Narrated cartoons extending the Crypt TV universe.
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44 Episodes
MordeoHave you ever felt such an INSATIABLE HUNGER that you could EAT a FRIEND??
Bus Accident - Look-See
Bus Accident - Look-SeeThe events surrounding the mysterious BUS ACCIDENT are described in chronological order....
Blood Hunt - Mordeo
Blood Hunt - MordeoThe BLOOD HUNT has BEGUN.....
Slaughter - Sunny Family Cult
Slaughter - Sunny Family CultIn a dry spell of searching for sacrifices, the Sunny Family Cult turns to the Dark Web....who is the sheep and who is the wolf??
New Blood - Mira
New Blood - MiraMIRA sees who you are INSIDE...what UGLINESS is in the reflection??
Rekindle - Look-See vs Mordeo
Rekindle - Look-See vs Mordeo
The Girl in the Mirror - Mira
The Girl in the Mirror - MiraNot EVERYONE can be PRETTY...some people are MONSTERS
Letting Go - Look-See
Letting Go - Look-SeeYOU NEED TO LET ME GO...
Encounters - Soot
Encounters - SootHe SHOULDN’T have survived the horrific CAR WRECK he caused…when SOOT came for him, I thought he DESERVED what he was getting…
Locking the Door - Brute vs Birch
Locking the Door - Brute vs BirchWhen the DOOR is UNLOCKED...can one monster be SUMMONED to CONTAIN another??
Eye of the Beholder - Mira
Eye of the Beholder - MiraWhen you witness your cousin literally get the life sucked out of's easy to get scarred. I never knew she would be back for more...
I Was A Teenage Sheep - Troubled Youth
I Was A Teenage Sheep - Troubled YouthI am the WOLF now and there are so many SHEEP...I can't WAIT to HUNT again...
Look-See vs Sunny Family Cult - Look-See
Look-See vs Sunny Family Cult - Look-SeeThere's NOWHERE to HIDE from the Look-See...the SUNNY FAMILY CULT can't protect you...
Cannibal Bride - Mordeo vs Shelley
Cannibal Bride - Mordeo vs ShelleyWhen a bachelorette party's helicopter went down in the snowy mountains, the young women were forced to make a gruesome one of their own, or face the starving monsters of the night alone...
School for Lil' Killers - My First Day
School for Lil' Killers - My First DayThe summer projects at the School for Lil’ Slashers and Killers were all delightfully demented, but one of the mini murderers had the makings of a child prodigy…
Reunion - Mordeo
Reunion - MordeoCan the years-long distance between old friends be mended over a meal? Who can you trust in these woods?
Delilah's Revenge - Stoneheart
Delilah's Revenge - StoneheartWhen Aponi came for revenge, nothing could stop her from eviscerating the thugs until her bloodlust was fulfilled...
Cemetery - Stoneheart
Cemetery - Stoneheart"The Three" thought they could toy with me and make me BEG for my life…the tables turn when I have APONI...
Christmas In July - Milk & Cookies
Christmas In July - Milk & CookiesIf CHRISTMAS in JULY wasn't a nightmare already...this is no ordinary mall Santa...
Fatal Wish - Telos vs Look-See
Fatal Wish - Telos vs Look-SeeTELOS will grant you ANY WISH...but if you yourself cannot RELEASE...then it will come to take a PIECE...
Food Fight - Watermelon Baby vs Cakeman
Food Fight - Watermelon Baby vs CakemanIt was high noon when these two edible foes first faced off and planted the seeds of war between fruit and cake
Full Circle - Look-See vs Soot
Full Circle - Look-See vs SootWhen a troubled drunkard takes too many wrong turns and becomes consumed by regret, will the Look-See or Soot lay claim to his soul first?
Shelley's Revenge - Sunny Family Cult vs Shelley
Shelley's Revenge - Sunny Family Cult vs ShelleyThe Sunny Family Cult captured another sacrifice, according to their plan. But they never suspected their victim already belonged to Shelley.
Blood Reflection - Rapunzel vs Mira vs SFC
Blood Reflection - Rapunzel vs Mira vs SFCThe fire turned Rapunzel into a monster, but when the Sunny Family Cult came to finish what they started, another monster made sure they all burned.
School Days - Mira
School Days - MiraThink twice before making fun of Pruneface Patty..."I can't ever fix my face, but she can fix yours."
Two Chainz - Mohawk
Two Chainz - MohawkThe chains wrapped tighter and tighter as they whispered, "Thank you for your sacrifice..."
Boys Won't Be Boys - Mira
Boys Won't Be Boys - MiraBoys are done being boys...Mira will make sure of that.
Unchained - Mohawk vs Brute
Unchained - Mohawk vs BruteIt was time for another SACRIFICE in the town of MOHAWK...but they aren't the only ones with CONTROL over the Crypt Monsters...what lies beyond the DOOR?
Sunny Side Down - Sunny Family Cult vs Brute
Sunny Side Down - Sunny Family Cult vs BruteThis is just the sacrificial tradition of the Sunny Family Cult...don't take it personally
Split - Hospice vs Brute
Split - Hospice vs BruteI realized the two MONSTERS were FIGHTING over me...It would almost be ROMANTIC if they weren't both hellbent on RIPPING me to shreds...
Water Works - Terra
Water Works - TerraAll the elements of the Earth combine in TERRA...and she won't rest until all who hurt the world SUFFER...
High Culture Society - Rapunzel
High Culture Society - RapunzelI knew when I burned my hair to summon Rapunzel that she would deal the justice those mean girls desperately deserved...
Brute vs Colossus - Fight Night
Brute vs Colossus - Fight NightIf there is any match for the massive beast is the BRUTE. Who will reign victorious in the ring??
Toy Maker's Curse - Geppetto
Toy Maker's Curse - GeppettoBeing a toymaker, the children are drawn to me...their lives are exchanged so my boy may live...
Artist's Asylum - Itsy Bitsy Spider
Artist's Asylum - Itsy Bitsy SpiderIn the asylum I remembered why I love to draw...I can make people see things...
Shelley's Secret - Shelley
Shelley's Secret - ShelleyWhen school staff members go missing, the other faculty begin to worry...but if Shelley doesn't leave anyone alive, who will tell the tale? Teachers can be bullies too...
Lexi's Vengeance - Woe Bone
Lexi's Vengeance - Woe BoneThose kids could call me whatever names they wanted, but I had seen a real whose scream sounded like you channeled every sad thought you've ever had into one sound...
Death Wish - Soot
Death Wish - SootIf you escape death...SOOT comes to finish the job...
Experiment 33 - The Widower
Experiment 33 - The WidowerThe only thing that would satisfy this never-ending craving was human made my body- and my bond with the Experiment- stronger...
Sound of Death - Kinderfänger
Sound of Death - KinderfängerThe only song you'll ever hear again is the sound of your own heartbeat...
Shelley vs Colossus
Shelley vs ColossusTwo monsters enter. One emerges.
Song of Sadness - Water's Edge
Song of Sadness - Water's EdgeThe monsters waited for me to join could I resist their call?
Estelle's Escape - Fight Night
Estelle's Escape - Fight NightI traded my freedom for hers...
Mauler vs. Banshee
Mauler vs. BansheeMauler vs Banshee... WHO WILL WIN?
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