
Season 1

The latest BBC pre-school offering is for 2-4 year olds (so sits neatly between Teletubbies and Tweenies) centres around the characters Fimbo, Florrie and Baby Pom ("Fimbles") and their lives/adventures in Fimble Valley.

Where to Watch Season 1

65 Episodes

  • Suitcase
    SuitcaseFlorrie finds a suitcase and is surprised to find that it is empty. Bessie points out that empty suitcases are much more interesting than full ones, and Fimbo, Florrie and Pom decide to pack up their most favourite things. But can they fit everything in?
  • Sock
    SockFimbo finds a new friend - a bright blue sock. Together they tour Fimble Valley, and meet the other Fimbles, Florrie and Pom. Bessie the bird and her chick Ribble, Rockit the jumping frog and Roly Mo the mole are also waiting to meet you, in another adventure from the magical world of the Fimbles.
  • Red
    RedPom finds a piece of material that's soft and red - a very special colour. Is it a flag, a cloak or a carpet? And who is the special person that Bessie is talking about?
  • Wig
    WigFimbo finds what looks like a bright pink sparkly hedgehog, but when it turns out to be bright pink sparkly wig he and Rockit decide it would be great fun to play a trick on Florrie and Pom - guess who's coming to tea?
  • Tambourine
    TambourineFlorrie finds a tambourine, which makes a perfect crown. But she finds it hard to be a perfect queen, and nobody wants to play with her. What can she do to put this right?
  • Hooter
    HooterFlorrie finds a hooter, but it makes too much noise and she wants to do something quiet. Fimbo and Pom decide that it will make a great addition to their new car and they set about delivering some very important things.
  • JIngly Hat
    JIngly HatPom finds a hat with bells on it, which jingle every time she moves. But when she plays hide and seek with Rockit the bells keep giving her away. How can she solve this jingly problem?
  • Cushion
    CushionWhen Florrie finds a stripy cushion she ties it round Rockit's tummy so he can be a stripy Fimble too. But will Rockit get a Fimbling Feeling and is there really something waiting to be found by him?
  • hoop
    hoopFimbo finds a hoop, which he turns into a steering wheel for his bus. He and Florrie make a bus stop and everyone waits for Fimbo's bus to arrive. They wait - and wait - and wait. Where has Fimbo gone? And when will the bus arrive?
  • puzzle
    puzzleWhen Fimbo and Florrie each find a piece of a jigsaw puzzle, they realise that the last piece is missing. Where could it be? It's nearer than they think, because Pom's found something too.
  • Tent
    TentFlorrie finds a tent in the Purple Meadow and decides to make herself a cosy den. The others want to join in too but they've got to guess Florrie's special word - not an easy thing to do.
  • Pebbles
    PebblesThe Fimbles find three beautiful pebbles - one for each of them. The trouble is, the pebbles are identical. How will they be able to tell which pebble belongs to which Fimble?
  • Shinny Button
    Shinny Button
  • Wind
    WindPom finds the wind when it ruffles her topknot - it wants to play. Then the wind finds Fimbo and Florrie. Together they share this very special find - something you can't see but you can hear and feel.
  • Wellington
  • Red nose
    Red nosePom finds a red clown's nose and she is delighted but Fimbo's Shimmy Shaker stops shaking and he is really down in the dumps. What can Florrie, Pom and Rockit do to cheer Fimbo up? And will the Shaker ever Shimmy again?
  • Clockwork Toy
    Clockwork ToyNothing scares Fimbo, he's the bravest Fimble in Fimble Valley. But when Florrie finds a clockwork toy duck, Fimbo learns that it's really alright to be frightened by the smallest things.
  • Party Hat
    Party HatFlorrie finds a party hat - and you can't have a party hat without a party. Join Fimbo, Florrie, Pom and their friends for fun and games in Fimble Valley.
  • Blue
    BlueFlorrie, Pom and Rockit follow a trail of footprints, hoping to catch the mysterious Blue Galoo.
  • Pedal Bin
    Pedal BinFimbo, Florrie and Pom decide to have a big tidy up so they can fill the pedal bin which Fimbo has found. But they soon find that one person's rubbish might be another person's treasure.
  • Windmill
    WindmillFlorrie finds a windmill, which she thinks is a flower. Rockit has been doing too much hopping and is feeling all floppy. Florrie tries to look after her flower while the others try to cheer Rockit up. Perhaps the windmill flower can make Rockit happy and hoppy again?
  • Watering Can
    Watering CanFlorrie finds a watering can. When the Fimbles find out that water can help plants to grow, Pom decides to water herself so that she can grow big enough to play Fimble in the Middle.
  • Shopping basket
    Shopping basketFlorrie finds a shopping basket and starts collecting things to go in it. But every time she puts something into the basket, it disappears. Where is everything going? Meanwhile, somebody else in Fimble Valley could do with a shopping basket ..
  • Wooden Spoon
    Wooden SpoonFimbo, Florrie and Pom each find a wooden spoon, and they use their spoons to play their own secret games. Come and join the Fimbles to find out what these secrets are.
  • Cotton Wool
    Cotton WoolFimbo finds something soft, large and white. He decides it's a cloud and the Fimbles promptly adopt it. The fact that it's really a large ball of cotton wool doesn't deter Pom from using it as a cotton wool cloud pillow.
  • Moon
    MoonWhen Fimbo finds the moon, Pom decides that she wants it for herself - Florrie finds a way to make Pom's wish come true.
  • String
    StringFimbo finds a ball of string. There are lots of games you can play with a piece of string, but Florrie discovers that string can be very useful too.
  • Russion Dolls
    Russion Dolls
  • Picture Frame
    Picture FrameWhen Florrie finds a picture frame she wants to have a picture of someone to put in it. But Rockit won't keep still, Fimbo keeps running off and Pom won't smile. So where will she find the perfect face for her picture?
  • Gnome
    GnomeWhen Florrie finds a garden gnome, Rockit decides that he can stand as still as the gnome, but he finds that standing still isn't really that easy.
  • Envelope
    EnvelopeWhen Fimbo finds an envelope, Rockit decides to become a Post Frog, and he finds that everyone has something special they want to send by Rockit Mail.
  • Sunbeam
    SunbeamFlorrie finds something really special - a sunbeam. Sunbeams make everyone happy, but how can you keep one forever?
  • Reflection
    ReflectionPom finds a new friend - it's her reflection in the Funpuddle - but when Rockit finds his reflection too, Fimbo thinks he has lost his playmate. Does Rockit really prefer his new froggy friend?
  • Funnel
    FunnelWhen Pom finds a funnel she decides that it's a good way of playing a noisy game. But it's good for something else too, and Pom helps to solve Florrie and Fimbo's puzzle.
  • Postcard
    PostcardFlorrie finds a postcard, and everyone decides to go on holiday - but they all want to go somewhere different. Find out how they all get their holiday wishes without travelling very far from home.
  • Wooly Hat
    Wooly Hat
  • Squeaky Toy
    Squeaky ToyPom finds a tuffet which seems to squeak. Then she realises it's really a toy mouse, and soon there are squeaky sounds to be heard all around Fimble Valley.
  • Tissues
    TissuesPom finds a box of coloured tissues, which she explores with great gusto. Then the box goes missing - where can it be? And why is Rockit doing all he can to stop the Fimbles finding it?
  • Magic Wand
    Magic WandFlorrie finds a magic wand and, sure enough, Fimbo, Florrie and Pom find their wishes coming true. But, as Bessie says, the best magic is the magic you make for yourself.
  • Small Cloud
    Small Cloud
  • Money Box
    Money BoxFlorrie's find is a cow-shaped money box - and it seems to be hungry. Meanwhile, Fimbo's precious shiny pebbles are disappearing one by one. Where can they be going?
  • Shoes
    ShoesFimbo is going fishing, but instead of catching a fish he catches a shoe. Florrie catches the other shoe, and uses it to make a fishy surprise for Fimbo.
  • Spots
    SpotsFimbo finds a sheet of sticky spots - perfect for decorating all sorts of things, including himself. Rockit is convinced that Fimbo is ill and Fimbo enjoys the fuss which everyone makes of him, but pretending to be ill has its drawbacks.
  • Stepping Stones
    Stepping Stones
  • Yellow
  • Sticky Patch
    Sticky PatchWhen Fimbo discovers a sticky patch it's not very long before he manages to get himself stuck in it. And when Rockit and Florrie try to help, it gets worse. Can Pom and Roly solve this sticky problem?
  • Arrow
    ArrowFlorrie finds an arrow on a day when everyone is hunting for Fimbo. She follows the arrow, thinking it will lead her to Fimbo, but the arrow seems to have a mind of its own and no-one knows which way to turn.
  • Furry Material
    Furry Material
  • Radio
  • Box of Coins 
    Box of Coins 
  • Treasure Chest
    Treasure Chest
  • Rainbow 
  • Cards 
    Cards When Fimbo finds an envelope, he decides to make a card and send it to Florrie. She in turn sends a card to Roly Mo, and then Pom really wants a card of her own - this sounds like another job for Rockit the Post Frog.
  • Mirror
    MirrorPom finds a mirror. When she sees her reflection she thinks it's another Pom; when Rockit sees his reflection he thinks it's another frog; and when Fimbo sees his reflection he realises why everyone's been laughing at him.
  • Bubbles 
  • Music Box
    Music Box
  • Wrapping Paper
    Wrapping Paper
  • Building Blocks
    Building Blocks
  • Tune
  • Star
  • Hiccup
  • Leaf
  • Snow flake 
    Snow flake 
  • Picture Book
    Picture Book
  • Keys



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