BoJack Horseman
BoJack Horseman was the star of the hit television show "Horsin' Around" in the '80s and '90s, but now he's washed up, living in Hollywood, complaining about everything, and wearing colorful sweaters.
Where to Watch Specials
1 Episode
- Sabrina's Christmas WishE1
Sabrina's Christmas WishIt's Christmas, and BoJack Horseman wants nothing to do with it, especially when Todd shows up with a giant candy cane and one of BoJack’s "Horsin' Around" Christmas episodes from his TV star days. But BoJack agrees to watch it with Todd, if only for the residual check. One heart-warming orphan story and lots of cans of beer later, BoJack might be willing to re-think his attitude -- unless Todd gets too enthusiastic about the whole holiday thing.
Cast of Specials
Paul F. TompkinsMr. Peanutbutter / Marv / Virgil Van Cleef / Prescott / Andrew Garfield / Sandro / Dog Valet / Underwater Man / Concerned Man / Janitor / Bartholomew Scagsworth / Sloth Lawyer / Blimp Co-Pilot / Abortion Doctor / George Tickle / Giant Chocolate Oscar Guy / Actor #2 / Bird / Willie Wesleyan (voice)