Chronicles of a village

Season 6

Video Village is an American television game show produced by Heatter-Quigley Productions which aired on the CBS network in daytime from July 11, 1960 to June 15, 1962 and in primetime from July 1 to September 16, 1960.

It was notable for the use of its unique "living board game" concept, as well as being one of the first new games to premiere after the quiz show scandals.
Where to Watch Season 6
5 Episodes
  • La guerra chica
    Episode 1La guerra chica
  • El día de Dionisio
    Episode 2El día de Dionisio
  • Un fantasma en la torre
    Episode 3Un fantasma en la torre
  • La casa de los viejos escudos
    Episode 4La casa de los viejos escudos
  • Braulio tiene un problema
    Episode 5Braulio tiene un problema

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