Dog Whisperer

Season 3

Cesar Millan has been called the Dr. Phil for Dogs. With an uncanny ability to rehabilitate problem dogs of all shapes and sizes. Each episode of the Dog Whisperer documents the remarkable transformations that take place under Cesar's guidance and teaching, helping dogs and their owners live happier lives together.

18 Episodes

  • Kobe, Banjo, and Kisses
    Kobe, Banjo, and KissesAn aggressive one-eyed Australian shepherd needs special treatment. Banjo, a traumatized black and tan coonhound is terrified of people, and Kisses, a not-so-pretty-in-pink Maltese gets a little too excited when guests drop by.
  • Buster, Holli, Spike & Belle
    Buster, Holli, Spike & BelleCesar cures Spike's depression with a new friend. Buster, an eight-year-old blue heeler/Australian shepherd mix, is supposed to play the role of family alarm dog, but he does his job a little too well. An American Staffordshire terrier's unconventional skin graft gives Cesar ideas for a different kind of rehabilitation?as a "Biker Dog."
  • Episode 3
    Episode 3
  • Wilshire and Butch
    Wilshire and ButchWilshire, a hyperactive Dalmatian in Los Angeles, runs amuck in Firehouse 29 and the city attorney threatens to take him away if he doesn't shape up. Cesar tries to clear Wilshire's spotty past and make him a role model for fire dogs everywhere. Next, Cesar travels to the Lone Star state, where he meets Butch, an overly aggressive English bulldog and tries to rein in his out-of-control behavior.
  • Maya, Sara, and Lilly
    Maya, Sara, and LillyDiana is the proud owner of Maya, an adopted Border Collie/Spring Spaniel Mix who loves to jump. Maya?s jumping causes a whiplash motion, which is detrimental to Diana who recently had major neck surgery. Can Cesar keep Maya grounded? Next, Cesar meets Sara, an overly-aggressive Shepherd mix and Lilly, a pushy Poodle.
  • Episode 6
    Episode 6
  • Bella & Big Boy, and Gracie
    Bella & Big Boy, and GracieAfter the death of his star companion Marley, Marley and Me author John Grogan gets a new yellow Lab. Just like Marley, Gracie needs lessons in respect. Ultra-cool Paul Frank Industries lets employees bring their dogs to work, but Bella and Big Boy are making office life ?ruff. Cesar steps in.
  • Fondue, Chip, Hope, & JoyJoy, & Elmer
    Fondue, Chip, Hope, & JoyJoy, & ElmerA Hollywood couple had to turn down work because their French bulldog failed the Doggy Daycare entrance exam. Three Jack Russells began to fight each other when their owner got a serious boyfriend. A couple of beagles were fine walking together until one started howling at other dogs. Cesar works his canine magic.
  • Woody & Wally, and Kane
    Woody & Wally, and KaneCesar shows mail carriers in Roswell, Georgia, how to deal with close encounters of the four-legged kind. Next, Cesar meets a pair of Pomeranians that flip out when left alone and a Swiss mountain dog that turns vicious at feeding time.
  • Skyler, Cassie & Tori
    Skyler, Cassie & ToriLynn Arlt has a challenge with four French bulldogs - Boris, Bella, Tallulah, and Groucho. Lynn loves her dogs, but this pack of bulldogs has begun their own French Revolution. Jim and Marcia adopted miniature schnauzer Tori and received a warning "She spins." Can Cesar set this spinning schnauzer straight? In 2004, Police found Howie, with a leash tied so tightly around his neck that it had grown into his skin and had to be surgically removed. The ladies of the Animal Hospital call on Cesar to help.
  • Dexter and Nasir
    Dexter and NasirBaring fangs and dripping saliva, a massive 150-lb. beast protects the home of one of music's most beloved performers - legendary recording artist and two-time Grammy winner Miss Patti LaBelle. Patti rarely comes too close to him - out of utter fear and fearing his aggression could lead to an attack. Can Cesar create a harmonious connection between the inspiring singer and the intimidating beast? Then, Cesar heads to Chicago to help Chicago art teacher Mary Jane who has adopted a 6-year-old rottweiler.
  • Episode 12
    Episode 12
  • Episode 13
    Episode 13
  • Episode 14
    Episode 14
  • Dasher, Riley and Fosse
    Dasher, Riley and FosseAn Italian greyhound is touchy about his toys; a mastiff expands his grudge against the mailman; a Yorkie has a shocking dislike of home appliances
  • Episode 16
    Episode 16
  • Episode 17
    Episode 17
  • Episode 18
    Episode 18

Cast of Season 3

  • Cesar MillanHimself



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