Makarov and The Girls

Season 4

The head of the Criminal Investigation Department of the Butovo region, Makarov, is completely replaced by the personnel as a result of a conflict with the leadership. Instead of experienced male cops, four young students are singled out.

Where to Watch Season 4

20 Episodes

  • 1 серия
    1 серияMakarov is happy in a new relationship. Turkina finds a ring from a criminologist and is sure that he is going to propose to her. Sinitskaya learns that the staff psychologist of the department can send employees on vacation at his discretion, and wants to take advantage of this.
  • 2 серия
    2 серияAfter the duty officer's birthday, Verba wakes up in the same bed with him, and Makarov and Zhilin find out that Salamatin was robbed in search of a drink. Sinitskaya "knocks" on Popova, and Makarov gives them a joint task as punishment.
  • 3 серия
    3 серияPopova and Verba decide to solve the case without leaving police station, but using only their imagination and brainstorming. Makarov is offered a good position in the Central Committee, and Zhilin and Salamatin arrange a send-off for him.
  • 4 серия
    4 серияThe girls find out that Turkina chooses a witness with the help of a comparative table, and begin to fight for this honorary title. The whole department orders cheap phones through Sinitskaya, but after prepayment, the seller disappears. Verba and the attendant are increasingly immersed in irregular relations in the workplace.
  • 5 серия
    5 серияThe police department is filming a police series. Salamatin agrees with the director that he will play in one episode, Verba confuses the actor and the suspect, and Popova gets to know the main character closely.
  • 6 серия
    6 серияMargarita wants to get to know Makarov's friends better and invites Zhilin and his wife to dinner. Popova is going on a first date with the star of the police series, and Sinitskaya and Turkina are howling for the last undistributed prize.
  • 7 серия
    7 серияVyazemsky turns to Makarov for help with an unexpected problem - he is faced with harassment from a higher prosecutor. Verba is sure that the FSB is interested in the duty officer, and Turkina gets hooked on betting, thinking that a mathematical mindset will help her win.
  • 8 серия
    8 серияSemyon invites Popova to dinner to introduce her to his father. Makarov asks Sinitskaya to cover Margarita once again, but she is tired of it, and she decides to teach them both a lesson. The dispute between the criminologist and Turkina about the upcoming wedding extends to the entire department, so Salamatin is forced to intervene in the conflict.
  • 9 серия
    9 серияVyazemsky asks Zhilin to help return the impulsively purchased sports car, and Makarov forces Popova to train Sinitskaya so that she passes the shooting standard.
  • 10 серия
    10 серияLera returns to the department. Zhilin opens a business for raising children, sending an "uncle policeman" to them. Popova and Sinitskaya want to help Verba arrange a personal life, not knowing that she is hiding an affair with the attendant.
  • 11 серия
    11 серияMakarov does not know how to admit to Margarita that he has new "circumstances". Kurenkov is going to a rock festival, but Turkina cannot decide whether to go with him or not. Popova accepts a statement from the victim, who was hit by a famous actor Semyon in a car.
  • 12 серия
    12 серияThe criminologist finds out that Turkina wants to conclude a prenuptial agreement, and comes up with an inheritance that has "fallen on her head". Sinitskaya asks Verba to give her at least one solved case, otherwise Makarov will take her days off. Zhilin gets hooked on a computer game and feigns violent activity in front of Salamatin.
  • 13 серия
    13 серияMargarita begins to be jealous of Makarov, as he goes to the courses of young parents with Lera. The attendant receives a romantic balloon flight as a gift from Verba, but hides that he is afraid of heights. Sinitskaya smashes Salamatin's very expensive phone.
  • 14 серия
    14 серияAll the girls of the department unite against Makarov, as he offended Sinitskaya very much. The candy-bouquet period of Popova and Semyon spoils the life of the duty officer and the criminologist, because Turkina and Verba also want romance.
  • 15 серия
    15 серияMargarita does not like that Makarov is spending more and more time with pregnant Lera. Popova helps Zhilin find the hooligans who "abused" his car. A real war is unfolding between Verba and Sinitskaya because of an ordinary prank.
  • 16 серия
    16 серияMakarov helps Zhilin find the criminals who stole money from his card. Turkina and Sinitskaya switch places for the day, and Verba tries to figure out why the attendant has become too economical.
  • 17 серия
    17 серияThe attendant gives Verba a sexy gift and waits for her to respond. Turkina finds out that the restaurant where she is supposed to have a wedding is going through one of Popova's cases, and Zhilin helps Vyazemsky pass the check.
  • 18 серия
    18 серияSemyon spends too much time with Popova's friends, and she gets jealous. Verba decides to steal Vitalik's new bike to teach him to appreciate things. Makarov, Turkina and Sinitskaya are investigating the sale of illegal drugs in Butovo.
  • 19 серия
    19 серияMakarov accidentally sends Margarita a video where he confesses his love to Lera. Sinitskaya and the criminologist suspect that Turkina is involved in the arson of a neighbor's car, and Verba and the attendant decide that Vitalik needs to take care of someone so that he does not grow up to be selfish.
  • 20 серия
    20 серияThe wedding of Turkina and the criminalist collapses before it can begin. Sinitskaya, Popova and Verba are trying to save the celebration. And Makarov wants to finally choose a side in his love triangle.

Cast of Season 4

  • Pavel MaykovПавел Макаров
  • Alevtina TukanАнна Туркина
  • Elena PolyanskayaОлеся Верба
  • Valeriya AstapovaКатя Синицкая
  • Vladislava ErmolaevaСаша Попова
  • Natalya Bardo
  • Georgiy Dronov
  • Sergei Astakhov
  • Dmitry Lysenkov
  • Andrey Pynzaru
  • Kuzma Saprykin



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