
Season 1

The show takes us to the life of Ema, who leaves her parents’ house in Entroncamento and comes to live in Lisbon, chasing her dreams and some work that allows her to survive. Lara, Jay and Alex wait for her in Lisbon in a busy, exciting and always, always unexpected daily life.
Where to Watch Season 1
11 Episodes
  • #ChaosHouse
    Episode 1#ChaosHouseEma vem para Lisboa e partilha casa com 4 amigos excêntricos. O seu dia-a-dia, e as noites, são marcadas por histórias divertidas, sem tabus, sobre ser jovem no novo milénio (o sexo, as drogas, a procura de emprego, a autodescoberta e o amadurecimento).
  • #Adulting
    Episode 2#AdultingO caos de cada uma das personagens.
  • #NewHousemate
    Episode 3#NewHousemateEma e Lara têm que arranjar rapidamente um novo companheiro de casa, mas as entrevistas não estão a correr bem.
  • #NeverHaveIEver
    Episode 4#NeverHaveIEverThe show takes us to the life of Ema, who leaves her parents’ house in Entroncamento and comes to live in Lisbon, chasing her dreams and some work that allows her to survive. Lara, Jay and Alex wait for her in Lisbon in a busy, exciting and always, always unexpected daily life.
  • #NightOut
    Episode 5#NightOutBeatriz é oficialmente a nova colega de casa de Ema e Lara. O grupo junta-se para mais uma saída pela noite de Lisboa, que Lara usa para tentar esquecer o seu ex-namorado.
  • #PierTent
    Episode 6#PierTentThe show takes us to the life of Ema, who leaves her parents’ house in Entroncamento and comes to live in Lisbon, chasing her dreams and some work that allows her to survive. Lara, Jay and Alex wait for her in Lisbon in a busy, exciting and always, always unexpected daily life.
  • #DoubleDate
    Episode 7#DoubleDateAlex convence Jay a ir a um double date e enquanto Beatriz trabalha, Ema e Lara lidam com o seu pior pesadelo: UMA BARATA.
  • #Lolz
    Episode 8#LolzThe show takes us to the life of Ema, who leaves her parents’ house in Entroncamento and comes to live in Lisbon, chasing her dreams and some work that allows her to survive. Lara, Jay and Alex wait for her in Lisbon in a busy, exciting and always, always unexpected daily life.
  • #Bloopers
    Episode 9#BloopersThe show takes us to the life of Ema, who leaves her parents’ house in Entroncamento and comes to live in Lisbon, chasing her dreams and some work that allows her to survive. Lara, Jay and Alex wait for her in Lisbon in a busy, exciting and always, always unexpected daily life.
  • #ImInDeepShit
    Episode 10#ImInDeepShitThe show takes us to the life of Ema, who leaves her parents’ house in Entroncamento and comes to live in Lisbon, chasing her dreams and some work that allows her to survive. Lara, Jay and Alex wait for her in Lisbon in a busy, exciting and always, always unexpected daily life.
  • #NowWhat?
    Episode 11#NowWhat?The show takes us to the life of Ema, who leaves her parents’ house in Entroncamento and comes to live in Lisbon, chasing her dreams and some work that allows her to survive. Lara, Jay and Alex wait for her in Lisbon in a busy, exciting and always, always unexpected daily life.
Cast of Season 1
  • Ana CorreiaEma
  • Francisco SoaresJay
  • André MariñoAlex
  • Soraia CarregaLara
  • Helena AmaralBeatriz

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