
Season 2

This Danish drama series follows the intricate, complicated lives of the politicians, media spinners, and reporters who feed off their triumphs and failures in 'Borgen' (the Castle)--the nickname for Denmark's parliamentary building. In the first episode, Denmark is preparing for parliamentary elections and Birgitte Nyborg, facing her first election as party leader, decides at the last minute to head in her own direction.

10 Episodes

  • 89,000 Children
    89,000 ChildrenA year has passed since we last saw Prime Minister Birgitte Nyborg. In the season opener, Birgitte is visiting soldiers stationed in Afghanistan when their encampment is attacked, and several soldiers are killed. Now she must choose: send the troops home or stage a counterattack?
  • In Brussels No One Can Hear You Scream
    In Brussels No One Can Hear You ScreamPrime Minister Birgitte Nyborg must appoint a new EU Commissioner. Sejro would seem the obvious choice, but Birgitte is surprised when he not only turns down the post but sees it as a personal slight. Who can she appoint?
  • The Last Worker
    The Last WorkerThe coalition government is preparing to introduce a new reform package - "A Common Future". But attempts to get agreement on the reforms causes Labour leader Bjørn Marrot serious problems - in the media and within his own party.
  • Battle Ready
    Battle ReadyTroels Hoxenhaven exploits the hijack of a Danish ship by Somali pirates to try and raise his profile. However, sexual indiscretions by both Hoxenhaven and Birgitte Nyborg force a confrontation with Ekspres editor Laugesen.
  • Plant a Tree
    Plant a TreeBirgitte Nyborg is about to negotiate the environmental element of the new reform package, but she must face the reality of parties unwilling to compromise. Kasper convinces her that underhanded tactics can help win her a majority for the reform. Meanwhile, Katrine receives an unusual job offer that tests her personal beliefs. And at home, Birgitte's children are clearly affected by their mother's stress; Laura in particular.
  • Them and Us
    Them and UsKasper's past returns to haunt him as he clears out his parents former home, whilst the Freedom Party suggest lowering the age of criminal responsibility to 12. A move that reveals fundamental differences in the coalition parties.
  • What is Lost Inwardly Must Be Gained Outwardly (Part I)
    What is Lost Inwardly Must Be Gained Outwardly (Part I)With the coalition at its lowest ebb, financier Joachim Crohne asks Birgette to intervene in the civil war between North and South Kharun which is crippling his oil industry interests. So, Birgitte secretly flies to Africa.
  • What is Lost Inwardly Must Be Gained Outwardly (Part II)
    What is Lost Inwardly Must Be Gained Outwardly (Part II)The eyes of the world are on Copenhagen and Birgitte Nyborg as peace talks draw near between North and South Kharun. Everyone has been working around the clock, and although Kasper is now living with Katrine, they rarely see each other. When Birgitte realizes Denmark is only a small piece in a major international power game, her negotiation skills are put to the test. Can she end the bloody civil war?
  • The Sanctity of Private Life
    The Sanctity of Private LifeLaura's illness becomes much worse and Birgitte agrees to her daughter being admitted to a private hospital. But Birgitte's own tax reforms cause issues sparking a media circus, forcing the Prime Minister to make a shock decision.
  • An Extraordinary Remark
    An Extraordinary RemarkIn the season finale, Birgitte is on a month leave from her post as prime minister to focus on family, and Hans-Christian Thorsen, Labor Party chairman, has positioned himself to be her possible successor. Birgitte is torn about whether or not she will return to work. Meanwhile, as Kasper and Katrine hunt for apartments together, their plan is derailed by an argument about the possibility of having children. Will one of them relent?

Cast of Season 2

  • Sidse Babett KnudsenBirgitte Nyborg
  • Birgitte Hjort SørensenKatrine Fønsmark
  • Mikael BirkkjærPhilip Christensen
  • Lars KnutzonBent Sejrø
  • Søren MallingTorben Friis
  • Benedikte HansenHanne Holm
  • Emil PoulsenMagnus Christensen
  • Thomas LevinUlrik Mørch
  • Lisbeth WulffPia Munk
  • Søren SpanningLars Hesselboe
  • Peter MygindMichael Laugesen
  • Pilou AsbækKasper Juul
  • Freja RiemannLaura Nyborg Christensen
  • Anders JuulSimon Bech
  • Kasper LangeDan Vestergaard

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