Season 9
No movie is without sin.
Where to Watch Season 9
112 Episodes
- Everything Wrong With Hellboy (2019)E3
Everything Wrong With Hellboy (2019)Hellboy. It's a comic-turned-movie franchise that wasn't necessarily in need of a reboot. But we got one. And god bless him, David Harbour gives it his all, and he's great. But the movie around him is awful. It's got sins like you wouldn't believe. Just... watch the video and you'll see. - Everything Wrong With Dr. DolittleE5
Everything Wrong With Dr. DolittleWith Robert Downey Junior's new Doolittle film opening, we decided to go back to the previous adaptation of this story, 1998's Dr. Doolittle, starring Eddie Murphy and a crap-ton of guest voices. Guess what? This movie is not good! So we counted the sins. - Everything Wrong With Fast & Furious Presents: Hobbs & ShawE6
Everything Wrong With Fast & Furious Presents: Hobbs & ShawAt this point you are either already on board with this film before it even comes out, or you're not. Guess where we stand. Fast & Furious Presents: Hobbs and Shaw has sins galore. - Everything Wrong with The Secret Life of Pets 2E7
Everything Wrong with The Secret Life of Pets 2What would happen if you took three separate TV episodes, a good animation department, an established franchise, and tried to make a movie with it? THIS! We counted the sins of Secret Life of Pets 2 so you wouldn't have to. - Everything Wrong With Scary Stories to Tell in the DarkE8
Everything Wrong With Scary Stories to Tell in the DarkScary Stories to Tell in the Dark is the most Guillermo del Toro movie that Guillermo del Toro didn't direct. And like every horror movie these days, it's also got bullies and monsters and sins! - Everything Wrong With JokerE9
Everything Wrong With JokerJoker. This movie made over a billion dollars. This movie is a certified box office bonanza. The critics didn't seem to dig it, but it's got pretty decent fan scores on some websites. The real question is... does it have sins? And you bet your ass it does. It really does. - Everything Wrong With Once Upon a Time in HollywoodE13
Everything Wrong With Once Upon a Time in HollywoodQuentin Tarantino is back with Once Upon A Time In Hollywood. It's got Brad Pitt, Leonardo, Margo Robbie, and Bruce Lee & Charles Manson (no, really). Most everyone liked it and it was up for Best Picture, but it still has sins. So we counted them. - Everything Wrong With Terminator: Dark FateE16
Everything Wrong With Terminator: Dark FateThis movie is just good enough to make you mad about how bad it is. For a half hour, it's ass-kicking fun, and then it goes and gets sentimental about the past and it all falls of the rails. Here are the sins of Terminator: Dark Fate. - Everything Wrong With MidsommarE18
Everything Wrong With MidsommarMidsommar is a movie that some people loved, some other people loved even more, and then a whole lot of people didn't watch it because a friend told them it wasn't for them. We honestly don't care if you loved it or hated it... we just count the sins. - Everything Wrong With Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles IIIE31
Everything Wrong With Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles IIIYou probably forgot most of the third live-action Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles movies. Like... did you remember the time travel? We didn't. Anyway, this movie has many sins, so we counted them for your pleasure. - Everything Wrong With Star Wars: The Rise of SkywalkerE38
Everything Wrong With Star Wars: The Rise of SkywalkerStar Wars: Rise of Skywalker. Well here we are... we've come to the end of the Skywalker saga. And it's... pretty confusing. It's a blend of fan service, tying up loose ends, and giving the finger to The Last Jedi. And it has LOTS of sins. So we counted 'em. - Everything Wrong With Lemony Snicket's A Series of Unfortunate EventsE40
Everything Wrong With Lemony Snicket's A Series of Unfortunate EventsThis movie is surprisingly bland, at times horrifying, and never really the comic adventure they seem to have been going for. Lemony Snicket's A Series of Unfortunate Events ends up being just that... a series of unfortunate events... that are not fun to watch and are actually quite sinful. Thankfully for you... we counted all the sins so you can watch JUST that stuff here and now in one single video! - Everything Wrong With Halloween (2018)E41
Everything Wrong With Halloween (2018)It's Spring, and everyone's thoughts are turning to scary things, costumes, candy, murder, and all things Halloween. Right? Anyway, here are the sins of Halloween, the 2018 remake. It's actually pretty lame, outside of a couple really cool moments. And it's got sins. And hell, we weren't going to sit on this until the real October came around. - Everything Wrong With Bad Boys For LifeE43
Everything Wrong With Bad Boys For LifeBad Boys for Life. It's a movie, and because the first two were so long ago and the second one was so terrible... everyone just collectively decided to like this new one. And they were wrong. Here are all the movie's sins. - Everything Wrong With BloodshotE48
Everything Wrong With BloodshotBloodshot is the last movie we saw in theaters. We saw it with our SinWeek attendee friends. And it was hilariously bad. So it was a privilege to count the sins of Bloodshot. An honor. Oh, who am I kidding? This movie sucks balls and is a slog to get through. But we did it anyway! - Everything Wrong With Back To The Future Part IIIE50
Everything Wrong With Back To The Future Part IIIEver since we sinned the first two... many of you have been demanding we sin the third and final Back to the Future movie, Back to the Future III. And it's a pandemic, and no new movies have been released in a while, and we are looking for things to sin so we thought... hey, why not appease that group of folks clamoring for the sins of Back to the Future III? So we did it. Sue us. - Everything Wrong With Call of the WildE56
Everything Wrong With Call of the WildThe Call of the Wild is a pretty average film. Let's forget that the story has already been filmed before... this is just a bland retelling that doesn't bring anything new to the table EXCEPT Harrison Ford. And he's trying less here than he did during the "still in carbonite" scenes in Return of the Jedi. - Everything Wrong With The Shawshank RedemptionE58
Everything Wrong With The Shawshank RedemptionThe Shawshank Redemption is one of the greatest movies of all time! Listen, we don't sin movies because we hate movies, you should know this by now. We sin movies because it's fun, and it's just as much fun to sin awesome movies as it is to sin terrible ones. Have an apple; take life less seriously. - Everything Wrong With Live Free or Die HardE70
Everything Wrong With Live Free or Die HardLive Free or Die Hard is the first Die Hard film to NOT be rated R. And it shows. There's a lot of mumbo jumbo about hacking, a pretty ridiculous car-vs-helicopter scene, and Justin Long. Oh, and it's got sins. Lots of 'em. - Everything Wrong With Murder MysteryE76
Everything Wrong With Murder MysteryMurder Mystery is another in the line of Adam Sandler Netflix movies. And at this point, you are either on board and you enjoy them, or you don't even bother with them. But for both kinds of people... we watched it for you and counted all its sins. - Everything Wrong With Enemy of the StateE78
Everything Wrong With Enemy of the StateEnemy of the State is a movie that is WAY ahead of its time, but also objectively bonkers. It begins as a warning about government surveillance, but ends in a basic shootout. This movie is watchable as hell, but it has sins like crazy! - Everything Wrong With Jennifer's BodyE85
Everything Wrong With Jennifer's BodyJennifer's Body is considered a cult classic by many in the horror-loving community. And we aren't going to argue with them about that. We actually only care about one thing: does the movie have sins. In this case, as in all cases, the answer is yes! - Everything Wrong With Air Force OneE89
Everything Wrong With Air Force OneAir Force One is a '90s action movie that sees President Harrison Ford square off against Gary Oldman and Russian bad guys that have taken over the plane. It's fine. You'll enjoy it. But it has every bit as many sins as you think it does. - Everything Wrong With Abraham Lincoln: Vampire HunterE94
Everything Wrong With Abraham Lincoln: Vampire HunterAbraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter is a movie that should be fun. Or funny. Or charming. Or winky. But it's none of those things. It's basically a straight vampire action film that just happens to have a famous president in it. It's weird, man. Oh, and sinful as all hell. - Everything Wrong With Speed In 50 MPHE104
Everything Wrong With Speed In 50 MPHSpeed is an action classic from the mid-'90s. good concept, good execution, charming actors... we LOVE it. And it cemented Keanu Reeves as a star. But you know that movie still has sins, right? So we counted them up, as we do. Enjoy! - Everything Wrong With DolittleE105
Everything Wrong With DolittleDolittle is a movie that didn't need to be made--we've got a few of these already. And even with the star power of Robert Downey Junior, this movie has no magic, no charm. It's unfunny, confusing, and kind of boring. And it also has lots of sins. - Everything Wrong With The GrinchE110
Everything Wrong With The GrinchThe Grinch. The animated retelling/reboot/origin-story of the Grinch character. It's quite something. I hear it made decent money and many folks loved it, and I think that's pretty cute. This thing is full of sins and we're gonna count 'em, dammit, cause that's what we do!