
Season 1

A police investigator is dealing with a life threatening illness, while trying to map out the spreading of a new synthetic drug that's all the rage in Paris.
Where to Watch Season 1
3 Episodes
  • Castaways
    CastawaysVictime d'hallucinations puissantes, il apprend qu'il est atteint d'une maladie neurologique mortelle, alors que, dans Paris, un nouveau narcotrafiquant prend de l'ampleur. Celui-ci, Guillaume Leanour, concocte un nouveau "speed" qui inondera la capitale grâce à ses vendeurs, recrutés parmi des sans-papiers. Humilié par un collègue, Michel Serrero demande à devenir l'un des agents infiltrés qui pistent Leanour, au sein d'une équipe de choc coordonnée par la "Reine".
  • Ghost Ship
    Ghost ShipDoumbia, one of the dealers, was arrested by the police but got rid of his doses. Witnessing the arrest, Clara has recovered them: she is drugged with her boyfriend. When Doumbia is released, he puts the traffickers on the girl's trail. Michel and the "Queen", they, decide to return it to break down the network.
  • In Deep
    In DeepBack on the wall, he decides to sell some of his stock by opening an illegal shooting room. Michel and the Queen ordered Doumbia to steal the revenues from street sales, in order to be able to approach the trafficker with a large sum of agent. But Doumbia was late, and they left empty-handed at the rendezvous that Leanour had fixed for them.
Cast of Season 1
  • Patrick RidremontMichel Serrero
  • Pénélope-Rose LévèqueClara
  • Olivier ChantreauGuillaume Leanour
  • Emmanuelle MeyssignacLa Reine
  • Salem KaliKader

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