That loud guy who talks to himself about games as if somebody's listening.
Where to Watch Pokemon Platinum Version
86 Episodes
Pokémon Platinum - Episode 1: Rowan a Bodhi
Pokémon Platinum - Episode 1: Rowan a BodhiOur sixth-first Pokémon! ...Or I guess seventh-first if you count Umbreon!
Pokémon Platinum - Episode 2: Dawning the Tutorials
Pokémon Platinum - Episode 2: Dawning the TutorialsWe have Sandgem Town explored for us and then set out on the road for the very first time!
Pokémon Platinum - Episode 3: Watch Out for Clowns
Pokémon Platinum - Episode 3: Watch Out for ClownsWe explore Jubilife City and its surrounding areas to see what we can find and who we can meet!
Pokémon Platinum - Episode 4: Route or Burgh?
Pokémon Platinum - Episode 4: Route or Burgh?We set out for Oreburgh City and tackle our first... dungeon?
Pokémon Platinum - Episode 5: Roark the Dragon
Pokémon Platinum - Episode 5: Roark the DragonWe have a Gym Battle and so much more!
Pokémon Platinum - Episode 6: Living the Jubilife
Pokémon Platinum - Episode 6: Living the JubilifeWe return to Jubilife City and see many things we haven't seen before!
Pokémon Platinum - Episode 7: Madame Floaroma
Pokémon Platinum - Episode 7: Madame FloaromaWe set out for Eterna City, finding another little village along the way!
Pokémon Platinum - Episode 8: The Wind Worker
Pokémon Platinum - Episode 8: The Wind WorkerWe take on Team Galactic at Valley Windworks and then scour the area for many different rare Pokémon!
Pokémon Platinum - Episode 9: Wingin' It
Pokémon Platinum - Episode 9: Wingin' ItWe get a few more items in Floaroma Town and then set out for Eterna Forest!
Pokémon Platinum - Episode 10: Chansey of a Lifetime
Pokémon Platinum - Episode 10: Chansey of a LifetimeWe enter Eterna Forest, one of the most peaceful areas in Pokémon while simultaneously one of the most encounter-populated!
Pokémon Platinum - Episode 11: Eterna Life
Pokémon Platinum - Episode 11: Eterna LifeWe explore Eterna City and all it has to offer, including a new friend!
Pokémon Platinum - Episode 12: Tending to Gardenia
Pokémon Platinum - Episode 12: Tending to Gardenia
Pokémon Platinum - Episode 13: Digging Myself a Hole
Pokémon Platinum - Episode 13: Digging Myself a HoleWe explore Sinnoh Underground, this game's really cool thing that never came back!
Pokémon Platinum - Episode 14: Digging Ourselves a Hole
Pokémon Platinum - Episode 14: Digging Ourselves a HoleWe're joined by a guest to play the inner workings of Sinnoh Underground!
Pokémon Platinum - Episode 15: Ascending to Jupiter
Pokémon Platinum - Episode 15: Ascending to JupiterWe enter Team Galactic's Eterna building to drive them out of town!
Pokémon Platinum - Episode 16: Completing the Cycle
Pokémon Platinum - Episode 16: Completing the CycleWe finish up things in Eterna City and then hit the road!
Pokémon Platinum - Episode 17: Mira, Mira on the Wall...
Pokémon Platinum - Episode 17: Mira, Mira on the Wall...We enter the main entrance of Wayward Cave and find that WE STUCK ON A DIFFERENT PLA-NET!!
Pokémon Platinum - Episode 18: Simply a Catch
Pokémon Platinum - Episode 18: Simply a CatchWe head out toward Hearthome City now that we've done enough spelunking for at least five Badges!
Pokémon Platinum - Episode 19: Heart is Where the Home is
Pokémon Platinum - Episode 19: Heart is Where the Home isWe explore Hearthome City and the many attractions in this city of lights!
Pokémon Platinum - Episode 20: Filling in The Dex
Pokémon Platinum - Episode 20: Filling in The DexWe take on Hearthome City Gym with a much tougher band of Pokémon than we had for Eterna!
Pokémon Platinum - Episode 21: With Us in Spiritomb
Pokémon Platinum - Episode 21: With Us in SpiritombWe set out of Hearthome City in search of another Gym Leader to best!
Pokémon Platinum - Episode 22: Quantum of Solaceon
Pokémon Platinum - Episode 22: Quantum of SolaceonWe arrive in a new town and learn that small towns out in the boonies have a surprising amount of stuff to do!
Pokémon Platinum - Episode 23: Where the Lost Ones Go
Pokémon Platinum - Episode 23: Where the Lost Ones GoWe enter the Lost Tower and then go have some cold ones!
Pokémon Platinum - Episode 24: Rainy Mood
Pokémon Platinum - Episode 24: Rainy MoodWe play in the rain as we make our way to a new city!
Pokémon Platinum - Episode 25: Gambling Problems
Pokémon Platinum - Episode 25: Gambling ProblemsWe went shopping, now let's go gambling!
Pokémon Platinum - Episode 26: Competitive Maylene Match
Pokémon Platinum - Episode 26: Competitive Maylene MatchWe go to Veilstone Gym and then ditch a friend in need to make some scrambled eggs instead!
Pokémon Platinum - Episode 27: The Dawn of Time
Pokémon Platinum - Episode 27: The Dawn of TimeWe find ourselves very fortunate that Team Galactic didn't take advantage of their one-day head start!
Pokémon Platinum - Episode 28: The Pastoria Symphony
Pokémon Platinum - Episode 28: The Pastoria SymphonyWe enter the next city, site of our next Gym battle!
Pokémon Platinum - Episode 29: Swamped
Pokémon Platinum - Episode 29: SwampedWe enter this region's Safari Zone and it just about killed my voice to make this!
Pokémon Platinum - Episode 30: Crashing and Burning
Pokémon Platinum - Episode 30: Crashing and BurningWe have our fifth Gym battle and are a terrible friend to Barry because it's time for multi-player!
Pokémon Platinum - Episode 31: Past Pastoria
Pokémon Platinum - Episode 31: Past PastoriaWe pursue Team Galactic and then explore a less-populated part of Sinnoh!
Pokémon Platinum - Episode 32: Maid with Love
Pokémon Platinum - Episode 32: Maid with LoveWe explore the Pokémon Mansion and see lots of rare Pokémon!
Pokémon Platinum - Episode 33: Foggy Dilemma
Pokémon Platinum - Episode 33: Foggy DilemmaWe head to Celestic Town, through some... mildly inconvenient weather!
Pokémon Platinum - Episode 34: Celestic Legends
Pokémon Platinum - Episode 34: Celestic LegendsWe explore Celestic Town and get into some trouble!
Pokémon Platinum - Episode 35: Riding the Beaver
Pokémon Platinum - Episode 35: Riding the BeaverWe explore some new lands with Surf!
Pokémon Platinum - Episode 36: Hasta Fuego!
Pokémon Platinum - Episode 36: Hasta Fuego!We do enough surfing for... 28 minutes!
Pokémon Platinum - Episode 37: Route Canalave
Pokémon Platinum - Episode 37: Route CanalaveWe get to Cah-nah... Can... Nah... Lave... Lah-Vey... Some new city!
Pokémon Platinum - Episode 38: Iron Men
Pokémon Platinum - Episode 38: Iron MenWe meet a fellow trainer who teams up with us for a little while!
Pokémon Platinum - Episode 39: I LOVE BYRON!!
Pokémon Platinum - Episode 39: I LOVE BYRON!!We fight a man who doesn't let his appearance define his personality!
Pokémon Platinum - Episode 40: Huffin' and Poffin
Pokémon Platinum - Episode 40: Huffin' and PoffinWe see why I don't have my own cooking show as we explore the surprisingly deep mechanics of Berries!
Pokémon Platinum - Episode 41: Lake Inferior
Pokémon Platinum - Episode 41: Lake InferiorWe meet up with Barry, Dawn, and Rowan at Canalave Library, but our meeting is short-lived!
Pokémon Platinum - Episode 42: Defending the Homeland
Pokémon Platinum - Episode 42: Defending the HomelandWe head to Lake Verity to see what Team Galactic is up to!
Pokémon Platinum - Episode 43: Feeble Grind
Pokémon Platinum - Episode 43: Feeble GrindWe begin an arduous journey to the north of the Sinnoh mainland!
Pokémon Platinum - Episode 44: Snow to Anger
Pokémon Platinum - Episode 44: Snow to AngerWe explore truly the best of all areas in the Pokémon series!
Pokémon Platinum - Episode 45: Snowpoint-less
Pokémon Platinum - Episode 45: Snowpoint-lessWe explore Snowpoint City and challenge the Gym Leader!
Pokémon Platinum - Episode 46: Contest Rules
Pokémon Platinum - Episode 46: Contest RulesWe make a return to Hearthome City and get into what the city is known for! ...Other than magical muffins, that is!
Pokémon Platinum - Episode 47: Better Lake Than Never
Pokémon Platinum - Episode 47: Better Lake Than NeverWe rush to help Barry out! ...But get ripped off, so we make our own fun instead!
Pokémon Platinum - Episode 48: Galactic Center
Pokémon Platinum - Episode 48: Galactic CenterWe get lost in Team Galactic's headquarters!
Pokémon Platinum - Episode 49: Head Honchkrow
Pokémon Platinum - Episode 49: Head HonchkrowWe reach the end of Galactic HQ!
Pokémon Platinum - Episode 50: Coronet Rock
Pokémon Platinum - Episode 50: Coronet RockWe climb the center of Sinnoh!
Pokémon Platinum - Episode 51: Spearheading
Pokémon Platinum - Episode 51: SpearheadingWe fight through waves of Team Galactic to reach the boss...
Pokémon Platinum - Episode 52: Distortion World
Pokémon Platinum - Episode 52: Distortion WorldReality is tearing at the seams...
Pokémon Platinum - Episode 53: Giratina
Pokémon Platinum - Episode 53: GiratinaWe end this!
Pokémon Platinum - Episode 54: Willpower Trip
Pokémon Platinum - Episode 54: Willpower TripWe get our team ready for some tough battles and then visit a lake!
Pokémon Platinum - Episode 55: Knowledge is Power
Pokémon Platinum - Episode 55: Knowledge is PowerWe take on Uxie at Lake Acuity!
Pokémon Platinum - Episode 56: Emotion VS Logic
Pokémon Platinum - Episode 56: Emotion VS LogicWe learn more of Sinnoh's history and then hunt down the final Lake Pokémon!
Pokémon Platinum - Episode 57: The Untraveled Road
Pokémon Platinum - Episode 57: The Untraveled RoadWe set out for the site of our final Gym Battle!
Pokémon Platinum - Episode 58: The Shore is Always Sunny
Pokémon Platinum - Episode 58: The Shore is Always SunnyWe explore a rather boppin' city!
Pokémon Platinum - Episode 59: City Volkner
Pokémon Platinum - Episode 59: City VolknerWe go to Sunyshore Gym and challenge Volkner for our final Sinnoh Gym Badge!
Pokémon Platinum - Episode 60: Keep Your Wittz About You
Pokémon Platinum - Episode 60: Keep Your Wittz About YouWe remember a part of the Pokémon series that died with Nintendo Wi-Fi Connection.
Pokémon Platinum - Episode 61: Jasmine Water
Pokémon Platinum - Episode 61: Jasmine WaterWe go on the road to Victory Road!
Pokémon Platinum - Episode 62: Road to Victory
Pokémon Platinum - Episode 62: Road to VictoryWe make the walk that all masters must take!
Pokémon Platinum - Episode 63: End of the Road
Pokémon Platinum - Episode 63: End of the RoadWe power through the rest of Victory Road!
Pokémon Platinum - Episode 64: The Miracle of Bertha
Pokémon Platinum - Episode 64: The Miracle of BerthaWe begin our challenge of the Elite Four!
Alternative episode title: Aaron Grievances!
Pokémon Platinum - Episode 65: Lucian Dreams
Pokémon Platinum - Episode 65: Lucian DreamsWe challenge the next two members of the Elite Four!
Pokémon Platinum - Episode 66 [Finale]
Pokémon Platinum - Episode 66 [Finale]The final battle!
Pokémon Platinum - Episode 67: The Second Journey
Pokémon Platinum - Episode 67: The Second JourneyWe begin our second journey through Sinnoh to see all that's changed!
Pokémon Platinum - Episode 68: Bird Migration
Pokémon Platinum - Episode 68: Bird MigrationEither we get run into the ground by this mechanic, or we run this mechanic into the ground!
Pokémon Platinum - Episode 69: Moon Phases
Pokémon Platinum - Episode 69: Moon PhasesWe explore some new lands near Canalave City!
Pokémon Platinum - Episode 70: Marley and Me
Pokémon Platinum - Episode 70: Marley and MeWe explore two caves! One is a separate reality and the other... isn't!
Pokémon Platinum - Episode 71: Platonic Hedgehog
Pokémon Platinum - Episode 71: Platonic HedgehogWe find a white rock. Yeah, that's about it!
Pokémon Platinum - Episode 72: The First Frontier
Pokémon Platinum - Episode 72: The First FrontierWe visit a new land and vacation in a very missed location!
Pokémon Platinum - Episode 73: Resorting to Violence
Pokémon Platinum - Episode 73: Resorting to ViolenceWe make our way to the second town on this northern island!
Pokémon Platinum - Episode 74: The Bio Weapon
Pokémon Platinum - Episode 74: The Bio WeaponWe explore two new routes to see what lies to the north! The title will make a lot of sense, trust me!
Pokémon Platinum - Episode 75: Fighting for Survival
Pokémon Platinum - Episode 75: Fighting for SurvivalWe head for the next town through the volcanic area of this island!
Pokémon Platinum - Episode 76: Useless Buck
Pokémon Platinum - Episode 76: Useless BuckWe explore Stark Mountain and see what Team Galactic is doing here! ...And how they still exist without a leader.
Pokémon Platinum - Episode 77: Going into Heatran
Pokémon Platinum - Episode 77: Going into HeatranWe explore Stark Mountain! ...Again!
Pokémon Platinum - Episode 78: Barry Picking
Pokémon Platinum - Episode 78: Barry PickingWe explore the final route of Sinnoh and then take care of some business with Barry!
Pokémon Platinum - Episode 79: Park It
Pokémon Platinum - Episode 79: Park ItWe head back to Pal Park and do all the remaining things there are to do there!
Pokémon Platinum - Episode 80: Shoveling Sinnoh
Pokémon Platinum - Episode 80: Shoveling SinnohWe go around to the little places and people that slipped between the cracks!
Pokémon Platinum - Episode 81: Out of Time, Out of Place
Pokémon Platinum - Episode 81: Out of Time, Out of PlaceWe head to Celestic Town to learn about any more Sinnoh history we have yet to find!
Pokémon Platinum - Episode 82: I'll Fly
Pokémon Platinum - Episode 82: I'll FlyWe fly... a lot! Okay, we see everything we haven't seen, per your requests!
Pokémon Platinum - Last Episode
Pokémon Platinum - Last EpisodeWe defend our title of Sinnoh Champion!
Pokémon Platinum - Bonus 1: Battle Factory [Part 1]
Pokémon Platinum - Bonus 1: Battle Factory [Part 1]Let's build a new team!
Pokémon Platinum - Bonus 2: Battle Factory [Part 2]
Pokémon Platinum - Bonus 2: Battle Factory [Part 2]....Let's build an actually good new team!
Pokémon Platinum - Bonus 3: Regirock, Regice, & Registeel
Pokémon Platinum - Bonus 3: Regirock, Regice, & RegisteelWe take a being of legend from the mythical land of Toys R Us who will allow us to fight three hidden bosses!
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