
Season 1

Set in the distant past, the plot revolves around a group of nomadic miniature humanoids known as the Bobobobs, who live in a part of the universe far away from the Earth. One crew of these Bobobobs, led by Bob Wouter, the captain, sets sail in the Bobular Quest, their spaceship, described as a "galleon with a protective dome". They head towards Earth where they plan to save the humans from being terrorized by dinosaurs. Along the way they encounter a variety of different alien species, some of which are hostile, and use their psychic powers, such as their ability to become invisible and to teleport, to aid them.

Where to Watch Season 1

26 Episodes

  • Bobobobs
    BobobobsWhilst sailing around space, Cornelius sees the far away Earth in his telescope where the dinosaurs are terrorising the Bobs. He organises a meeting of all the Bobs, led by their King, Big Bob. The consul agrees that the Bobular Quest should set off for Earth. On the way, they stop off for a picnic on a planet, however they are attacked by two cyclops though they manage to escape
  • A Queen in the Swamp
    A Queen in the SwampThe Bobular Quest is captured by giant vines, and an away team composed of the Captain, Little Bob, and Wilbur, travel down to the planet, which is inhabited by giant frogs. It turns out that the true queen Croakadillia has been usurped by the evil Queen Toadella, who is using her ant army to keep control. Toadella captures the captain and Willbur and plans to eat them for dinner unless the Bobs can overthrow her and rescue them in time.
  • The Demon of the Universe
    The Demon of the UniverseThe Bobs crash land on a planet inhabited by monsters, and only Cornelius can save them from the most dangerous of them all - a "hairy hermit" called the demon of the universe who curses the crew and takes over Cornelius's body. Cornelius eventually casts the demon out and with help from the crew he burns him into the depths of space with a giant fireball.
  • Blip Goes Home
    Blip Goes HomeBlip has vivid nightmares of his parents being swallowed up by fire. He returns to his home planet only to find out that a severe food shortage has led the formerly friendly Munchums to kidnap Blip's parents. The Bobobobs provide the planet with ample food and set both Blip's parents and the kidnappers free.
  • Birthday
    BirthdayCornelius turns 1000 and feels neglected by the crew, who are only pretending to neglect him until his surprise party at the end.
  • The Disguise
    The DisguiseThe Bobs run into some octopus like space creatures.
  • Tree Monster
    Tree Monster
  • Little Wouter's New Friends
    Little Wouter's New FriendsWhile fishing over the side of the ship, Little Bob catches two little critters called gubbies. He takes them as pets, but soon they begin causing havoc everywhere, eating all the food and gnawing at the wood. The innocent Blip is blamed, but eventually the real culprits are discovered. The Bobs turn themselves into giants using their special powers and scare away the gubbies.
  • The Spacecombers
    The SpacecombersA pair of alien space-combers, the brothers Lest and Pest, come aboard, much to the dismay of Petronella, who ends up in the bathtub with them.
  • Call for Help
    Call for HelpA very dirty ship arrives wishing to trade with the Bobular Quest, however their true intentions are revealed when it is discovered that they want to take over the Bobular Quest.
  • Mummy comes to vist
    Mummy comes to vistAn alien ship (which resembles a flying saucer) tries to capture the Bobular Quest.
  • The Fall of Fritz
    The Fall of FritzFritz gets into an altercation with Petronella which resolves in Fritz falling down the stairs. After his fall he becomes kind and decides to let Aunt Agatha take over the kitchen. After getting hit in the head again, Fritz turns back into his normal mean tempered self, and the crew is happy again.
  • The Puffy Pink Space Spook
    The Puffy Pink Space SpookCrew members report seeing ghosts aboard the ship but their worries are dismissed by Cornelius. After more and more sightings, the ghost is revealed to be the very dangerous Puffy pink space monster. The Bobs finally gang together, and after drinking a blue potion that turns them into similar pink ghosts, terrify their enemy, who promptly explodes.
  • No Escape
    No Escape
  • The Tripuses
    The Tripuses
  • Fitness Training (1)
    Fitness Training (1)
  • Fitness Training (2)
    Fitness Training (2)
  • The Tree People
    The Tree PeopleThe Bobular runs out of water when A.D.s water making invention is destroyed by Ein and Stein, so the Bobular Quest travels to a planet with lots of water. Once there, Little Bob is declared King by the natives (who live in trees) while the other Bobs worry that he has been kidnapped.
  • A sticky situation
    A sticky situation
  • Fritz the Painter
    Fritz the PainterWhen Fritz's food is insulted again (this time his soup that is described as glue), he decides to become an artist and give up his life of cooking. All night he stays up painting abstract art only to find a very hungry crew the next morning.
  • Treasure Hunt
    Treasure HuntThe crew find a treasure map floating around space in a giant bottle. Despite some people's warnings, an expedition is set up to find the treasure, however after arriving on the barren wastland planet, the expedition team end up being captured by giant pirates on a deserted planet. The pirates had sent out the map to lure space travellers to their planet, where the pirates plan to eat them. The Bobs finally escape but don't get the pirate's treasure.
  • The Storm
    The StormA huge storm hits the Bobular, damaging its windows, and severely injuring the captain. The Bobs stop off on an asteroid to make some new windows. However, on the asteroid, Wilbur gets a crack on the head bringing on amnesia and he is abducted by a giant crab whom he assumes is his mother. Petronella leads a rescue expedition and succeeds. Whilst leaving the asteroid, the Bobs notice that a meteor is headed for it, and shall destroy both it and the giant crab, so they use their powers to divert the meteor away, saving the crab.
  • The Search Party
    The Search Party
  • The Clubbers (Part 1)
    The Clubbers (Part 1)The Bobular heads through an ice field, and an expedition sets off to find a safe way through.
  • The Clubbers (Part 2)
    The Clubbers (Part 2)The expedition finds a vicious race of little furry creatures on the icebergs who are bullying a much larger furry creature.
  • The Settlement of Trotterland
    The Settlement of TrotterlandA marriage takes place.



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