
Season 3

This show follows the life of a family of dinosaurs, living in a modern world. They have televisions, refrigerators, et cetera. The only humans around are cavemen, who are viewed as pets and wild animals.

22 Episodes

  • Nature Calls
    Nature CallsEarl is in charge of potty training the baby, who escapes to do his business any way he wants.
  • Baby Talk
    Baby TalkWhen the dirty word 'smoo' is said for the first time on television and Baby repeats it constantly; getting Earl in trouble with his boss, Earl gets the parents together to protest the network to get the new shows with bad words taken off the air.
  • Network Genius
    Network GeniusEarl is hired as a network executive when his answers on a test for new television shows prove to be surprisingly accurate.
  • The Discovery
    The DiscoveryEarl hits a bad golf shot that sails off the edge of the known world and into a new one -- new, that is, to the dinosaurs.
  • Little Boy Boo
    Little Boy BooAfter the Baby pulls a stunt that scares Robbie half to death, he decides to tell the Baby a true, terrifying story: He has been bitten by a bloodthirsty creature known as a wereman and will become one when the moon is full.
  • Germ Warfare
    Germ WarfareThe Baby gets sick and Fran demands Earl take them to the doctor. Modern medicine only makes the Baby sicker; leaving Fran and Earl to ponder an alternative healer and Ethel knows the perfect dinosaur for the job: A guy in the woods.
  • Hungry for Love
    Hungry for LoveRobbie falls in love with a new girl, Wendy, who happens to be Richfield's daughter. Richfield takes well to Robbie dating his daughter, but Robbie is warned that Wendy's involved in a dangerous secret involving her previous boyfriends.
  • License to Parent
    License to ParentWhen Earl loses his temper at the baby, he also loses his parenting license. When he flunks the test to get it back, the parenting police move in the house and monitor how Fran parents the kids by herself.
  • Charlene's Flat World
    Charlene's Flat WorldWhen Charlene's class is assigned to think of an original idea, her world-is-round theory falls flat, and she's tried for heresy. She get's arrested stating that the world is round and everybody believes that the world is flat. So she decides to prove them wrong by traveling with Robbie to the end of the earth to there sudden death. But they return and everyone realized now the world was round.
  • Wilderness Weekend
    Wilderness WeekendEarl and his friends drag Robbie and the Baby off for a camping trip while Fran and her girlfriends stay at home to visit but the gender roles become reversed when the females drink beer and the men get in touch with their softer sides.
  • The Son Also Rises
    The Son Also RisesA hugh argument comes between Earl and Robbie when they both fight over for there rights and respect. Then later with the fault of Ethyl to tell Robbie the story about his grandpa battling his enemy. Robbie challenges Earl to the 'Pit Of Death' match to see who will have the role of the household. Robbie wins but isn't comfortable with his new role.
  • Getting to Know You
    Getting to Know YouCharlene signs up for a foreign student exchange program to get away from her family who doesn't understand her; and the Sinclairs get a bitter taste of a different culture when a French bird moves in with them in Charlene's place.
  • Green Card
    Green CardIt's a big problem when the government blames its poor economy on four-legged dinosaurs and enacts anti-four-legged laws. So in order for Monica to stay in the land of Pangia, Roy marries the outlawed Monica so that she can stay in the country for good, but this also causes big effections and errors on Roy's friendship with Earl and his job the WeSaySo Corporation.
  • Out of the Frying Pan
    Out of the Frying PanAfter knocking the daylights out of Earl with a frying pan makes the baby a star on commercials, puts Fran into show-biz orbit, and leaves Earl marooned as a big lump of nothing. But thats when for the first time Earl and Monica have a good aggrement that the whole spotlight thing for the Baby is too much and decide to let Fran think for herself on what she has done and what she made the Baby become after all the superstar junk.
  • Steroids to Heaven
    Steroids to HeavenRobbie doesn't feel that much comfortable with being the weakest dinosaur in the family, so in order for him to become very strong and muscular, he uses one of Dolf's favorite foods to make him become very strong and that's when he starts giving Caroline the hots and tries to woo her love.
  • Honey, I Miss the Kids
    Honey, I Miss the KidsFran finds being a housewife and mother not fulfilling anymore and does volunteer work at a halfway house for amphibians. Earl gets stuck taking on the household chores and the kids and finds out what it's like being the mother.
  • Swamp Music
    Swamp MusicRobbie crosses over to the swamps and gets sold on the mammals' ""swamp music,"" but they're liable to be sold out in a dinosaur record deal, which Robbie orchestrated.
  • Dirty Dancin'
    Dirty Dancin'Robbie starts doing the mating dance. Fran decides that the school needs to offer a course to the teenagers so they'll understand all about the mating dance, and Robbie is mortified when Fran is volunteered to teach it.
  • If I Were a Tree
    If I Were a TreeIn this fairy tale episode, Ethyl tells Baby a story about a tree pusher Earl who was about to push down a spirit tree which switched his soul for him become a tree and the spirit tree to become Earl. When Roy brings Spirit home to the Sinclair family, he can't help to understand what has happened to him, when Earl realizes that he's stuck in the tree. Fran later believes the Spirit when he tells her that she is not Earl and that Earl is in the tree. After words, Fran goes to find Earl and Spirit after last night being taken away from the house by the WeSay So Policemens. Spirit switched Earl's soul back to were it belongs. And everything was over with but the tree with the Spirit in it was destoryed.
  • We Are Not Alone
    We Are Not AloneRobbie tries to get Earl interested in preserving Pangea. When Earl and Roy are ordered to bury toxic waste, they get a visit from an extraterrestrial from the planet Kyron who warns them to change their ways or face annihilation.
  • Charlene and Her Amazing Humans
    Charlene and Her Amazing HumansCharlene grabs the attention of her family and other audiences with her amazing performing humans. But it's not that easy when she finds out the mother wants her children back from Charlene and Robbie thinks that she's pushing them to far to make her very famous and become a superstar. When she later appears on the State Fair she confesses about what was very wrong for her and everyone else to be doing.
  • The Clip Show II
    The Clip Show IIAnother one of the infomercial for a home course in how to become a paleontologist is supplemented by clips from previous episodes. Featuring the past clips from Season 2 to Season 3.

Cast of Season 3

  • Stuart PankinEarl Sinclair (voice)
  • Jessica WalterFran Sinclair (voice)
  • Jason WillingerRobbie Sinclair (voice)
  • Sally StruthersCharlene Sinclair (voice)
  • Kevin ClashBaby Sinclair (voice)

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