
Season 1

"Crackanory" is a storytelling television series aimed at adults, inspired by the popular children's series "Jackanory." Each episode features two 15-minute tales narrated by contemporary comedians and actors, containing a mix of live action and animation, and all read from the same oversized chair.
Where to Watch Season 1
6 Episodes
  • Bitter Tweet & What Peebee Did Next
    Episode 1Bitter Tweet & What Peebee Did NextAre you sitting comfortably? Jackanory gets a reboot as famous faces read comic tales. Jack Dee and Sally Phillips narrate stories about a Twitter addict and a dead toymaker.
  • Fakespeare & What Do You Say?
    Episode 2Fakespeare & What Do You Say?Rebecca Front reads a story about a hack writer who discovers a lost Shakespeare play. Kevin Eldon then narrates the tale of an ungrateful man driven to insanity.
  • The Teacup Has Landed & Pleasure Dome
    Episode 3The Teacup Has Landed & Pleasure DomeTwisted tales read by Harry Enfield and Sarah Solemani. An office worker takes on a high-street coffee chain and a downtrodden librarian gains access to a CIA military drone.
  • The Translator & Road to Hell
    Episode 4The Translator & Road to HellWhen a hungover Sabine accidentally mis-translates an exchange at a diplomatic summit, she realizes she can influence world politics by being creative with her interpreting. And a woman is stranded in a lay by after breaking down on Walpurgis night - a night of evil spirits and demonic forces.
  • Becoming Zoe & My Former Self
    Episode 5Becoming Zoe & My Former SelfAn unremarkable postman turns himself into the perfect boyfriend for a girl he has fallen in love with by reading her mail and absorbing all her interests. And a woman is visited by her eight year old self but lies about her life so she doesn't repeat the same mistakes.
  • Head in the Clouds & the Newsreader
    Episode 6Head in the Clouds & the NewsreaderStephen Mangan and Hugh Dennis narrate funny yarns about a newsreader interviewing an evil dictator and a care assistant who moonlights as a superhero.

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