Born to Kill (2005)

Season 2

Born To Kill is a British true crime television series, made by Twofour Productions. Each episode is an in-depth look at the childhood, and formative years of serial killers., in an attempt to find out whether the individuals were born killers, or created by the environments they found themselves in.
6 Episodes
  • Aileen Wuornos
    Episode 1Aileen WuornosMade famous for Charlize Theron’s portrayal of her in the film Monster, Aileen Wuornos was executed in 2002 for the murder of seven men. A down-on-her luck lesbian prostitute, she lured her clients to remote wooded areas, and more often than not, shot them at point blank range. Tried and convicted in a Florida court, Aileen received 6 death sentences and spent a total of 12 years on death row…
  • Richard Trenton Chase
    Episode 2Richard Trenton ChaseKnown as the Vampire of Sacramento, Richard Trenton Chase was a deranged monster who slaughtered men, women and children in a bloody rampage that shook the Californian State Capital…
  • Charles Starkweather
    Episode 3Charles StarkweatherIn 1958 the real ‘Natural Born Killers’, Charles Starkweather and his teenage girlfriend Caril Ann Fugate, embarked on an 8-day killing spree that left 10 people dead and many more fearing for their lives. The duo was captured in January 1958 and Starkweather was executed on the electric chair little over a year later…
  • Albert De Salvo
    Episode 4Albert De SalvoHe was one of the infamous serial killers in modern American history. Better known as the Boston Strangler, De Salvo’s reign of terror claimed at least 13 victims. A violent sexual deviant, he confessed to all the murders – yet some doubt his authenticity.
  • Ted Bundy
    Episode 5Ted BundyTed Bundy orchestrated a campaign of terror that stretched across the United States. Between 1974 and 1978 he lured a series of pretty, dark haired women to gruesome deaths. Described as handsome and charming, Ted didn’t fit the bill of a conventional murderer. Until the end, Bundy remained arrogant and defiant, choosing to conduct his own defence in the trial. Bundy was sent to the electric chair in 1989, whilst hundreds of people cheered his death outside the prison…
  • John Wayne Gacy
    Episode 6John Wayne GacyHe was known as the ‘Killer Clown’, and buried his young male victims under the crawl space of his suburban home. John Wayne Gacy was a monster in human form – a pillar of the community who viciously snuffed out the lives of more than thirty men. He’d prowl the streets at night, luring hitchhikers and runaways back to his home where he’d torture and kill them. Gacy was found guilty in 1980 and sentenced to death…
Cast of Season 2
  • Steve Furst

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