Elleville Elfrid
Season 3
Follow the adventures of happy-go-lucky Ella as she uses her boundless creativity and infectious enthusiasm to solve everyday problems in spectacularly innovative ways. A warm, humorous mix of fun and laughter about charismatic, creative Ella and the playful kids and eccentric adults in her life.
Where to Watch Season 3
52 Episodes
- The Best of Sunshine GardensE5
The Best of Sunshine GardensElla has a new trailer and wants all the children to come and play with it in Sunshine gardens. Unfortunately, Lottie has a Cold and has to watch from her window as the others have lots of fun. But Ella has an ingenious plan that makes sure Lottie Is not left out. - Sing AlongE8
Sing AlongElla is delighted to find an old piano in Sunshine Gardens that Mrs berg says she doesn't play anymore so, she wants to find it a new home. Ella asks her to play something and joins in singing. Mrs berg is so impressed, she suggests that they do a little concert together For everyone In Sunshine Gardens. Ella nervously agrees. Her favourite song is "The more we are together the happier we will be!" And so it proves. - The Yellow Plumed WarblerE10
The Yellow Plumed WarblerHenry shows Ella a picture of a very special bird called The Yellow Plumed Warbler, in his bird book. They dress in camouflage and set Out to try to find one in Sunshine gardens but, without success. As It's a very shy bird, it needs all Ella's ingenuity plus a lot of feathers To try to entice it out. - Backing BandE11
Backing BandElla decides to put together a backing band to play with her dad and his saxophone. They all have an instrument but either they can't really play Them, they are damaged, or just unavailable. And when finally, even Mrs Berg's harp is put out of action, Ella needs to do some very quick thinking before dad arrives to play. However, many unexpected things make musical sounds, as they soon discover. - Big BashE12
Big BashAfter hearing Ella's dad play his saxophone and reminisce about his old band, Ella and the children decide to form a band of their own. The trouble Is, they can't decide who plays which instrument so, they all have a go on all of them. The resulting din makes even Gloria and Joseph Cover their ears. It turns out that they can all play all of the instruments and with a ball of string, Ella proves it. "It's even better than my original band," says dad! - FootballE13
FootballHenry has a shiny new football and is very keen to show how good he is in goal. Unfortunately, even with the help of an enormous pair of Goalies gloves given to him by Mr Jackson, He is unable to keep the ball out of the net. When Mr Jackson tells him that he must really concentrate, Ella makes sure that he is able to do so. - Art from the HeartE16
Art from the HeartElla and Mr Jackson cut down some ivy that was covering a wall in Sunshine gardens and Ella suggests that they all have a painting Competition and exhibit the final paintings on the wall. Mr Jackson agrees to be the judge but the final result is not what any of them expected and they are all very disappointed. See how Ella finds a way where they all have fun and everyone is happy with the final result. - Camp OutE17
Camp OutElla, Henry and the twins decide that they'd like to have an adventure and camp out overnight in Sunshine gardens in an old tent Lent to them by Mr Jackson. All goes well until it gets dark and they begin to get very cold and nervous. See how Ella resolves the problem and makes them all feel snug and safe. - Cowboy MovieE19
Cowboy MovieMr Jackson proudly tells Ella, Henry and the twins that he's in a hurry because he's going to see his favourite Cowboy Movie. They all decide that playing cowboys will be fun so put on cowboy hats to gallop around Sunshine gardens. The trouble is that Henry's hat is taken by the twins and in the ensuing battle to get it back, Mrs Berg's clothes line gets broken. Sadly, Mr Jackson misses his film because he is the only one who can fix it. See how Ella ensures that Mr Jackson still sees a movie and they all have lots of fun. - Space HopperE20
Space HopperHenry is bouncing around in Sunshine Gardens on a big red shiny Space Hopper when he meets Ella and, asks her whether she'd like a go. Ella has an even better idea and rushes off and returns with a wonderfully decorated Space Hopper of her own. Now they can bounce together! But Henry feels left out of things when the twins appear and are only interested in Ella's Space Hopper and not his. But then guess who comes along and bounces away on Henry's Space Hopper? - Tallest TowerE21
Tallest TowerHenry shows Ella and the twins a book he has of very high buildings and tells them that he'd like to build the tallest tower ever in Sunshine Gardens. They are all very excited and collect all the boxes they can find to build it with. The trouble with piles of boxes is, that however they are stacked up, and fixed together, they eventually collapse. That is until Henry suggests a completely different way of building a tower. - Big Day OutE22
Big Day OutElla, Henry and the twins are going to visit a farm tomorrow and are very excited about the trip. Because they need to get up early the following morning, they decide to stay over at Ella's apartment where her dad has made them all a bed. The trouble is, they can't get to sleep because they keep talking about all the animals they are going to see. ZZZZZZZZ! - Little VisitorE23
Little VisitorElla hears a faint rustling sound from a bush behind the playground, but can see nothing there. But, as she turns and walks away, a little duckling comes out and starts to follow her. When she meets Henry, he points to the duckling and they realise that they now have a new little friend. But where does it Come from and where's its mummy? Discover how Ella and Henry, with the help of the twins and Mrs Berg, solve the mystery. - Hobby HorseE24
Hobby HorseElla and Henry find a Hobby Horse in Sunshine Gardens and gallop around on it all day before taking it back to Ella's apartment for the night. Ella's Dad tells them that it must belong to someone who is probably really missing it and they need to give it back. They sadly agree because they really like it. It's a big surprise when they learn who the real owner is but, see how they both give it back and keep it at the same time. - Shrinking PlayE26
Shrinking PlayElla, Henry and the twins are very excited when Mrs Berg tells them that she has found some old costumes for a prince, a princess, a witch and a frog, so without waiting for Mrs Berg to finish explaining, they run off to create a play to perform in Sunshine Gardens. They are really disappointed when the costumes turn out to be less than they expected but, with great inventiveness, they put on a wonderful performance anyway. - Batty BatsE28
Batty BatsHenry is showing Ella his book about Bats and telling her how much he likes them when the twins arrive dressed up as ghosts to remind them that Halloween is tonight. So, Ella and Henry dress up in costumes to join the twins in the playhouse. The problem is that Henry is frightened of witches and ghosts so is too afraid to go into the playhouse now it's dark. Suddenly a bat flies into the playhouse and Mrs Berg and the twins are absolutely terrified. Ella calls Henry because she knows that he likes bats but, can Henry overcome his fear and sort things out? - Rocket BoyE29
Rocket BoyThere is a picture of CAPTAIN ACTION on Henry's bedroom wall and he tells Ella that he'd like to be a super hero like him. They both decide to dress in super hero costumes and find someone to rescue in Sunshine Gardens. But, no one needs their help! Henry is disappointed and goes back to his bedroom to read his Captain Action comics. Imagine his joy when he suddenly gets a message that he's needed for a rescue mission. Guess who is in trouble and see whether Henry really is a super hero Like Captain Action. - Bingo RobotE30
Bingo RobotElla and Henry are getting ready to go to a fancy dress party but quite by accident both decide to go as a Robot. They start to collect everything that they'll need for their costumes but, the trouble is, they both need exactly the same things. So, even though they ask everyone they know to help, there just isn't enough silver stuff for both of them, and they have to agree that they can't both be robots. See how they come up with a clever way to happily go to the party, together. - Going Walkie TalkieE31
Going Walkie TalkieHenry gives Ella one of his two Walkie Talkies. Ella tells Henry to run to the top floor of Sunshine Villas to see whether he can hear her from there! Ella waits and then calls Henry "Hello? Can you hear me? Over!" But, there is no reply. Why doesn't he answer? See how they find out that the Walkie talkies really do work although not quite in the way that they were expecting and how it involves Mr Jackson, Mrs Berg, the twins and especially, Joseph. - Silly GoatE36
Silly GoatElla and Henry find a goat in Sunshine gardens, whom they name Gertie. They decide to adopt her and keep her as a pet. But goats are more difficult to look after and feed than they'd thought and don't like to be told what to do. But, when Mr Jackson's mower breaks down, Ella finds that they can both help him and, keep Gertie occupied and happy. - Troll PuppetsE38
Troll PuppetsElla builds a small puppet theatre and sets it up in Sunshine Gardens to do a troll puppet show. Henry and the twins are entranced and want to have a go. All goes really well until Mr Jackson arrives and after telling them how much he loved troll puppets as a boy, decides to join in. Could this be one big troll too many? - Basement MonsterE39
Basement MonsterElla, Henry and the twins are playing near to Sunshine Villas when they hear a noise coming from the basement. They creep downstairs but then quickly run up again, convinced it's a monster after seeing two flashing eyes! It takes all their courage and ingenuity to discover what lurks in the cellar! - Wheelbarrow RaceE40
Wheelbarrow RaceElla and the twins are running through Sunshine Gardens, pulling Henry along in Ella's trailer, when they pass Mr Jackson pushing his wheelbarrow. It soon turns into a race with Mr "Speedy" Jackson. But, Mr Jackson falls over and sprains his ankle. How will he get all his gardening work done now? The children give him a helping hand and Mr Jackson gets everything done and has the ride of life. - Baby SittersE41
Baby SittersJanet, the niece of Mrs Berg, comes to tea and brings her young baby named Charlie in his pram. Ella, and Henry offer to look after the baby for her. Janet tells them that it's a wonderful idea as long as they have an adult with them. Ella goes to find Mr Jackson, as after all, he's an adult so now what could possibly go wrong? - Pie and SeekE42
Pie and SeekMr Jackson has collected lots of apples in Sunshine Gardens and Ella agrees with Mrs Berg that it would be a great idea to make a surprise apple pie for him, as it is his favourite. So as Mrs Berg starts baking, Ella runs off to play with Henry and the twins. Mrs Berg places the pie in the garden to cool but when she returns, it has gone. She makes three pies, all of which she leaves to cool in Sunshine gardens and is very upset when they all disappear. Who it eating the pies? - Deep Sea AdventureE43
Deep Sea AdventureHenry is reading his picture book about all the strange fish that live in the ocean and tells Ella that he'd like to be a deep sea diver. But because they don't live near the sea, they decide to put on their goggles and flippers and just play at being deep sea divers in the bathroom. Ella's dad soon suggests that they go outside to play. Everyone they meet in Sunshine gardens ends up getting wet but, still they don't find any fish. That is, until they all go to dry off in the basement, and it reminds Ella of being under water. What does she mean? - Double TroubleE44
Double TroubleIt's a hot day and Mr Jackson sets up a water slide for Ella, Henry and the twins in Sunshine Gardens. The children are having a wonderful time when Mrs Berg passes by. Ella asks her whether she wants to have a go but she can't because she has weeding to do. So the children are very surprised when almost immediately she re appears, strips off her clothes to reveal a swimming costume, and joins them, then, after doing a spectacular slide, rushes off to get them all some lemonade. So imagine their surprise when she returns minutes later with her wheelbarrow full of weeds, fully clothed and no lemonade. What is Mrs Berg playing at? - Boing BoingE45
Boing BoingWhat fun! Ella and her friends have a wonderful time bouncing up and down on Mr Jackson's old Bouncy Castle but, Henry is too frightened to join in. Mr Jackson used to be a champion bouncer and after some persuasion from Ella, agrees to give Henry a lesson. Henry starts off nervously but soon gets the hang of it. Then, Mr Jackson demonstrates a really big bounce with spectacular results. - On GuardE46
On GuardElla, Henry and the twins are playing at being guards, "Left! Right! Left! Right! Shouts Ella as she marches them up and down outside their playhouse or, as it's now called, their Guard Castle. Mr Jackson passes by carrying a brightly wrapped parcel with a big red bow on top. They tell him that they will be happy to guard his parcel while he goes to the shops. They put it in the Guard Castle. Surely it will be safe in there,- won't it? - Old BetsyE47
Old BetsyThe children are very excited. Mr Jackson has a car and maybe if it has a good wash and polish by Ella, Henry and the twins and a little tinkering with the engine, they can all go on a wonderful trip together. Especially if Mr Jackson's chickens will get out of it and lay their eggs elsewhere! Mrs Berg joins them and off they go! The journey turns out to be rather more exciting and different than any of them imagined. - Beast of Sunshine GardensE48
Beast of Sunshine GardensIt has been snowing in Sunshine gardens and Mr Jackson is suitably dressed for the cold in his new Fun Fur outfit and big boots. But he discovers as he goes off to feed his chickens that he's lost the key to his shed where the chicken feed is kept. He will have to search for it in the gardens. Meanwhile, Ella, Henry and the Twins are also in the garden when they come across some large footprints which they decide to follow. Suddenly! There in front of them is the back of a huge beast rummaging under a bush. HELP! Where is Mr Jackson when they need him? - Pixie PatrolE50
Pixie PatrolHenry and the twins tell Ella that they've found a mysterious little person hiding in the hedge near their playhouse in Sunshine Gardens. So, she goes with them to search but, without success. They decide to keep watch but whatever they do to entice it out, It won't come. That is, until Ella discovers a piece of shiny tinsel. - Santa's on His WayE51
Santa's on His WayIt's Christmas Eve and it's been snowing and Ella, Henry and the twins are excitedly waiting for Father Christmas to come and bring them all a sledge each so they can race in Sunshine Gardens. But Father Christmas only brings presents to children who have been really good. They have been good but, have they been good enough? - Christmas TreeE52
Christmas TreeElla, Henry and the twins are so excited! It is Christmas time and they are waiting for the biggest Christmas tree they've ever had in Sunshine Gardens to be delivered so that they can decorate it, ready for the big day. They are in for an even bigger surprise when the tree finally does arrive but even that is not as big as the surprise that Henry has when he, at last, turns on the Christmas lights!