Час Сыча

2015    43mAction, Mystery,
Three bosom friends live in a small seaside town: Aleksey Sychev, the head physician of the local hospital, Colonel Pyotr Gubenko, the chief of police of the city, and Timur Iskhakov, the head physician of the local health resort - sanatorium Chernomorets. At first glance, Aleksey Sychev's life was a success - he has a beloved wife, the beautiful Zinaida, a favorite job, wonderful friends. But Vasily's son is his father's headache. Vasily used to serve in Moscow in Drug Control. He entered the drug supply channel, but he was framed. He was kicked out of work for systematic absenteeism and drunkenness, which actually did not happen. At the same time, he breaks up with his wife, with whom he has a daughter, and returns to his hometown, where he gets a job in the traffic police.

Where to Watch Час Сыча

1 Season

  • Season 1
    Season 14 Episodes

Cast of Час Сыча

  • Evgeniy SidikhinАлексей Сычёв
  • Aleksandr SamoylenkoПётр Губенко
  • Aleksandr NazarovТимур Исхаков
  • Elena ValyushkinaЗинаида Сычёва
  • Sergey PodolnyyВасилий Сычёв
  • Gennadiy Leguta«Фома»
  • Oleg Poddubnyy«Буза»
  • Sandra EliavaОльга Сычёва
  • Olga KotlyarenkoАлина Исхакова
  • Evgeny ChernorayБеленький
  • Eva SalkovaПолинка Сычёва
  • Nikolay TrukhinВалерий - дилер
  • Aleksandr PoryvaevСергей Зайцев «Зайчик» - дилер
  • Aleksandr Belous«Баклан»
  • Vitaliy AdasyukКолян
  • Vladimir Novitsky«Кепка»



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