

That loud guy who talks to himself about games as if somebody's listening.

Where to Watch Splatoon

40 Episodes

  • Splatoon - Episode 1: Inkopolis News Time!
    Splatoon - Episode 1: Inkopolis News Time!We begin a quest to become funky fresh!
  • Splatoon - Episode 2: Lair of the Octoballs
    Splatoon - Episode 2: Lair of the OctoballsWe roll some Octarian heads and then play a remarkably average weapon!
  • Splatoon - Episode 3: Rise of the Octocopters
    Splatoon - Episode 3: Rise of the OctocoptersWe rise into the sunset and then go check out a new weapon class!
  • Splatoon - Episode 4: The Mighty Octostomp!
    Splatoon - Episode 4: The Mighty Octostomp!We take on our first boss and also take a piece of him with us!
  • Splatoon - Episode 5: Propeller-Lift Playground
    Splatoon - Episode 5: Propeller-Lift PlaygroundSniper's a good job, mate!
  • Splatoon - Episode 6: Octoling Invasion
    Splatoon - Episode 6: Octoling InvasionWe battle against one of the greatest enemies and play one of the greatest shooters!
  • Splatoon - Episode 7: Floating Sponge Garden
    Splatoon - Episode 7: Floating Sponge GardenWe live out the dream of many 80s kids!
  • Splatoon - Episode 8: Gusher Gauntlet
    Splatoon - Episode 8: Gusher GauntletAll is cheese. All is bucket.
  • Splatoon - Episode 9: Spreader Splatfest
    Splatoon - Episode 9: Spreader SplatfestWe get some hot skating tips and then become a maid!
  • Splatoon - Episode 10: Unidentified Flying Object
    Splatoon - Episode 10: Unidentified Flying ObjectWe ruin a chubby guy's tailgate party and then become the Heavy Weapons Guy! ...These descriptions are just chalk full of sentences I never thought I'd say, but are still accurate.
  • Splatoon - Episode 11: The Dreaded Octonozzle
    Splatoon - Episode 11: The Dreaded OctonozzleWe take on another boss and make a weapon from his remains! Pretty gruesome, actually....
  • Splatoon - Episode 12: Inkrail Skyscape
    Splatoon - Episode 12: Inkrail SkyscapeWe ride the rails, get involved in some shady dealings, and then do a sales pitch!
  • Splatoon - Episode 13: Flooder Junkyard
    Splatoon - Episode 13: Flooder JunkyardWe get flooded with junk and then go squelch! ...Don't look it up.
  • Splatoon - Episode 14: Octoling Assault
    Splatoon - Episode 14: Octoling AssaultWe face off against more Octolings and then try to make things work with some not-so-good stuff!
  • Splatoon - Episode 15: Undeniable Flying Object
    Splatoon - Episode 15: Undeniable Flying ObjectWe explore a not-so-familiar place, then go off to fight in a not-so-familiar place!
  • Splatoon - Episode 16: Inkvisible Avenues
    Splatoon - Episode 16: Inkvisible AvenuesWe have quite a challenge before entering a new gameplay mode!
  • Splatoon - Episode 17: Shifting Splatforms
    Splatoon - Episode 17: Shifting SplatformsWe play through another unique part of Octo Valley and then go on to yet another new weapon class!
  • Splatoon - Episode 18: The Rampaging Octowhirl
    Splatoon - Episode 18: The Rampaging OctowhirlWe have another boss encounter, this time with some more interesting lost blueprints to follow!
  • Splatoon - Episode 19: Battle Dojo
    Splatoon - Episode 19: Battle DojoWe play a new gameplay mode and it's... okay, I guess. But then we do some fighting and it's pretty cool!
  • Splatoon - Episode 20: Squad Battle
    Splatoon - Episode 20: Squad BattleWe go into ranked with another!
  • Splatoon - Episode 21: Tumbling Splatforms
    Splatoon - Episode 21: Tumbling SplatformsWe hammer the tentacles of fate and then go on to has a bucket. These sentences keep getting more and more nonsensical.
  • Splatoon - Episode 22: Propeller-Lift Fortress
    Splatoon - Episode 22: Propeller-Lift FortressWe go through a... really cool looking land and then go pro!
  • Splatoon - Episode 23: Spinning Spreaders
    Splatoon - Episode 23: Spinning SpreadersWe visit the flying circus and then shoot cherry juice out of a nose!
  • Splatoon - Episode 24: Octosniper Ramparts
    Splatoon - Episode 24: Octosniper RampartsWe fight a simply wonderful enemy and then go be as un-sniper-like as possible!
  • Splatoon - Episode 25: Octoling Uprising
    Splatoon - Episode 25: Octoling UprisingWe fight some Octolings and then go meet a very special gal!
  • Splatoon - Episode 26: Unwelcome Flying Object
    Splatoon - Episode 26: Unwelcome Flying ObjectWe have about the best day ever and then go on to some epic battles!
  • Splatoon - Episode 27: The Ravenous Octomaw!
    Splatoon - Episode 27: The Ravenous Octomaw!We have our fourth boss encounter and take the spoils onto the battlefield!
  • Splatoon - Episode 28: Unavoidable Flying Object
    Splatoon - Episode 28: Unavoidable Flying ObjectWe see multiple gimmicks we've already seen before, but all is not lost because we go to an arcade!
  • Splatoon - Episode 29: Pinwheel Power Plant
    Splatoon - Episode 29: Pinwheel Power PlantWe take on a challenge, take on another retro game, and then take on a weapon not many people like! Rough day!
  • Splatoon - Episode 30: Spongy Observatory
    Splatoon - Episode 30: Spongy ObservatoryWe compete in another challenge against a hunk of plastic and then see how well fighting with a piece of bamboo goes for us!
  • Splatoon - Episode 31: Splat-Switch Revolution
    Splatoon - Episode 31: Splat-Switch RevolutionWe play a simply great stage, then see some lesser equipment, then see a double-edged... gun!
  • Splatoon - Episode 32: Octoling Onslaught
    Splatoon - Episode 32: Octoling OnslaughtWe fight Octolings for the final time, and then go play a very obscure weapon!
  • Splatoon - Episode 33: Far-Flung Flooders
    Splatoon - Episode 33: Far-Flung FloodersWe rescue our final Zapfish, then go scope things out!
  • Splatoon - Episode 34 [Finale]: Enter the Octobot King
    Splatoon - Episode 34 [Finale]: Enter the Octobot KingWe meet the leader of the Octarians.
  • Splatoon - Bonus 1: Dynamo Roller
    Splatoon - Bonus 1: Dynamo RollerWe take some weapon plans from DJ Octavio and see what Sheldon can do with them!
  • Splatoon - Bonus 2: Hydra Splatling
    Splatoon - Bonus 2: Hydra SplatlingWe go back to a long-overdue weapon!
  • Splatoon - Bonus 3: Sloshing Machine
    Splatoon - Bonus 3: Sloshing MachineWe use the greatest of all tools.
  • Splatoon - Bonus 4: Range Blaster
    Splatoon - Bonus 4: Range BlasterWe play the final weapon we haven't played.
  • Splatoon - Last Episode: Until Next Time...
    Splatoon - Last Episode: Until Next Time...Stay fresh.
  • Splatoon - Complete Weapon Guide
    Splatoon - Complete Weapon Guide



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