Dora the Explorer
Season 3
Along with her friend Monkey Boots, Dora goes on adventures.
21 Episodes
- Stuck TruckE2
Stuck TruckOne day in Boots' Room (Tree House), Boots is showing Dora all his trucks (10 Wheeler, Giant Crane, Bulldozer, Rojo (Fire Truck), Tow Truck and Ice Cream Truck). Boots receives a disdress call and discovers that Ice Cream Truck is in trouble, Boots calls for all of the trucks to help Ice Cream Truck near Play Park. Dora and Boots sets off to save Ice Cream Truck by going over Puzzle Bridge, across Crocodile Lake and to Play Park. - Roberto the RobotE3
Roberto the RobotDora and Boots came across with an in-active Robot, after activating it with 8 batteries they discovered that he is lost Robot named Roberto. Dora and Boots helps Roberto the Robot get back home to his grandpa (his creator) by going over The Railroad Bridge, through the Volcano and to Grandpa's House. - ¡Por Favor!E4
¡Por Favor!Dora reads Boots the Fairy Tale story about a young king named King Kaju, as she reads the story they discovers that King Kaju cannot be crowned because he needs to say "Por Favor" ("Please" in english) for the crown to come down. Dora and Boots enters the book to tell King Kaju the magic words "Por Favor" by going through the Dragon's Forest, over the Draw Bridge and to the Castle. - What Happens Next?E8
What Happens Next?Dora and Boots read the story about the 3 Little Pigs, when the story ended Boots asked what happens next. Dora thought of using their imaginations to make something up for the story to go on, in their version of the story they volunteered to help the King see his mommy again. Dora and Boots had to find the King's mommy by going through The 3 Bear's House, passed The Beanstalk and to The Rainbow. - The Fix-It MachineE9
The Fix-It MachineBoots has a hole on his boot, Dora suggests that they go to the Super Duper Fix It Machine, with a squink and a boink and a ricekty pop it will take anything and fix it right up. On their way to the Super Duper Fix It Machine, they meet up with their friends also have holes in their things. Dora, Boots and their friends went all together through Crocodile Lake, over the Troll Bridge and to The Fix It Machine. - Boots' Special DayE13
Boots' Special DayIt is someone's special day and according to the Fiesta Trio, it is Boots' special day. On someone's special day, he or she could do anything they want and they could wear the special day crown. Dora goes with Boots as he plans to lead the Parade at The Big Drum Parade, pet the animals at The Animal Center and to see his Daddy at The Amusement Park. - ABC AnimalsE20
ABC AnimalsDora and Boots are with the Giant ABC Book, when the book opened the Armadillo came out asking for help. According to Armadillo, all of this animal friends inside the Giant ABC Book are missing and now he is all alone. Dora and Boots helps Armadillo find all of his animal friends by going through The Elevator at E, through The Slippery Slide at S and to Z.