
Season 1

The dramatic stories behind some of the most high-profile jailbreaks in recent history, and the ingenious detective work that led to the escapees' successful recapture. Each breakout is told by the dangerous and often highly intelligent criminals who escape, and the professional, determined law enforcement teams who hunt them down.

Where to Watch Season 1

8 Episodes

  • The Texas Seven
    The Texas SevenSeven inmates, led by convicted robber George Rivas, hatch an elaborate plan to escape from the Connally Unit prison in Texas, leading to one of the biggest manhunts in Texas history. The "Texas Seven" take over the maintenance department of the prison at lunchtime. They subdue and lock up 11 officers and workers, overpower guards in a security tower, steal weapons and drive away fully armed
  • The Pittsburg Six
    The Pittsburg Six
  • The Running Man
    The Running ManArmed robber Dennis Hope is serving an 80-year sentence at the notorious Darrington Unit in Texas when he's caught up in a bloody prison riot. It's a brush with death which triggers his decision to risk escape. On the night of the escape, Hope and two accomplices sabotage the prison power system. Under cover of darkness they cut through the first prison fence and climb over the second. But that was the easy part: now they must get past the five mile search perimeter before they're caught.
  • The Escapist
    The EscapistRegarded as high risk due to repeated escape attempts, Quawntay Adams is transferred to a maximum-security jail in Alton, Ill. Despite the constant surveillance, he escapes through a ventilation window. As part of his plan, he manipulates an unwitting female accomplice to wait for him outside the prison and drive him to a nearby motel. But when police press her for details, she gives up his location, and he finds himself surrounded at the motel by police - and quickly on his way back to jail!
  • Prison Romance
    Prison RomanceWhen gang leader George Hyatte escaped from prison custody outside a court in Tennessee, he had an unlikely accomplice: his wife Jennifer, a prison nurse. The pair had fallen in love and eventually married the previous year. During George's next court appearance, Jennifer was to wait outside and demand at gunpoint that the officers release her husband.
  • Ohio's Most Wanted
    Ohio's Most WantedJohn Parsons shoots an off-duty officer after a robbery and becomes one of Ohio's most infamous criminals. Placed in Ross County Jail, Parsons knows he'll likely face the death penalty and immediately begins planning his escape. He manages a hugely audacious escape using sheets and old newspapers to scale the wall of the recreation yard. Officers spend 83 days in a cat-and-mouse race in rural Ross County before an exhausted team of officers finally brings Parsons back to face trial.
  • Through the Roof
    Through the RoofMurderers Timothy Vail and Timothy Morgan plan to break out of the Elmira Prison in New York by chipping a hole through the concrete ceiling of their cell. Vail discovers an escape route via the roof, but it requires breaking through the ceiling of a top floor cell. Morgan has a cell on the top of F-Block, so Vail applies for a transfer to share with his buddy. The request is granted. On the run for two days in the woods, the two are finally captured by police in a dramatic takedown.
  • Escape to Vegas
    Escape to VegasHitching a ride out of prison? Armed robber Jody Thompson uses his charm and persuasion to land a prized job in the metal and furniture shop. Thompson then uses opportunism and nerve to hide in a furniture delivery truck, which drives him past guards out the prison gates. While Thompson is on the run, police track him down and engage in a high-speed car chase. Within minutes Thompson breaks into a home, steals a car and escapes. Three months later, Thompson is found in Las Vegas and captured.

Cast of Season 1

  • Richard Correllnarrator



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