Fourth Estate

2013    55mThriller, Drama,
"The Fourth Estate" is a television series, which addresses the clash between power and media, thus showing the many faces of politics and journalism. In the twelve episodes, viewers can trace an actual journalistic investigation, the main protagonists being politicians and journalists, while the plot is based on facts and events, which seem familiar due to the documentary background of many of the discussed plots. The story is built around the life of a newspaper, which endeavours to work by pursuing its own rules for independent journalism in a society overtaken by dependencies. The investigation leads to a clash between the outside and the personal world of reporters and they come to realize that they will have to choose between taking part in manipulation or stand up against it. What happens onscreen repeats life - cutthroat fight for power, dirty political games, hits below the belt, disclosure of information, pressure and desperate journalistic resistance. Illegal wiretapping, espionage, discrediting sex affair evidence, racketeering and scam are genre approaches that keep the viewers on the edge of their seats.

Where to Watch Fourth Estate

1 Season

  • Season 1
    Season 112 Episodes

Cast of Fourth Estate

  • Hristo ShopovPavel Troianov
  • Samuel FinziVelizar Mateev
  • Atanass AtanassovAndrey Krastanov
  • Деян Донков
  • Владимир Пенев
  • Ivaylo Geraskov
  • Mihail Bilalov
  • Hristo Petkov



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