
Season 1

Hayden Fox is the head coach of a university football team, and eats, sleeps and lives football. His partner, however, does not share his passion for the sport, which frequently causes friction in their relationship. While Hayden often fits the stereotype of dumb jock (as do his co-workers Luther and Dauber), he sincerely cares about his friends and family, and tries his best to make things work out.

13 Episodes

  • Kelly and the Professor
    Kelly and the ProfessorKelly tells Hayden she had a date with a faculty member, and he wants to know who.
  • Pilot
    PilotKelly's return to Minnesota for college awakens Hayden's paternal instincts, disrupting his relationship with Christine
  • Kelly, Meet Christine
    Kelly, Meet ChristineChristine demands Hayden be truthful with Kelly about their relationship.
  • I'm in Love with a Boy Named Stuart
    I'm in Love with a Boy Named StuartHayden detests Kelly's new boyfriend.
  • The Loss Weekend
    The Loss WeekendA losing streak makes Hayden unpleasant company for Christine.
  • Gambling for Meat
    Gambling for MeatHayden suspends Luther for 30 days for gambling when he bets against the team and wins a steak at the Touchdown Club; but Luther think he has been fired, and takes another job.
  • 19 Candles
    19 CandlesHayden plans a quiet birthday celebration for Kelly, who invites Stuart.
  • Parents' Weekend
    Parents' WeekendChristine is seized by an uncontrollable urge to get a look at Hayden's ex-wife, who's come up for Parents' Weekend.
  • I'm Sorry I Told You My Wife Was Dead
    I'm Sorry I Told You My Wife Was DeadHayden consoles a wealthy alumnus' widow to secure a substantial donation.
  • Define Romance
    Define RomanceHayden feels threatened when Christine dates another.
  • Whose Team Is It, Anyway?
    Whose Team Is It, Anyway?Although Hayden needs a victory in his last game for a winning season, he may be forced to bench his star player for skipping practice.
  • Hoot, Hoot Hike
    Hoot, Hoot HikeThe poetry of football is turned into ballet by Kelly's dance instructor, who envisions a pas de deux with technical advisor Hayden.
  • Dauber's Blow-Out
    Dauber's Blow-OutAnti-fun Riley Pringle of the Conduct Committee joins Hayden in supervising Dauber's season-ending party.

Cast of Season 1

  • Craig T. NelsonCoach Hayden Fox
  • Jerry Van DykeLuther Van Dam
  • Shelley FabaresChristine Armstrong
  • Bill FagerbakkeDauber Dybinski
  • Clare CareyKelly Fox

Season 1 Ratings & Reviews

Watch Season 1 Videos

  • Coach: The First Season
    Coach: The First SeasonTrailer



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