Bob the Builder

Season 1

Bob the Builder and his machine team are ready to tackle any project. Bob and the Can-Do Crew demonstrate the power of positive thinking, problem-solving, teamwork, and follow-through. The team always shows that "The Fun Is In Getting It Done!" Bob the Builder can be seen building, digging, and hauling.

13 Episodes

  • Scoop Saves the Day
    Scoop Saves the DayBob and the machines are in great demand after a heavy storm causes destruction. Meanwhile, at the farm Muck and Lofty find it hard to cope when a fallen tree by the pond traps Pilchard and a family of ducks.
  • Travis Paints the Town
    Travis Paints the TownBob and the machines are painting line-markings on the road. Bob is called away to repair Mrs Potts' garden fence. Spud then sees a way to make mischief! He attaches the line-marking machine to Travis. Travis then speeds off and doesn't know he is leaving a mess. Who will stop him before he paints the whole town white?
  • Bob Saves the Hedgehogs
    Bob Saves the HedgehogsRoley nearly flattens a family of hedgehogs who are crossing the road Bob and the machines are working on. They need to find a permanent solution. How will hedgehogs get across a busy road?
  • Pilchard in a Pickle
    Pilchard in a PickleBob and the machines are laying pipes in a field. Meanwhile, Wendy tries to look for Pilchard and gets in a panic when she can't find her anywhere.
  • Muck Gets Stuck
    Muck Gets StuckBob and the machines are repairing a tunnel. Bob sends Muck inside carrying a load of bricks. The generator breaks down and the lights go out. Poor Muck is stuck inside the dark tunnel. What can make him move?
  • Wendy's Busy Day
    Wendy's Busy DayBob and the machines have a major job of resurfacing the main road that must be done today. But poor Bob has a very bad cold. Wendy offers to take over the job. All goes well until Dizzy gets stuck in some wet cement. How will they get her out without letting Bob know?
  • Bob's Bugle
    Bob's BugleBob finds a bit of pipe that he thinks makes a noise like a trumpet and so he fashions it into a bugle. While learning to play it, he doesn't realise that it makes an awful noise!
  • Buffalo Bob
    Buffalo BobBob and the machines are building a dance floor stage ready for a line-dancing contest that evening. Bob needs to go home for some final practice. But when his dancing partner Mavis sprains her ankle, will Bob find someone else to dance with in time?
  • Travis and Scoop's Race Day
    Travis and Scoop's Race DayScoop and Travis decide to have a race to find out who is fastest? Bob prepares the racecourse. Spud wants Travis to win so he tries some sneaky sabotage to keep Scoop back!
  • Bob's Birthday
    Bob's BirthdayWendy and the machines decide to pretend to have forgotten Bob's birthday and then surprise him with a party. Wendy goes home to make a cake, and then Muck and Dizzy decide to make a concrete cake for Bob to keep forever.
  • Naughty Spud
    Naughty SpudBob and the machines are finishing Travis' new shed. Spud wants to pick go apple-picking but cannot reach the apples from the trees. While Bob is working on the shed roof, Spud takes the ladder away. How will poor Bob ever get down?
  • Scary Spud
    Scary SpudSpud is worried he is not scary enough anymore after he tries to scare Bird. His problems get worse when he loses his turnip nose and it falls into a mole hole. Muck and Dizzy try to help him find a suitable new nose. Will Spud ever be scary again?
  • Bob's Barnraising
    Bob's BarnraisingIt's harvest time but Farmer Pickles' barn is about to collapse. Bob and the gang work against the clock to repair it but a summer storm threatens. Muck helps Pickles with the harvest. Will they get the harvest in before the rains and will Bob finish the barn in time?

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