Empress Ki


A Korea-born warrior girl had to be a servant at the Mongol Yuan court but somehow overcame her low status to become an empress in another land.
Where to Watch Specials
1 Episode
  • Alternative Finale
    Alternative FinaleOn 4/5/2014 MBC changed the ending on the rebroadcast final episode of "Empress Almost five minutes of the final episode has been changed. It changed some of the storylines, narration, flashback, up until the last scene: 01. Removed: Scene of SN changing into her black Koryorobes 02. In the scene where SN orders troops to be sent toKoryo, King of Shenyang does not appear 03. Added: scene of Jocham saying that Yeom Byeongsu is atthe Koryo village 04. Added: SN sits on the throne and bans the concubinetribute practice from Goryeo 05. Added: About King Gongmin, Eunuch Bang broughthim over to Yuan, introduced him to Ki, and she asked him to become theKing of Goryeo. 06. Removed: SN deliberating which horse to choose -->Changed to: SN riding with TH (no more WY) 07. Added: Narration by Ayu (the voice of an older Ayu) 08. Added: Coronation scene after the horse riding scene 09. Changed: Ending epilogue text about King of Shenyangbeing killed 10. Changed: ending still shots
Cast of Specials
  • Ha Ji-wonKi Seung Nyang (Empress Ki)
  • Jeon Kuk-hwanEl Temur

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