Phil and Mort is a clever slapstick comic turned into a cartoon. A parody on an intelligence agency, called the TIA is their base of operations. Schemes and how they go wrong is the primary focus of every episode, rather than spying.
Where to Watch Clever & Smart
1 Season
Specials1 Episode
Season 1
Season 110 Episodes
Cast of Clever & Smart
Enric CusíMortadelo
Xavier Martín GimenoFilemón
Miguel Ángel JennerSeñor Super
Rafael CalvoBestiájez
Rosa PastóOfelia
Antonio CrespoAdditional voices
Alicia LaordenSrta. Irma
César MartínezAduanero de Bestiolandia
Carme ContrerasVarious Characters
Wolfgang Völzcast
Karl Dallcast
Emilio FreixasProfesor Bacterio
Pepe MediavillaComisario
Javier ViñasAgente Mostáchez
Alfonso VallésMac, el Masticagañotes
Luis PosadaVoces adicionales
Juan Carlos GustemsMagín el mago
Eduardo MuntadaBruteztrausen
José PosadaSoldado en puesto fronterizo
Manuel LázaroComandante puesto fronterizo
Jordi PonsBotones Sacarino
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