Brows Held High

Season 1

A well-read narcissist takes a look at films that many mainstream audiences have never heard of and he tries to analyze them from an educated point of view, discussing their artistic characteristics, despite the films being filled with gratuitous nudity and excessive violence.

Where to Watch Season 1

18 Episodes

  • Antichrist
    AntichristIn the first episode of Brows Held High, we look at Lars von Trier's meditation on Christianity, feminism, and nausea in 2009's Antichrist. Please remove all sharp objects from the vicinity, don't feed the talking foxes, and watch for falling infants.
  • The Anatomy Of Hell
    The Anatomy Of HellOn this episode of Brows Held High, we look at an ostensibly feminist tract by Catherine Breillat that brings a Fear Factor sensibility to an Eve Ensler- style performance in The Anatomy of Hell.
  • Shortbus
    ShortbusIn Episode 3 we look at a film that redefines NSFW in John Cameron Mitchell's Shortbus. Hang a sock on the door.
  • Prospero's Books
    Prospero's BooksOn Brows Held High, from Peter Greenaway / A film where dwelleth actors clothed in naught / Where pisseth babies into ancient pools / And Sir Gielgud maketh funny voices. / Pros’pro’s Books our movie’s title is / Again, it has a baby that doth whizz
  • Between The Lines: Wallace and Gromit
    Between The Lines: Wallace and GromitLooking at the allegories present in Wallace and Gromit in The Wrong Trousers, Oancitizen reads it Between the Lines.
  • The Discovery of Heaven
    The Discovery of HeavenIn a relatively calm episode of Brows Held High, Jeroen Krabbe's adaptation of The Discovery of Heaven gets the treatment. Everything happens for a reason. It doesn't necessarily have to be a good reason.
  • Primer
    PrimerIn this episode of Brows Held High, the Sundance-winning, shoestring budgeted Primer is viewed, talked about, but understood? Naaaaaaah.
  • Between The Lines: The Last Action Hero
    Between The Lines: The Last Action HeroLooking at the allegories present in The Last Action Hero, Oancitizen reads it Between the Lines.
  • Ken Park
    Ken ParkKen Park, a tale of youngsters and their foibles. In this quaint little romp through small town Americana, Oancitizen totally loses his shit, like a lot. I mean, you have no idea.
  • 9 Songs
    9 SongsOn this episode of Brows Held High, we look at 9 Songs. It has nine songs. And sex. SPECIAL REQUEST: If you are related to Kyle Kallgren, please refrain from watching the first minute of the video.
  • Naked Lunch
    Naked LunchOancitizen gets bugged as he watches the film adaptation of William S. Burrough's graphic novel, Naked Lunch. He goes in, thinking it will be successful because it's directed by David Cronenberg, the guy who brought us The Fly, but soon discovers otherwise.
  • The Fall
    The FallTo help recover from last week's debacle, Oancitizen watches The Fall. Ooooooooooooh. Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaah.
  • Sebastiane
    SebastianeIn Frons Potior Altus , Civis Oan vultus procul primoris filmicus per Derek Jarman, Sebastiane. Is est orator in Latin. Quam insolitus. (author's note: this is not to be mistaken for grammatically correct Latin)
  • Andy Warhol's Dracula
    Andy Warhol's DraculaIt's Halloween, and in slavish obedience of seasonal duties, Oancitizen looks at a vampire movie. It has some very lovely shots of Udo Kier puking.
  • Gerry
    GerryOancitizen pays his respects to Gus Van Sant by taking a look at his tedious film, Gerry. He manages to maintain sanity during this monotonous odyssey by singing show-tunes and squeezing out humor wherever possible.
  • JesuOtaku and Oancitizen: Revolutionary Girl Utena
    JesuOtaku and Oancitizen: Revolutionary Girl UtenaAnime meets arthouse when JO and Kyle take a look at a "revolutionary" movie full of roses, racecars, and lesbians! Lots and lots of lesbians!
  • Pinocchio
    PinocchioNo, not that one. Oancitizen looks at Roberto Benigni's Pinocchio: the only foreign language film to be nominated for the Worst Picture Razzie.
  • Angels In America
    Angels In AmericaFor World Aids Day, in collboration with Red Ribbon Reviewers, Oancitizen reviews the post modern classic Angels in America.



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