Dinosaur Train

Season 5

Join Buddy, a Tyrannosaurus Rex, and his adoptive Pteranodon family on a whimsical voyage through prehistoric jungles, swamps, volcanoes and oceans, as they unearth basic concepts in life science, natural history and paleontology.

22 Episodes

  • The Tiny-saur Train
    The Tiny-saur TrainDuring a visit from their friend Mikey Microraptor, the kids go looking for an even smaller dinosaur.
  • How Many Horns?
    How Many Horns?Tank Triceratops , who has 3 horns, wonders why Mayor Kosmoceratops has 15, and Protoceratops has only 1. The kids go on a quest to track down Ceratopsians with horns.
  • Mom Was a Kid Once, Part 1
    Mom Was a Kid Once, Part 1Shiny and her friend Annie disagree when Shiny gets scared while exploring a cave. Mom's and her friend Tilly tell the kids about the time Mom got too scared to complete one of their childhood adventures.
  • Mom Was a Kid Once, Part 2
    Mom Was a Kid Once, Part 2Mom, Tilly, Tiny, Shiny, and Annie visit the old neighborhood where they complete Mom and Tilly's unfinished adventure and meet Goldie Globidens.
  • Gilbert the Conductor
    Gilbert the ConductorThe Conductor’s nephew Gilbert has been taking Conductor courses at the Troodon Academy, and has finally graduated to Cadet Conductor! The kids are thrilled – will Gilbert get his own Dinosaur Train to conduct?
  • A Clubhouse of Their Own
    A Clubhouse of Their OwnOur kids want their own clubhouse, separate from the family nest. They try out several locations, but none of them are the right fit. Eventually, the kids build their own clubhouse using natural materials.
  • A Brand New Species, Part 1
    A Brand New Species, Part 1The Conductor and the kids are out digging in a favorite fossil spot. Buddy turns up something that the Conductor doesn’t recognize. They may have discovered a whole new Jurassic species!
  • A Brand New Species, Part 2
    A Brand New Species, Part 2Buddy gets the idea to travel to the Early Jurassic and meet their new discovery, a theropod they named "Buddysaurus." Unfortunately, there is no train to the home of the Buddysaurus, nor a train station! The Conductor decides to take them all to the Early Jurassic, and hike.
  • Don's Hole-iday
    Don's Hole-idayWhen Don is told he can’t dig any more holes around the nest, he complains that he needs his own day just for digging holes—a hole-iday! The kids make up an imaginary holiday just for Don.
  • We're Not All Dinosaurs
    We're Not All DinosaursThe Pteranodon kids meet a new, small mammal friend, Adele Alphadon, and introduce her and their Big Pond friend, Cindy Cimolestes, to a new concept -- that not all Mesozoic creatures are dinosaurs. And that includes the Pteranodons! They live in a diverse world.
  • Love Day
    Love DayInspired by one small move, the Pteranodon kids decide to spread to every member of their family.
  • A New Leaf
    A New LeafMr. and Mrs. Pteranodon make cleaning up fun by turning it into a scavenger hunt.
  • Underwater Race
    Underwater RaceMr. Conductor and Thurston race in their submarines in the Jurassic.
  • Buddy Wants to Fly
    Buddy Wants to FlyInspired by his Pteranodon cousins, Buddy designs his very own wings.
  • King and Crystal Play Red Rock
    King and Crystal Play Red RockKing and Crystal Cryolophosaurus perform at Red Rock Amphitheater in the Cretaceous.
  • Nick of Time
    Nick of TimeMr. Pteranodon meets his long-time friend, Nick Nyctosaurus.
  • Migration Vacation
    Migration VacationBuddy joins Annie and her family on her migration.
  • Moms Rawk!
    Moms Rawk!Inspired by this, the Pteranodon kids ask their mother to give them a pretend migration at the Big Pond.
  • The Beelzebufo Cometh
    The Beelzebufo ComethBenny Beelzebufo somehow appears at the Big Pond and the kids have to bring him back home.
  • Dennis Comes to Visit
    Dennis Comes to VisitDennis, the autistic Deinocheirus, visits the Pteranodon family.
  • Father's Day, Part 1
    Father's Day, Part 1When the Pteranodon Family visits Troodon Town for a big Father's Day celebration, the Conductor sees Mr. Pteranodon enjoying being celebrated, and is compelled to ask his mother whatever happened to his father. She decides that he's ready to learn the truth and tells him the story about how his father was the bravest Conductor of them all and dared to build an experimental Drill Train and tunnel into the future -- she believes to the Cenozoic Era, which no dinosaur had ever seen. Unfortunately, the Conductor's father never returned, and is apparently lost. The Conductor decides to take the new Drill Train and tunnel into the future to rescue his missing father!
  • Father's Day, Part 2
    Father's Day, Part 2The Conductor, determined to find his missing father, takes the experimental Drill Train and drills a new Time Tunnel that goes as far into the end of the Mesozoic Era as possible, to drill farther into the future and find his father, Trevor Troodon. Once Dad and Buddy and Tiny get wind of this plan, they come aboard, too. So they all take the Drill Train and drill into the future. They come out in the Ice Age of the Cenozoic Era, where they meet a huge, furry Mastodon named Maurice. Maurice helps them search through the icy wastes until they find a feather-covered Northern Troodon who turns out to indeed be Trevor, the father of Mr. Conductor! A happy reunion for all, and they bring him home to the Age of Dinosaurs.



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