Scott left, but warned Sonny that the battle wasn't over. Sonny later went to the studio and found Laura and Scott in a clinch. Though Liz told Lucky she wanted to be alone after the debacle of a photo shoot, she went to see Jason instead. Jason helped her take off her makeup and held her as she cried in his arms. She marvelled that Jason understood her so well and wished that she could confide so easily in Lucky. They almost kissed but stopped themselves in time. At Jake's, Gia challenged Nikolas to a friendly game of darts. As they played, Lucky stormed in searching for Liz. H - 03.13.01 - TuesdayE51
03.13.01 - TuesdayPreview:Luke catches an eyeful of Scott and Laura. Recap:Luke and Roy headed back to Port Charles and Luke congratulated himself on pulling a fast one on Helena by switching the CDs. Roy worried that when Helena found out about the switch, she would retaliate by hurting Lucky. Luke assured his pal that he was prepared for Helena to retaliate in every way. Liz opened the door to her studio to find Lucky waiting for her. He asked her if she had been with Jason and Liz lied and said she had been at the mall. Lucky bought her excuse, but begged her not to shut him out or lie to him. Gia showed up and asked to speak to Liz alone. Liz managed to get rid of Lucky and demanded to know what Gia wanted. A smug Gia gave Liz the ultimatum of giving up the Deception job or losing Lucky's love once Gia told him the truth of Liz's earlier whereabouts. Roy made a beeline for the hospital once he and Luke landed in PC. Amy informed him that Bobbie had left early due to a lot of stress, most of which wa - 03.14.01 - WednesdayE52
03.14.01 - WednesdayPreview:The Spencer's get together to talk about the Cassadines. Recap:Gia continued her threats against a tortured Liz. Gia was convinced that Liz would rather salvage her relationship with Lucky than be the Deception model. She demanded that Liz give her an answer by the next day or she would go straight to Lucky. Liz cried alone in her studio until Jason showed up. He immediately knew that something more than her worry about Lucky was causing her upset. Liz rebuffed his efforts to comfort her and told him she could no longer use him as an emotional crutch. Nikolas went to Jake's to confront Jason about his relationship with Liz. He warned Jason that he wouldn't stand for Jason coming between Liz and Lucky. Jason in turn warned Nikolas that he needed to keep Gia away from Liz. Nikolas was stunned to learn of Gia's meeting with Carly. He later demanded answers from her, but Gia covered and said that Carly was out to sabotage her and that Nikolas was the only person she could trust. Ro - 03.15.01 - ThursdayE53
03.15.01 - ThursdayPreview:Monica received startling news about her health. Recap:Monica went to see her doctor expecting to get test results back that confirmed her menopause cycle beginning. Instead, she received the frightening news that a growth had developed on her fallopian tube. While the doctor needed to run a biopsy to find out if the growth was cancerous, Monica jumped to the immediate conclusion that she had cancer again. She told the doctor that she didn't want her family to know until there was evidence of a real problem. After receiving a brush off from Luke when he was talking to Laura, Felicia called Mac and asked him to meet her in the park. She wanted him to reconsider her offer of opening the PI firm together. Mac told her he would think about it only if she found she really couldn't do it alone. He later confessed to Kevin that he was still in love with Felicia. Kevin suggested that Mac try to win her back and when Mac saw Felicia with Luke, he considered taking Kevin's advice. Bobbie - 03.16.01 - FridayE54
03.16.01 - FridayPreview:Helena gloated over her means to control Lucky. Recap:Liz told Laura that she wanted to resign as the Face of Deception and Lucky overheard her. Laura tried to convince Liz not to give up and Lucky exploded at his mother. He said that it was time for them to start listening to Liz and let her do as she wished. Laura suggested that Liz just needed a modeling coach. Determined to keep the peace, Liz agreed not to resign and to work with a coach. Liz met Gia in the park and told her that she was not giving in to the blackmail demands. Gia was stunned since Liz knew she would go straight to Lucky. Though Liz was shaken when Gia revealed that she had left her gloves at Jason's, she remained strong in her decision not to give in. Lucky had a supportive conversation with Laura over his behavior towards Liz. Laura took comfort in the fact that Lucky was acknowledging his emotions and suggested that he do the same thing with Liz. He went to Jason's room to try and reasonably explain his - 03.19.01 - MondayE55
03.19.01 - MondayPreview:Lucky spies on Liz and Jason. Recap:Lucky was devastated to find Liz's gloves in Jason's room after she had promised she would stay away from Jason. Lucky put the gloves back and slipped out just as Jason and Liz returned to the room. He spied on them for a while, then left to get advice from Nikolas. He vented to his brother about Liz's lies and when Gia came downstairs, he asked her if she had covered for Liz. Gia admitted to him that she knew Liz was at Jason's and not at the mall. Gia was surprised that Nikolas was glad she had lied for Liz. Meanwhile, Liz told Jason that she couldn't lie to Lucky any longer and she planned to tell him the truth about everything. Jason felt that Liz was sacrificing her happiness for Lucky's, but Liz said she loved Lucky. Liz then apologized to Jason for hurting him. Bobbie went to Luke to get his opinion on her situation with Roy. Luke advised her to focus on the present and stop worrying about what had happened in Roy's past. Bobbie decide - 03.21.01 - WednesdayE57
03.21.01 - WednesdayPreview:Sonny finally loses his temper with Sorel. Recap:A nervous Monica tried to hide her fears from Alan by agreeing to his romantic plans. When he attempted to offer her support after sensing something was wrong, Monica snapped at him. Hurt, Alan told her to let him know when she decided what she wanted from him. Zander and Alexis rehearsed for the upcoming trial and Zander worried that he was going to screw up. Alexis grilled him intensely and then helped him to see what he did wrong. To make him feel better, she gave him a gift that she had been waiting to give him. Zander was shocked to open a box containing a beautiful watch. He was touched when Alexis said the watch represented her faith in him, in addition to the fact that she wanted him to make his curfew time. Emily went back to the Quartermaine mansion to visit her parents and have them sign her college applications. Alan immediately started smothering her with questions and demands. Monica begged him to leave Emily alone - 03.22.01 - ThursdayE58
03.22.01 - ThursdayPreview:Ned has a fantasy of making Alexis happy. Recap:Lucky went to the Deception offices to tell Laura that he wouldn't be able to take pictures for her for a few days. Laura was stunned to see the extent of his injuries and immediately jumped to the conclusion that Helena was responsible for hurting him. Lucky assured her that he had kept far from Helena and that Jason was the culprit this time. Lucky compared Jason's rashness and selfishness to Luke's and said the two had more in common than they realized. Concerned about Lucky, Laura paid a visit to Luke. Worried about the state of their relationship, Felicia tried to get Luke to pinpoint where he thought they were going. Luke simply said that he wanted her around, but he admitted to being consumed by the Cassadines and the danger to his family. Felicia just wanted him to know that she was ready to stand by him for the long haul. At the Quartermaine mansion, Lila called everyone together hoping they could have a civilized family - 03.23.01 - FridayE59
03.23.01 - FridayPreview:Emily tells Monica she knows about the biopsy. Recap:Liz opened the door of her studio and was shocked to find Jason waiting inside. He told her that Lucky had pulled a knife on him and that he was only defending his life. Liz didn't believe Lucky would ever be so violent and she couldn't believe Jason was lying to her. She told him to get out and said she hoped she never saw him again. Ned decorated the pier with lights and a fancy dining table and waited impatiently for Alexis to arrive. She finally showed up and was amazed at what Ned had done. A violinist appeared and Ned started singing, "It Had to Be You" to Alexis. She started to cry as he told her that he didn't know what the future had in store for them, but he knew that he loved her and wanted to try. Alexis said she wanted the same things and the two toasted each other. A.J. was incredulous to find Hannah packing her bags. She told him she was leaving Port Charles on an extended assignment and wasn't sure when she wo - 03.26.01 - MondayE60
03.26.01 - MondayPreview:Luke suffered a terrible nightmare. Recap:Helena cursed Luke when she realized he had taken the disks. She demanded that Andreas get the disks back immediately. Luke was stuck in a terrible nightmare where he was searching for Lulu and Lucky. As he stumbled and fell in the dream, hands reached out to him and he reached for them. He woke up before he could see who it was. Felicia was by his side and tried to ease him out of the dream state. She put on music and they danced cheek to cheek. Laura put Lulu to bed and locked down the house for the night. She heard a noise outside and grabbed a fire poker for protection as she crept onto the porch. Someone came up behind her and she brandished the poker at them. She was stunned to realize she had hit Scott. As she bandaged him, she talked about the pain she had caused him in the past and told him how sorry she was. Scott wondered if she wanted him to back off, but she just wanted to take it slowly. Scott agreed to that and kissed her - 03.27.01 - TuesdayE61
03.27.01 - TuesdayPreview:A.J. and Roy bond as they talk about Hannah. Recap:A hooded Zander confronted his captor and demanded to be released. As the hood came off, Zander's captor was revealed to be Jason. Using Emily as an excuse, Zander begged Jason to let him go. Jason said that Zander would stay put until the trial since it was the only way they could ensure his safety. Alexis was ready to call the police to report Zander missing, but Sonny wouldn't let her. He didn't want them involved because it would turn into a bigger deal than it was. He received a call from Jason saying that Zander was safe and Sonny didn't tell Alexis that news. When Emily came looking for Zander, Sonny assured her that Zander would be fine because Sorel needed Zander alive. Carly ran to Bobbie for advice about how to handle Sonny's friendship with Alexis. She felt that Sonny paid more attention to his lawyer than he did to his wife. Bobbie told Carly how she had almost blown things with Roy by not trusting him and she advi - 03.28.01 - WednesdayE62
03.28.01 - WednesdayPreview:Alan seeks comfort from Edward about Monica. Recap:Scott brought a wounded rabbit into GH and asked Bobbie to treat it. It turned out he accidentally ran it over and he needed someone to help him. After Bobbie found someone who could treat the animal, Scott asked Bobbie for one more favor. He wanted to know what she had done to win Roy back after so many years. Alexis was appalled to realize that she had forgotten about her plans to go away with Ned. She couldn't tell him the reason that she couldn't leave town, but he figured out that it had something to do with Zander and Sonny. Ned gave up and told Alexis that he was tired of playing second fiddle to everything else in her life. Carly couldn't keep quiet about her opinion of Sonny's relationship with Alexis. She made it clear to him that she resented the way he confided in his lawyer instead of his wife. Sonny reminded her that he told her when they married that he would always keep his business separate from their lives. Ca - 03.29.01 - ThursdayE63
03.29.01 - ThursdayPreview:Luke has a strong warning for Nikolas. Recap:Bobbie was surprised to see Melissa at the club and even more surprised to hear Roy playing the piano since she didn't know he knew how. Before Roy could explain, Alexis charged in and asked for Roy's help. He left with her, leaving Bobbie and Melissa together. Melissa bought Bobbie a drink and explained the origins of her relationship with Roy. Bobbie pretended to accept Melissa's casual tale, but she was clearly suspicious of the other woman's motives. Helena and Andreas toasted the imminent return of the disks as she sent men to retrieve them. At the club, Luke caught two men searching through his office. He pulled a gun on them and managed to get them out before they found the disks. Helena was infuriated by their failure and decided it was time to implement her final plan for destruction. Nikolas and Gia waited at the club for Lucky. When Gia noted Nikolas's nervousness, he told her about being shot in front of the club and havi - 03.30.01 - FridayE64
03.30.01 - FridayPreview:Sonny attempts to apologize with flowers. Recap:Carly was in a foul mood after her fight with Sonny, especially since he slept on the sofa. At the Deception office, she ranted to an advertising company who didn't have the campaign for Gia in her hands yet. When she ran out to yell at Elton, she ran smack into Sonny who surprised her with a visit and flowers. Sonny apologized for his part in their argument and told Carly that he didn't want to fight like that anymore, but she would have to be more respectful of his business privacy. Carly agreed and said she would meet him in the park for an afternoon with him and Michael. She received word that the campaign had been delivered but was in Laura's possession. Under the guise of wanting to be more helpful, she told Laura that she would open the mail, but Laura refused the offer. Alan told Monica that he knew about the biopsy and she apologized for not telling him sooner. She hadn't wanted to worry the family, but she realized she n - 04.02.01 - MondayE65
04.02.01 - MondayPreview:Gia imagines paying for her crimes. Recap:Sonny was frantic over Michael's disappearance and initially told Alexis that he believed Sorel had taken the boy. He wouldn't let her call the police because he was afraid that would make Sorel hurt Michael. Meanwhile, A.J. took Michael to a park bench and sat him down to visit. He gave Michael a stuffed bear and reminded the child that he was his father. When Michael said he already had a daddy, A.J. was crushed. He took Michael back to Sonny and a relieved Sonny sent Michael with Alexis to get ice-cream. He angrily told A.J. to stay away from Michael for good. Roy sneaked around the place where Jason was keeping Zander, but a policeman caught him before he could find anything. Roy tried not to panic when the cop questioned him, but it turned out that the officer was on the lookout for a man who had been attacking women. When Melissa ran by, Roy was angry with her for being on the waterfront. He escorted her back to the park. Liz ran - 04.03.01 - TuesdayE66
04.03.01 - TuesdayPreview:Liz can't fight her attraction to Jason. Recap:Mac ran into Taggert at the courthouse and Taggert was hopeful that Mac was applying for reinstatement as the Port Charles commissioner. Unfortunately for Taggert, Mac was getting his Private Investigator license. He told Taggert that he was taking back what he wanted in life, including Felicia. Felicia wanted to help Luke with his financial troubles, but when he wasn't at the club, she decided to take matters into her own hands. She went to the bank and posed as Laura to sway the manager from foreclosing on the club. She nearly had him convinced when Mac showed up. Luke waited on Helena's yacht for her to arrive to ask her if she wanted to buy the disks back for two million dollars. Helena was ready to deal, but Stefan interrupted them. He wanted to know exactly what Luke had that Helena wanted. Jason tried to explain to Liz what happened with Lucky, but he couldn't convince her that Lucky had just attacked him. She wanted to trus - 04.04.01 - WednesdayE67
04.04.01 - WednesdayPreview:Mac declares his intentions to a stunned Felicia. Recap:Laura paid a visit to Luke at the club after she received the notice of foreclosure. She proposed that she hold a party for the Deception launch at the club which would help her and provide money for the mortgage payments. Luke refused to accept help from her and Laura was angry at his pigheadedness. Especially when he told her that he was planning one of his famous schemes to get him out of trouble. She told Scott that from then on, she was going to do the exact opposite of what Luke wanted and she planned on holding the party at the club. Luke was surprised when Stefan sauntered into the club and told Luke that whatever he had that Helena wanted, Stefan was willing to pay double for. Luke said he would be willing to deal as long as Stefan was ready to shell out major dollars. He never did tell Stefan what he had. Zander chafed against his enforced captivity and used every wheedling word he knew to get Jason to let him go - 04.05.01 - ThursdayE68
04.05.01 - ThursdayPreview:Roy delivers Zander to the court room. Recap:Luke went ballistic when he thought that people from the bank were taking away the club's decorations. When Elton came in to talk about the Deception party, Luke realized that the men had been sent by Laura. After having a talk with Bobbie and inadvertently, Felicia, about Luke's problems, Laura went to see him. Luke was adamant that Laura didn't need to bail him out and Laura was equally as insistent that he should at least consider her offer. She told him that he still saw her as a young girl that he needed to protect and he admitted that he did. He tenderly told her that a part of him would always see her as the innocent girl he fell in love with. As he made this declaration, Felicia walked in and heard him. She had come to tell Luke that she had fallen in love with him. Alexis tried to hide her own anxiety and calm Emily down about Zander's whereabouts. Emily was certain that Zander was in danger so Alexis finally admitted that s - 04.06.01 - FridayE69
04.06.01 - FridayPreview:Sonny reels from Alexis's angry slap. Recap:Laura convinced Luke to not only let her have the Deception party at the club, but to let her pay for the space as well. Luke made her promise that she wasn't trying to bail him out and she told him that he would really be doing her a favor. Reassured, Luke set off to see Helena when Stefan stopped him. He wanted to know if Luke had considered accepting his offer to double Helena's payment for the disks--even though Stefan didn't even know what Luke had that Helena wanted. Luke said he would get back to Stefan and then promptly went to Helena's yacht. He told her that he wasn't giving her the disks just yet because he had something that she wanted even more. Gia met with Carly in the park and was shocked to see the ad campaign that Carly had featured in a magazine. Carly asserted that Gia needed to be cool at the party and not reveal what she knew. Though Gia was nervous about all the lies, Carly assured her that everything was under - 04.09.01 - MondayE70
04.09.01 - MondayPreview:Sonny and Carly had a major battle. Recap:Luke triumphed over Helena when he refused to give her the disks. He reminded her that the hounds of her family would circle if they learned that he had something that Helena would pay such large amounts for. He took the suitcase of money as a down payment on his silence. Laura was shocked when she saw the magazine ad naming Gia as the Face of Deception. She tried to tell the mag's editor that Gia wasn't the Face, but he told her that Gia would have been his first choice. Gia swore that she knew nothing about the ad. Felicia cried on Bobbie's shoulder about her relationship with Luke. Bobbie told her that instead of giving up, she should fight for what and who she wanted. Felicia showed up at the party and though she locked eyes with Mac, she walked away with Luke. Alexis was furious with Sonny for lying to her about Zander's whereabouts. She accused him of having a God-complex and told him that she no longer wanted to be associated wit - 04.10.01 - TuesdayE71
04.10.01 - TuesdayPreview:Gia celebrated her win with Nikolas. Recap: To everyone's surprise, Laura announced Gia as the Face of Deception. Gia was ecstatic at the news as was Nikolas. He congratulated Gia for winning on her own merits and not resorting to trickery. Laura assured Carly that her decision was based on what was right for Deception, not bowing to Carly's demands. When Carly noted that all the attention was focused on Laura and Gia, she slipped out. Sonny was waiting for Carly outside of the club and he tried to apologize, but she ran away from him. He caught up with her in the park and she told him that he was right, that they didn't belong together. Sonny told her that he didn't want her to leave him because she was his whole life. They went home and Sonny gifted her with his one percent of Deception. Carly thanked him for believing in her and told him that she wanted to have his baby. Lucky was furious with Laura's decision, but she reminded him that Liz had been trying to tell them all a - 04.11.01 - WednesdayE72
04.11.01 - WednesdayPreview: The Quartermaines toast Monica's good news. Recap: Lucky took Liz back to her studio so that she could paint. He wanted to prove to her that he did listen to her and understand exactly what she needed. Liz playfully took pictures of him and the two revelled in their closeness. They went for a walk through the park and Lucky had a premonition that something bad was going to happen. As they rounded the corner, they ran into Jason. Lucky offered Jason his forgiveness for attacking him, but knowing the truth, Jason didn't accept. Lucky and Liz left and Helena came out of the shadows, having observed the entire exchange. Nikolas surprised Gia with a declaration of how much he cared about her and a gift of a diamond bracelet. He told her that he appreciated her friendship and said she was the one person he completely trusted. Gia's eyes welled with tears as she told him how much she cared about him in return. Helena followed Stefan to the docks where she taunted him about his feelin - 04.12.01 - ThursdayE73
04.12.01 - ThursdayPreview: Sonny revelle's in his triumph over Sorel. Recap: Scott deluged Laura with baskets of exotic spring flowers to congratulate her on her success with Deception. As she thanked him, Lesley walked in and couldn't help but notice the changes in Laura's demeanor. She commented on how radiant and happy Laura appeared as a sheepish Scott listened. Laura was surprised when Carly came in and told her that Sonny had signed over his one percent of the company to her, thereby making her a full partner. Laura took the news calmly, especially when Carly appeared to be repentant and hopeful of making the partnership work. Laura later confided in Scott that it was the first time that she thought her working relationship with Carly would be successful. Gia and Nikolas spent a leisurely morning together, convinced it might be their last moment of peace before she started working full time for Deception. Florence stopped by the cottage after hearing about Gia's success from Taggert. She initially - 04.13.01 - FridayE74
04.13.01 - FridayPreview: Melissa is at the mercy of a drug addict. Recap: Luke paid off his debt to the bank with cash, much to the bank manager's consternation. Roy asked Luke if he was grateful to the Cassadines for providing him with the money. Luke told Roy that he would never thank the Cassadines for anything and that it was all just a part of his grand scheme against them. Stefan found out that Helena had withdrawn one million dollars from the Cassadine trust and he immediately called his mother to find out why. Helena berated Luke for breaking his vow of silence, but Luke claimed innocence about alerting Stefan. Nikolas and Lucky spent a fun-filled day with Lulu and Nikolas remarked on how nice it was to be a part of a normal family. He told Lucky that he wanted to remain completely separate from the Cassadines. To that end, he went to Wyndemere to talk to Stefan and hid when he heard Stefan and Helena talking. They were talking about how out of control Nikolas was and how unsuitable his lifest - 04.16.01 - MondayE75
04.16.01 - MondayPreview: Lucky was entranced by the sight of Helena's disks. Recap: While visiting with Lucky at Laura's house, Luke asked Lucky if he could help him break a computer code. Lucky was interested until Luke mentioned that the disks belonged to Helena. He reminded his father that neither he or Nikolas wanted any part of the family war. When Luke brought the disks out, Lucky was momentarily entranced. He rushed out of Laura's house and said he couldn't help Luke. Laura was furious that Luke would try to bring Lucky into his scheme. She warned him again to leave her and her children out of his feud. Nikolas was furious at Helena and Stefan for talking about him as though he was their pawn. He told them that he planned to cut all ties to the Cassadine's and only be a part of Laura's family. Stefan was horrified by that thought and told Nikolas that his heritage ties were too strong to break. Nikolas stormed out after telling Stefan that he would never be a part of their clan. Stefan blamed H - 04.17.01 - TuesdayE76
04.17.01 - TuesdayPreview: Roy's life hangs in the balance during surgery. Recap:Helena held up the Ice Princess in front of Lucky and though Lucky cried and tried to refuse her, but he eventually broke down and agreed to help Helena. She told him that she wanted him to be the vehicle for destroying Luke. Liz came upon Lucky after Helena left him and he held onto her tightly. She assured him that his feelings of sadness and panic stemmed from his fear that his happiness would be taken away. Later, Lucky went to Luke's office and headed straight for his computer. Stefan banged on Alexis's door and demanded that she help him straighten out Nikolas. Nikolas came in and told his uncle to leave. He reiterated his plan to disassociate himself from the Cassadines. When Stefan finally departed, Alexis advised Nikolas that giving up the Cassadine name may not be the best course of action. She reminded him that with the family fortune, he could do any number of good acts. Nikolas told her that it was blood money - 04.18.01 - WednesdayE77
04.18.01 - WednesdayPreview: Scott teaches Laura how to play the game. Recap: Scott rented out Jake's so that he could surprise Laura with a pool date. He remembered how she always wanted to play when they were married and he never took her with him. As he taught her the finer aspects of the game, it soon became apparent that Laura knew what she was doing. Laura confessed that while they were married, she took pool classes with the intent of surprising him one day. Jubilant at her win, she kissed Scott passionately. When Luke called to talk to her about Lucky, she told him she was busy and continued her date with Scott. Luke was lost in the grips of his maze nightmare and again woke without remembering what was going on. Lucky came in to offer his help in decoding the disks. Luke asked what changed his mind and Lucky told him that Nikolas gave Lucky and Luke permission to destroy the Cassadines. Luke went to retrieve the disks from the safe and was shocked to find them missing. When Lucky seemed nonchalan - 04.19.01 - ThursdayE78
04.19.01 - ThursdayPreview: An unexpected visitor arrives in Port Charles. Recap: Lucky came upon Liz and Jason in the park. Liz started to tell him that nothing was going on, but Lucky told her he trusted her completely. Unable to lie to either Lucky or herself any longer, Liz asked to speak to him privately. Back in her studio, Liz confessed to Lucky that while he had been away, she had developed feelings for Jason that had never gone away. Lucky was devastated and left in a daze. He went to the boxcar and put up pictures of Liz that made him cry. A.J. visited Edward in the hospital and watched as Melissa examined him. Melissa was puzzled by Edward's lack of bruising and lack of pain. A.J. again tried to get Edward to admit that his attacker could have been Zander, especially when Taggert came in and said that the addict had an alibi for the time Edward was mugged. Edward's memory suddenly returned and he gave a full description of a man he had seen outside of the courtroom. A.J. wondered how Edward's - 04.20.01 - FridayE79
04.20.01 - FridayPreview:Luke proves that he still has the upper hand. Recap: Luke visited Roy in the hospital, both to check up on him and to tell him the latest in the Cassadine plot. He let Roy know that the disks had been stolen, but he had been clever enough to make copies and was considering selling them to Stefan. Bobbie came in during Luke's visit and when they wheeled Roy out for more testing, she vented to him about Melissa. She felt that everything that had happened was Melissa's fault and she was determined not to let the woman destroy her relationship with Roy. Roy dropped his CD player and had to press the nurse call button for help. Melissa came in and was happy to help him, but she also wanted to apologize for almost getting him killed. Roy couldn't believe that she blamed herself and told her that he knew from experience that blaming herself would only lead to pain. Bobbie watched from outside the room as he comforted Melissa. Alexis changed her mind about helping Nikolas and delive - 04.23.01 - MondayE80
04.23.01 - MondayPreview: Sonny receives an explosive birthday present. Recap: Helena praised Lucky for recovering the disks and told him she had more work for him. She handed him a little blue vial and commanded that he not use it until she told him to. In a trance, Lucky slipped the vial into his jacket pocket. Laura stopped by the club to talk to Luke about Lucky. Luke believed that Helena was mind controlling Lucky again, but Laura wasn't convinced. She told Luke that it was possible that Lucky was behaving strangely because Luke kept reminding him of his time with Helena. Luke slipped onto Helena's yacht to try and decode his copies of the disks. He hid when Helena came into the room and was shocked when Laura showed up a few minutes later. At the police station, Emily pleaded with Edward to drop the charges against Zander. Edward refused to cooperate, unless Emily agreed to his plan. He promised her that he would not press charges against Zander if Emily moved back home and never saw Zander again - 04.24.01 - TuesdayE81
04.24.01 - TuesdayPreview: Emily struggle's to break up with Zander. Recap:Laura blasted Helena for constantly interfering with her family and warned the Cassadine matriarch to stay away from her children. Helena never admitted that she was doing anything to Lucky, but she intimated that she could see to it that Laura knew what it was like to grieve for a dead child. At that point, Luke--who had been hiding behind the bar--jumped out and told Helena to stay away from all of them. He and Laura stood side by side even though Laura was shocked to see him. When they left the yacht, Laura asked Luke to try not to stir up trouble for their family. Lucky freaked out when Liz picked up the vial that Helena gave him. He told her it was a toxic chemical that he used to develop pictures. Liz thought he was overreacting, but promised to leave it alone. He told her that he never wanted to see her hurt. Lucky stopped by Bobbie's under the pretense of getting a room key. Bobbie wasn't there, but Tony went to look for - 04.25.01 - WednesdayE82
04.25.01 - WednesdayPreview: Alexis comes between Zander and Sonny. Recap:Bobbie questioned Roy about his feelings for Melissa. Roy was upset that she still didn't seem to trust him and he later asked Luke what he should do. Luke advised Roy to be patient with Bobbie because she had been through the wringer when it came to men. Melissa was confounded when Tony asked her where the test results were that he needed. It was the same paperwork that Bobbie had promised Melissa she would take care of. When Tony and Melissa asked Bobbie about the results, she feigned innocence and then "found" the results in the wrong place. Tony berated Melissa for the screw-up and brought the matter to Alan's attention. Melissa was furious with Bobbie for setting her up and wanted to know when the games were going to stop. Bobbie told Melissa that if she really wanted to prove that she wasn't out to cause trouble, she could leave town immediately. Melissa suggested that she would speak to Roy and see what he thought about Bobbi - 04.26.01 - ThursdayE83
04.26.01 - ThursdayPreview:Rae barges in on Monica and Alan's special day. Recap: Luke and Roy overheard Bobbie and Melissa's argument and asked what was going on. Bobbie was relieved when Melissa covered for her and didn't tell them what Bobbie had done. Melissa took Roy back to his room and Luke asked Bobbie for the truth. She admitted that she had set Melissa up and said she wasn't sorry about it. Luke was pleased that the old spitfire Bobbie had returned. Roy noticed that Melissa was upset and asked her why. She started to cry and told him that she really had come to town to try and win him back. Roy gently told her he had guessed that long ago. She said that she had finally accepted that he was with Bobbie and she felt the best thing for her to do was to resign from GH and leave town. Though Roy wasn't pleased to hear that, Melissa went to Alan and tendered her resignation. Bobbie was thrilled by the news. A.J. tried to get Emily to tell him the truth about Edward, but Emily saw Edward peeking at th - 04.27.01 - FridayE84
04.27.01 - FridayPreview: The "Skye" falls at the Quartermaine mansion. Recap: Nikolas frantically searched for the renunciation papers, but couldn't find them. He accused Gia of stealing them and either burning them or giving them to Stefan. Gia was appalled that his faith in her was so lacking and she told him he was just like the Cassadines after all. Stefan approached Laura about helping him deal with Nikolas. He told her that he would help her figure out what Helena was doing to Lucky if she helped him talk sense into Nikolas. Laura refused his help with either of her children. She followed him to the cottage and got there just as Stefan was yelling at Nikolas about his heritage. Laura watched proudly as Nikolas verbally trounced his uncle and said he wanted no part of the Cassadine legacy. Nikolas figured out that Stefan had stolen the papers and he ordered his uncle off of the property. Alone again, he cried as he realized what he was truly giving up. Bobbie took care of Roy at the Brownstone to - 04.30.01 - MondayE85
04.30.01 - MondayPreview: Tony and Bobbie work to take care of Lucas. Recap: Havoc reigned at the Quartermaine mansion when Skye announced that she was Alan's daughter. While everyone tried to get Skye and Rae to leave, Alan took them aside to get to the truth. Rae confessed to Alan and Monica that she had become pregnant when she and Alan had a brief relationship -- long before he got together with Monica. Rae said that she had been told her baby died and only recently found out that the child was alive and was Skye Chandler. Monica refused to believe it without a blood test, but Alan said it wouldn't be necessary. He stunned them all by saying he had always known that Rae had been pregnant. Nikolas asked Lucky for advice on how to make up with Gia. In the midst of their conversation, the Cassadine's came up and Lucky went ballistic. He accused Nikolas of being the only one who was truly safe around his family, no matter how much they spoke against him. Nikolas admitted that was true and apologized to - 05.01.01 - TuesdayE86
05.01.01 - TuesdayPreview: Lucky spies on Lucas while Helena spies on him. Recap:Fed up with Luke ignoring her, Felicia stormed into his office and demanded an explanation for his behavior. Luke didn't know what she was talking about and asked for help with the computer. Felicia smashed the computer to pieces to get his attention. Her frustration increased when Luke said he liked her a lot, but he didn't know what else she needed. Luke was going to go after her when she left, but he got a phone call from Roy asking him to come to the hospital. Tony stitched Roy's wound and harshly told him that he wanted Roy to stay away from Lucas. Roy told Tony that he was a part of Bobbie's life and therefore Lucas's so Tony needed to deal with it. At the same time, Bobbie confronted Melissa about going to see Roy. Melissa finally exploded at Bobbie and said that she was tired of Bobbie's accusations. When Tony asked Melissa if she would reconsider resigning, Melissa said she would think about it. Bobbie broke down i - 05.02.01 - WednesdayE87
05.02.01 - WednesdayPreview: Carly tries to persuade Sonny to run away. Recap: Bobbie was comforted by Felicia and her family as everyone checked in on Lucas. Scott gave her a good luck troll and Laura pledged her support. Seeing how exhausted she was, Roy took Bobbie into a room so that she could get some sleep. Everyone was impressed with how thoughtful Roy was. Laura was a little jealous when she saw Felicia and Luke talking. Scott distracted her with jokes and lightened her mood. Felicia told Luke that she wanted to take their relationship a step further. Luke wondered how much more from him she wanted. Nikolas tracked Gia down to a suite at the Port Charles Hotel. He apologized to her for not believing in her and let her know that he would never hurt her like that again. Gia accepted his apology and the two made love. Nikolas prepared to sign the renunciation papers and Gia comforted him when he faltered. Carly came home after she and Michael spent some time apart from Sonny. She and Sonny immediatel - 05.03.01 - ThursdayE88
05.03.01 - ThursdayPreview: Taggert and Sonny renew their long-standing animosity. Recap: Felicia cornered Luke on the roof and finally told him that she loved him. Luke gently said that while he cared for Felicia, he didn't think he had any love left to give. She figured out that he was still in love with Laura and he didn't deny it. He told her that he needed to focus on his battle with the Cassadine's and he couldn't involve Felicia or ask him to wait for her. That left them at a stalemate so Felicia walked away. Lucky and Liz visited Lucas and brought him a video game to cheer him up. Bobbie marvelled at how good Lucky was with Lucas and what a concerned cousin he was. Lucas reminded Lucky of the day he visited the Brownstone and Lucky seemed to have no recollection of the visit. Nikolas and Gia waited in Stefan's office to drop off the renunciation papers. Stefan caught them kissing and Gia gave Nikolas a moment alone with his uncle. Stefan shocked Nikolas when he said that he understood why Nikolas - 05.04.01 - FridayE89
05.04.01 - FridayPreview: Sonny is ready to exact revenge on the bomber. Recap: Emily fantasized that she found Zander on the bridge to Canada and they reunited. When she went to a diner to ask if they knew Zander, she missed him by a few minutes. Zander was there talking to his old friends about getting involved in whatever scam they were pulling. He told them he was back and that his life in Port Charles was over. He waited for them on the bridge and Emily finally found him there. Melissa went to the mansion to rescind her resignation from GH. She attempted to get reassigned so that she and Bobbie wouldn't clash, but Alan advised her to work things out. Melissa gave Bobbie the news that she was staying and Bobbie said she thought Melissa was making a big mistake. Melissa assured her that she would keep out of Bobbie and Roy's relationship. The Quartermaines sat down for a "family" dinner and the tension was thick enough to be cut with a butter knife. Skye made things worse by asking how much of the Q - 05.07.01 - MondayE90
05.07.01 - MondayPreview:Alan comforts Rae as Monica looked on. Recap: Emily stopped Zander on the bridge and told him that she had been looking for him to tell him that she loved him. Zander was initially glad to see her and held onto her tightly. But he eventually asked what changed her mind and she admitted her grandfather's blackmail scheme. Zander understood that she was being pressured, but he thought that she should have stood by him anyway. He reminded her that through everything, he had never lied to her and the fact that she lied to him broke his heart. Carly and Roy met in the stairwell to discuss the case against Sonny. Carly was relieved that the arrest had happened and gushed to Roy about the new life she and Sonny were going to have. Roy warned her not to jump the gun because the deal could still sour. When Roy got a call from Ford telling him that Sonny wasn't biting, Carly rushed to the police station. Felicia tried to distract Bobbie from worrying about Lucas and Roy by giving her a m - 05.08.01 - TuesdayE91
05.08.01 - TuesdayPreview:Sonny panicks in the confines of the prison cell. Recap: Roy confessed to Sonny that he was the one who persuaded the FBI to offer him a deal. Carly sighed in relief, having expected Roy to tell Sonny that she was the one who betrayed him. Sonny didn't buy that Roy went to the FBI since he knew that Roy wanted no connection to the bureau. To Carly and Roy's dismay, Sonny refused to take the deal. Ford had him locked into a cell until he was ready to change his mind. Carly told Roy about Sonny's claustrophobia and said that she had to convince him to take the deal or Sonny would go crazy. In the cell, Sonny paced back and forth and eventually started to panic as memories of Deke locking him in the closet surfaced. Luke found Laura in the hospital and asked for her help in figuring out the password for the disks. He thought that her time in Greece with the Cassadines might reveal some hidden knowledge. Laura gave him a list of words that she thought would be helpful, but she worr - 05.09.01 - WednesdayE92
05.09.01 - WednesdayPreview: Lucky and Liz celebrate their engagement. Recap:Liz was amazed when Lucky got down on one knee and proposed to her in the video arcade. He told her that she was the love of his life and he wanted to spend the rest of his life loving her. Liz wanted to talk about it in private so they went to the gazebo where Lucky reiterated his pledge. Liz worried that it was too much, too soon, but Lucky thought it was important for their commitment to be solidified. Liz finally said yes and a thrilled Lucky took her in his arms. Back at the cottage, Gia reveled in the romance of Lucky's proposal, but Nikolas was worried that something was wrong with his brother. He vowed to get to the bottom of it and said he would protect Lucky at all costs. Gia asserted that she would stand by Nikolas and whomever he cared about, even if it meant going head to head with Helena. Overwhelmed by her loyalty, Nikolas told Gia that he loved her. Helena was highly pleased when Andreas delivered the deciphered d - 05.10.01 - ThursdayE93
05.10.01 - ThursdayPreview: Alexis offers Chloe protection from Stefan. Recap: Alan tried to get closer to Monica in light of all the turmoil in the family. Monica rebuffed him because she was furious over his connection to Rae. She believed that he was hoping for a reconciliation with his teenage love. Alan said everything he could to convince her otherwise, but Monica refused to hear him. Rae interrupted a conversation between Edward and Skye when it sounded as though Skye was being sucked into her grandfather's manipulations. She warned Skye not to trust Edward because of his past and current misdeeds. When Skye berated Rae for interfering, Alan came in and commanded Skye to be kinder to her mother. Skye decided to leave the Quartermaine mansion, but Alan begged her to stay. As Monica eavesdropped, he told Skye that he was committed to getting to know her better and being a real father to her. Bobbie and Tony struggled to find a cure for Lucas's life-threatening condition. When Lucas's fever kept spik - 05.11.01 - FridayE94
05.11.01 - FridayPreview: Luke threatens Helena's life. Recap: Nikolas and Lucky visited a jeweler to look for an engagement ring for Liz. As Lucky studied the diamonds, he began to go into his trance-like state. Suddenly, he rushed out claiming that he needed to see Lucas. Nikolas followed him to the hospital, but didn't see Lucky at first. Something prompted him to go up to the roof and he was horrified to see Lucky standing on the ledge. Liz excitedly told Audrey about her engagement to Lucky. Audrey was less than thrilled to hear that her young granddaughter was planning to get married. She advised Liz to be certain that she knew what she was doing. Bobbie went into a tailspin when Lucas's fever got higher and Tony didn't know how to bring it down. Luke and Roy tried to comfort her, but Bobbie was completely distraught. When Lucas fell into a coma, Bobbie broke down in Tony's arms. Roy mentioned to Luke that Helena had been making inquiries about Lucas's condition. They both figured that Helena mig - 05.14.01 - MondayE95
05.14.01 - MondayPreview:Sonny rejects Carly and orders her out of their home. Recap:Sonny accused Carly of setting him up with Roy and the FBI. Carly denied his accusation, but Sonny said they were finished and ordered her out of the Penthouse. Later, after Sonny said goodbye to Michael, Carly finally admitted to setting him up. Carly argued that she did what she did out of love for him, to keep him and their family safe. Later, Carly put on her wedding dress and reminded Sonny of the promises they made on their wedding day. Sonny gave Carly a goodbye kiss, then watched as Johnny led her out of the Penthouse and out of his life. Nikolas tried to talk Lucky down from the edge of the hospital roof. Liz arrived moments later and the sound of her voice brought Lucky out of his daze. As he stepped off the ledge, Lucky denied he was about to jump off the roof. Later, Lucky overheard Nikolas argue to Luke that something was seriously wrong with Lucky. Nikolas pointed to Lucky's strange behavior in the jewelr - 05.15.01 - TuesdayE96
05.15.01 - TuesdayPreview:Helena shows Tony her miracle child. Recap:Felicia and Mac were thrilled when Maxie came to the hospital with a present for Lucas. She wanted to give him BJ's teddy bear which Bobbie had given to her. Bobbie considered it a sign of hope that Maxie was there and she knew that Lucas would be alright. Alexis visited Sonny to try and offer him comfort about the FBI deal. She knew that someone had betrayed him, but didn't know who. When she asked where Carly was and he didn't answer, she figured out that Carly had been the snitch. Carly ran into Roy while looking for Bobbie and he asked her not to disturb her mother. Carly was sorry to hear about Lucas, but needed someone to talk to. Roy suggested that she wait for him at the Brownstone and he would talk to her later. Carly went back to the Penthouse and pounded on the door, begging Sonny to let her in. Alexis came out of her place and tried to get Carly to leave, but Carly rounded on her furiously and told her to stay out of their - 05.16.01 - WednesdayE97
05.16.01 - WednesdayPreview:Zander and Emily finally reunite. Recap:Melissa went in to see Lucas and quietly slipped him a St. Jude's medallion. Roy saw her do it and thanked her for caring. After speaking to Melissa, he received a note that made him run from the hospital. Though Tony valiantly tried to resist Helena's machinations, he eventually gave in and asked for her help with Lucas. Helena gave him a needle full of a strange liquid and Tony wondered how he could be sure it wouldn't kill Lucas. Helena offered him no guarantees, but told him that if he didn't try it, Lucas was certain to die. Tony took the needle and raced upstairs. He went straight to the lab where Melissa was studying an analysis of Lucas's blood. She said that Lucas had a virus that she had never seen before. After receiving a call from Bobbie that Lucas was doing worse, Tony took the needle up to his son's room. He injected the solution into Lucas's IV and sat with Bobbie to wait for a result. Luke and Laura were surprised to see - 05.17.01 - ThursdayE98
05.17.01 - ThursdayPreview:Sonny and Roy spoke about Carly. Recap:Helena held Lucky in her thrall by dangling the Ice Princess before his eyes. Lucky told her of his plans to marry Liz and leave Port Charles. Helena gifted him with a special ring -- the same ring that Laura reacted badly to earlier -- and told Lucky to give it to Liz. She promised that every time he looked at the ring, his mission and his future would become clear. Lucky slipped the ring in his pocket and Helena woke him from the trance. An unaware Lucky blasted Helena for interfering in his family and told her to stay away from them all. When he left, Helena laughed triumphantly. Nikolas and Gia returned to the cottage after futilely searching for Lucky. When Liz showed up, Nikolas took the opportunity to tell her that he thought something was wrong with Lucky. He alluded to the programming without openly saying it since Gia didn't know about it. Gia fumed against their secrecy, but decided to respect their silence. Liz didn't believe t - 05.18.01 - FridayE99
05.18.01 - FridayPreview:Luke watches as a hypnotized Lucky freaks out. Recap:Luke had another nightmare about being trapped in the dark maze. As before, hands reached out to him and a female voice led him out of the darkness. He woke up to find Bobbie shaking him. She excitedly told him that Lucas woke from his coma and appeared to be cured. Everyone gathered around Lucas's bedside and celebrated his return to good health. Luke took notice of Tony's distraction and followed Tony out of the room. He asked his former brother-in-law if Helena had something to do with Lucas's illness, but Tony insisted that Lucas had a complex virus and that was all. Laura overheard their conversation and prayed that the Cassadine war wouldn't affect the children. Liz returned to the boxcar and this time, Lucky was there. She professed her concern for Lucky and told him that she and Nikolas were worried that Helena was programming him again. Lucky assured her that he was fine, he was just distracted by everything that was - 05.21.01 - MondayE100
05.21.01 - MondayPreview:Scott runs interference between Sonny and A.J. Recap:An elated A.J. informed Edward of his plans to take Michael from Sonny and Carly. Edward was proud of A.J.'s initiative and ran to tell Lila. When A.J. and Scott went to the Penthouse, however, Sonny told them that Carly had taken Michael away and he had no idea where they were. A defeated A.J. went back to the mansion only to have Edward berate him. A.J. was tempted to take a drink, but he hurled the glass against the wall instead. Bobbie reeled when Sonny told her about what happened between him and Carly. She attempted to remind him of Carly's mercurial nature and asked him to forgive her. Sonny refused and told Bobbie that Carly was dead to him. He also revealed Roy's part in Carly's destruction and suggested that Bobbie talk to her boyfriend. Ford and Taggert approached Roy about helping them by naming his source of information about Sonny. Roy refused, even when Ford threatened Hannah's job. Melissa listened from the ha - 05.22.01 - TuesdayE101
05.22.01 - TuesdayPreview:Lucky and Nikolas re-cement their relationship. Recap:Lucky and Liz stopped by the cottage to invite Gia and Nikolas to the engagement dinner. Nikolas halted potential chaos when Stefan unexpectedly showed up. Nikolas made his uncle leave and then warned Lucky not to make any more trouble. Gia and Liz left the brothers alone to talk and Lucky apologized for his behavior. He told Nikolas that the stress of worrying about Lucas had made him crazy. Nikolas pretended to buy Lucky's story, but his skepticism was clear. Meanwhile, Liz showed Gia her engagement ring and the two again agreed to a truce for their boyfriends' sake. Helena paid Laura a visit at Deception. She fingered her stiletto and threatened to repay Laura for destroying property on her yacht. Sonny walked in and offered Laura his assistance. After making some cutting remarks about Carly, Helena left. Sonny offered Laura a legal document naming her the sole owner of Deception. Laura didn't want to accept Carly's share - 05.23.01 - WednesdayE102
05.23.01 - WednesdayPreview:Stefan contemplates saving or slaying Luke. Recap:Luke woke up after being knocked unconscious to find himself on the ledge of the hospital roof. As he tried to orient himself, he slipped and was dangling from the ledge. He shouted for help and the only one to hear his plea was Stefan. Stefan was cool and casual as he watched Luke struggle for his life. He said he would save Luke in exchange for information about Helena's disks. Luke agreed and Stefan pulled him to safety. Luke laughed in Stefan's face and refused to tell Stefan anything. He did eventually say that Helena had stolen the disks from him before he could decipher them. Melissa and Roy were in shock after Bobbie practically threw them together and said she was finished with Roy. Though Melissa didn't want to talk, Roy wanted her to tell him about Bobbie setting her up. He wondered why she hadn't come to him with the truth. Melissa said that she didn't want Roy back by default, she wanted him to come to her of his ow - 05.24.01 - ThursdayE103
05.24.01 - ThursdayPreview:Zander and Emily prepare to go to her prom. Recap:Emily helped Liz get ready for the engagement dinner and Liz wondered why Emily wasn't going to her school prom. Emily revealed that she didn't think Zander would want to go, so she hadn't mentioned it. Unbeknownst to her, Zander was listening on the other side of the door. He asked Lucky how important prom was to a girl and was dismayed when Lucky told him it was extremely important. Gia wowed Nikolas by wearing an amazing dress for Liz and Lucky's engagement dinner. When they went to Kelly's to pick the other couple up, they found Zander stressing to Lucky over taking Emily to the prom. While Gia went upstairs, Lucky and Nikolas decided to help Zander make the night special for Emily. Lucky loaned Zander his tuxedo and Nikolas arranged for a limo. When Liz saw Gia's fabulous dress, she took her out in the hallway and played on Gia's guilty conscience to get Gia to let Emily borrow her dress. Gia eventually agreed and the girls - 05.25.01 - FridayE104
05.25.01 - FridayPreview:Bobbie confronts Sonny about his treatment of Carly. Recap:The PC Grille was the place to be for evening fun. Bobbie and Scott were there for dinner as were Mac and Felicia. The Spencer clan along with Nikolas, Gia, and Audrey were gathered for Liz and Lucky's engagement dinner. Sonny showed up with a group of his mob friends. Chloe met Alexis there. And Stefan camped out at a table for one. Bobbie grew increasingly angry -- and increasingly drunk -- as she watched Sonny laughing with his friends. She lamented to Scott that it wasn't fair that Carly's life was ruined while Sonny merrily rolled along. She stumbled over to Sonny's table and demanded that he tell her where Carly was. When he didn't answer her, she tossed her drink in his face and called him cold and unfeeling. Roy attempted to intervene, but she spurned him with a glacial glance. Luke took Laura outside when she was visibly upset by Liz's engagement ring. He assured her that he wasn't going to let anything happen - 05.28.01 - MondayE105
05.28.01 - MondayPreview:Sonny is appalled by Skye's plans. Recap:Taggert interrupted the engagement celebration by placing Lucky under arrest. Lucky asked Scott to be his lawyer and they all went down to the police station. Luke stayed behind to have a word with Stefan. He threatened severe retaliation for Stefan's acts against his son. Stefan didn't seem bothered by Luke at all. Nikolas also attempted to talk to his uncle. He asked Stefan to drop the charges against Lucky. Stefan agreed to do so if Nikolas rejoined the Cassadine clan. Nikolas told his uncle that he was despicable and he had no intentions of being a part of the family again. Stefan's day got even worse when Chloe sat down after hearing his discussion with Nikolas. She told him that he was his own worse enemy and because of that, he would always be alone. Back in his office, Luke raged against all the Cassadines and declared to Roy that he intended to blow up the Cassadine yacht with Helena on it. Roy managed to calm him down by remind - 05.29.01 - TuesdayE106
05.29.01 - TuesdayPreview:Nikolas and the girls conspire to help Lucky. Recap:Scott accompanied Laura to Wyndemere so that she could ask Stefan to to drop the charges against Lucky. Stefan was unimpressed by Laura's plea and told her that just as she had no compassion for him, he had none for her son. While visiting Lucky in jail, Gia forced Nikolas to tell Liz and Lucky about Stefan's blackmail scheme. Lucky commanded Nikolas to stay away from the Cassadines and asked him to protect Liz if anything happened to him. Before Lucky could stop them, Nikolas and the girls went to see Stefan. Stefan believed that Nikolas was returning to the fold, but Nikolas turned the plan down. He told Stefan that he would testify against him instead. Stefan was shocked when Gia and Liz said they would lie and say they witnessed the fight as well. Ned relayed Skye's plan of deception to the family. Monica and A.J. were jubilant at this proof of Skye's perfidy. Alan was more understanding and laid the blame at Edward's feet - 05.30.01 - WednesdayE107
05.30.01 - WednesdayPreview:A disguised Helena paid a secretive visit to Lucky. Recap:Stefan refused to give in to Nikolas's request to drop the charges against Lucky and told Nikolas that he should feel free to tell the cops whatever he wanted. After the teens left, Helena showed up to vent her rage about Stefan having Lucky arrested. Comparing him to Stavros, Helena labelled Stefan an incompetent fool. Stefan reminded his mother that Stavros had been an alcoholic and if he was alive he would be little more than a mental vegetable. Without tipping her hand, Helena warned Stefan not to underestimate her love for his brother. Luke asked for Laura's trust when he told her he didn't want Lucky released on bail. He believed that Lucky would be better protected from Helena's machinations if he was in jail. Laura fretted over leaving their son in jail, but eventually agreed that it might be best. Scott was frustrated when Laura wouldn't give him good reasons for keeping Lucky locked up, but he arranged it so th - 05.31.01 - ThursdayE108
05.31.01 - ThursdayPreview:Bobbie caught Stefan in the act. Recap:Bobbie walked into Luke's office and caught Stefan stealing from Luke's safe. He claimed to be trying to help the Spencers, Lucky in particular. Bobbie didn't buy his story once she saw the disks in his hand. She tried to wrest them away from him, but he overpowered her. Just then, Roy came in and slammed Stefan against the desk. He took the disks back and warned Stefan to keep away from Bobbie. Stefan left, but told them they had made a huge mistake. Finally having a moment alone with Bobbie, Roy took the opportunity to discuss their relationship. He believed that if she could place her trust in him and forgive him, they could work things out. Bobbie told him that her trust was broken because of his constant lies. She admitted that she hadn't always done the right thing, but she had tried to stay honest with him. Though he begged her for another chance, Bobbie told Roy that their relationship was over. Laura and Nikolas sat Liz down to tr - 06.01.01 - FridayE109
06.01.01 - FridayPreview:Stavros awakens from his long sleep. Recap:Felicia attempted to enlist Mac into performing with her at the Nurse's Ball. Mac was wary of performing and resisted all of her attempts at luring him in. When she said that it was a way for them to take a step toward a reconciliation, Mac became more interested. In the midst of their playing around, Mac got serious and told Felicia that he missed the more intimate aspects of their relationship. He pulled her into a kiss that she didn't break away from. Laura finally told Scott the truth about what was wrong with Lucky. She was surprised by Scott's calm acceptance of the mind control and she was grateful that he was willing to help in whatever way he could. She gave him a quick history lesson on the Spencer/Cassadine feud and told Scott how much all of their lives had been damaged by it. Scott promised her that they would deal with everything together. Keeping to her promise to do anything to save Lucky, Liz begged him to continue his - 06.04.01 - MondayE110
06.04.01 - MondayPreview:Helena exerted her control over Lucky. Recap: Mac and Felicia shared a kiss, but Mac could tell by her response that she wasn't quite ready for it yet. Felicia later gently told Maxie that while she and Mac were trying to reconcile, Maxie and Georgie shouldn't put too much hope into it happening. Maxie assured her that she and Georgie just wanted their mother to be happy. While everyone searched the jail cells for Lucky, he went to Helena's underground chambers to see her. Holding out the Ice Princess to control him, Helena told him she had new orders for him. She played a game of chess with him and holding up the king piece, she ordered him to take the king to protect his queen. Knowing the king was a substitute for Luke, Lucky hesitated to take it. Gia and Nikolas raced to the police station after hearing about the fire on the radio. At the station, Liz freaked out when the police captain questioned whether she had aided Lucky in setting the fire. Everyone, including Taggert, - 06.05.01 - TuesdayE111
06.05.01 - TuesdayPreview: Carly tries to win Sonny's forgiveness. Recap: Sonny opened the Penthouse door to find Carly on the other side. Though he initially tried to make her leave, she insisted that he hear her out. She apologized profusely for betraying him, but told him that everything she had done was out of love. She begged him to understand and try to forgive her. Sonny reminded her of his past with his parents and how that set a life course that he had never been able to steer away from. He couldn't forgive her because he saw her as a constant reminder of her lies and betrayal. Carly took him in her arms to show him that their love was too powerful for him to dismiss. She asked him to make love to her and waited for his response. While at Kelly's with Gia and Liz, Nikolas thought of a way that he could help Lucky. He told the girls to stay put, but Gia was terrified that he was putting himself in a dangerous situation. He promised her that he would return and that he would be fine. Gia railed a - 06.06.01 - WednesdayE112
06.06.01 - WednesdayPreview: Luke and Laura celebrate breaking through the disks. Recap: Gia and Liz crept around Wyndemere searching for some sign of Lucky. They panicked when they heard a noise and accidentally knocked over the fireplace andirons. In trying to find a place to hide, Gia tripped a wire in the bookcase and got trapped in a strange room. On the other side, Liz was caught by Stefan who wanted to know why she was in his home. Gia tried to find a way out when someone came out of the shadows. She was relieved to see Nikolas who got them back into the office. Stefan pretended to be amused by their escapade and told Nikolas the only way he would help find Lucky was if Nikolas returned to the fold. Nikolas refused again and told the girls they were leaving. Before they could go, Gia stopped and told Stefan that he was a pathetic and evil man. As Luke and Laura spoke about Lucky, Roy came in and told Luke how Stefan had tried to steal the disks. Roy gave them back to Luke and reminded him to watch - 06.07.01 - ThursdayE113
06.07.01 - ThursdayPreview: Melissa reveals the depth of her affection for Roy. Recap:Emily called Zander in the middle of the night and asked him to come over. Zander met her on the patio and the two embraced passionately. Monica found them locked together and discreetly interrupted. She wasn't angry, but she asked Zander to go home. Alone with Emily, she asked how far her relationship had gone. Emily didn't come right out and say she and Zander had sex, but she intimated that she was being careful. Monica disapproved of Emily having sex with anyone, but she ended up just telling Emily to make sure she was safe. Sonny woke up on a boat and realized from the bleeding wound in his side that he had been stabbed. He dreamt of a woman in white who asked him to come to her. When he woke up, the woman was sitting next to him and he realized that she wasn't just a dream. Bobbie visited Carly in the Penthouse to make sure her daughter was safe. She was stunned to hear that Carly still believed that she could win - 06.08.01 - FridayE114
06.08.01 - FridayPreview: Lucky finally agrees to let his family help him. Recap: Liz went to the boxcar and found a dazed Lucky inside. When she questioned him about his whereabouts, Lucky had no idea where he had been or how he had gotten back to the boxcar. Liz gently told Lucky about all of the strange incidents he'd been involved in. Showing him the ring, she asked him again where he'd bought it. Lucky's lack of memory about the ring and everything else made him realize that he really was being programmed again. Liz promised him that they would defeat Helena, no matter what it took. Luke and Laura failed to break through more levels of the disks. Frustrated, Luke went to GH to find Tony. He begged his former brother-in-law to tell him if he was working with Helena. Tony feigned ignorance and told Luke that he had nothing to do with Helena. Luke went back to the club and Laura had received a call from Liz saying that Lucky was with her and they were on their way over. When Liz and Lucky arrived, Lu - 06.11.01 - MondayE115
06.11.01 - MondayPreview:Helena finally embraces her golden child. Recap:With his family standing by, Lucky agreed to see Kevin to try and reverse the programming Helena had instilled in him. Scott showed up determined to take Lucky to the police station to deal with the charges he was facing. Laura managed to convince him that it would be better for Lucky to have treatment first. Luke seethed as he watched them talking, but his focus switched when Kevin came in. He asked to sit in on the hypnosis session because he felt he could help Kevin ask important questions. During the first session, Lucky revealed that Helena had told him to hurt Luke. When Luke asked him if he had hurt Lucas, Lucky said he would never hurt his cousin. The last thing Luke did was ask Lucky to look at the engagement ring. When he asked what it meant to Lucky, Lucky replied, "Stavros." Laura sat Liz down to talk about the Spencer/Cassadine war. She wanted to make sure that Liz understood what she would be getting into if she rema - 06.12.01 - TuesdayE116
06.12.01 - TuesdayPreview:Sonny wonders if he can really trust Angel. Recap: Under hypnosis, Lucky revealed that Stavros's ring was connected to Helena's programming, but he didn't have true knowledge of her plan. Lucky became agitated when Kevin's questions probed too deeply and he called for Liz. She ran in and calmed him down and Kevin brought Lucky out of his trance. It pained him when Kevin told him that he had admitted to being programmed to destroy. Luke wanted Lucky to stay with him at the club where he could be watched, but Lucky preferred to stay at the cottage with Nikolas. Laura was hopeful that Lucky was making enough progress to end all the craziness once and for all. Luke wasn't as certain and he believed they hadn't even scratched the surface of the nightmare. While he went to take care of some business, Laura rifled through her bag looking for something. Behind her, Stavros entered the club and watched her from the shadows. He flashed back to a memory of her on the island and it made hi - 06.13.01 - WednesdayE117
06.13.01 - WednesdayPreview: Sorel finds Carly in the cemetery. Recap: Edward hired security guards to surround the mansion and make sure that Sorel and his men could not get to Emily. While Monica found the measures excessive, she did agree that Emily needed to be more careful. A commotion outside disturbed them all and Zander was dragged in by two of the security guards. Edward wanted them to take him away, but Emily's suggestion was that Zander move into the mansion where everyone could keep an eye on him. Zander told her that he wasn't going to do that despite her objections. On the patio, Skye slyly suggested that Emily and Zander should run away to be safe and to be together. Sticking to his and Ned's plan for A.J. to get closer to Skye, A.J. had a private moment with her where he commented on how alike they truly were. He surmised that it might be better for them to work together on being accepted into the family instead of working at cross-purposes. Skye contemplated his proposal and agreed that s - 06.14.01 - ThursdayE118
06.14.01 - ThursdayPreview: Sonny asked Angel to get rid of his angel. Recap:Lucky and Liz paid Nikolas and Gia a visit at the cottage. What Nikolas supposed was a friendly visit actually turned out to be a request. Lucky and Liz wanted to move into the cottage in order to keep Lucky safe. Willing to do anything to help his brother, Nikolas said he didn't have a problem with it, but he told them that Gia had to agree. Gia had reservations about her and Nikolas's ability to keep Lucky safe. She also admitted to being a little freaked out by Lucky's programming. Liz yelled at her for being insensitive, but Lucky surprisingly understood her fears. Gia was touched when Lucky told her that he trusted her and gave her a hug. Shoring up her courage, Gia agreed that Lucky and Liz could move in. They all vowed to fight Helena together. On the warpath to get his son back, A.J. stormed into the Penthouse. Carly tried but failed to get rid of him and ultimately told him that Michael was out of the country with Letit - 06.15.01 - FridayE119
06.15.01 - FridayPreview:Laura delivers the final divorce papers to Luke. Recap: Felicia was stunned when she ran into Luke at the hospital and he told her that he wanted a second chance with her. Though she appeared to be tempted to say yes, Felicia told him that she had made her choice and her choice was Mac. At home, Felicia rehearsed her Nurses Ball number with Mac, but he sensed that her heart wasn't in it. She confessed that Luke had approached her about getting back together, but she claimed that she was determined to remain true to starting over with Mac. Mac felt that their trial period really wasn't working out and Felicia immediately sat next to him and started kissing him passionately. Gia expressed her reservations to Liz about being able to help Lucky and retain her relationship with Nikolas while they were all under the same roof. Liz snapped at her and reminded her that she had agreed they could stay. Nikolas and Lucky came in and witnessed the tension between the two girls. Gia later a - 06.18.01 - MondayE120
06.18.01 - MondayPreview: Luke kisses Laura goodbye. Recap: Gia was stunned to see Nikolas and Liz in the same shower together. She demanded to know what was going on and wasn't satisfied with their explanation that it was a mistake. She called Lucky in who did believe them. Gia offered to make things fair by disrobing in front of Lucky, but Liz put the kibosh on that plan. Gia pretended to make peace, but drew Liz a cold shower as retribution. She told Nikolas that she wouldn't stand for any "hoochie mama" coming between them. Nikolas laughed and assured her that she had nothing to worry about. Mac and Felicia kissed, then gently pulled away from each other. They mutually realized that there was no fire left between them and decided it was time to end their marriage for good. Maxie and Georgie saw them and asked if they were getting back together. Mac sadly told them that he and Felicia were finished, but he told them that he would always be their father. He kissed them goodbye, hugged Felicia and lef - 06.19.01 - TuesdayE121
06.19.01 - TuesdayPreview: Carly refuses to believe that Sonny has sold her shares. Recap:An improved Sonny ate dinner at the table with Angel. The two bonded as she told him bits and pieces of her life--including the fact that she had been married. When she tried to ask about his wife however, Sonny clammed up. Because they were low on supplies and Sonny needed more medicine, Angel decided to take a trip into town. When she left, Sonny called Benny to give him instructions about the business. Mike happened to be in the office looking for word on Sonny. He snatched the phone away and demanded that Sonny tell him he was okay. Carly headed to the Deception offices and found out from Laura that Sonny had sold her shares of the company. Rather than believe that her husband sold her out, Carly chose to believe that Scott and Laura had concocted a scheme against her. Laura offered to let Carly work at Deception anyway, but Carly wouldn't hear of anything except a full partnership. Scott told her that she h - 06.20.01 - WednesdayE122
06.20.01 - WednesdayPreview: Edward and the men perform for the Nurses Ball. Recap: Carly came face to face with Angel after they were involved in a minor fender bender. She took Angel's information, but Angel never revealed that she knew about Sonny. Carly stormed into Alexis's Penthouse and demanded that Alexis represent her in a variety of lawsuits. She wanted to sue Laura and Scott for stealing her Deception shares and she wanted to sue Angel for hitting her car. Alexis examined the Deception contract and confirmed that the deal had been legitimate. As Alexis was berating Carly for her selfishness, Mike came in. He told Carly that he had heard from Sonny. Carly cried in relief that he was alive and she wondered if he had asked about her. Mike gently told her that Sonny wanted nothing to do with her. Carly finally realized that Sonny had left her and she collapsed in tears in the hallway. Angel returned to the lakehouse and told Sonny about running into Carly. He was surprised when Angel assured him th - 06.21.01 - ThursdayE123
06.21.01 - ThursdayPreview: Alan tries to comfort Emily in the hospital. Recap: The Nurses Ball was a mix of triumph and tragedy as the nurses and doctors were called away to the ER. A train collided with a bus and left several passengers critically injured--including some denizens of Port Charles. Still, the show did go on as Lucy rallied the troops to perform. Felicia was getting dressed for her act, "Way Down Upon the Swanee River" when Mac had to help out with the situation at the accident site. Left partnerless, Felicia and Lucy teamed up against Luke to persuade him to step in. Luke agreed, but changed the number to "Old Time Rock and Roll." Laura watched their spicy performance with a pained, but tolerant smile. When the number was over, Luke returned his attention toward watching out for Helena whom he was certain was lurking around. Instead of Helena however, Stavros was doing the majority of the lurking. He spied on Laura as she sat at the table with Scott. Nikolas, Gia, and Lucky presented the - 06.22.01 - FridayE124
06.22.01 - FridayPreview: Carly reaches out to Melissa for comfort. Recap: Holding her by the throat, Luke demanded that Helena tell him what game she was playing with his family. Helena naturally claimed innocence and told Luke that she didn't have time for his paranoia. Lucky happened upon them and Helena bade him to tell Luke that she was a friend. Lucky stared her down and told her that she was powerless without her ring to control him. He threatened her life if she approached him or anyone in his family again. Helena was clearly rattled, but she left smiling slyly. Lucky was ecstatic that he had triumphed over Helena, but Luke didn't share his son's confidence. He declared that Lucky was a fool if he believed that he had won the battle with Helena. She had simply walked away for the moment. Luke softened when Lucky thanked him for trying to protect him and Luke asked him to simply be careful. As Stavros listened on the other side of the door, Laura told Nikolas how proud she was of him for being s - 06.25.01 - MondayE125
06.25.01 - MondayPreview: Sorel has new orders for his henchman. Recap:Stavros questioned Helena about the Spencer family's undue influence over Nikolas. He wanted to know how such a thing had been allowed to happen. Rather than admit that she couldn't control Nikolas, Helena blamed everything on Stefan. She told Stavros that Stefan had an affair with Laura and was obsessed with making a family for himself with Laura and Nikolas. Stavros exploded with rage and was ready to find his brother and kill him immediately. Helena calmed him by reminding him that with their plan, everyone would suffer. Eager to begin, Stavros went to Wyndemere and spied on Stefan. Gia took a reluctant Nikolas to dinner at the PC Grille to discuss a career change for him. After hearing him sing at the Nurses Ball, she was convinced that he could have a bright future as a singing sensation. Nikolas wanted no part of such a career, though he was pleased that she thought he was talented. Gia wasn't quite finished coercing him and h - 06.26.01 - TuesdayE126
06.26.01 - TuesdayPreview: Gia has a blast at her Deception shoot. Recap: Though the two women were still at odds, Melissa offered Bobbie her admiration for the way Bobbie handled the ER during the Nurses Ball accident. Bobbie reluctantly told Melissa that she had done a good job as well. Melissa also told Bobbie about talking to Carly that same night and suggested that Carly really needed her mother's help. Bobbie sarcastically thanked Melissa for comforting Carly. At the docks, Luke discovered a Cassadine shipment that was due to be delivered to GH. He enlisted Roy's help in finding out what the shipment was and they went to the hospital to ask Bobbie for help. Bobbie searched the computer and found out that while several shipments appeared to be headed for the hospital, no inventory was ever logged in. As she and Luke tried to solve the puzzle, he used the opportunity to ask her if she had changed her mind about Roy. Bobbie informed her brother that although she had forgiven Roy for his mistakes, she - 06.27.01 - WednesdayE127
06.27.01 - WednesdayPreview: Luke finds a corpse that bears his name. Recap: When Carly showed up at the lakehouse to confront Angel about their fender bender, she was initially hostile until she realized that she was simply taking out her anger on Angel. She apologized for her behavior and explained that she was distraught over losing her husband and potentially losing her son. She told Angel about the custody suit over Michael and said that if her name turned up in a court case, it would give her ex-husband ammunition against her. Angel agreed to have her insurance company drop the claim and Carly was extremely grateful. She also gave Angel a quick recap on her love for Sonny and how she had caused such a great mess between them. Angel listened without saying a word about Sonny. On the porch, Mike found Sonny's wedding ring and realized he was probably in the house. He told Carly that he knew where Sonny was and she immediately demanded that he take her to him. Rethinking his position, Mike covered and - 06.28.01 - ThursdayE128
06.28.01 - ThursdayPreview: Scott creates a fantasy vacation for Laura. Recap: Angel asked Sonny if he planned on returning to Carly. Sonny revealed that a part of him wanted to go home and yet a part of him never wanted to see Carly again. He asked Angel what she wanted him to do and without hesitation she asked him to stay. Without answering, Sonny went into the kitchen and started to prepare dinner. Angel watched him from the doorway later on as he fingered his wedding ring. It appeared that he was going to throw the ring into the lake, but he pocketed it instead. They stood together on the porch as a storm started and when the lights went out, they drew closer together. Carly couldn't believe that Bobbie suggested that she divorce Sonny. She accused Bobbie of projecting her feelings for Roy onto Sonny and she told her mother that she had no intention of giving up on her marriage. When Carly went upstairs, Mike advised Bobbie to stay out of it. He told her that Sonny needed time to forgive Carly and M - 06.29.01 - FridayE129
06.29.01 - FridayPreview: Helena tentatively reaches out to Nikolas. Recap: Laura was overwhelmed by how thoroughly Scott had planned their Hollywood vacation. He rented a soundstage so that they could make their own movie and even had costumers on hand to outfit them. They had a hilarious time as they re-enacted scenes from a Charlie Chaplin film, Cleopatra, Gone With the Wind, and Casablanca. Scott ended their day by taking Laura to a fantastic hotel suite. Once there, he told her that he loved her and was ready to move forward toward a future with her. Luke decked Nikolas at the PC Grille much to everyone's shock. Luke yelled that Nikolas was Cassadine poison and had been working with his family all along to betray Lucky. Initially, Nikolas balked at Luke's words, but something in Luke's face alerted him and he changed his attitude. He played along with Luke's scheme and said that he hadn't sided with the Cassadines, but he certainly had no further intention of being a Spencer. Helena was encouraged - 07.02.01 - MondayE130
07.02.01 - MondayPreview:Melissa happily falls into Roy's arms. Recap:Melissa and Roy remained trapped on the elevator in the GH basement. Roy boosted Melissa up to the ceiling so that she could try and climb out. Melissa screamed at the darkness of the shaft and slipped and fell into Roy's arms. The tension mounted between them and yet they pulled away before anything could happen. The elevator started moving again and when it opened, Helena was standing there. Melissa and Roy covered and said that they were looking for a private corner to spend time in. Helena didn't believe them and told Stavros that they were going to be a problem. Stavros said he knew just how to handle them. Roy called Luke who wanted to find out exactly what was below the basement. Kevin spoke to Lucky about continuing his therapy sessions. Lucky didn't see any point when it seemed that he would never be free of his problems. Kevin convinced him that seeking help was the only way he would ever be in control of his future. Lucky - 07.03.01 - TuesdayE131
07.03.01 - TuesdayPreview:Nikolas dreams of returning to the Cassadine fold. Recap:Luke was determined to drill down into the basement to see what Helena had hidden there. Melissa and Roy tried to dissuade him because he didn't have the proper equipment and it was very late in the evening. Luke agreed to take a rest and he fell asleep in a chair. He dreamt of Laura leading him to a hole that already existed in the floor and he jumped through it to find himself in the maze. He came upon a coffin and was shocked to see that he was inside of it. Yelling that he refused to be defeated, he turned to see a strange man holding a crimson rose. As he chased the man, he called out for Lucky and Lulu. Luke turned a corner and came face to face with Stavros. Though he tried to run after him, Stavros disappeared and he heard Laura's voice and saw her holding out her hands to him. He reached for her just as he woke up. In Los Angeles, Scott and Laura put together their photo album and Laura thanked him again for maki - 07.04.01 - WednesdayE132
07.04.01 - WednesdayPreview:Gia runs into Stavros in the park. Recap:Roy visited Melissa to make certain she was safe after he had such awful dreams of her. He got to her apartment and called out to her in fear when he heard what sounded like gun fire outside. He threw her to the floor when she came out and she laughed at him because the noise was just fireworks. Later, Roy told Melissa that his dream was the reason for his bad nerves. Melissa told Roy that she had dreamt of him as well, but she wouldn't give the details of her dream. When he pressed her, she kissed him and said she had dreamt of doing that. After a night of dreaming about the Cassadines, Luke was more determined than ever to break through the elevator shaft and see what was in the basement. Melissa and Roy stood by as he used a blow torch to create a huge hole in the floor. Tony came along just as Luke prepared to move the wires and see what was below them. He tried to hide his panic and told Luke to leave well enough alone. Luke refused - 07.06.01 - FridayE134
07.06.01 - FridayPreview:Sorel corners Carly in the Penthouse. Recap:The fragile peace between Ned and Alexis died a quick death when he began berating her again for her dealings with Sonny and Carly. Exasperated, Alexis asked if he could please sing a different tune. She wondered when he had become so narrow-minded and judgmental, but Ned believed that her judgment was cloudy. When she passionately defended Sonny and her relationship with him, Ned hinted that her feelings for Sonny went deeper than she was saying. Alexis told him he was ridiculous and stalked away. In the park, Stavros told Carly that he was more than willing to divert her attention from her problems. He grabbed her and kissed her, but Carly slapped him and pulled away. Though he tried to make it seem as though she had wanted him, Carly assured him that nothing was further from the truth. Alexis saved her just in time and naturally, Stavros disappeared before she could see him. Helena upbraided Stavros for taking so many risky chances - 07.09.01 - MondayE135
07.09.01 - MondayPreview:Nikolas finds Lucky and Gia in a compromising position. Recap:Laura confronted Luke about the argument between him and Nikolas. To relieve her worries, he told her about Nikolas's plan to infiltrate the Cassadines to feed Luke information. Laura strongly disapproved of that plan since she feared that Nikolas would be hurt somehow. She also worried about the tension it would put between Nikolas and Lucky. Luke assured her that he would look out for Nikolas, but reminded her that her son was a grown man and she couldn't exactly tell him what to do. Laura agreed, but asked Luke to be careful. Changing tunes, she told Luke about her dream of Stavros and he surprised her by telling her about his Stavros dream. He chalked it up to the stress the Cassadines were putting on their family and bade her not to worry. Nikolas walked into the cottage and spied Lucky and Gia playfully rolling around the couch. He used the situation as an opportunity to alienate himself from Lucky and he yelle - 07.10.01 - TuesdayE136
07.10.01 - TuesdayPreview:A.J. is sent a special message from Sonny. Recap:A.J. was horrified when he received a mock newspaper sporting a headline that he had died in a fiery car crash. He immediately accused Skye of creating the paper to spite him, but she was completely innocent. When she pointed out that the paper further stated that A.J.'s dying wish had been for Carly and Sonny to raise Michael, they realized the paper was a message from Sonny. Skye told A.J. she had a plan to get Michael back, but before she could unveil it, Ned walked in. Believing that he and A.J. were still working together, he asked for information on Skye. A.J. suggested that they back off Skye for a while which made Ned realize that A.J. had switched sides. When Ned left, Skye tore up A.J.'s court papers and told him that the way to get Michael was to lull Carly into a false sense of security. A.J. mulled that over for a minute before deciding to do things his own way. Zander procrastinated on telling Emily about her solo t - 07.11.01 - WednesdayE137
07.11.01 - WednesdayPreview:Zander and Emily said a painful goodbye. Recap:Mike questioned Alexis's feelings for Sonny as he believed there was more going on than professional concern. Alexis protested a little too much and an amused Mike listened to her hem and haw about her relationship with Sonny. When Mike alluded to the fact that Sonny was with another woman, Alexis refuted that by saying that Sonny took his vows too seriously to cheat on Carly. She also said that if by some great chance Sonny did find someone else, she would wish him well. At the lakehouse, Sonny pulled away from Angel and told her that he couldn't get involved that way with her. Angel said that she didn't want a physical relationship with Sonny, she just wanted to know that he was safe. She also wanted their peace to continue and believed the best place for them was Greece. Sonny thanked her for looking out for him, but decided against going to Greece in favor of taking care of business in Port Charles. He had a cab waiting outside - 07.12.01 - ThursdayE138
07.12.01 - ThursdayPreview:Sorel holds both Carly and Alexis captive. Recap:Luke abducted a truck that carried a shipment for Helena. When he opened the cargo door, he found Felicia peering up at him. In order to help him figure out what Helena was up to, she had locked herself inside to see where the truck went. Luke berated her for putting herself in danger and initially refused to let her help him. Felicia cockily reminded him that he couldn't tell her what to do and she planned on aiding him whether he liked it or not. His anger turned into reluctant admiration when she found the manifest for all of Helena's shipments. Inspecting it, Luke realized that Helena had ordered a ton of chemicals--including ones that had been used for chemical warfare in Desert Storm. Helena brought a programmed Lucky into her underground hideaway. Stavros toyed with Lucky and threatened to kill him, but Lucky overpowered him. Helena informed Stavros that Lucky was programmed to protect her against any and all threats. Stav - 07.13.01 - FridayE139
07.13.01 - FridayPreview:Laura is unaware that she is alone with Stavros. Recap:Laura played along with Nikolas's scheme to outwit Helena. As Helena lurked in the shadows, Nikolas accused Laura of loving Lucky more than she did him. He reminded her that she had abandoned him as a child and told her that she probably hated him for being Stavros's son. Laura tried to assure him of his place in her life, but Nikolas said he would be better off with the Cassadines. He made Laura leave and Helena came out of the woods to talk to him. She praised him for finally realizing the truth about his mother and Nikolas pretended to be torn between the two of them. Helena told him that she had always hoped Laura would become a proper mate for Stavros, but she believed that it took a special woman to love a Cassadine. As she said that, Gia returned from yoga and demanded that Helena leave. Nikolas sent her back into the cottage and promised they would speak later. Helena told Nikolas that if he planned to return to the - 07.16.01 - MondayE140
07.16.01 - MondayPreview:Sonny is strapped for his meeting with Sorel. Recap:Luke held Tony at gunpoint on Helena's yacht and begged his ex-brother-in-law to give him information about Helena. Luke was certain that Tony had been coerced into working for Helena somehow. Tony asked Luke if he could make a promise that no one would be hurt if he told the truth and when Luke couldn't promise, Tony said he couldn't talk. He did reveal that Luke was headed in the right direction when Luke asked about the freight elevator. He also let Luke know that the maze was a part of things. Laura was unaware that Stavros was behind her on the stairs. She tried to turn on the lights and call for help, but all of the power was off. She screamed when a shadow loomed at the front door, but was relieved when it turned out to be Stefan. He checked the house for her and turned the power back on. Laura showed him the photo of Stavros and the ring and rose and she accused Helena of messing with her mind. Stefan wasn't sure what - 07.17.01 - TuesdayE141
07.17.01 - TuesdayPreview:Port Charles is rocked by the Penthouse explosion. Recap:Port Charles was rocked as news of the explosion at the Towers was broadcast around town. In Alexis's Penthouse, Alexis, Taggert, Zander and Carly lay unconscious on the floor. Across the hall, Sonny and Sorel were seemingly buried beneath debris. Taggert was the first to wake up and he valiantly tried to rouse the others, but he eventually collapsed in pain. A.J. and Skye were in the midst of arguing about the best way to retrieve Michael from Sonny and Carly when Alan came in with the news about the explosion. While A.J. made calls to get more information, Alan confessed to Skye that he was worried about Emily hearing about the explosion and worrying about Zander. Skye was startled by her father's vulnerability when he said that he felt that life as it related to the family was moving out of his control. Skye did her best to reassure him that everyone was fine and that he was doing the best he could. Later, Skye and A.J - 07.18.01 - WednesdayE142
07.18.01 - WednesdayPreview:Carly is relieved to find Sonny alive. Recap:Luke studied blueprints of the hospital to try and uncover the secret that Helena was keeping there. He flashed back to the dream he'd had of the maze and Stavros and just as he got to the part where Laura held out his hands to him, he woke up from the daze. The real Laura was standing in front of him, holding a ring in her hand. She told him about what she believed was Helena's latest ploy and she confessed to Luke that she had been thinking of Stavros a lot of late. Luke admitted that he had as well, but he reminded her that it was simply because the war was heating up again. Laura recognized the truth in that and said that because of the feud, she was cancelling her Deception business trip. Luke urged her to take the trip in order to keep Lulu and herself safe from the Cassadine machinations. Laura worried about Nikolas and Lucky's safety and Luke assured her that he would keep an eye on them both. Laura hugged him in gratitude si - 07.19.01 - ThursdayE143
07.19.01 - ThursdayPreview:Stavros runs into Lucky on the docks. Recap:Carly pleaded with Sonny to take her back, claiming that she had learned her lesson and could now handle the lifestyle that he chose to live. She didn't care about the danger because she knew he would always protect her and Michael. Sonny told her that he didn't want her having to make sacrifices for him, nor did he want her to have to continue to apologize for wanting a different life. Carly maintained that the only life she wanted was with him and she would happily deal with whatever came with that choice. Sonny noticed a bruise on her face and trembled with rage when he realized that Sorel hit her. Carly said that his anger was proof that he still cared. She said they had both been given a second chance at life and now it was time to take a second chance on love. Outside, Bobbie told Roy that she didn't understand why Carly wouldn't let Sonny go. Roy said that Carly was way too stubborn to simply give up when she wanted something. - 07.20.01 - FridayE144
07.20.01 - FridayPreview:Gia speaks to Stavros as Nikolas lurked behind. Recap:Alan and Monica delivered the good news to Alexis that Zander was going to be fine. Alexis was more concerned about Zander's proximity to Sorel's room. As an unseen Angel hovered in the background, Monica assured Alexis that Sorel wouldn't be a problem because he wasn't even expected to regain consciousness. Alan let down his guard enough to commend Zander on his bravery in trying to rescue Carly and Alexis. Zander expressed his gratitude for Alan and Monica saving his life. He was also extremely glad that Emily wasn't around to witness any of the fracas. Alan echoed that sentiment and wished Zander a speedy recovery. At the Penthouse, Carly was crushed when instead of welcoming her back, Sonny told her that he wanted her to move into the Brownstone. She insisted that her place as his wife was by his side, but Sonny said she had forfeited those rights when she betrayed him. Fed up, Carly stalked away, but ended up collapsing - 07.23.01 - MondayE145
07.23.01 - MondayPreview:Stavros delivers a stunning blow to Luke. Recap:Luke visited Nikolas's cottage to demand that the young prince shadow Helena to find out what she was up to. Nikolas declared that while he was slowly regaining his grandmother's trust, he didn't want to rush the process. He then asked Luke if it was true that he could count on him for help if he ran into trouble. Luke confirmed that he would be looking out for Nikolas. Just then, Gia came in so they staged an argument for her benefit. Exasperated, Gia told them both that they were fools who weren't worth her time. When Luke left, Gia proclaimed that she was moving out of the cottage. Since he was moving to the yacht, he was willing to let Gia have the cottage rent free. Not wanting to be in his debt, she refused and went to pack her things. As she left, Nikolas turned away to hide his tears. During the traditional Quartermaine breakfast, Alan lost his temper when Edward suggested that it would have been a good thing if Carly and - 07.24.01 - TuesdayE146
07.24.01 - TuesdayPreview:Liz watches as Lucky comforted Gia. Recap:Luke woke up in Laura's bedroom after Stavros cudgeled him on the back of the head. He called Felicia over to help him search for clues. He knew that one of Helena's men had attacked him from behind, but he hoped that they would have left some trail behind. They found footprints on the floor that had bits of gravel and tar embedded in them. Luke speculated that the gravel and tar probably came from Helena's lab. He raced to the hospital roof where he found a secret elevator. Alexis cornered Nikolas at the Cottage and was surprised to hear that not only had he broken up with Gia, but he was serious about returning to the Cassadines. She told him that she was there to support and protect him, but she didn't agree with his decision. Stefan came in and echoed her sentiment and Nikolas blew up at them both. He accused them of constantly poisoning his mind against his grandmother and demanded that they leave. Alexis warned him that whatever s - 07.25.01 - WednesdayE147
07.25.01 - WednesdayPreview:Luke comes face to face with his mortal enemy. Recap:Gia tearfully confronted Nikolas and Liz after catching them in an embrace. She jumped to the conclusion that Nikolas had broken up with her in order to be with Liz. Though they both tried to dissuade her, Gia wouldn't listen. She took off the bracelet Nikolas gave her and handed it to Liz saying that his true love should have it. She warned them that she would tell Lucky everything since she couldn't believe how they'd both betrayed his trust. Liz panicked and told Nikolas that Lucky would never forgive her for betraying him again after what happened with Jason months before. Nikolas reminded her that just as he had to give up the love of his life to save Lucky, she had to be willing to make the same sacrifice. Liz couldn't handle the thought and she ran out to stop Gia. Alexis and Stefan cornered Lucky at the Port Charles Grille to ask for his help in figuring out what was wrong with Nikolas. Lucky countered that Nikolas di - 07.26.01 - ThursdayE148
07.26.01 - ThursdayPreview:Sorel is surprised by a visit from Roy. Recap:Alan walked into an AA meeting just as Skye was confessing her recent misdeeds with Emily. Tears ran down her face as she admitted to not only hurting someone who cared about her, but ruining her chance at having a real life. She said that she had been tempted to drink her cares away, but realized that would only hurt her more. Alan piped up and said that he too had been messing up his life lately. He joined the group and reported his own failures as Skye listened in surprise. After the meeting, Alan and Skye sat down and apologized to each other. They pledged anew to try and be a better father/daughter team. Roy sat by Sorel's bedside and waited for the stricken mobster to wake up. Sorel tried to play the tough guy, but Roy reminded him that he was helpless in a hospital bed. Sorel called for help and Melissa came running in. Roy was miffed that she was treating Sorel and Melissa demanded to know the reason for his anger. He led he - 07.27.01 - FridayE149
07.27.01 - FridayPreview:Against his will, Lucky injects Luke with poison. Recap:Liz and Nikolas checked the boxcar for Lucky, hoping that he may have sought refuge there. Unfortunately, he wasn't there and Liz despaired of ever finding him. She believed that since Lucky had willingly turned her over to Nikolas, he had given up on his future and would be helpless against Helena. Nikolas hoped that Lucky's love for Liz was strong enough to overcome Helena's programming. Liz reached out to Lucky mentally and sent him all of her love and strength. Sonny stood over Sorel's bed and casually listed some of the evil things Sorel had done. Sorel had shot Zander, tried to kill Emily, attempted to blow up Carly and Michael, stabbed Sonny in the back, and terrorized Carly with the threat of making her his. Sonny declared that it was time for Sorel to finally pay for his sins. Sonny planned to take over his enemy's territory after he made sure that Sorel breathed his last. He picked up the tube connecting Sorel to - 07.30.01 - MondayE150
07.30.01 - MondayPreview:Stavros woo's Gia with tender kisses. Recap:Carly worked on restoring her relationship with Sonny by promoting a happy future with the addition of a child. Sonny resisted Carly's fantasies and fumed when he discovered that Carly had yet to take a pregnancy test. He reminded her that they were no good for each other and therefore, not good for a baby. Carly tried to convince him that all they needed to do was love each other and the rest would come naturally. Mike calmed Bobbie, who was upset by the possibility of Carly and Sonny eternally united by a child. He advised her not to push Carly to break up with Sonny because she would ultimately push Carly away from her. Taking his advice to heart, Bobbie wished Carly the best when she returned to the Brownstone. Felicia waited for Luke at the club and bonded with Angel. When Angel mentioned her man troubles, Felicia encouraged her to pursue whomever it was that she wanted. Roy recognized Angel as the woman who visited Donny Ellis i - 07.31.01 - TuesdayE151
07.31.01 - TuesdayPreview:Alexis is horrified to find her mother's necklace on the yacht. Recap:Sonny accepted Angel's offer of dinner, but he evaded Angel's perceptive questioning about Carly. Mike arrived upon the scene and was disturbed to find the duo in such an intimate setting. He clued Angel into Carly's potential pregnancy. Angel comforted a torn Sonny, while an oblivious Carly fantasized about a baby serving as a catalyst to reunite her with Sonny. She dreamt of everyone forgiving her -- including Sonny. On Helena's yacht, Alexis blasts Helena for transforming Nikolas into a true Cassadine. Alexis was shocked to discover that Helena had her mother's necklace and intended to put it up for auction. Though it clearly pained him to hurt his aunt, Nikolas remained true to his scheme and accused Alexis of wanting a piece of his inheritance. Infuriated with him and Helena, Alexis stormed out. Helena was suspicious of Nikolas' motives when she realized that everyone close to him doubted his sudden love - 08.01.01 - WednesdayE152
08.01.01 - WednesdayPreview:Melissa can't stay away from her brother's killer. Recap:Sonny warmed to the idea of Carly having his baby, but he was angry to learn that she still hadn't taken a pregnancy test. Carly insisted that she carried his child and was convinced that their lives would be better because of the baby. She promised that she would take a test and planned to give Bobbie the positive results as a birthday present. At GH, Bobbie inadvertently revealed to Zander that Sorel lived through the explosion and was recuperating in the room across the hall. After reading an excerpt from Emily's letter, Zander decided to take care of Sorel for good. He collapsed during the attempt and was frustrated that Sorel was alive while Emily suffered. Roy comforted him with hints of his own intentions for Sorel. Roy later discovered Melissa standing over Sorel's bed and tried to spirit her away. Tony caught the two and questioned Melissa's actions during Sorel's surgery. He intended to seek disciplinary action - 08.02.01 - ThursdayE153
08.02.01 - ThursdayPreview:Liz demanded that Helena tell her where Lucky is. Recap:Felicia went to Luke's apartment and let herself in when he didn't answer. She was shocked to see a disheveled Lucky sitting on the sofa. He told her that Luke wasn't coming back, but he wouldn't say why. He did let slip Helena's implanted message to "remove the king to protect the queen." Figuring that Lucky was still in some sort of trance, Felicia raced out to find Helena. On the yacht, she interrupted Liz's conversation with Helena. Liz was demanding that Helena reveal where Lucky was, and Felicia clued her in that he was at Luke's. Helena baited Felicia about her allegiance to Luke and suggested that Felicia try a deserted alley if she was seeking her lover. Acting on Helena's words, Felicia later found Luke unconscious in an alley. Angel stopped by the Penthouse to let Sonny know that if Carly wasn't pregnant, she was interested in pursuing their relationship. Sonny warned her that he intended to try again with Carly - 08.03.01 - FridayE154
08.03.01 - FridayPreview:Jax comes back to town. Recap:Liz's world crumbled when Lucky declared that they shouldn't get married. She didn't understand his irrational behavior and begged him to go away with her so that they could straighten everything out. Lucky claimed that he couldn't protect Liz and that she was better off without him. When she continued to question him, he yelled at her to leave him alone. Liz tearfully left and sought out Sonny at the hospital. She asked for his help in breaking through to Lucky because she didn't know where Luke was and had nowhere else to turn. While Sonny was sympathetic, he wouldn't get involved because of the lingering animosity between him and Luke. Sonny and Angel pretended to be strangers for Carly's benefit, but Sonny later chastised Angel for lying to Carly. He accused her of intentionally trying to cause trouble and she reminded him that she had been nothing but honest from the start. Sonny apologized for jumping to the wrong conclusion. Angel later visi - 08.06.01 - MondayE155
08.06.01 - MondayPreview:Helena finds Luke in his altered state. Recap:Carly avoided telling Sonny her pregnancy test turned out negative and instead enticed Sonny with the possibility of a child in the future. After running into Dr. Meadows and learning the truth, Bobbie revealed the test results to Sonny in front of Carly. Sonny was furious with Carly for lying to him again and refused to listen to her explanation. Carly accused her mother of trying to ruin her life out of revenge over her affair with Tony. She said that because Bobbie didn't want her as a child, she didn't want Carly to have children either. Bobbie tried to tell Carly that she loved her, but Carly said she no longer had a mother and ran out. Angel confessed to Sorel that she saved Sonny and that she wanted to have a relationship with him. She wished him a swift trip to hell and walked out to run into Sonny. She told him about her conversation with Sorel and admitted that she wanted to be with Sonny if he was free. Just then, Carly s - 08.07.01 - TuesdayE156
08.07.01 - TuesdayPreview:Stefan and Chloe kiss passionately. Recap:With the help of his inner conscience, Luke feigned a seduction of Helena. He tried to get answers about where she had Lucky stashed and she told him that she would tell him for a kiss. As his inner voice told him to, Luke wrapped Helena's scarf around her neck and pulled tightly as he kissed her. Helena was lost in this strange passion when Stavros stormed in and chastised his mother for giving in to her base urges. Telling him that he was being tedious, Helena allowed him a moment alone with Luke to get answers about Nikolas. Stavros questioned Luke about Nikolas's intention to rejoin the Cassadine clan. He believed that Nikolas was trying to trick them and wanted Luke to confirm. Though a poisoned Luke almost gave the game away, his inner voice managed to break through enough to throw Stavros off the track. Lucky was stunned to see that Liz was his kidnapper. In order to keep him safe from Helena, Liz had asked Sonny's men to have Lu - 08.08.01 - WednesdayE157
08.08.01 - WednesdayPreview:Alan wants Sorel out of his life. Recap:Sonny informed Mike that Carly wasn't pregnant, and because of her lies, he planned never to return to her. Mike defended Carly's actions by saying that she really wanted to be pregnant because she knew it was the only way to save her family. When Sonny remained unrelenting, Mike blew up at his son. He commanded Sonny to get off of his high horse and admit that he had made more than one mistake and had betrayed people he loved just as Carly had. Rather than agree with his father, Sonny asked Mike to leave. At the lake house, Carly woke from dreams of Sonny and told Angel that she truly believed that she would be happy with him again. When Carly mentioned the angel that she had given Sonny, Angel saw it on the table and hid it before Carly spied it. She and Carly had coffee, and Angel revealed that she had been married, but was ready to move on with someone new. Carly advised her to go after the man she loved, no matter what. As Carly went - 08.09.01 - ThursdayE158
08.09.01 - ThursdayPreview:Roy and Melissa let go of the past and embrace their future. Recap:Sonny informed Mike that Carly wasn't pregnant, and because of her lies, he planned never to return to her. Mike defended Carly's actions by saying that she really wanted to be pregnant because she knew it was the only way to save her family. When Sonny remained unrelenting, Mike blew up at his son. He commanded Sonny to get off of his high horse and admit that he had made more than one mistake and had betrayed people he loved just as Carly had. Rather than agree with his father, Sonny asked Mike to leave. At the lake house, Carly woke from dreams of Sonny and told Angel that she truly believed that she would be happy with him again. When Carly mentioned the angel that she had given Sonny, Angel saw it on the table and hid it before Carly spied it. She and Carly had coffee, and Angel revealed that she had been married, but was ready to move on with someone new. Carly advised her to go after the man she loved, no - 08.10.01 - FridayE159
08.10.01 - FridayPreview:Stefan propose marriage to Chloe. Recap:At the auction house, Luke continued his drunken rant against Nikolas. He told Helena and all assembled that Nikolas was plotting against the Cassadines and planned to bring the family down. Nikolas responded by punching Luke out. Helena finally ordered Mac and Taggert to remove Luke from the auction even as Luke continued to lash out. Alexis offered to represent Luke in court and asked to know the truth about Nikolas and Helena. Luke declined her offer and remained unclear about Nikolas and Helena's association. Taggert handcuffed him to the wall and went to get a squad car to take Luke to the police station. Luke's inner voice urged him to get away before he ruined everything. When Taggert returned, Luke was gone. Melissa and Roy drew closer together after they released the memories of their painful pasts. Roy thanked her for making him feel good about himself for the first time in years. He kissed her, but she pulled away after a few m - 08.13.01 - MondayE160
08.13.01 - MondayPreview: Chloe and Jax come face to face again. Recap: Luke paid Bobbie a surprise visit, and he stunned her with his odd behavior. She assumed that he had been drinking until he mentioned that he needed to visit their dead Aunt Ruby. Realizing that something strange was going on, Bobbie tried to calm him down. Taggert burst into the brownstone looking for Luke, and Bobbie lied that she hadn't seen him. Unfortunately, Luke popped out of his hiding place and continued ranting and raving. Bobbie managed to convince Taggert not to arrest Luke and to let her take care of him. She was relieved when Tony showed up, and she asked him to examine Luke to see if there was something medically wrong with him. When Luke saw Tony, he collapsed in his ex-brother-in-law's arms and told him that Helena had gotten to him. Tony figured out that Helena must have given Luke some kind of toxin, and he told Bobbie to bring Luke to the hospital immediately. After seeing Tony out, Bobbie was dismayed to find t - 08.14.01 - TuesdayE161
08.14.01 - TuesdayPreview: Zander takes matters into his own hands with Sorel. Recap: Chloe was amazed to see Jax standing in front of her casually asking how she had been. Infuriated by his nonchalant attitude, she slapped him across the face. She asked him if he had been with Brenda, and he declared that he had been sent on a wild goose chase. Chloe wanted to know why he had written her such a terribly abrupt goodbye letter, and Jax claimed that he had never written a letter at all. He believed that Stefan had been the one to hire the Brenda look-alike, as well as the one who had the letter written in order to keep Chloe in his clutches. Stefan appeared and told Jax to keep out of his business. Chloe demanded the truth, and Stefan admitted that Jax's claims were accurate. Disgusted with them both, Chloe turned down Stefan's proposal and told Jax that she wanted nothing more to do with him either. Stefan and Jax confronted each other once she had gone, and Stefan warned Jax that Chloe belonged to him, - 08.15.01 - WednesdayE162
08.15.01 - WednesdayPreview: Sorel cringes in fear when one of his enemies arrived. Recap: Stefan and Jax faced off over Chloe, and both insisted that the other wasn't good for her. Alexis interrupted their fight, and Stefan left to find Chloe. Alexis tried to tell Jax that she believed her brother had changed and truly did love Chloe, but Jax felt that there wasn't enough change in the world to make Stefan worthy of her. Jax also confided that he had realized while searching for Brenda that the love he had for Chloe wasn't as strong as it should have been, and he wanted more for her than half a heart. Alexis told Jax how much she had missed him, and the two recemented their bond. At his Penthouse, Jax fingered Alexis' necklace and then called out for someone named Kristina. A confused and hurt Chloe took comfort with "Lucien," who told her that neither Jax nor Stefan deserved her. She asked him if he would ever leave the woman he loved, and he intently replied that not even death would keep him away from - 08.16.01 - ThursdayE163
08.16.01 - ThursdayPreview: Carly finally learns the truth about Angel. Recap:During a routine checkup, Tony discovered that Sorel was dead in his hospital bed. He called in Amy and another nurse to ask them how Sorel's death could have gone undetected. Both nurses said that Sorel's monitors at the front desk had remained normal and had never indicated that he had died. Tony paged Alan, who reacted with remarkable calm at the news of the crime lord's death. He told Tony to simply have Sorel taken to the morgue and be done with it. Upon further investigation, however, Tony realized that Sorel's respirator had been unplugged and his heart monitor alarm had been disabled with a tongue depressor. He suggested that they call the police because it appeared that Sorel had been murdered. Across the hall, Zander's nurse checked in on him and found him sitting on the floor. He told her that he had gotten out of bed to walk around the room and didn't have the energy to get back into bed. She noticed that his alarm - 08.17.01 - FridayE164
08.17.01 - FridayPreview: Nikolas takes Helena to see Lucky. Recap: Sonny demanded that Jax tell him what he had found out about Brenda. Jax was reluctant to say anything until Sonny reminded him that he had helped Jax's brother leave the country, and he was calling in his owed favor. Jax finally admitted that the woman he'd thought was Brenda turned out to be a look-alike. He told Sonny that everyone who loved Brenda simply had to accept that she was gone for good. Ned showed up and wanted the real story once Sonny left. Sonny listened outside of the door as Jax reiterated to Ned that Brenda was gone. Jax and Ned discussed Alexis, and Jax was surprised to learn that his friends had uncoupled. Ned believed the breakup had more to do with the Cassadines than it did with him. Angel went to Sonny to tell him about Sorel's death, and Sonny comforted her when she started to cry. She also wanted to warn him that Carly knew that she was Sorel's daughter, but didn't know about their time together at the lake - 08.20.01 - MondayE165
08.20.01 - MondayPreview: Stavros invades Stefan's dreams. Recap: Nikolas took Helena to see Lucky after telling her that he had kidnapped his brother. Helena commanded Lucky to reveal his true kidnapper, while Elizabeth hid in the closet and listened fearfully. Nikolas breathed a sigh of relief when Lucky declared that his brother had kidnapped him. Helena was pleasantly surprised by the news, and Nikolas demanded that she reward him by making Lucky forget his love for Liz. Nikolas saw Liz hiding and subtly acknowledged her. They both knew that the only way to free Lucky was to find out how Helena controlled him. Helena told Nikolas to leave, and then she took out the Ice Princess. Holding it out to Lucky, she forced him to tell her all of his memories of Liz, and she erased them one by one. When Helena left, Liz ran to Lucky, who looked at her as though he had never seen her before. Stavros loomed over a sleeping Stefan and whispered that he would always take everything that his little brother wanted - 08.21.01 - TuesdayE166
08.21.01 - TuesdayPreview: Lucky pulls Gia into a passionate kiss. Recap: Carly was furious to learn that Sonny had spent time at the lake house with Angel. She accused him of betraying her and breaking their marriage vows, but Sonny reminded her that she had been the one to destroy their marriage. Carly reeled when he casually revealed that he had hid in Angel's bedroom when she went to the lake house and spoke of her love for him. He told her that their marriage was over and she had to learn to live with it. Enraged, Carly said there was no way she would allow Angel to have him. Angel was overwhelmed by memories of her father, and she even had a vision of Sorel standing in her house. He wondered how she could be so calm after what she had done to him. Angry with herself for not being able to forget him, Angel yelled at the vision and he disappeared. She went to the police station with the intent of claiming Sorel's body so that she could bury him. While there, Angel overheard Taggert and Mac discussin - 08.22.01 - WednesdayE167
08.22.01 - WednesdayPreview: Sonny re-hires Alexis as his attorney. Recap: Alexis walked into Sonny's office as Mac and Taggert were in the midst of interrogating him. She commanded them to leave and told them that she was Sonny's attorney of record and anything they needed to say they could funnel through her. When they left, Sonny asked Alexis when she had decided to be his lawyer again. Alexis told him that while she didn't agree with all of his business practices, she now had a better understanding of his world and was willing to deal with it. She asked Sonny if he would rehire her and was stunned when he said no. He asserted that he would rather have her friendship than have their business dealings interfere with their friendship. She assured him that it would no longer be a problem and told him that she needed to work with him to distract herself from her life. Sonny agreed to take her on again, much to her relief. Carly stormed into the lake house and accused Angel of plotting to take Sonny away f - 08.23.01 - ThursdayE168
08.23.01 - ThursdayPreview: Taggert finds Sonny at the lake house. Recap: Carly demanded that Taggert arrest Angel for her role in kidnapping Carly and for trying to hurt Sonny. Taggert expressed his skepticism about Carly's claim, but when she was willing to sign a statement, he took her a little more seriously. He promised to investigate her allegations. At the lake house, Angel was happily surprised to see Sonny standing in the doorway. She informed him of Carly's visit and told him about Carly's accusations concerning Angel's feelings for Sonny. She confessed that Carly wasn't far off the mark, but Sonny reminded her that he wouldn't betray his marriage vows. Angel figured out that Sonny still loved Carly, and he confessed that he did. He didn't think it was a reason to forgive her or to go back to her, though. Angel believed that it gave them a chance, and she asked Sonny to consider staying with her again so that they could figure out what their next step should be. Before he could answer, Sonny sp - 08.24.01 - FridayE169
08.24.01 - FridayPreview: Gia takes sweet revenge against Helena. Recap: Taggert was thrilled to have a new angle with which to pursue Sonny for his crimes. Though Sonny believed that Carly's claims were worthless, Taggert thought that Angel's situation was a little suspicious. When he found airline tickets for Sonny and Angel for a trip to Greece -- dated on the same day that Sorel kidnapped Carly -- his suspicions grew. He decided to make a formal inquiry and took Angel and Sonny to the PCPD. Still angry over Sonny's relationship with Angel, Carly stuck to her guns and signed a statement against Angel. She called Mike, who rushed to the station and urged her to reconsider the charges. He reminded her that she risked alienating Sonny again once he found out. Carly finally saw the wisdom in Mike's advice and was prepared to retract her statement when Taggert brought in Sonny and Angel. Stavros found Helena in a pensive mood as she reminisced about Mikkos. Helena expressed her confusion over people who - 08.27.01 - MondayE170
08.27.01 - MondayPreview: Jax brings the mysterious Kristina to town. Recap: Chloe fell and hit her head after trying to pull away from Stefan during an argument. Jax had witnessed the accident and didn't want Stefan to go near Chloe. He and Ned called the paramedics and kept a fretful Stefan at bay. After an examination at GH, Tony told them all that Chloe had suffered a mild concussion, but because of her accident from last year, they wanted to keep her overnight for observation. Ned was the first to see Chloe, and he managed to make her laugh. When Jax came in, she thanked him for his concern and reiterated her plan to leave town. She didn't blame Stefan for the fall, but she said it was just another reason for her to get away. Stefan slipped in when everyone had gone and whispered an apology to a sleeping Chloe. He told her how much he loved her and revealed how sorry he was for continuously causing her pain. Sonny berated Carly for using her old manipulative ways to try and get Angel in trouble. C - 08.28.01 - TuesdayE171
08.28.01 - TuesdayPreview: Nikolas drowns his sorrows by playing the sax. Recap: Sonny stopped Carly from spilling her guts when he realized that Mac and Taggert were listening from the other room. Carly caught on and told Sonny that as much as Sorel deserved to die, she didn't kill him. She asked Sonny if he had, and he smiled and said no. Mac and Taggert were dismayed when they realized that the duo had caught on to their presence. Sonny got Carly to drop the charges against Angel when she was forced to admit that she could have been mistaken about Angel's role in the kidnapping. Since there were no formal charges, everyone was free to go. Sonny told Carly to stay away from Angel and said that he had only saved her because of Michael. Roy paced outside of Melissa's apartment as he tried to find a legitimate reason for being there. She heard him and came out as he talked to himself. He wanted to go inside, but suddenly he heard a man's voice. Melissa reassured him that she wasn't on a date, that the ma - 08.29.01 - WednesdayE172
08.29.01 - WednesdayPreview: Carly is thrilled when Michael comes home. Recap: Jax showed up at the lake house and caught Angel skinny dipping. They were both unembarrassed by her nakedness, but she covered up so that they could discuss his reason for being there. He brought her the morning paper and a bottle of champagne to help ease the pain of her father's unsolved murder. Angel lamented that she simply wanted to bury Sorel, but the police wouldn't release his body. Jax received an urgent call from Kristina and had to leave, but reminded Angel that he would help her in any way she wanted. Angel soon had another visitor in the form of Lieutenant Taggert. Taggert was fishing for information about the nature of Angel's relationship with Sonny. Angel maintained that she and Sonny were friends and demanded that Taggert leave unless he had a legal reason to be there. In Jax's hotel room, Kristina tried on the necklace and paced the room restlessly. She searched through the phone book and found Alexis' number - 08.30.01 - ThursdayE173
08.30.01 - ThursdayPreview: Carly hopes that her family is back together. Recap: Stefan surprised himself by going to confession to try and redeem his soul. Unfortunately, on the other side of the confessional booth, there was no priest — there was only Stavros. Stefan wasn't aware that his brother was his confessor as he poured out his feelings of regret over his life. When the 'priest' used phrases that sounded like Stavros, Stefan bolted. Before he could leave the chapel, Helena stopped him. She had followed him there to demand that he stop Jax from ruining the Cassadine estate. Stefan shocked her by outlining his plan to divide the estate among several charities and give them to Laura to run. When he left, Stavros emerged from the booth. Though startled to see him, Helena quickly recovered and ordered her eldest son to get rid of his younger brother finally and immediately. Alexis visited Chloe in the hospital and brought her pie to cheer her up. Chloe felt much better and even told Alexis that she d - 08.31.01 - FridayE174
08.31.01 - FridayPreview: Liz stole the Ice Princess to save Lucky. Recap: Alexis took Jax back to her Penthouse so that he could finally reveal what he had been withholding from her since he came to town. Jax reminded her about the theft of her mother's necklace from the auction, and Alexis asked if he knew who took it. He pulled it out of his pocket and then asked her where the other half was. Alexis was pleased that he had it, but shocked that he knew there was another half. She didn't want to discuss it until he told her that one half belonged to Kristina. She asked how he knew about Kristina, and he informed her that not only did he know about Kristina, but he had found her. Kristina, meanwhile, had left the hotel against Jax's wishes. She went to a church where she prayed for the safety of both herself and Alexis. Stefan begged Chloe for another chance to prove that he could be a good man for her. He told her about his plan to disassemble the Cassadine estate and divorce himself from the family a - 09.03.01 - MondayE175
09.03.01 - MondayPreview:Stefan severes his ties with Helena once and for all. Recap: Roy helped Melissa search the hospital for a missing Chloe. During their search, they ran into Mac, who wanted to question Melissa again regarding Sorel's murder. Roy tried to shield Melissa, but when Mac informed them that he knew Sorel had ordered Leo's death, Melissa broke down. She told Mac that she had legitimate reason for wanting Sorel dead, but insisted that she hadn't killed him. Roy deflected Mac's attention by talking about all the ways that he would have left Sorel to die, and Mac asked him where he had been the night Sorel was killed. Alexis was stunned when Jax revealed that he had found Kristina. She said that it was impossible because she had never spoken of Kristina with anyone — not even Stefan. Jax said that he had met Kristina when they both hired the same PI for different reasons. He grew close to her and eventually found out about her connection to Alexis. Though she initially didn't believe him, - 09.04.01 - TuesdayE176
09.04.01 - TuesdayPreview: Stefan breaks down after finding Chloe's dead body. Recap: Stefan returned to Wyndemere and casually went through his mail. Upon entering the living room, he noticed a strange lump in the drapes. He pulled them back and found a lifeless Chloe. Though he called 911 and attempted resuscitation, she was already gone. Stavros lurked in the background and prepared to come forward when he heard voices in the hallway, so he disappeared. Jax and Alexis, who had come to rescue Chloe, were stunned when they saw Stefan lying next to her on the floor. Jax accused Stefan of murdering Chloe, while Alexis collapsed in tears at her friend's side. When Mac and the other police officers arrived, he wanted everyone to come down to the station. Stefan insisted that he hadn't killed Chloe, but Jax was just as adamant that he had. Alexis could barely speak through her pain, but she advised her brother to keep silent. In the boxcar, Liz tried to get through to Lucky by using the Ice Princess, but sh - 09.05.01 - WednesdayE177
09.05.01 - WednesdayPreview: Ned and Alexis offers each other comfort. Recap:Sonny ran into Angel at the Grille and was surprised by the change in her attitude. She told him that she had just retrieved her father's body and was prepared to lay him to rest. She displayed a sauciness that Sonny found intriguing, and he asked her why it was that she always wore white. Angel told him that after her husband died, everyone expected her to wear black in mourning, but it reminded her too much of her grandmother, so she wore white instead. Sonny surprised himself and Angel by offering to help her make Sorel's funeral arrangements, and they left for the lake house. Carly went to the lake house to see Angel, but when Angel didn't answer, she went inside and started rummaging around. She found an undeveloped roll of film and managed to pocket it just before Sonny and Angel showed up. Nikolas was furious with Elizabeth for not telling him that she had taken the Ice Princess. He was also angry because Lucky threw the d - 09.06.01 - ThursdayE178
09.06.01 - ThursdayPreview: Alexis is overjoyed to be reunited with Kristina. Recap: Carly frantically hid when Angel and Sonny returned to the lake house. Upon entering, Angel immediately figured out that someone had been there, and Sonny searched the premises. He didn't find anyone, but he offered to send his men out as protection. Angel declared that with her father dead, she was no longer in jeopardy. She invited Sonny to stay for a glass of wine or a boat ride on the lake, but he declined. When he left, Angel angrily ordered Carly to come out. Without an ounce of shame, Carly emerged from her hiding place and immediately started berating Angel for trying to seduce Sonny. Carly told her rival that she would never have Sonny and advised her to back off. On the lake house porch, Carly privately gloated over the roll of film she had found, as she believed whatever the pictures were, they would be bad news for Angel. Alan visited a restless Zander in the hospital and offered him protection from the polic - 09.07.01 - FridayE179
09.07.01 - FridayPreview: Angel displays a new image at Sorel's funeral. Recap:Stavros, using his Lucien Cane disguise, called Laura to ask if she liked the flowers he had sent her. Laura thanked him, but was too busy to talk. When he asked if they could get together to discuss a potential business deal, she advised him to call Elton and set up an appointment. Stavros mused to himself that at last it was time for him to deal with Laura. Laura asked Roy to meet her at the office and queried him as to Luke's whereabouts. Roy was of the opinion that Luke was fine, but Laura was worried since Luke normally stayed in touch with her. She asked Roy if he would investigate and see if he could find her ex-husband. Roy agreed, especially when she shared her fears that Helena had somehow hurt Luke. When Lucky came in, Laura burst into tears and told him how much she loved him. She begged him to tell her if he knew where Luke was. Lucky turned cold and said that Luke was fine, but he was gone and he wouldn't tell - 09.10.01 - MondayE180
09.10.01 - MondayPreview: Lucky plants a trap for Stavros. Recap: Sonny and Jax nearly came to blows during Chloe's memorial service as Sonny berated Jax for not protecting his woman. Carly tried to step in to tell Sonny about Angel's connection to Jax, but Sonny brushed her off. After seeing Angel smirk at her, Carly went into Sorel's memorial room to confront her rival. Taggert and Mac secretly listened as the women exchanged barbs. Their attention was piqued when Angel told Carly that she saw what she did the night that Sorel was murdered. Unfortunately for the cops, nothing more was said than that. Still, Taggert questioned Carly, who didn't have a plausible alibi for the night of the murder. In response, Carly pointed the finger at Angel, suggesting that Angel was trying to frame her in order to steal Sonny. Carly was stunned to learn that someone else had witnessed her at General Hospital on the fateful night. When A.J. later taunted her about soon getting custody of Michael, Carly realized that - 09.17.01 - MondayE181
09.17.01 - MondayPreview: Nikolas tells Gia that he still wants her. Recap: Gia found Nikolas crying on the docks and was stunned by his sudden display of emotion. She tentatively approached him to ask what was wrong, and he admitted that Chloe's death had hurt him. Gia took a chance and hugged him, and she was surprised when he held onto her tightly. She asked if he still wanted her, and he said that he did. The two kissed passionately, and Gia believed that he wanted to get back together with her. Nikolas turned away for a moment to compose himself and then coldly told her that he wanted her — but only in bed. Gia was furious at him for duping her and furious at herself for believing him. She called Lucien in front of him and made a date. Laura and Scott listened as Lucky told Lulu a bedtime story about killing a monster that was trying to hurt her. When he was done, Laura asked him about the monster's death since he had earlier told her that the monster was still alive. Lucky said that he had killed - 09.18.01 - TuesdayE182
09.18.01 - TuesdayPreview: Sonny has A.J. brought to him by force. Recap: Alexis discovered Stefan rifling through things looking for evidence to confirm that Helena had murdered Chloe. He told Alexis that Helena had ruined their lives for too long, and it was time for her to pay. Alexis told him that hope still existed for them, and she told him about Kristina. Although she knew Jax wouldn't be pleased, she took Stefan to the hotel to meet Kristina. Jax was furious and demanded that Stefan leave, but Alexis tried to convince Kristina that she could trust Stefan. Jax maintained that Stefan had murdered Chloe, but Kristina took matters into her own hands by giving Stefan a hug. A.J. and the Quartermaines argued about the best way to get Michael away from Carly, until Ned interrupted them. He reminded his family that Chloe had just died and that they should be pulling together, not worrying about tearing someone else apart. Agreeing with his sentiment, Alan and Monica apologized to each other for their re - 09.19.01 - WednesdayE183
09.19.01 - WednesdayPreview: Alexis stops Stefan from strangling his mother. Recap: After examining the autopsy report on Sorel, Mac and Taggert were stunned to realize that Sorel had been smothered by a pillow. They wondered exactly how Sorel had died since the respirator was also turned off and he was hooked up to an EKG stimulator. Mac speculated that the murder investigation had become murkier than ever. Sonny enjoyed breakfast while Adam and Johnny brought in a bound and gagged A.J. Sonny very casually asked A.J. if he was ready to be a man and give up rights to Michael. A.J. told Sonny that he would never walk away from his son, and he accused Carly of being an unfit parent. Sonny warned him to leave Carly out of the discussion, and he outlined all the reasons that A.J. wasn't good enough to be Michael's father. He brought out papers and suggested that A.J. sign away his final rights to Michael or deal with the consequences. A.J. refused, so Sonny had him put on a meat hook and left him to cool off - 09.20.01 - ThursdayE184
09.20.01 - ThursdayPreview: Stefan was arrested for Chloe's murder. Recap: A frazzled Alexis went to see Sonny and asked him if he would give protection to Kristina, but she didn't reveal Kristina's identity or why she was in danger. Sonny told Alexis that she was his friend, and he would naturally do whatever he could to help her. He thought the best thing to do was to put Kristina in a safe house. Alexis thanked him and went to get Kristina from the hotel. She was stunned when Jax told her that he had already had Kristina moved. Alexis promised Jax that she wouldn't tell Stefan where Kristina was, and he finally told her that she was at the lake house with the woman she had hired to find her family. Alexis rushed to the lake house and was shocked when Angel opened the door. Carly feigned friendship with Angel in order to gain Kristina's confidence and to get her to open up. She pretended that she knew about Angel and Jax's relationship, and she got Kristina to reveal that Angel and Jax indeed had an af - 09.24.01 - MondayE185
09.24.01 - MondayPreview: Carly and Angel brawl in the PC Grill. Recap: Angel confirmed Carly's story to Sonny by telling him that she and Jax had once been lovers. When he pressed her for details, she asked him to tell her about Lily and Brenda. Sonny exploded in anger, and Angel responded in equal force. She told him that her past was not his business unless he intended to take their relationship to the next level. She declared that he was acting like a jealous lover when they hadn't even kissed. Though clearly tempted, Sonny didn't touch her, and she stormed out of his office. Carly taunted Jax by reminding him about Sonny's relationship with Brenda and telling him about Sonny's new relationship with Angel. Jax turned the tables on her by pointing out that everyone seemed to be involved with someone except for her. He left her and visited Kristina at the lake house, where she revealed that Carly had wheedled information out of her. Fed up, Jax went to see Sonny to warn him to stay away from Angel. M - 09.25.01 - TuesdayE186
09.25.01 - TuesdayPreview: Laura sees Stavros in the mirror. Recap: At the PC Grill, Nikolas and Liz lamented their inability to recover the Ice Princess after Lucky threw it into the river. Nikolas took Liz's hand and assured her that they would find a way to help Lucky. Gia interrupted their cozy moment by telling Liz that Nikolas was a two-timer who couldn't be trusted. Helena gave the duo even more grief when she accused Liz of stealing the Ice Princess. She demanded that Liz return it immediately. Lucky strolled in and casually told Helena that he was the one who stole the Ice Princess and that now Helena had no means of controlling him. Helena covered her shock by reminding Lucky that they were friends and that he shouldn't cross her. Nikolas tried to stop Lucky from saying the wrong thing by declaring that his brother was insane like Luke. Fortunately, Roy came in and told Lucky that they needed to speak immediately. Roy brought Lucky back into focus by asking him if he could think of any place t - 09.26.01 - WednesdayE187
09.26.01 - WednesdayPreview: Carly tears up the divorce papers from Sonny. Recap: Lucky took Roy to the cabin where he had finally come to terms with Luke's rape of Laura. He thought that maybe Luke would have gone there since it was a place that represented safety to both of them. Though they found signs that Luke might have been there, he wasn't around when they searched. A feeling of unease about Laura sent Lucky racing back to her house with Roy at his side. Laura saw Stavros in the mirror, but when she turned around, he had disappeared. A series of strange noises caused her to get a baseball bat to investigate outside. Fortunately, it was just Scott, who wanted to call the police since he thought she was afraid of an intruder. She told him that the police couldn't help and neither could he. Scott grew frustrated at her seeming inability to trust him, but Laura told him that it had nothing to do with trust. She simply couldn't involve him at this point. Scott backed off, but told her to call him if sh - 09.27.01 - ThursdayE188
09.27.01 - ThursdayPreview: Stefan and Laura work together to decode the disks. Recap: Gia planned to confront Nikolas about her suspicions that he and Elizabeth weren't really together. She went to the yacht and found him engaged in a Tai Chi workout. When Helena called out to him, Gia hid before either of them saw her. She listened as Nikolas reiterated his demand to Helena that he be given full control of the Cassadine estate. Helena told him that his infatuation with women made her question his ability to rule the family effectively. She no longer believed that Liz was the right woman for him because of her tendency to run to Lucky. Nikolas coldly stated that he would have Liz if he wanted her and he would make her forget all about Lucky. Helena surprised him by mentioning Gia's loyalty, stating that Nikolas needed a woman who was absolutely loyal to the family. Nikolas commanded his grandmother to stop worrying about his choice in women and to start believing that he was the true heir to the throne. - 09.28.01 - FridayE189
09.28.01 - FridayPreview: A disoriented Luke phones home. Recap:Stefan and Laura were horrified to realize that Stavros was alive because Helena had her son cryogenically frozen and subsequently restored. Stefan's anger grew when he realized that the DNA found on Chloe's body was Stavros' and not his. He blamed Stavros for Chloe's murder and told Laura that it wasn't safe for her or Lesley Lu to remain in Port Charles. Laura was determined to stay and protect her family. She refused to let Stavros terrorize her the way he had twenty years ago. Stefan desperately tried to think of a way that he could get out of jail immediately so that he could get rid of Stavros. He and Laura decided that out of everyone, Nikolas was probably the safest, so they would focus their concern on the rest of the Spencer clan. Laura promised Stefan that she would keep quiet about Stavros, and she ran home to check on Lucky and Lulu. Lucky received a call from a disoriented Luke. Lucky was relieved to hear that his father was - 10.01.01 - MondayE190
10.01.01 - MondayPreview:Alexis is stunned to see Kristina at Ned's house. Recap:Mac continued the Sorel investigation at GH by bringing in a janitor who identified Bobbie as the nurse outside of Sorel's room. Bobbie told Mac that she was visiting Zander to thank him for saving Carly's life, and his room just happened to be across from Sorel's. Melissa butt in to say that it was perfectly normal for any nurse or doctor to be in any part of the hospital. Alan and Monica chimed in to say that Mac really needed to stop turning GH into his office. Mac made them understand that he was just trying to solve a case, and that he really didn't want any of his friends to be guilty. However, he couldn't ignore the fact that they all had ample motive. Alan and Monica later declared their solidarity to each other and agreed to back whatever the other said. After receiving another tip from Luke, Roy and Lucky went to a dive bar in the hopes of finding Luke or some kind of clue. They noticed that a coffin was drawn on - 10.02.01 - TuesdayE191
10.02.01 - TuesdayPreview:Laura is relieved to see Luke again. Recap:Alexis admitted to Kristina that she and Ned had been romantically involved, but it fell apart because of her fears. She asserted that Ned was the best man she knew, and she was confident that Kristina would be safe with him. Jax came by, and while Alexis took him outside to berate him for involving Ned, Kristina grilled Ned about his relationship with Alexis. She easily surmised that Ned still loved Alexis, but he asked her to butt out of his private life. Kristina slipped out of the house when Ned went upstairs. Laura ran into Elizabeth on the docks and expressed her concern about Nikolas' plan. Liz told Laura that she was prepared to do whatever was necessary to save Lucky. She reminded Laura that she would do the same thing for Luke, and Laura couldn't disagree. She gave Liz the drug and cautioned her to only take four drops because any more could be deadly. Helena interrupted their talk and wondered why Liz was consorting with the - 10.03.01 - WednesdayE192
10.03.01 - WednesdayPreview:"Lucien" gives Carly some helpful business advice. Recap:Alexis admitted to Kristina that she and Ned had been romantically involved, but it fell apart because of her fears. She asserted that Ned was the best man she knew, and she was confident that Kristina would be safe with him. Jax came by, and while Alexis took him outside to berate him for involving Ned, Kristina grilled Ned about his relationship with Alexis. She easily surmised that Ned still loved Alexis, but he asked her to butt out of his private life. Kristina slipped out of the house when Ned went upstairs. Laura ran into Elizabeth on the docks and expressed her concern about Nikolas' plan. Liz told Laura that she was prepared to do whatever was necessary to save Lucky. She reminded Laura that she would do the same thing for Luke, and Laura couldn't disagree. She gave Liz the drug and cautioned her to only take four drops because any more could be deadly. Helena interrupted their talk and wondered why Liz was conso - 10.04.01 - ThursdayE193
10.04.01 - ThursdayPreview:Nikolas and Liz scheme to trick Helena. Recap:Alexis was stunned when she visited Stefan and he gave her Power of Attorney over the Cassadine estate. He told her where she could find a large store of funds that would take care of her, Kristina, and Nikolas in the event that something happened to him. Alexis wondered why he was speaking as though he was going to die, and Stefan cryptically remarked that one of them was going to die — referring to him or Stavros. They were both surprised by a visit from Kristina, who asked Stefan point blank if he killed Chloe. Stefan confirmed that although he had not killed Chloe, he had mistreated her, which was why Jax hated him. Jax blasted Ned when he discovered that Kristina was missing from the gatehouse. He figured out where she went, and raced to the PCPD. Seeing Kristina talking to Stefan angered him, and he tried to drag her out. Kristina asserted that she believed in Stefan's innocence. Stefan warned her that she wasn't safe because - 10.05.01 - FridayE194
10.05.01 - FridayPreview:Nikolas wait for Liz to wake up. Recap:Lucky threatened Nikolas and Elizabeth's plans by showing up at the yacht, demanding that Liz leave with him. He told her that Nikolas and Helena had poisoned her food, and he knocked it all off of the table. She held a glass of the poisoned wine in her hand, but Lucky snatched that away as well. Nikolas strong-armed Lucky and knocked him unconscious when he refused to leave. Helena's men took Lucky away, but Nikolas bade them not to hurt Lucky and to put him some place safe. He asked Liz if she understood why he'd had to hit Lucky, and she assured him that she did. While Nikolas poured more wine and added in the sleeping drug, Liz told Helena that her life was with Nikolas, and she was looking forward to their future together. Nikolas gave her a glass of wine, and raised his own in a toast. He reminded her of the way they used to toast with brownies with Emily and Lucky, when everyone would finish the other person's brownie. So saying, he - 10.08.01 - MondayE195
10.08.01 - MondayPreview:Helena is stunned to see Lucky alive. Recap:Lucky managed to escape from his restraints and saved himself from drowning. He got to the yacht in time to see Nikolas crying over Elizabeth's seemingly lifeless body. Lucky collapsed at her feet and broke down in tears because he wasn't able to save her. Lucky couldn't believe that Nikolas would kill her, until Nikolas told him that Helena had commanded him to do it. Lucky assumed that Helena had programmed Nikolas, and he was devastated. He left the yacht determined to seek revenge. Finding the police useless in helping her, Gia raced to the yacht to try and save Liz herself. When she got there, she saw Nikolas near a still unconscious Liz, and she assumed the worst. Calling Nikolas a murderer, she hit him with her cell phone and tried to call the police. He got the phone away from her and tried to explain what had happened, but Gia was frantically trying to get away from him. Suddenly, Liz woke up and called out to him. At Wyndeme - 10.09.01 - TuesdayE196
10.09.01 - TuesdayPreview:Bobbie tries to comfort an ailing Luke. Recap:Bobbie asked Tony to come to the cabin with the antidote to Helena's poison. Though Tony brought it, he wasn't certain that it would work without running blood tests on Luke. Bobbie begged Tony to administer the drug anyway, but Luke refused to let a "stranger" touch him. Tony left the drug with Bobbie, and she gave it to Luke. Unfortunately, it seemed to have little effect, as Luke was still lost in the past. Bobbie cried and cradled her sick brother as she hoped for a cure. Sonny went to Carly's cottage, after Carly called him to tell him that Michael had suffered a bad nightmare. Sonny comforted Michael and assured the boy that he would always be there for him. Michael expressed his love for Sonny and happily went back upstairs with Letitia. Sonny confirmed to Carly that he would always love Michael, but that didn't change the fact that their marriage was over. Carly maintained that Sonny still loved her and had never been able t - 10.10.01 - WednesdayE197
10.10.01 - WednesdayPreview:"Lucien" comes between Sonny and Carly. Recap:Carly came home to find Lucien Cane waiting for her in the living room. Letitia had taken Michael to the park and told Lucien he could wait for Carly inside. Though surprised to see him, Carly was pleased when he told her that he had thought of a way to help her take back Deception from Laura. In the midst of their discussion, Sonny showed up to discuss the terms of their divorce, and he was annoyed to find Lucien there. His annoyance turned to anger when Lucien refused to leave and told Sonny he didn't know how to leave a beautiful woman like Carly. Carly was secretly thrilled that Sonny was witnessing another man being attentive to her, but she asked Lucien to leave her alone with her husband. Sonny warned her not to trust Lucien and told her to stay away from him. Carly reminded him that he had no right to tell her who to do business with. She hinted that her relationship with Lucien even went beyond business, and though Sonny pr - 10.11.01 - ThursdayE198
10.11.01 - ThursdayPreview:The Cassadine brothers reunite at last. Recap:Sonny and Jax squared off over Alexis' protection of Stefan. Sonny declared that if Jax was truly Alexis' friend, he would accept that Alexis believed Stefan was innocent and he would help them. Jax demanded that Sonny stay out of their business, but Sonny refused to leave. Instead, Jax left after questioning Alexis' judgment. Alexis thanked Sonny for his support, but lamented the loss of Jax's trust. Sonny asked her what was going on, and all she could tell him was that the past had come back to haunt them and it was very, very dangerous. Without hesitation, Sonny told Alexis that he was putting guards on her, and he asked if she wanted him to do the same for Stefan. Alexis didn't think anyone could protect Stefan, but she was grateful for Sonny's concern and friendship. Laura was shocked to see Luke at the hospital and dismayed to realize that he was still stuck in the past. She called Bobbie to let her know where Luke was, and sh - 10.12.01 - FridayE199
10.12.01 - FridayPreview:Kristina tries to make peace between Ned and Alexis. Recap:Luke remained fixated on his relationship with Laura, and he asked her if they could work on finding their way back to each other. Laura told him that she would always love him, but that they had both moved on with their lives, and it needed to stay that way. Luke reminisced about movies they had watched in the past, and he remembered his love for bad horror films. He said he had seen a particularly scary film recently that took place in a modern-day lab. Suspecting that he was referring to Helena's lab, Laura asked him if he could draw it. He attempted to draw her a map, but it was a mess that she couldn't understand. Scott confronted Bobbie at GH and asked if she had seen Laura. Bobbie confessed that Laura was with Luke, which completely dismayed Scott. He started insulting Luke and his crazy behavior, until Bobbie reminded him that he was talking about her very ill brother. Bobbie softened when Scott admitted that he - 10.15.01 - MondayE200
10.15.01 - MondayPreview:Laura manages to get Luke back to GH. Recap:Bobbie was both stunned and excited that Jax had stolen a vial of poison from Helena. However, before Jax would hand it over, he wanted to know exactly what it was. After some hedging, Bobbie finally told him that she believed it was the same poison that Helena had given Luke, and Tony possibly had a cure for it. Jax handed it over after exacting a promise that Bobbie would keep him informed from then on. Laura called Bobbie in a panic when Luke collapsed and wouldn't regain consciousness. She cradled his face and told him that she loved him and begged him not to leave her. At GH, Scott overheard Bobbie and Tony talking about Luke, and he followed them to the warehouse. Putting aside his personal feelings, Scott helped Tony get Luke to the hospital. Laura thanked Scott for being so understanding, and she sought comfort in his arms. Their close moment was interrupted when Luke woke up and asked for Laura. Scott watched from the doorway - 10.16.01 - TuesdayE201
10.16.01 - TuesdayPreview:Lucky is comforted by a vision of Liz. Recap:Sonny surprised Carly when he presented her with the papers that A.J. had signed, relinquishing his rights to Michael. Carly thanked him and hugged him gratefully. Sonny further stunned her by saying that he never wanted Michael to know a minute of uncertainty about who his family was. To that end, Sonny told Carly that he wanted to adopt Michael. Carly received his announcement with mixed emotions. She was pleased that Sonny was so dedicated to her son, but she felt that their impending divorce would confuse the issue for Michael. Sonny accused her of selfishly trying to stay married to him, but she felt that he was the one behaving selfishly. She told him that she needed time to think about it, and Sonny agreed. Lucky made his way to the Cassadine yacht to look for Elizabeth. Gia was the only person he found, and she was surprised that he didn't remember anything that had happened with Liz. Lucky confessed that Helena had gotten to - 10.17.01 - WednesdayE202
10.17.01 - WednesdayPreview:Nikolas is stunned to see his father for the first time. Recap:Mac spotted Felicia at GH, and he asked for her help in the Sorel investigation. Felicia told him that they could talk about it, but only after she visited a sick friend. Felicia slipped into Luke's room, and he eventually remembered who she was. She apologized to him for not understanding that he was sick when he was so mean to her, and he forgave her with a hug. Once she left, Mac caught up with her and realized that she had seen Luke. He asked if there was anything she needed, and a grateful Felicia said no. Mac offered her a welcome distraction by convincing her to start helping him with the case right away. Lucky found Melissa at GH and asked her how Luke was doing. Melissa urged him to visit his father, and Lucky asked if his Luke's condition was more serious than everyone had led him to believe. Roy came along and echoed Melissa's sentiment that Lucky needed to see his dad as soon as possible, while Luke's me - 10.18.01 - ThursdayE203
10.18.01 - ThursdayPreview:Alexis has a passionate dream about Sonny. Recap:Melissa took Roy back to her apartment, and she tried to soothe him as he worried about Luke. He was determined that there had to be something more he could do to help his friend, and was ready to leave and confront Helena. Melissa urged him not to see Helena while he was feeling so hot-headed. She confessed that she would be devastated if something happened to him because she loved him so much. Her words of love stopped Roy in his tracks, and he reciprocated by telling her how much he loved her. He thanked her for not only forgiving him for the past, but giving him hope for the future. Skye went to Jax and used her seductive wiles to try and get him to side with her against Sonny. Though Jax was amused by her tactics, he told her in no uncertain terms that he wouldn't work with her because he believed she was selfish and destructive. Angry, Skye stormed out, saying he would regret not aligning himself with her. Back at the Quart - 10.19.01 - FridayE204
10.19.01 - FridayPreview:Mac gathers all the suspects in the Sorel murder. Recap:Mac and Felicia used an abandoned mansion as the holding place for the suspects in the Sorel murder case. Mac sent out several officers to round up the suspects (usual and otherwise) and bring them to the mansion. He told Felicia that he was relying on her incredible instincts to help ferret out the real killer. Roy and Melissa were in the midst of pouring out their hearts to each other, and were on the brink of making love, when a police officer interrupted them and instructed them both to come with him. Zander was on the phone with Emily, telling her that he was on his way to the airport. He planned to spend some much needed time with her, and he was excited to leave. On his way out, an officer told him that he wasn't going anywhere except for where the commissioner wanted him to be. Carly hesitated to sign the divorce papers and asked Bobbie what she should do. Bobbie told her that the most important person in the situa - 10.22.01 - MondayE205
10.22.01 - MondayPreview:Kristina and Ned walk in on a suspicious scene. Recap:Carly diverted attention away from Sonny by admitting that she had pulled the plug on Sorel. She also crushed A.J. when she revealed Sonny's intention to adopt Michael. Mike stirred up more commotion when he admitted to smothering Sorel. Melissa went one step further by saying that she had rigged Sorel's pulse monitor. Mac thanked his guests for their honesty, but he said that the real killer had turned Sorel's respirator off, and then back on again. Stefan propositioned an incredulous Stavros about joining forces and overtaking Helena. Nikolas convinced Laura that he had to help her acquire the antidote for Luke's progressing disease. However, once they arrived at General Hospital, they found the entrance to Helena's lab sealed off. Laura discovered that Nikolas spoke his true feelings of hatred to his seemingly dead father, forcing her to admit that Stavros is alive. Nikolas worried that his cover had been blown. Ned and K - 10.23.01 - TuesdayE206
10.23.01 - TuesdayPreview:Lucky listens as Scott declares his love for Laura. Recap:Scott showed up on Laura's doorstep with the intention of visiting her, but he was stopped by Lucky. Lucky declared that his mother wasn't home, and then warned Scott that if he intended to have a relationship with Laura, he could forget about it. Scott said that he understood Lucky's resentment toward him, but he maintained that he loved Laura, and he wouldn't be willing to walk away from her for anyone's sake. Ned and Kristina walked into the gatehouse to find a shirtless Jax tangled up with Skye. They were both amused to learn that Skye's sweater was caught on Jax's shirt. Ned wondered why Skye was there in the first place, and Jax answered that Skye had been trying to enlist him in her crusade against Sonny. Ned advised Jax that as much as he wanted to see Sonny pay, Skye couldn't be trusted any more than Corinthos could. Skye berated Ned for not wanting to avenge A.J., and she told him about Sonny holding A.J. hosta - 10.24.01 - WednesdayE207
10.24.01 - WednesdayPreview:Gia and Nikolas finally reunite for good. Recap:Skye continued to implore Jax to help her scheme against Sonny, but he remained firm that she was pursuing the wrong course of action. She assured him that she could make it worth his while, as she planned to secure more ELQ stock shares from Edward. Jax shrewdly surmised that Skye was blackmailing Edward and asked what she had on her grandfather. Skye refused to divulge her secret, but she promised that it would make them both even richer than before. In the abandoned mansion, the restless suspects berated Mac when he said that he was waiting for evidence from the lab that would prove who the murderer was. They all separately railed at him for detaining them for so long. Most angry was Angel, who stormed out of the mansion once she realized that she wasn't being charged. Sonny arranged for Johnny to take Alexis and Zander home. Once outside, Zander admitted to Alexis that Sonny had done everything that A.J. had accused him of. Al - 10.25.01 - ThursdayE208
10.25.01 - ThursdayPreview:Jax says a sad goodbye to Angel. Recap:Carly was incredulous to hear that Angel was the one who had killed Sorel. She was all for letting Angel turn herself in to the cops, but Jax and Sonny were determined to help Angel skip town. Eventually, Carly realized that if Angel left with charges pending against her, she would never be able to return. They devised a plan in which Sonny loudly proclaimed to Carly that he was leaving her for Angel. They took the fight out to the porch, where Mac and Taggert had a clear view of them. Jax threw "Carly" over his shoulder to take her away from the lake house, while "Angel" and Sonny kissed inside. In reality, Carly had donned a brown wig, and Angel a blonde one. Jax took Angel to the airport, where he had his jet fly her to an island in Greece. The friends said a sad goodbye and wished each other well. Back at the lake house, Taggert and Mac waited for a warrant before going in to arrest Angel. Zander burst into the Quartermaine mansion dem - 10.26.01 - FridayE209
10.26.01 - FridayPreview:Edward is surprised by an amorous visitor. Recap:Melissa took Roy back to her apartment after Mac finally let them go. She was relieved to be home and most especially happy to have a moment alone with Roy. She took a shower to revive herself, and was surprised when Roy joined her. The two made love for the first time in years. Afterwards, they snuggled on the couch and pledged to let the past stay buried and focus on the future. Jax saw Angel off, and was startled when a strange woman struck up a conversation with him. She asked him if he knew where the Quartermaine mansion was, and he asked if she was a good friend of the family. He tested her by making up a fake story about the Quartermaines, and she completely fell for it. He offered to drive her to the mansion, but before he could, Detective Andy dragged him off to the PCPD to question him about Angel. At the same time, Mac and Taggert interrupted a passionate interlude between Sonny and Carly. Though they had started kissi - 10.29.01 - MondayE210
10.29.01 - MondayPreview:Edward is surprised by an amorous visitor. Recap:Edward pretended that he didn't know who Janine was, even when she threw her arms around him and called him "sweet cheeks." A.J. and Skye relished the moment when Lila came in and asked who Janine was. Skye saved the day by declaring that Janine was an old college mate of hers who was in town for a special reunion. When Lila left, Edward soon followed and suggested that Janine do the same. Skye assured a disappointed Janine that she would make sure Edward "remembered" his association with her. Later, Skye told Edward that the only thing she wanted from him was his assured cooperation in her dealings with the family. Sonny went to Alexis for advice about his marriage to Carly. He confessed that after the passionate interlude they had shared at the lake house, he was doubting whether he should really go through with the divorce. Alexis said that because she was his lawyer and didn't particularly like Carly, she couldn't be objectiv - 10.30.01 - TuesdayE211
10.30.01 - TuesdayPreview:Nikolas plans to take the kids someplace safe. Recap:Sonny entered the arcade where Stavros was playing with Michael, and he told Carly that he was taking them home. Stavros bade Carly to leave if she wished, but told her he could take care of things if she decided to stay. Affronted by Sonny's arrogant demands, Carly told him that she and Michael were staying. Sonny declared that there were personal things they needed to discuss, and Carly finally relented. When Stavros left, she yelled at Sonny for dismissing her friend, but Sonny believed she was just playing more games. He suggested that it was time for them to end things once and for all. Carly agreed, but said that if they divorced, they would do it where their marriage began … in Martinique. Nikolas and Laura studied the map that Luke had drawn, and tried to figure out how they could get into the lab since Helena had closed off the only entrance Nikolas knew about. When Lulu came out and they hid their plans from her, La - 10.31.01 - WednesdayE212
10.31.01 - WednesdayPreview:Stavros imagines a fantastic evening with Laura. Recap:Stavros led a blindfolded Gia into a room that he had romantically decorated for Laura. He asked Gia if such a room would make a woman fall in love with him. Taking pity on him, Gia told him that love wasn't about pretty things or places. She described her relationship with Nikolas, telling Stavros that the reason she loved his son was because of the goodness inside of him. Stavros thanked Gia for her time, and then had his men send her back. Once alone, he imagined Laura coming to him and remarking on the change in his behavior. Nikolas visited Luke in the hospital to ask for his help with Helena, but Laura thought it was too much for Luke. Even though the antidote to the poison was working, Luke was still very weak. Still, he told Nikolas that he no longer hated him, and assured him that he was nothing like Stavros. Luke looked at the map he had drawn of the lab, but could make no sense of it. Laura sat by his bedside and - 11.01.01 - ThursdayE213
11.01.01 - ThursdayPreview:Helena had her thugs take Alexis away. Recap:Laura was chilled when she received a message from Stavros indicating their imminent reunion. Laura rushed up to her attic and wallowed in memories. She finally unravelled Luke's clues and realized that the second entrance to the Cassadine lab must be in the cave. Strengthened by thoughts of Luke, Laura was determined to stand up to the Cassadines. To further protect herself, she got a gun to take with her when she confronted Stavros. Stavros did his best to recruit Stefan in his quest to win back Nikolas and Laura's affections, while Stefan tried to pit Stavros against Helena. Bobbie gave Scott a frosty reception when he visited Luke with the hopes of ascertaining Laura's whereabouts. Luke and Scott ended up fighting over Laura, and Luke refused to give Scott any information. Helena visited Alexis with her henchmen in tow. She intended to force her to join Stefan in captivity. Alexis and Helena exchanged barbs, just as Jax arrived t - 11.02.01 - FridayE214
11.02.01 - FridayPreview:Sonny and Carly face the end of their marriage. Recap:In Martinique, Carly and Sonny relived moments from their marriage as they prepared to sign the divorce papers. Carly stunned Sonny when she agreed to divorce him and move on. Even more surprising, Sonny confessed to Carly that he didn't want to let her go. Stavros prevented Gia from escaping, even when Gia reminded him of her deep love for Nikolas. Skye found Jax lying unconscious and managed to revive him. Jax panicked when he realized that Alexis was gone. He ran to Luke and Roy, hoping to get the location of Helena's lab. Roy was concerned when he discovered that Bobbie was missing as well. Meanwhile, Alexis convinced Stefan that together they were Nikolas' only hope. She knew that they could defeat Helena and Stavros. Bolstered by her confidence, Stefan agreed to attempt an escape. Lucky pleaded with Laura to let him end the feud between the Cassadines and the Spencers. Nikolas arrived upon the scene, and he helped Laur - 11.05.01 - MondayE215
11.05.01 - MondayPreview:Stavros rejoices as he reunites with Nikolas. Recap:Sonny asked Carly to stay with him, but she said that she wanted to make a fresh start in her life. Sonny told her that he loved her, but when she asked if he could forgive her, he said he didn't know. Carly said that wasn't good enough, and that it was time for them to let each other go. She tearfully signed the divorce papers, and then handed them to Sonny. Torn by the fact that Carly was being reasonable and honest for the first time in a long time, Sonny hesitated to sign. Nikolas and Laura were stunned when they came face to face with Stavros. Laura was momentarily speechless, but Nikolas immediately demanded to see Gia. Stavros was hurt that those were Nikolas' first words to his father. He promised Nikolas that Gia was well, and that he had no plans to hurt anyone. Stavros told them that he wanted them all to be a family, and Nikolas surprised Laura by saying that he might be willing to try. As proof of his goodwill, St - 11.06.01 - TuesdayE216
11.06.01 - TuesdayPreview:Luke arrives to save Laura. Recap:Laura went along with Stavros' romantic fantasy in the hopes of saving her family and friends. Stavros said that he would compromise by sparing Bobbie and Alexis, but that was the best he could do. That wasn't enough for Laura, especially when Stavros said that he wouldn't spare Lucky. Laura reached out to slap him, and Stavros knocked her to the ground. He faulted Luke for making Laura unable to love him, and he determined to kill Luke immediately. Just then, Luke barged in the room prepared to rescue Laura. Gia pressed Nikolas to go along with his father's demands in order for them to remain together, but Nikolas knew that he would be unable to trick Stavros twice. Instead, he was focused on escaping the locked chamber. Using his status as a Cassadine prince, he convinced one of the guards to release them from the cell. Scott and Roy tried to enlist Lucky in their quest to find the Cassadine lab. Lucky refused because he feared that Helena's - 11.07.01 - WednesdayE217
11.07.01 - WednesdayPreview:Helena brings Lucky in to end the games. Recap:Luke burst into the bower that Stavros had recreated for Laura, and he taunted Stavros about his inability to hold onto her. When the two started to physically fight, Luke yelled for Laura to run. Because Luke was so weak from his illness, he wasn't able to overpower Stavros, so Laura refused to leave him. She begged Stavros to spare Luke's life, but his fury knew no bounds. He raged that Laura chose Luke over him, and he declared that it was all coming to an end immediately. Helena had Bobbie brought to her in order to coerce Bobbie into telling her where Luke was. Bobbie scornfully replied that even if she knew where Luke was, she would never tell. She also warned Helena not to underestimate the Spencers. Stavros stormed into the room and told his mother to finish her plans for everyone. Nikolas gave Gia instructions on how to get out of the maze, but she was reluctant to leave him. He told her that she needed to bring back help, - 11.08.01 - ThursdayE218
11.08.01 - ThursdayPreview:Edward has help to recover from shock. Recap:Helena refused to believe that her command over Lucky was at an end, and she continued to dangle the Ice Princess in front of him. Nikolas urged Lucky to fight against Helena, but Lucky seemed to be moving closer to submitting to Helena's will. All of a sudden, he shouted to Nikolas, and Nikolas overpowered one of the guards. Nikolas and Lucky both rushed at Helena and declared that she was finished. Stavros and Helena reminded everyone that there were still guards all over the maze. Unbeknownst to them, Roy, Scott, and Jax had disarmed the guards and stolen their uniforms. Stavros stated that Nikolas would remain unharmed, as would Laura and Gia. Nikolas told his father that if he really wanted to prove his love, he would let everyone go. Stavros consented to release everyone except Luke and Stefan. He told Nikolas that the two men hated him and would seek to destroy him, which he could never allow. Scott, Jax, and Roy came in when - 11.09.01 - FridayE219
11.09.01 - FridayPreview:Luke says a final goodbye to Stavros. Recap:Felicia barged into Mac's office and told him that several of their friends were missing and she suspected Helena of capturing them in the lab. She told Mac that she knew how to get there, but he initially refused to let her go because of the great danger. Felicia reminded him that she would simply follow behind and he relented. Kristina opened Alexis' box of mementos and showed him the souvenirs from her childhood that Alexis had saved. Ned was stunned that Alexis had never shown him any of the things, but Kristina declared that the memories were probably too painful to share. Kristina cried as she wondered whether she would have a chance to make new memories with her sister. Ned held her and assured her that she would have that chance. Skye covered for Janine when Edward almost caught on to their scam. She assured her grandfather that Janine simply didn't want him to know how much he had hurt her. Skye motioned behind his back for J - 11.12.01 - MondayE220
11.12.01 - MondayPreview:Helena is finally captured and jailed. Recap:Helena finally felt the full measure of her defeat when she was finally imprisoned for her wrongdoings. Lucky visited her and she initially believed that he had come to free her. She was vastly disappointed when Lucky reminded her that she no longer had any control over him. He gloated that he had finally won when she had lost everything. Stripped of her dignity and her jewels, Helena sat in the orange prison jumpsuit and cried. Laura celebrated a final release from her past by inviting Scott and Lucky to come home with her. She also invited Luke, but he declined the invitation. Before everyone arrived, Laura sat alone in her house and seemed at a loss as to what to do. At the same time, Luke returned to the club and was also at loose ends. Eventually, Scott and Lucky arrived with Lulu and the other children in tow. Laura mouthed a thank you to him for reuniting her family. However, she slipped away to the attic and looked over the m - 11.13.01 - TuesdayE221
11.13.01 - TuesdayPreview:Mike is startled to see a face from his past. Recap:Carly declined Sonny's offer to move back into the penthouse in order to test the waters, but she assured him that she still wanted him to adopt Michael. When she told Mike about her decision, he chastised her for not jumping at the opportunity. Carly explained that she didn't want to live her life hoping for Sonny's approval and walking on egg shells around him. She declared that Sonny needed to accept her completely or they would never have a future together. While the celebration went on downstairs, Luke and Laura looked over mementos in the attic and recalled happier days together. Luke told Laura how proud he was and had always been of her strength and courage. He also let her know that he had received the final divorce papers and Laura was stunned to realize that it had all come to an end. Scott interrupted them, but left them alone to talk. After congratulating Nikolas and Lucky for their bravery, Luke returned to the c - 11.14.01 - WednesdayE222
11.14.01 - WednesdayPreview:Scott gives Laura a sapphire engagement ring. Recap:Laura was stunned by Scott's proposal and his profession of deep and abiding love for her. She told him that she loved him as well, but admitted to still having feelings for Luke. Scott asked if she could ever get over those feelings and commit to him and Laura said that she needed time. After kissing her passionately, Scott declared that he would wait for her. Alone, Laura studied the ring and pondered her next course of action. Luke was thrilled to see Felicia and outlined his plans for an exciting future. Felicia thought it all sounded lovely, but she realized that his future didn't include her. They thanked each other for a memorable time and said a final goodbye. Felicia cried as she walked away and Luke contemplated his divorce papers from Laura. Mike wasn't pleased to see Janine after so many years and neither was she happy to see him. She told him that her daughter Courtney was fine even though he hadn't bothered to as - 11.15.01 - ThursdayE223
11.15.01 - ThursdayRecap:During a morning run, Ned handed Jax the card that he had palmed to let Stefan win back the Cassadine estates. Ned questioned Jax's generosity and Jax pretended that he had no idea what Ned was talking about. Ned claimed that Jax was being his usually chivalrous self and declared that he needed to turn his rescuing tendencies toward Alexis. Jax stated that Alexis was a grown woman and he refused to get involved with her and her strange obsessions. Alan pulled Monica aside before breakfast to demand that she end her feud with Skye. Thinking that she had bested Skye, Monica calmly agreed, to Alan's surprise. Skye soon burst Monica's bubble when she revealed that she had doubled Monica's payment in order to get Janine to stay in Port Charles. Edward heard her and nearly had a fit on the spot. He commanded Alan to stop his daughter, but Alan remained firmly on Skye's side. Skye then announced that she would get rid of Janine once Edward handed over all of his ELQ shares. Ned blasted - 11.16.01 - FridayE224
11.16.01 - FridayRecap:Carly alerted Jax to Alexis and Sonny's growing relationship. Sonny asked Alexis why he should not give Carly another shot. Alexis avoided expressing her feelings for Sonny and badmouthed Carly instead. Jax arrived upon the scene, and Alexis felt compelled to explain the situation. Sonny encouraged her to keep quiet and he exchanged barbs with Jax. Sonny exited to his newly remodeled and unfamiliar home and he thought about Carly as he studied his final divorce papers. At the same time, Jax explained his surprise appearance to Alexis by feigning concern over Kristina. However, Alexis saw through the story and called Jax on his true intentions. A.J. successfully riled Carly in public about Sonny's relationship with Alexis and Zander attempted to keep Carly from falling into A.J.'s trap. Luke and Laura separately realized that today would have been their twentieth anniversary and they both wrestled with memories of their past together. Roy came upon Luke smashing a radio playing Lu - 11.19.01 - MondayE225
11.19.01 - MondayRecap:Zander advises Carly against attacking AJ in public and providing ammunition for AJ in the custody battle over Michael, and Carly follows Zander's words of wisdom. Zander scolds AJ for riling Carly, and Zander accuses AJ of breaking Emily's heart with his lies. AJ consults with Skye, and he suggests that they get to Sonny through Mike, but Skye shows her softer side and will not agree to use Mike's gambling addiction for their gain. Thus, AJ focuses on finding something from Sonny's past to use as a weapon, as of yet unaware that Mike and Janine might provide the secret. Bobbie coaches Sonny on how to forgive and how to regain trust in a relationship. Consequently, Sonny approaches Carly and rekindles Carly's hope that the couple will work through their problems. Sonny invites Carly back to his penthouse, and he eventually asks her to stay through the night. Meanwhile, Luke and Laura share their reemerging feelings for one another, and they both suggest that their emotions stem f - 11.20.01 - TuesdayE226
11.20.01 - TuesdayRecap:Sonny and Carly move close to reconciling, but Alexis brings the estranged couple back to reality when she storms in and accuses Carly of riling Jax. Sonny instinctively believes Alexis, and Carly points out that Sonny will never trust her again and that they therefore have no future. Carly decides to go, leaving Sonny to contemplate his divorce papers. Meanwhile, Alexis denies her feelings for Sonny to amused Kristina, and Alexis and Kristina share an afternoon of sisterhood. Taggert and Florence interrupt a romantic moment between Gia and Nikolas, forcing Nikolas to assure Gia's family that he has honorable intentions. Nikolas floors Gia when he asks for Taggert and Florence's blessings and then asks for Gia's hand in marriage. Gia ultimately agrees to his proposal, and Nikolas slips the binding ring upon her finger. At the same time, Stefan and Luke relish in Helena's new status as jailbird. Helena fumes when Stefan announces that he has cut off her money and thus access to he - 11.21.01 - WednesdayE227
11.21.01 - WednesdayRecap:Sonny informs Alexis that he signed the divorce papers, and Alexis fears that Sonny's decision resulted from Alexis' latest altercation with Carly. Alexis urges Sonny to open up to her, and Sonny admits that he appears unable to regain his trust in Carly. Sonny assures Alexis that his relationship with Carly is over, and he also suggests that Alexis has kept things from Sonny. Kristina observes Sonny and Alexis' interaction, and once alone with her sister, Kristina warns Alexis that Sonny's feelings for Carly are still far from resolved. Carly confides in Bobbie that she feels ready to move on with her life, and Carly hints at big plans ahead. Carly visits Jax and proposes that they open a club together, and furious Skye runs to AJ with fears that Carly has begun making a play for Jax's affections. However, AJ offers Skye zero support and actually welcomes a romantic connection between the two with hopes of explosive fireworks to follow. At the same time, Melissa and Roy counsel - 11.22.01 - ThursdayE228
11.22.01 - ThursdayRecap:Sonny catches Carly at Jax's penthouse, and Sonny offers to put up the money for Carly's new club in order to get her away from Jax. Sonny admits to signing the divorce papers, and Carly refuses to accept Sonny's offer. Jealous Skye accuses Jax of hoping to seduce Carly in order to torture Sonny, and Jax suspects Carly of using him to manipulate Sonny. As a result, Jax backs away from Carly's business proposal, but stubborn Carly presses on, and Jax ends up taking her to an undisclosed location. Sonny shares a Thanksgiving dinner with Mike, and Mike begins to confess past sins until Sonny overrides him with his own admissions. Luke makes it to Bobbie's home for the holiday, but Bobbie and Scott get detained for speeding. Laura asks Luke to fill in as host opposite her, and Luke inadvertently finds out that Laura may marry Scott. Furthermore, Lucky speaks to Elizabeth over the phone, and he clearly remains unsettled. Nikolas also appears troubled after Stefan speaks badly of Stavr - 11.26.01 - MondayE229
11.26.01 - MondayRecap:Roy warns Melissa not to interfere with Luke and Laura as Luke runs off. Laura catches up to Luke, and Laura confides that she has yet to respond to Scott's marriage proposal. Laura asks for Luke's blessing, but Luke can only offer his wishes for Laura's happiness. Meanwhile, Felicia explains to Maxie that all of Maxie's feelings for Lucky will not sway his love for Elizabeth. Lucky leads Gia to Nikolas, visiting with his grandmother, and Lucky intervenes when he overhears Helena try to brainwash Nikolas with falsehoods about the Cassadines. Nikolas outwardly dismisses Helena, but he privately remains uncertain about the truth. At the Quartermaine mansion, Alan steps between Monica and Rae arguing over Skye, and once alone with his wife suggests that Monica's irrational behavior stems from jealousy. Alan confirms his love for Monica, but he also informs Monica that he intends to help foster a relationship between Rae and Skye. Skye takes full advantage of the rift between Monica - 11.27.01 - TuesdayE230
11.27.01 - TuesdayRecap:Laura catches Luke fabricating tales to keep Scott incarcerated, and Laura manages to undo Luke's handiwork and to get Scott released. While Bobbie warns Luke that his meddling will only serve to bring Scott and Laura closer together, Laura tells Scott that she has an answer to his proposal. Edward approaches Sonny for help, and Edward points out to Sonny that Skye intends to gain control of ELQ. Sonny agrees to handle Janine in return for Edward's voting shares, and Monica freaks when Edward shares the identity of their new ally. Sonny asks Alexis to accompany him to Puerto Rico, and Alexis accepts the invitation after Sonny rescues her from a mouse. Meanwhile, Alan deals with his torn family. Monica presses Alan to give Skye her walking papers, and Alan urges Skye to make a compromise with Monica. Touched Skye considers Alan's request, but when Monica announces Edward's new enlistment, Sonny, Skye and AJ renew their campaign to take over ELQ. AJ questions Mike about Janine, but - 11.28.01 - WednesdayE231
11.28.01 - WednesdayRecap:Scott figures out that Laura has decided to decline his marriage proposal. Laura admits to Scott that her romantic feelings for Luke have returned, but she denies any plans to reconcile with Luke. Luke assures Lucky that Lucky's love for Elizabeth will guide them through the obstacles in their path, but Lucky questions why Luke's love for Laura didn't do the same. Luke urges Lucky to support Laura's decision regarding Scott, but Luke finds reality hard to stomach when he thinks Laura has accepted Scott's proposal. Taggert claims that no physical evidence exists to back Luke and Lucky's claims against Helena, and Lucky realizes that Helena's programming has prevented Lucky from remembering things. Meanwhile, Carly reminds Jax that she does not intend to destroy Sonny. Carly mentions Brenda, and Jax almost backs out of his deal with Carly. Sonny hires Zander to watch over Carly, and Zander approaches Carly under the guise of needing advice regarding Emily. At the same time, Kristin - 11.29.01- ThursdayE232
11.29.01- ThursdayRecap:Nikolas dreams about trying to save Stavros. When Nikolas awakens, Gia comforts upset Nikolas, and Nikolas probes Gia about his father. Nikolas asks Gia to divulge any noticeable similarities between father and son, but Gia can only admit that she liked the man Stavros portrayed. Nikolas takes off his father's ring, and he enters the Cassadine maze and discovers that he is not alone. Suspicious Carly questions Zander about Sonny, but Zander covers, and Carly ultimately agrees to take Zander under her wing. Consequently, Zander reports back to Sonny and shares his victory. Sonny asks Alexis about her nervous behavior, and Alexis eventually opens up to Sonny about her family and past struggles. Sonny and Alexis end up sharing a few laughs, but Alexis spoils the party when she falls asleep. Meanwhile, Skye warns Jax about the new man in Edward's fold, Sonny. Skye sneaks onto Jax's private plane, and Jax takes her on an unanticipated ride. At the same time, Kristina asks Ned for a jo - 11.30.01 - FridayE233
11.30.01 - FridayRecap:Luke makes his presence known to Nikolas, and Luke shares his plan to keep Stavros in hell forever by plugging the shaft. Luke surprises Nikolas with words of wisdom from Luke's own experiences, and Nikolas drops Stavros' ring down the shoot before he helps Luke seal the bottomless gash forever. Scott shares his disappointment with Bobbie, and Bobbie encourages Scott to not wallow in pity. Laura ponders her decision to remain single, and she breaks down after reminders of happy times with Luke. Distressed Laura runs away, only to come face to face with Luke down at the docks. At the Quartermaine mansion, AJ heckles Edward with promises of Edward's imminent demise. Edward attempts to squelch AJ and Skye's plans by offering AJ the opportunity to run ELQ, but AJ rejects Edward's empty offer. Meanwhile, Skye probes Jax about his secret mission, and Jax soon reveals that he made the trip for an exotic meal at a barbecue joint. Skye fumes when she learns that they must stay in the stic - 12.03.01 - MondayE234
12.03.01 - MondayRecap:Jax tries to comfort tearful Skye, but Skye takes the opportunity to blast Jax. Later, Skye apologizes to Jax for her outburst, and Jax is touched when she explains her fear of vulnerability to him. Luke lashes out at Laura for walking the docks at night without an escort, and he expresses his anger and disapproval of Scott. Laura fights back and defends Scott, and she decides not to tell Luke that she declined Scott's marriage proposal. Meanwhile, Scott and Bobbie question their futures, and Bobbie later slips to Luke that Laura told Scott that she wouldn't marry him. At Jake's, Carly encourages Zander to approach Kristina, unaware that she is Alexis' sister. Zander complies for Carly's sake, but he shares Carly's intentions with Kristina, and matters become more complicated when Ned makes introductions. Consequently, Carly learns about the connection between Kristina and Alexis, and Carly finds out that Alexis went with Sonny to Puerto Rico. In Puerto Rico, Alexis orchestrates - 12.04.01 - TuesdayE235
12.04.01 - TuesdayRecap:Jax confuses Skye with his generous nature, and Jax takes it upon himself to prove his good intentions by handing over his voting proxy for the next ELQ board meeting. Jax congratulates Skye for obtaining her objective, and Skye flirtatiously suggests to Jax that she gained even more in the transaction. Meanwhile, Carly goes on the hunt for Sonny and Alexis in Puerto Rico. Mike points out that Carly appears to want Sonny back, and Carly admits that she does still love him but that she could never agree to live by Sonny's terms. As a result, Carly and Zander vow to help each other get over their lost loves. Meanwhile, Mike finds AJ snooping outside Carly's home. Fresh from visiting with Janine, AJ uses the information Janine has offered to squelch Mike's threats. Though AJ earlier warns Janine of danger in regards to Sonny, Janine happily accepts an invitation to meet with Sonny upon his return from Puerto Rico. At the same time, Ned manages to convince Kristina to sing profession - 12.05.01 - WednesdayE236
12.05.01 - WednesdayRecap:Laura and Luke make another attempt to open up to one another. Luke asks Laura what she wants in her life, and Laura appears ready to respond but then retreats. Argument ensues, and Laura reminds Luke that she no longer needs him to protect her. Once again, disappointed Laura and Luke part ways. Meanwhile, Felicia coaches upset Scott on the rules of love. Felicia defends Laura and Luke's relationship, and she stresses that Scott cannot force Laura to love him. Alexis buries herself in work, but Sonny successfully woos her away, and Alexis dons a stunning dress for a night of glamour with Sonny in his casino. Carly gets a call from her attorney regarding her divorce from Sonny, and Carly determines not to let Alexis have Sonny for Christmas. Jax worries that Carly will throw her future away on Sonny, and Jax brings Carly's focus back to their club by taking Carly into his arms and dancing with her about their soon-to-be night club. Skye walks in and spies Carly and Jax's closeness - 12.06.01 - ThursdayE237
12.06.01 - ThursdayRecap:Alexis enjoys her evening of taking chances, and numerous men flock to Alexis as she sparkles in the casino. Overheated, Alexis withdraws to a terrace, and Sonny saves her from falling into a fountain. Alexis and Sonny's eyes meet, and Sonny offers Alexis the world on a silver platter. Hurt Skye rushes away from Carly and Jax, assuming the worst. Unaware of Skye's brief presence, Carly and Jax continue to talk business, and Jax informs Carly that she will not have free reign of his bank account. Later, Skye approaches Carly and warns her that Jax has only partnered with Carly to get at Sonny. AJ tries to get Zander to betray Sonny, but Zander ultimately sees through AJ's scheme and backs down, just as Jax arrives to witness and applaud Zander's judge of character. Meanwhile, Gia fears that Kristina is not dressed appropriately for her engagement party. Stefan fixes the situation by presenting Kristina with a gown meant for her mother. Also at the party, Taggert passes on Helena's - 12.07.01 - FridayE238
12.07.01 - FridayRecap:Laura shows up at Gia and Nikolas' engagement party alone. At the same time, Luke works on his Cadillac, and Roy arrives and chastises Luke for not pursuing his dreams and for giving up on Laura so easily. Lucky admits to Laura that he did not see the look of love in her eyes in regards to Scott, and Luke later restores the light in Laura's eyes when he ultimately appears at the party dressed in his Sunday best. At the same time, Jax chases after elusive Skye. Jax finally confronts Skye over her change in attitude toward him, and Skye eventually breaks down and hints at her fears of his betrayal before rushing off. Helena threatens Kristina with a life filled with fear, but Kristina fights back and informs Helena that a piece of her mother still lives and that Helena didn't win the war. Kristina returns to the party and shares her experiences as a Cassadine, and Kristina expresses her hopes for a bright future. At Sonny's casino, Alexis asks for Sonny to stop time, and Sonny does - 12.10.01 - MondayE239
12.10.01 - MondayRecap:Luke approaches Roy at Gia and Nikolas' engagement party, and Roy agrees to help Luke execute a plan to help win back Laura. Luke puts the wheels in motion by sharing a romantic dance with Laura, which Roy interrupts to impart important business. Luke excuses himself to take on the mysterious mission, and as planned, Laura fears for Luke's safety. Stefan toasts to Prince Nikolas, and Stefan introduces Kristina as a Casssadine to all in attendance. Gia's friends fawn over Prince Nikolas, and Nikolas grows increasingly wary about coming into his inheritance. Nikolas shares his concerns and the amount of his inheritance with Gia, and Gia comes to the realization that Nikolas intends to give it all up. Meanwhile, Monica refuses to bend to Alan's compromise concerning Rae's upcoming visit at Christmas, and the Quartermaine house remains in upheaval. At the same, Carly accuses Jax of partnering with her to get at Sonny. Jax realizes that Skye planted the seed in Carly's head, and Jax o - 12.11.01 - TuesdayE240
12.11.01 - TuesdayRecap:Jax demands that Skye share why she tried to turn Carly against him, and Jax figures out that Skye has feelings for him. Skye admits that she felt jealous when she spied Jax dancing with Carly, and Jax warns Skye that he doesn't feel emotionally capable of falling in love again. However, Skye secretly seems willing to challenge Jax's closed heart. Zander interrupts Alexis and Sonny's glamorous getaway, and Sonny decides that they must return home after learning that Carly and Mike have apparently joined forces. Carly agrees to help Mike find Janine in order to preserve Sonny's relationship with his father. Carly and Mike search Sonny's penthouse for clues, and later Carly burns with anger when she runs into jovial Sonny and Alexis. Meanwhile at the engagement party, Nikolas remains wary of taking on his enormous inheritance. Lucky urges Nikolas to follow his heart, advising Nikolas to pass, but Gia remains confused by Nikolas' reluctance. Nikolas also turns to Kristina for advice - 12.12.01 - WednesdayE241
12.12.01 - WednesdayRecap:Carly pretends to have come to see Sonny about their divorce, but Sonny sees through Carly's lie and questions her true intentions. Sonny suspects Carly of falling under Jax's influence, but Carly's denial turns Sonny's thoughts to Mike. Again, Carly evades Sonny's probing, and Carly lashes out when she learns that Alexis and Sonny spent time together in Sonny's casino. Sonny stops Alexis from defending herself, explaining that his relationship with Alexis is no longer any of Carly's business. Hurt Carly quickly signs the divorce papers, and Carly points out that Sonny has also perpetrated unforgivable acts during their marriage. Alexis thanks Sonny for an evening to remember, and Sonny encourages Alexis to let go more often. Next, Sonny calls for Janine, and Sonny questions Janine about her association with Mike. Meanwhile, devastated Zander pays an impromptu visit to the Quartermaine mansion after learning that Emily has a new boyfriend. Zander lashes out at the Quartermaines f - 12.13.01 - ThursdayE242
12.13.01 - ThursdayRecap:Luke instructs a couple on a cruise ship to exchange a microchip as part of his plan to romance Laura with a spy adventure. Laura discusses her second thoughts about participating in Luke's mission with Lesley, and Luke frets when Laura doesn't appear. Luke pleads with the purser to allow a little more time before the boat's departure when Laura remains a no show, and Laura puts a loving smile on Luke's face when she arrives incognito at the last minute. Janine gives vague responses to Sonny's questions, and Mike panics when he discovers Janine with Sonny. Janine leaves and makes a victorious call, informing the undisclosed party that truckloads of cash are in their future. At the same time, Mike attempts to confess the truth to Sonny about his association with Janine, but Sonny remains unconvinced. Sonny instructs Zander to keep a close eye on Mike and Janine, and Sonny praises Zander for his handiwork. Zander apologizes to Carly for his forward behavior, and Carly admits that s - 12.14.01 - FridayE243
12.14.01 - FridayRecap:Laura frustrates Luke when she interferes with Luke's plans for romance by taking the spy mission seriously. Laura further taunts Luke by playing her role as loving wife to the hilt and dressing to kill, and Luke finally decides to come clean. Meanwhile, Jax questions why Sonny appears to know so much about Carly's activities and suggests that Sonny has her tailed. Sonny does not admit to any wrongdoing, and Sonny suggests that Carly has made an error in judgment by affiliating herself with Jax. Skye brings animosity between Jax and Sonny to a new level when she slips that she plans to end Edward's reign of terror at the imminent ELQ board meeting, causing unrest amidst the rest of the Quartermaines as well. Carly asks Sonny if he remains interested in adopting Michael despite his growing relationship with Alexis, and Sonny assures Carly that he and Alexis remain only friends. Fearful that Carly might change her mind about the adoption, Sonny passes on his suspicions to Alexis, a - 12.17.01 - MondayE244
12.17.01 - MondayRecap:Laura overrides Luke's near confession with a kiss when she fears detection by their assigned spies. Luke accepts the kiss, and Laura learns that Luke fabricated the entire mission when she inadvertently catches Luke signaling victoriously to Victor. Laura keeps her revelation from Luke, and Laura secretly plots her retaliation. At the ELQ board meeting, Skye makes the voting process personal when she demands that each member of her family choose between Sonny and herself. AJ makes Sonny an offer, which he ultimately refuses, and Skye surprises Sonny, pleases Jax and stuns the Quartermaines when she announces that Skye has Tracy's proxy. At the same time, Alexis visits Carly, and Carly surprises Alexis by signing Michael's adoption papers without a fight and announcing that she will never use Michael as a bargaining chip in her relationship with Sonny. Scott takes Serena to the hospital after an accident, and Bobbie distracts Scott with Christmas preparations until Tony gives Ser - 12.18.01 - TuesdayE245
12.18.01 - TuesdayRecap:Laura initiates her playful retaliation against Luke by setting up her own abduction. Luke finds a note from Laura stating that she has been kidnapped and urges Luke to save himself. Luke goes into rescue mode, only to find Laura playing poker with members of the ship's crew at the end of his search.Meanwhile, Skye successfully steers the vote to Jax's favor by making ELQ go public, and Jax promises to make Skye CEO in return. Defeated Sonny walks away with his dignity intact, and Alexis cheers Sonny with the news that Carly signed the adoption papers. However, Sonny dampens Alexis' mood when he refers to Alexis as only a friend and promptly heads off to see Carly. Alexis and Felicia share their thoughts on men, and Alexis points out that Sonny's adoption of Michael will forever bind Carly to Sonny. Kristina forces Ned to let loose by taking him hang-gliding. Afterward, exhilarated Ned thanks Kristina for his new lease on life, and sparks appear close to igniting between them. Me - 12.19.01 - WednesdayE246
12.19.01 - WednesdayRecap: Laura squelches Luke's anger over Laura's scam by reminding him that he has played with her all week. Luke points out his true mission, Laura, and he exclaims that he wants her back. Neither Luke nor Laura can deny their attraction for one another, and Luke asks Laura for her hand in marriage. At the Quartermaine mansion, Skye celebrates her victory with AJ, but Edward warns Skye that Jax will ultimately hurt her. Skye manages a kind gesture toward Monica, and Monica agrees to try and make amends with Skye for Alan's sake. Ned seems close to a kiss with Kristina, but Edward interrupts with a call announcing the horrific developments at ELQ. Kristina denies Alexis' suggestion that Kristina and Ned have growing feelings for one another, and Alexis insists that she has no romantic feelings for Sonny. Courtesy:ABC.com - 12.20.01 - ThursdayE247
12.20.01 - ThursdayRecap: Luke presses Laura to marry him, but Laura remains reluctant, reminding Luke that he doesn't like to be married. Luke points out that their divorce has been less than successful, and he ultimately gives Laura time to think about it. Janine offers to spill the entire truth to Sonny in return for cold, hard cash, and Sonny keeps Janine waiting for an answer. Sonny admits to Alexis that he can't stomach lies, and Alexis offers her ear if Sonny ever feels comfortable enough to talk about specific betrayals. Meanwhile, Zander happens upon Courtney, stranded on the side of the road. Zander invites Courtney to tag along with him and meet Sonny after he discovers that she intends to connect with Janine. At the same time, nervous Mike turns to gambling to deal with the stress brought on by Janine's presence in Port Charles. Roy prevents Mike from losing his shirt, and Bobbie encourages Mike to let go of his past sins. Lucky rushes to Nikolas for help after having a bad dream about Eliz - 12.21.01 - FridayE248
12.21.01 - FridayRecap:Sonny questions Courtney about Janine, and Courtney reveals that Janine is Courtney's mother. Janine arrives upon the scene, and she attempts to prevent Courtney from spilling the rest of the beans. Confused Laura opts to fly home in order to think, and Luke surprises her again when he takes the seat next to her on the plane. At the Quartermaine mansion, Edward needles Skye about Jax when Skye grows irritated by Jax's business dealings with Carly. Skye lashes back at Edward, and Rae overhears when Skye blurts out her plans to use Rae to torture Monica at Christmas. Rae decides not to stay for Christmas as a result, but Alan urges Rae to stay as suspicious Monica observes from afar. Jax watches with admiration as Carly battles with zoning commissioners over their club, and Jax praises apprehensive Carly for her vigorous defense afterward. Finally, Gia encourages Kristina to go after Ned. Courtesy:ABC.com - 12.24.01 - MondayE249
12.24.01 - MondayRecap:Sonny fumes when he learns that Mike is Courtney's father, and Courtney lashes out at Janine when she discovers that Janine always knew that Mike was still alive. Jax surprises Carly with papers approving her office, and the two toast to their future as business partners. Alexis notes Kristina's immediate discomfort around Ned with Alexis' arrival, so Alexis retreats to the park. There, Alexis crosses paths with Jax, and their emotional exchange propels Alexis to dust off a memorial and to orchestrate a candlelight vigil. In the meantime, defeated Edward storms off after an unpleasant exchange with Skye, and AJ learns that Carly has set the wheels for Michael's adoption in motion. Rae does her best to convince Monica that she has no intention of stealing Alan from Monica, and Skye attempts to make things up to Lila for causing havoc among the Quartermaines by gathering carolers to inject some Christmas cheer into the mansion. At the hospital, Alan shares the story of Christmas, a - 12.26.01 - WednesdayE250
12.26.01 - WednesdayRecap:Mike asks for Sonny's help to find Courtney, and Carly urges Sonny to at least hear Mike's side of the story before condemning Mike for his past. Meanwhile, Gia catches Courtney stealing, and Nikolas ultimately assists Courtney with her cash flow problem. Anxious Courtney plans to drive off into the sunset, but her car refuses to cooperate, and AJ finds her on the side of the road. AJ reveals to Edward and Alan that Carly has set the groundwork for Michael's adoption, and AJ confides in Skye that he intends to make Sonny pay for stealing his son. Skye also shares her frustrations over Jax with AJ after Jax informs Skye that he has no intention of helping her run ELQ and that he plans to leave town. Carly also has a problem with Jax's departure, and she gets Jax to spill that he feels empty. Consequently, Jax agrees to remain in Port Charles until the opening of their club. Elizabeth presses secretly reluctant Lucky to elope amidst the excitement surrounding Gia's extravagant wedd - 12.27.01 - ThursdayE251
12.27.01 - ThursdayRecap:Sonny blasts Mike over Courtney and Mike's previous addiction to gambling, and Janine arrives to add her two cents. Zander finds Courtney with AJ, and after the two men exchange barbs, Zander eventually convinces Courtney to return to Sonny's penthouse with him. Upon Courtney's arrival, Sonny asks for a moment of privacy with his sister, and the two siblings contemplate their future. Meanwhile, AJ interrupts Jax with Carly to call in a favor by requesting a position at ELQ in the hopes of destroying Sonny, but Jax takes offense to AJ's harsh words about Carly, and Jax humiliates AJ when he rushes to Carly's defense. Surprised Carly thanks Jax. Lucky concerns Nikolas when he agrees to marry Elizabeth on New Year's Eve, and Gia notes Nikolas' hesitation when he reluctantly agrees to serve as Lucky's best man. Gia also agrees to be Elizabeth's maid of honor, and Gia insists upon helping Elizabeth dress for the big event. Monica catches Rae coaching Skye about men, and Monica wrongly - 12.28.01 - FridayE252
12.28.01 - FridayRecap:Elizabeth and Lucky interrupt Luke's attempt to persuade Laura to marry him with the announcement that they plan to marry on New Year's Eve. Luke suggests that they make it a double wedding, but Laura squelches the idea. Later, Luke further presses Laura to agree to his marriage proposal, and Laura seems poised to say yes. Gia probes Nikolas about Lucky, and Nikolas finally confesses that Lucky's feelings of love never returned for Elizabeth. Consequently, Gia believes that Elizabeth and Lucky should not marry, and Gia appears ready to spill the beans when Elizabeth and Lucky enter. Meanwhile, Sonny suggests that they begin their relationship by embracing the fact that they are family. Courtney warms to Sonny, and she overhears when Janine approaches Sonny and offers to disappear with Courtney in return for cash. Sonny blasts Janine in return, and Courtney learns about Janine's further deception. Sonny remains unable to come to terms with Mike's lies, and he runs to Alexis for he - 12.31.01 - MondayE253
12.31.01 - MondayRecap: Nikolas advises Lucky to think twice about marrying Elizabeth, but Lucky explains that an eternal bond links him to Elizabeth despite his missing feelings for her. At the same time, Gia attempts to warn Elizabeth against marrying Lucky. Elizabeth turns the conversation to praise for Gia, and Gia backs down until the last minute when she blurts to Elizabeth that Lucky doesn't love her anymore. Oblivious to the unfolding events, Laura flirts with Luke, and she playfully puts off answering Luke's marriage proposal. Luke cries to Bobbie, and Bobbie blames Laura's stalling on Luke's courting techniques. Sonny asks Alexis for advice on how to incorporate Courtney into his life, and an uncomfortable moment ensues when Sonny and Alexis bump into Carly and Zander in public. Meanwhile, Kristina prepares for a night out on the town with Ned. The Quartermaines argue over Edward's change of heart in regards to his will, and Alan determines to ignore Edward's latest attack and enjoy the arriv