
Season 1

The employees at a small-town supermarket in Israel muddle through in the face of outraged customers, awkward encounters and everyday chaos.

Where to Watch Season 1

21 Episodes

  • Mine from Home
    Mine from HomeAmnon fights for his right to snack in the store, while Shira starts to regret inviting butchers Nissim and Anatoly to pray in her office.
  • A Miracle at the Deli Counter
    A Miracle at the Deli CounterThe employees at a small-town supermarket in Israel muddle through in the face of outraged customers, awkward encounters and everyday chaos.
  • The Morning of the Attack
    The Morning of the AttackThe employees at a small-town supermarket in Israel muddle through in the face of outraged customers, awkward encounters and everyday chaos.
  • A Celebrity in the Supermarket
    A Celebrity in the SupermarketA celebrity comes to the supermarket - The chef Israel Aharoni comes to the branch and causes a lot of excitement for both employees and customers who have never seen a celebrity in real life. Nissim and Anatoly find a new way to waist time in the butchery.
  • Kochava Returns from Abroad
    Kochava Returns from AbroadThe employees at a small-town supermarket in Israel muddle through in the face of outraged customers, awkward encounters and everyday chaos.
  • Underwear
    UnderwearAmnon goes shopping for underwear, Kochava's pranks wreak havoc and Ramzi battles a mighty stain.
  • Detective Ramzi
    Detective RamziThe employees at a small-town supermarket in Israel muddle through in the face of outraged customers, awkward encounters and everyday chaos.
  • The Rat
    The RatA rat in the storeroom sparks an ethical debate, Kochava starts soliciting tips and Ramzi helps a new customer learn the ropes.
  • Ramzi Takes a Vacation
    Ramzi Takes a VacationThe employees at a small-town supermarket in Israel muddle through in the face of outraged customers, awkward encounters and everyday chaos.
  • Kochava Quits Smoking
    Kochava Quits SmokingKochava's attempt to quit smoking causes problems for customers and coworkers alike. Ramzi battles pastry piracy.
  • Chicken Legs
    Chicken LegsThe employees at a small-town supermarket in Israel muddle through in the face of outraged customers, awkward encounters and everyday chaos.
  • Mrs. Peperni
    Mrs. PeperniThe employees at a small-town supermarket in Israel muddle through in the face of outraged customers, awkward encounters and everyday chaos.
  • A Revolution at the Supermarket (1)
    A Revolution at the Supermarket (1)The employees at a small-town supermarket in Israel muddle through in the face of outraged customers, awkward encounters and everyday chaos.
  • A Revolution at the Supermarket (2)
    A Revolution at the Supermarket (2)The employees at a small-town supermarket in Israel muddle through in the face of outraged customers, awkward encounters and everyday chaos.
  • Excuses, Excuses
    Excuses, ExcusesAnatoly and Nissim brainstorm excuses to get out of a Thursday night cleanup session. Shuni uses online shaming to get what she wants.
  • Friday at the Supermarket
    Friday at the SupermarketEnd-of-week chaos at the store complicates Franco's shopping plans and sparks conflict between customers.
  • Ramzi in Love
    Ramzi in LoveThe employees at a small-town supermarket in Israel muddle through in the face of outraged customers, awkward encounters and everyday chaos.
  • Cousins
    CousinsChezi and Amnon discover that they're related, which yields exciting perks for Amnon. Anatoly deals with trouble at home.
  • A Smart Supermarket (1)
    A Smart Supermarket (1)The employees at a small-town supermarket in Israel muddle through in the face of outraged customers, awkward encounters and everyday chaos.
  • A Smart Supermarket (2)
    A Smart Supermarket (2)The employees at a small-town supermarket in Israel muddle through in the face of outraged customers, awkward encounters and everyday chaos.
  • Behind the Scenes
    Behind the ScenesThe employees at a small-town supermarket in Israel muddle through in the face of outraged customers, awkward encounters and everyday chaos.

Cast of Season 1

  • Keren MorKochava Shavit
  • Yaniv SwissaNissim Shimoni
  • Amir ShurushRamzi Abed Ramzi
  • Aviva NagosaEsti Tzagai
  • Daniel StyopinAnatoly Kirilenko
  • Noa KolerShira Shetainbukh
  • Dorit Lev-AriShuni Stretiner
  • Dov NavonAmnon Titinski
  • Yigal AdikaAvichai Gratzian
  • Ya'anckale BodoMordechai Chibotero
  • Oshik LeviChezi Cohen
  • Rudi SaadaNatan Franco
  • Anat BarzilaiHaya Bismanovsky
  • Ruth FarhiMrs. Pepperny



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