First Wave

Season 2

Framed for murder and on the run, a former thief struggles to expose the vanguard of an alien invasion with the help of a conspiracy theorist and newly discovered prophecies of Nostradamus.

Where to Watch Season 2

22 Episodes

  • Target 117
    Target 117Lucas is sent to Earth to test Cade Foster's warrior potential. - - - Quatrain 99, Century 1: ""Heed the call to the island of commerce / Cut be watchful of footsteps that lead unto battle / Look to the light to guide thee / The hacking blade has a double edge"" This quatrain had had me and Eddie baffled for some time until Eddie began receiving a series of e-mails at the Paranoid Times from a man named Harold Shanley who claimed to have escaped from an alien experiment. The poor guy sounded out of his mind; seems he became delusional enough to shoot his own kids. His descriptions took me back to my own nightmare. As much pain as I felt at losing Hannah, I'm sure his was 100 times greater. I knew I was the only one who could help him, and I also knew that any information he had could undoubtedly help me too. I had to find him before the Gua did. According to the origins of his sporadic e-mails, Shanley was making his way across the country, the most recent was from an Industrial Trade
  • Deepthroat
    DeepthroatAn astronomer friend of Eddie witnesses a unique celestial event, he pays for it with his life but not before contacting Eddie first. Pictures were sent to a Senator, Foster seeks out the senator and finds more than he bargained for.
  • The Apostles
    The ApostlesA biker gang descends on a town demanding the whereabouts of a person, they spot him, chase him down and kill him. Foster investigates following a Nostrodamus prediction and finds there is more to this biker gang than meets the eye.
  • Susperience
    SusperienceFollowing the Quatrains, Cade is lead to a group of empath's with the ability to influence the thoughts of others. While investigating he begins to realize the group is under the covert control of a murderous alien.
  • The Channel
    The ChannelA woman dies in an RTA, or does she? A miraculous recovery is accompanied by her reciting Nostrodamus and talking of the twice blessed man. Foster has to investigate this before the GUA come looking for her
  • Red Flag
    Red FlagFollowing the warnings of the Quatrain's, Cade infiltrates a coveted Red Flag competition at West Point military academy. Here choice candidates are groomed for government leadership. There are plans to elevate one of their own to the presidency of the US, to further their secretive agenda of invasion.
  • Prayer for the White Man
    Prayer for the White ManQuatrain 43, Century 9 "In the woods of Winchala, A cimmis lights the flame of affliction. Elders set the course, To choose wrongly will mean woe." a tribal elder "Lonetree" prays to the old ones in hopes that his tribe will see the error of their ways before it is to late. Concerned that gambling spawns addiction, crime and suicide in communities with casinos. Fortunately the help from the spirits comes in the form of Cade.
  • The Purge
    The PurgeAn attempt on the life of the minister causes chaos at an assembly of alien dignitaries. - - - There is a potentially dangerous storm brewing deep within the ranks of the Gua forces. Though my concerns grow more dire each day, I, Joshua, must admit to feeling a certain degree of relief – to finally know that I am not alone in my conclusions, that others both here and at home are similarly doubting the validity of our mission here on Earth. Decades ago, during the earliest days of the infiltration, we were a unified force, certain that patience and careful planning were all that would be required to defeat the human race. I used to believe that. But now I find myself riddled with doubt. Now I know enough to question not only the tactics but the very objectives of our leadership. Yet even as I write here, the most powerful and respected of our leaders continue to maintain that Earth and its inhabitants are well within our control, utterly unprepared to defend themselves against a full-
  • Lost Souls
    Lost SoulsSubway workers find the body of a woman buried 50 years ago in a wall, impossibly she is still alive. Nostrodamus prophecy predicts this so Foster investigates how this could be and if the GUA are responsible.
  • The Heist
    The HeistFoster and his cronies find themselves as participants in an alien experiment. - - - ""The weapon will fall upon cities / Unless theives deliver humanity from woe / The enemy of triumph is intellect / For faculties failure requires sence anew"". I spent my early years in a top-notch thief crew, so this Nostradamus quatrain peaked my interest. But touching base with my past quickly collided with my present. Suddenly, I was back in the game, working as a break-and-enter man for a score going down in Silicon Valley. And the people I worked with were no strangers. Harley Daniels, more than an old friend, a statuesque blonde with brains to spare – she finds the scores and makes sure they get set up right. Ritchie Black, a wild boy who happens to be the best alarm-bypass man around – it always felt good to have Ritchie by my side on a job. And then there was Dex – the taskmaster of the unit – took ""Crew Chief"" as his title. Dex had a special love for giving orders – he kept us on track. Thin
  • Ohio Players
    Ohio PlayersAn amazing turnaround of a high-school football team raises Cade's eyebrows and causes him to investigate why the team players all have the same tattoo on their arms. Visiting a tattoo parlor he finds the ink is not as expected. The patron that runs the parlor tries to kill him, and once again Cade is saved by his friend Eddie.
  • Night Falls
    Night FallsWhile investigating a clue Cade gets shot in the side by the police, he hijacks a car and forces the driver to take him home with her. The aliens try and trick Cade into revealing the location of a lost book of Nostradamus' quatrains.
  • Normal, Illinois
    Normal, IllinoisSeveral teens die from mysterious neurological disorders. - - - ""Here the waters are contained / Nature's course is obstructed / And youth imprisoned by devil's lightning / Whose use shall tame the rival's ardor"". Crazy Eddie has been recently getting more and more e-mails from visitors to the site. Readers who believe the unbelievable – that the aliens are here to take over our planet. One of our readers, Robbie Harlock, e-mailed us repeatedly about the bizarre death of Carson McAuliffe during a pool party in a small town in Illinois. The e-mail bore similarity to Quatrain 66, Century 7: ""Where the waters are contained / Nature's course is obstructed / And youth imprisoned by devil's lightening / Whose use shall tame the rival's ardor."" From previous experiences I knew following up e-mails is a risky business, but I also knew our network of believers is growing so the risk was worth it. That's what brought me to the small town called Normal. Met Robbie in the woods along the highway
  • All About Eddie
    All About EddieEddie takes on the aliens at his high school reunion when he discovers his friends are being kidnapped by the Gua. The aliens plot to kidnap and torture Eddie, determined to press their victim until he reveals Cade's whereabouts.
  • Playland
    PlaylandFollowing up on the murder of some innocent people at a fast food outlet by a teenager, Foster travels through a portal and finds himself among 2 warring factions of street youths in a deserted fairground. Another GUA experiment? But why?
  • The Harvest
    The Harvest3 young women disappear in Boston, Foster follows a quatrain that seems to point to this being of interest. He teams up with the sister of one of the missing women to find out what has happened and why.
  • Rubicon
    RubiconFoster narrowly escapes death from a bomb blast and finds himself waking 13 days later in a government run facility that apparently monitors and hunts the GUA. He is pardoned by the President. This sounds to good to be true, so is it?
  • Gladiator
    GladiatorAn alien experiment involving bare-knuckle fighters draws Cade Foster and an old prison friend to enter a boxing competition. - - - I went to Atlanta, a city built on the ashes of the Civil War, to check out the world of bare-knuckle fighting and seek an ally in my fight against the Gua. Passed a wanted poster on my way into town and the face staring back was my own. Desperate times call for desperate measures. Time to take off the gloves. Omar Healy was a prize-fighter in a world without the Vegas showgirls and limelight. 35, and with a prison record, Healy had been disqualified by the Olympic committee for drug use – turned out to be a bum rap, since the drugs were over-the-counter migraine medication. Healy and I knew each other from our days locked up together, he accused me of being a bad guy who turned good and then back again. Told him I was innocent and needed his help. Then I told him I wanted to call in an old debt. Needed Healy to help me gain entry into the Human Genome P
  • The Trial of Joshua Bridges
    The Trial of Joshua BridgesOn trial for his life by the GUA Joshua is sentenced to mind realignment and uploading his consciousness for punishment. Foster rescues him mid process and escapes with a very confused Joshua who begins to question some of his choices.
  • Underworld
    UnderworldA mob boss narrowly escapes death by a GUA assassin, meanwhile Foster follows a quatrain and poses as a mob gunman for hire, to get inside the crime syndicates and find out why and what are the GUA's goals.
  • Tomorrow
    TomorrowCade wakes ups in an alley after being brainwashed by the Gua who have tried to extract information from him. He sees posters about Human-Gua cooperation giving him a glimpse of what the world would be like during the alien occupation of earth.
  • The Believers
    The BelieversAfter 2 years of fighting the GUA Foster and Eddie try a desperate move and take hostages in a television broadcast studio, in an effort to raise awareness of the invasion to a huge audience, but not all goes according to plan

Cast of Season 2

  • Rob LaBelleCrazy Eddie
  • Sebastian SpenceCade Foster



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