For The Love of...

Season 2

Late night panel/table discussion which journalist Jon Ronson hosts on strange, and occasionally not so strange, topics. Many of the guests are people who claim to participate in or study these topics. On the more mundane side, we hear from people who keep fish, are Sikhs, top models or are fans of Lewis Carroll... on the more exotic side we hear from people who claim to be able to time travel, who French kiss their parrots, hold Diana conspiracy theories and belong to flying saucer religions. Ronson is impartial throughout, and does not tend to criticise his four, five or six guests. He occasionally cracks a joke which goes over their heads, but that's it. Most of the time the guests are able to give their opinion freely within the allotted time.

Where to Watch Season 2

5 Episodes

  • Trees
    TreesInvestigative journalist journalist Jon Ronson leads a panel between people who are fascinated by trees and what draws them to them.
  • Marine Tropical Fish
    Marine Tropical FishInvestigative journalist Jon Ronson leads a panel discussion between people who keep marine tropical fish. The hobby turns out to be very expensive, time consuming and involves a great deal of complex work to get the conditions just right.
  • Politeness
    PolitenessInvestigative journalist journalist Jon Ronson leads a panel discussion between those who believe politeness is fundamental to human interaction.
  • Subterranea
    SubterraneaInvestigative journalist journalist Jon Ronson leads a panel discussion between people who enjoy exploring underground spaces, and who talk about the unusual things they have found there.
  • Pet Communication
    Pet CommunicationInvestigative journalist journalist Jon Ronson leads a panel discussion between people who believe that they can communicate on a deep level with their pets and have a bond with them.



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