
Season 1

A young priest must come to terms with his crisis of faith or risk damnation to the soul of a living miracle. With man's freewill held in the balance, the bloody conflict surrounding the immortal being known as Divine will take him further into his religion than ever he dreamed possible.

Where to Watch Season 1

6 Episodes

  • Divine
    DivineFather Christopher, a young priest recently reassigned to an inner city mission, comes face to face with the living miracle known as Divine. When confronted by this manifestation of God's power, Christopher's faith is tested and his view of reality will never be the same again.
  • Choices
    ChoicesDivine's endless vigil for freewill is tested again as Evil plots are hatched with a penitent soul hanging in the balance.
  • Feed Him For Life
    Feed Him For LifeCondemned by his Church a young priest, Father Andrew, considers the path of his decisions as he is ferried to the last stop in his fall from grace. Simple conversation with his cab driver dredges up a painful debate which leads him to the same conclusions in the end. Unknown to Andrew, the place of his exile houses living proof of his God's existence; Divine.
  • Simple Men
    Simple MenHaving witnessed the miracle of Divine's resurrection and experienced the power of God, Father Andrew struggles with his crisis of faith and where this new found knowledge fits. Deacon Jim, a man with a secret, tries to shepherd his young initiate through the difficulty of revelation but cannot shelter Father Andrew from the decision he will have to make to help save Divine's soul.
  • Beastiality
    BeastialityA beautiful young woman of ill repute faces things that are beyond her control when Divine rescues her from the clutches of a demon in the depths of the inner city mayhem. A dark figure with mysterious powers reveals himself unto the night and the world of Divine gets more dangerous than ever before.
  • Lips of Men
    Lips of MenMore of the mystery of Father Christopher is revealed when Father Andrew is forced to take confession from Divine; his living miracle. As the two struggle with each of their crisis of faith they begin to find a common ground until Andrew pushes a little too far.

Cast of Season 1

  • Misha Collins
  • Benjamin Hollingsworth
  • Dan Payne
  • Haig Sutherland



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