
Season 3

After a runin with a man, Dexter initiates a friendship with his brother, Assistant District Attorney Miguel Prado. In the meantime, Rita discovers that she is pregnant, and Debra investigates the murders of a new serial killer, called "The Skinner," hoping to gain a promotion to detective.

12 Episodes

  • Our Father
    Our FatherDexter has put his life back together but things may fall apart soon. His new victim is also being targeted by Assistant District Attorney Miguel Prado. Deb has to decide how to handle Internal Affairs, as they want her to turn on her new partner.
  • Finding Freebo
    Finding FreeboDebra and the homicide unit, Dexter and ADA Miguel Prado are all searching for the same serial killer, who is responsible for the death of Prado's younger brother. Meanwhile at home, Dexter is faced with a decision to make concerning Rita and her kid
  • The Lion Sleeps Tonight
    The Lion Sleeps TonightDexter and a pedophile have a run-in; Dexter is unable to restore Freebo's good name after he is accused of a murder he didn't commit. Also, Dexter's friendship with Miguel weighs on his mind.
  • All in the Family
    All in the FamilyRamon's career may be in jeopardy due to his obsession with Oscar's killer. Meanwhile, Dexter does a great job in keeping Ramon off balance by manipulation. Deb refuses to "be a rat" after Internal Affairs presses her to come up with more dirt on Quinn. Also, Rita and Dexter decide it's time to tell the children about her "condition," and Angel's quest for companionship nearly gets him in deep water.
  • Turning Biminese
    Turning BimineseAs Dexter struggles when Rita pushes to move in together before getting married, Miguel tells Dexter that a husband has murdered his two wives for a financial gain and gotten away with it. Dexter finds this to be the perfect candidate to get away and satisfy that dark urge which every man with relationship pressures go through. Dexter tracks the murderer to Bimini. While he is on the hunt, Rita disappears due to a medical emergency. Meanwhile, Debra works with Anton, her confidential informant to track down one of Freebo’s criminal confidants. But Oddly enough Debra finds herself attracted to Anton.
  • Sí Se Puede
    Sí Se PuedeDexter tests Miguel to see if he is on his dark-side job. Rita questions her career path after being fired from her job. Debra believes she in some way caused another homicide while working on her current case.
  • Easy as Pie
    Easy as PieDexter angers Miguel when he says no to his latest offer, who's unsure the next target lives up (or down) to Harry's Code. Meanwhile, an elderly, deathly ill Camilla asks Dexter to kill her, insisting she would never ask a friend to do something against his conscience. Also, Rita discovers that Sylvia believes her husband Miguel has had an affair; and Anton is told he is bait to get at Skinner.
  • The Damage a Man Can Do
    The Damage a Man Can DoDexter undertakes to teach Miguel the Code, but doesn't realize he's whetting his partner's thirst for blood. Meanwhile, Debra is one step closer to finding the Skinner but a secret revealed about Anton sends him packing.
  • About Last Night
    About Last NightDexter and Miguel's friendship becomes strained even as Rita confronts Miguel about his suspected infidelity. Debra searches furiously for Anton when it's revealed that he was abducted by the Skinner.
  • Go Your Own Way
    Go Your Own WayA series of chess-like moves ensues when Dexter and Miguel vie for the upper hand, with Miguel winning Rita's affection by presenting her with a lavish wedding gift. Elsewhere, Debra wonders if her relationship with Anton is worth the trouble.
  • I Had a Dream
    I Had a DreamWhile preparing for his big wedding day, Dexter has to figure out a way to remove Miguel from his life for good. In the meantime, Rita has troubles of her own, when Syl reveals that Miguel has been seeing one of his old flames. Debra finds a new clue that brings her even closer to catching the Skinner.
  • Do You Take Dexter Morgan?
    Do You Take Dexter Morgan?It is the day before Dexter's wedding and Dexter must deal with two people targeting him, while preparing for his special occasion. Meanwhile, Angel tells Deb he's put her in for a promotion, but after he finds out some information her shield may be gone before she gets it.

Cast of Season 3

  • Michael C. HallDexter Morgan
  • Jennifer CarpenterDebra Morgan
  • David ZayasAngel Batista
  • James RemarHarry Morgan
  • Luna Lauren VelezMaria LaGuerta
  • Julie BenzRita Bennett
  • C.S. LeeVince Masuka

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