Empty Nest

Season 2

"Empty Nest" tells of the day to day misadventures of a widowed pediatrician named Harry Weston and his two adult daughters, Barbara and Carol, who have come back to live with him after failed marriages.

Where to Watch Season 2

24 Episodes

  • Settling
    SettlingCarol's new boyfriend is all for marriage, but not consummation.
  • Harry Snubs Laverne
    Harry Snubs LaverneWhen Harry is inducted into the hospital's hall of fame, he forgets to thank Laverne in his acceptance speech. Meanwhile, two young patients announce their wedding plans and Charley asks to be buried with the Westons.
  • On the Interpretation of Dreams
    On the Interpretation of DreamsHis recurring dream (which includes running from a tiger, a pink kimono, and Ed McMahon) keeps Harry and the girls up all night, trying to decipher it's meaning. They end up at an all-night diner where they run into Laverne.
  • Between a Cop and a Hard Place
    Between a Cop and a Hard PlaceBarbara finds out that her new police partner, whom Carol is dating, is married.
  • Just You and My Kid
    Just You and My KidAn old patient returns and asks Harry to be the father of her child.
  • Rambo of Neiman Marcus
    Rambo of Neiman MarcusCarol and Barbara are witnesses to a mall robbery and surprisingly it's Carol who nabs the thief, not police officer, Barbara. Neighbor Rose hits Harry's car and offers to pay for the damages.
  • You Are 16 Going on 17 and I'm Not
    You Are 16 Going on 17 and I'm NotCarol objects when Harry asks her to tutor a boy she used to baby-sit, until she sees how handsome he has become. Carol feels guilty after the two end up sleeping together. Laverne misses best friend, Lurlene's birthday party because of a double work load at the office.
  • The R.N. Who Came to Dinner
    The R.N. Who Came to DinnerLaverne moves in with the Westons after a fight with Nick and proceeds to take control of the house. A young patient who can't get a date for a school dance asks Harry to take her.
  • Green Eggs and Harry
    Green Eggs and HarryHarry enlists the help of Carol when he is asked to write a children's book, but he soon finds out that Barbara has better ideas. Charley is smitten with another juror during jury duty.
  • Overdue for a Job
    Overdue for a JobCarol gets a job at a library, where she meets an obnoxious college professor. Charley joins a Big Buddy program. Barbara teaches Dreyfuss to play Frisbee.
  • A Christmas Story
    A Christmas StoryThe Westons prepare for their annual holiday skiing trip until Dreyfuss runs away. Laverne refuses to accept Christmas gifts from Harry.
  • Change of Heart
    Change of HeartAn overworked Harry has an angina attack but refuses to slow down and rest.
  • Harry's Choice
    Harry's ChoiceHarry is thrilled when Barbara quits the police force, but feels he may have pushed her into a different job. Carol tries to save enough money to pay for Harry's birthday present: an oil portrait of herself.
  • Complainin' in the Rain
    Complainin' in the RainTired of her complaining, Barbara persuades Carol to go with her on a spontaneous adventure. Harry and Laverne recall the day she came to work for him, but their stories have several variations.
  • M.D., P.O.V.
    M.D., P.O.V.Harry tries to avoid a reporter who is doing a story on him. A young patient is on the verge of death and no one can figure out why.
  • Everything But Love
    Everything But LoveHarry's visiting niece starts dating Charley. Laverne's friend Lurlene visits and accuses Laverne of being ""citified.""
  • Timing
    TimingHarry feels ready to rekindle an old romance.
  • It Happened Two Nights, Four Costume Changes
    It Happened Two Nights, Four Costume ChangesLaverne is told that Nick is having an affair so she tells him she is dating Harry. When she finds out she was misinformed, Nick refuses to believe that she made up the story about her affair. Meanwhile, Carol and Barbara disagree on how to get rid of a mouse in the house.
  • Love is Blind
    Love is BlindCarol dates a blind man and focuses only on his disability, ignoring the fact that he is rude and obnoxious. Jeffrey Millstein is nervous about a chess tournament.
  • Goodbye, Mr. Dietz
    Goodbye, Mr. DietzThe Westons come home to find that Charley is having a party in their house. When Harry tells him to leave and never come back, he moves away. Meanwhile, Harry unknowingly throws away Laverne's lucky hot dog wrapper while cleaning up the office.
  • Lessons
    LessonsA student has a crush on Barbara, who is working undercover at a high school. Meanwhile, Charley takes up golf, Harry teaches Dreyfuss to fetch the paper, and Laverne is convinced she'll become fat after looking at a family album.
  • Take My Mom, Please
    Take My Mom, PleaseCarol and Barbara hire a maid, and then realize the family silver is missing. A young patient in need of a father sets Harry up on a date with her mom.
  • Did You Ever See a Dream Dying?
    Did You Ever See a Dream Dying?Harry helps Nick buy a bar. The Westons take in a lost dog and then blame Dreyfuss for all the damage it does.
  • Still Growing After All These Years
    Still Growing After All These YearsHarry realizes that his new girlfriend takes too good care of him, which is something he doesn't need anymore. Charley auditions to become a television weatherman. Jeffrey Millstein seeks Harry's advice on how to make friends in public school.

Cast of Season 2

  • Richard MulliganDr. Harry Weston
  • Kristy McNicholBarbara Weston
  • Dinah ManoffCarol Weston
  • David LeisureCharley Dietz
  • Park OverallLaVerne Todd



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