Democracy Now!
Wednesday, April 08, 2015
2015 • E70 Apr 7, 2015 60m2015/04/08 Headlines: White Officer Faces Murder Charge after Video Shows Fatal Shooting of African-American Walter Scott; U.S. Speeds Weapons Deliveries to Saudi Arabia for Yemen Campaign; Obama Rejects Israeli Demands for Iran Nuclear Deal; White House: Despite Order, Venezuela Not a National Security Threat to U.S.; U.S. Expects to Remove Cuba from Terrorist List Ahead of Panama Summit; Report: DEA, Justice Dept. Tracked Billions of U.S. Phone Records Before 9/11; Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel Defeats Activist Challenger in Runoff Vote; Kansas Becomes 1st State to Ban Second-Trimester Abortion Method; Rand Paul Announces Presidential Candidacy; Clinton Could Be Next; Mumia Abu-Jamal Supporters Seek Independent Medical Team after Hospitalization