Eugene Cussons uses his family's land to open a chimp sanctuary, where he performs hands-on rehabilitation, all the while travelling to various countries on rescue missions.
Tony's Brush with DeathOne of the chimps has a bad reaction to darting.
Josephine is the Name, Trouble is the Game (Part 1)
Josephine is the Name, Trouble is the Game (Part 1)A 13 year old aggressive chimp is hindering her integration into the adult area, and a sudden tragedy is felt all over the camp.
Josephine is the Name, Trouble is the Game (Part 2)
Josephine is the Name, Trouble is the Game (Part 2)Josephine's introduction continues despite the turmoil created by the demise of the group's alpha male.
The Family Jao - Cheaper By the Dozen
The Family Jao - Cheaper By the DozenLone visits Orangutan Island on its anniversary; special moments with Chen Chen and Cha Cha.
A New Home for Suzie and Lily part 1
A New Home for Suzie and Lily part 1Eugene returns to Angola to rescue young females Lily and Suzie.
A New Home for Suzie and Lily part 2
A New Home for Suzie and Lily part 2Eugene faces several problems during his efforts to bring the chimps to the sanctuary.
Josephine's Day Out
Josephine's Day OutJosephine escapes from the adult enclosure.
Zac, The Great Pretender
Zac, The Great PretenderZac, the number 2 male, challenges Jao for the leadership in the family. This showdown was bound to happen someday.
Seven Babies for a New Family (Part 1)
Seven Babies for a New Family (Part 1)Eugene returns to Sudan to pick up seven young chimps at a safe house.
Seven Babies for a New Family (Part 2)
Seven Babies for a New Family (Part 2)Eugene struggles with food shortages, bureaucratic difficulties and seven unruly baby chimps.
Life in Quarantine
Life in QuarantineThe success of a new family group depends on its alpha female, Martha.
Chimp Eden Casanova
Chimp Eden CasanovaNicky, 12, was expelled from a zoo because he couldn't stay away from an alpha male's favorite females.
Tony's Brighter Day
Tony's Brighter DayTony goes in for a cataract operation.
The Rise and Fall of Gida
The Rise and Fall of GidaGida struggles for her place in the hierarchy.
Moving Day for the Adults (Part 1)
Moving Day for the Adults (Part 1)The adult group is moved into a bigger, less controlled enclosure.
Moving Day for the Adults (Part 2)
Moving Day for the Adults (Part 2)A seemingly minor dust up between Josephine and Jinga sparks a major drama.
Growing Pains for the Infants
Growing Pains for the InfantsJao's family is moved into the old adult enclosure, which offers more room to explore.
The Millennium Family
The Millennium FamilyThe new family leaves quarantine and is released into the empty infant enclosure.
The Human Alpha
The Human AlphaEugene begins his work with the new family group.
Eugene Goes Wild
Eugene Goes WildEugene heads to the Lekedi Reserve in Gabon where for the first time will meet the chimps in their natural surroundings.
Cast of Season 2
Eugene Cussons
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