
Season 8

Alan, Adam, Ellie and their manager Rowan work at TechTown - where hardly any work gets done and, more often than not, everyone is bored to death.

Where to Watch Season 8

66 Episodes

  • Locked Out
    Locked OutRowan decides to try and conduct business from outside the shop when he forgets his keys. With everyone locked out... how will they do?
  • Fresh
    FreshEllie is finally back at Playtech!! Her holiday has been so amazing and refreshing that literally nothing could get her down...
  • Bad Boy
    Bad BoyRowan, Ellie and Alan get a glimpse into Adam's personal life... and it is not what it seems. Adam looks like a cool guy!
  • Free samples
    Free samplesRowan hasn't quite got the concept of free samples, and it could be costing Playtech quite a bit.
  • Swear Words
    Swear WordsAdam, Alan and Rowan are pretty down in the dumps about it being Monday. They've got a few swear words to say about Mondays
  • In and Out
    In and OutAlan finds it very annoying when customers come in after closing time... but Ben knows what he wants. He'll just be in and out!
  • White Shirt
    White ShirtThe White Shirt returns to Playtech to wreak havoc. The Saga continues
  • Gold Shirt
    Gold ShirtOne Shirt to rule them all, One Shirt to find them, One Shirt to bring them all, and in the Playtech bind them. The Gold Shirt makes its dramatic entrance.
  • Red Shirt
    Red ShirtThe Red shirt returns, but not as you might expect. No one expects the power it now holds
  • Funeral
    FuneralAdam has passed on, and Alan, Rowan and Ellie need to come to terms with his death. However his funeral doesn't quite go as planned.
  • Training Video
    Training VideoRowan has decided to make a Playtech training video to help the employees work harder and faster... but it is the literal worst
  • Bad Tea
    Bad TeaAdam seems to be the worst person in the world. He likes milky tea.
  • High Five
    High FiveAdam gets left hanging by Alan, and as per the rules of high five must keep his hand up for the rest of the day
  • Work Training
    Work TrainingGetting put through workplace trust training is a lot of work for bored employees.
  • Golden Girl
    Golden GirlEllie is Rowan's favorite and everyone knows it. Shes the golden girl
  • Chips
    ChipsAdam eats way too loudly... and he's just opened a bag of chips Hit up our Kickstarter and consider donating to help us expand the world of Epic NPC Man!
  • Odd Package
    Odd PackageAlan has a very odd package for Byron to deliver... and Byron suspects that it might be a dead body.
  • Big Delivery
    Big DeliveryThere is a big delivery that needs to go out, and the team isn't confident that Byron can actually commit to delivering it all
  • Delayed Order
    Delayed OrderHamish pre purchased and it seems like he is never going to get his computer! The delayed order might be because of Rowan...
  • $2000 bag
    $2000 bag[Video Specific]
  • Isolation
    IsolationCovid-19 lockdown has meant that Playtech has been closed for 2 months... but Rowan doesn't seem to know anything about Corona Virus
  • Imposter
    ImposterBen has stooped to some new lows in his effort to scam Playtech... this time masquerading as an imposter employee.
  • Hangry
    HangryAdam hasn't had a meal in a few hours and it is completely changing his personality... he's getting a bit hangry
  • When you turn into a cartoon - Animated
    When you turn into a cartoon - AnimatedAlan and Adam have noticed something weird... they are suddenly animated. But Rowan is having none of it.
  • How to steal $500 - The Heist
    How to steal $500 - The HeistThis customer has been plaguing Playtech for ages. It's time to put a stop to it. Though Ben has other plans...
  • People who know nothing about computers - Clearing Cookies
    People who know nothing about computers - Clearing CookiesThis customer just doesn't know anything about how computers work. He's about to learn a big lesson of clearing cookies from the cache.
  • Forgetting basic human things - How to Walk
    Forgetting basic human things - How to WalkRowan has started to forget the most basic human things... but lets be honest is he really even human?
  • Those friends who take advantage of you - Mates Rates
    Those friends who take advantage of you - Mates RatesAdam has one particular friend who always takes advantage of him. David just isn't a good mate.
  • When you injure yourself at work - Accident Report
    When you injure yourself at work - Accident ReportThere are specific rules for when you injure yourself at work, and that involves are pretty lengthy accident report. And Rowan likes to work by the book.
  • How to request leave from your boss - Paid Leave
    How to request leave from your boss - Paid LeaveEllie has the horrible task of requesting leave from Rowan. But she's come up with a plan to get fully paid leave.
  • That friend who gets all the women - You're a Boy
    That friend who gets all the women - You're a BoyDavid has a magical power over women, and Ellie has been caught in the headlights.
  • When bumping your head changes your personality - Head Bump
    When bumping your head changes your personality - Head BumpRowan has had a little accident and now it is nice Rowan walking around Playtech. It could be to do with his head bump.
  • How to give constructive feedback - Compliment Sandwich
    How to give constructive feedback - Compliment SandwichAs a manager Rowan needs to learn how to give constructive feedback. So Alan is here to teach him the compliment sandwich
  • Team building with your boss - Simon Says
    Team building with your boss - Simon SaysRowan wants to do a bit of team building with Simon Says... and get something else off his chest.
  • Explaining things to a woman - Mansplaining
    Explaining things to a woman - MansplainingRowan needs to try to explain to Ellie what mansplaining is... and she's just not getting it
  • Finally standing up to your boss - Coffee Showdown
    Finally standing up to your boss - Coffee ShowdownAdam finally takes it upon himself to stand up to Rowan who is the literal worst boss ever.
  • Smelly food at work - Eggy Garlic Fish
    Smelly food at work - Eggy Garlic FishAdam has brought some very smelly food to work. A horrible meal with all the sins! Eggy Garlic Fish!
  • When workplace mediation goes wrong - Mediation
    When workplace mediation goes wrong - MediationEver been to a mediation at work? They don't always go the way you hope.
  • Karen vs Manager
    Karen vs ManagerThe ultimate showdown is upon us. Rowan finally finds his biggest foe as manager. Karen.
  • Does Size Matter? - Bigger
    Does Size Matter? - BiggerRowan and Alan are convinced that each others is bigger. But does size matter?
  • Mistaking another customer for an employee - Uniform
    Mistaking another customer for an employee - UniformIt's a pretty awkward movement when you are in a store and you get mistaken for an employee by another customer.
  • Friends who spoil movies for you - Spoiler
    Friends who spoil movies for you - SpoilerWARNING THIS VIDEO CONTAINS ACTUAL REAL SPOILERS FOR AVENGERS ENDGAME Alan is finally catching up on Avengers Endgame... however everyone knows at least 1 person who is a spoiler machine.
  • How to get off work - Broom Technique
    How to get off work - Broom TechniqueEllie has figured out the perfect way to get off work - its called the broom technique
  • The problem with workplace jargon - Acronyms
    The problem with workplace jargon - AcronymsAdam experiences the horror of sitting in a workplace meeting and not knowing the jargon when the acronyms are just too intense... and not wanting to admit it.
  • Accidentally getting high at work - Special Brownie
    Accidentally getting high at work - Special BrownieAccidently getting high at any time isn't great - but when you're at work its a whole new level
  • Getting a USB in first time - USB
    Getting a USB in first time - USBThe feeling of getting a USB in first time is actually the most pure form of ecstasy. Nothing else compares
  • Horrible Christmas music in retail stores - X-mas Music
    Horrible Christmas music in retail stores - X-mas MusicRowan thinks its a good idea to play X-mas music in the store for the entire Christmas period... and the staff aren't happy
  • The fear of public speaking - Presentation
    The fear of public speaking - PresentationThe fear of public speaking is something that runs deeply through all of us. Making a presentation at work is not easy.
  • Being forced to use scripts in retail - Scripted
    Being forced to use scripts in retail - ScriptedUsing scripts in retail can be painful - especially if its Rowan giving you scripted Dialogue.
  • How to kill a conversation - Morbid Chat
    How to kill a conversation - Morbid ChatAlan has a pretty hard time connecting with a... difficult customer...
  • Being forced to tip in retail - The Tip
    Being forced to tip in retail - The TipTipping in retail is a bit of a scam - and Rowan is the master scammer
  • How to repair a computer - Hit it
    How to repair a computer - Hit itThis is a fool-proof method to fix a computer, all you need to do it hit it.
  • When work buys lunch - Free Food
    When work buys lunch - Free FoodEmployees tend to act like animals when work buys lunch. Nothing is more alluring than free food!
  • Helping your unemployed friend - The Favour
    Helping your unemployed friend - The FavourDavid has recently lost his job and is unemployed - he needs a favor from his best friend Adam.
  • Learning how to give praise - Loud Compliment
    Learning how to give praise - Loud ComplimentRowan isn't the best manager and is learning how to give praise... which comes out as a loud compliment
  • Being robbed by your friend - Friend Robbery
    Being robbed by your friend - Friend RobberyDavid is having more job problems and needs from money from Adam... but it's a bit awkward being robbed by your best friend.
  • Getting someones name mixed up - Wrong Name
    Getting someones name mixed up - Wrong NameRowan mixes Adam and Alan's names up all the time - and he wont admit he's said the wrong name
  • Paying with coins
    Paying with coinsAlan can't do anything about the card fees - so Ben has an idea... paying with coins
  • Marketing to women - Girl Gamers
    Marketing to women - Girl GamersRowan has just realised girls are gamers too - and he wants to help out
  • Delivering a USB - Overpackaged
    Delivering a USB - OverpackagedSometimes online orders are just a little too overpackaged... delivered in a MASSIVE box
  • Worst disguise ever - Undercover boss
    Worst disguise ever - Undercover bossA couple of times per year Rowan likes to play Undercover Boss... but he ain't fooling anyone
  • Singing to know the alphabet - ABC Filing
    Singing to know the alphabet - ABC FilingAre you one of those people who need to sing to remember the alphabet?
  • Karen wants a showdown - Karen Returns
    Karen wants a showdown - Karen ReturnsKaren said she would return, and in greater numbers - and now she makes good on that promise! Can Adam, Rowan and Alan defeat the ultimate evil?
  • Absurd call centre rules - Call Centre
    Absurd call centre rules - Call CentreRowan has decided to start a call centre at Playtech - but his rules are absurd.
  • When the product is out of stock - Last Item
    When the product is out of stock - Last ItemRowan is guided by the computer, and it tells him that the product is out of stock. It's not the last item
  • Fixing a Teenage Boys computer - Minefield
    Fixing a Teenage Boys computer - MinefieldAlan is on the phones this time - with a teenage boy trying to hide something in his computer... this task is a minefield.



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