Beer and Board Games

Season 4

Matt Sloan, Aaron Yonda, and other incredible improv-comedians get drunk while playing board games.

Where to Watch Season 4

49 Episodes

  • Basic Dungeons and Dragons
    Basic Dungeons and DragonsUnsheath your Normal Sword, have your 10 foot pole at the ready and journey with us into adventure with Basic D&D!
  • Basic Dungeons And Dragons II
    Basic Dungeons And Dragons IIGargoyles! Witches! Floating discs! It's more Basic D&D for your ass.
  • Kragmortha
    KragmorthaSneaky Goblins! Withering looks! Tequila! Come play Kragmortha with us!
  • Klondike Bar: The Game
    Klondike Bar: The GameKlondike bars are not just a tasty, chocolatey treat they are also a tasty chocolatey board game. We challenge each other to drawing contests and weird brainstorming exercises to try to capture all 6 Klondike flavors. Also in this episode: The Legend of the D*ck Raccoon.
  • Story War
    Story WarGoblins vs. Wizards! Unicorns vs. Heroic Dogs! Dylan vs. Cape Date! Are you ready for Story War?
  • Sassy - Teen Girl Game
    Sassy - Teen Girl GameEveryone has a teenage girl inside of them and it only takes a few beers for that little lady to come out and be Sassy. Sassy: The Experience helps to channel this. Remember: please sass responsibly. Also, Dylan takes his shirt off.
  • Once Upon A Time
    Once Upon A TimeGiants, Fairies, an old man covered in cheese. Get ready for some classic competitive storytelling with Once Upon A Time.
  • Betrayal at House on the Hill
    Betrayal at House on the HillLook out, Betrayal is about to happen. Where? In a house. Where is that house? On a hill. We also drink one of the worse beers we've ever tasted.
  • Dirty Blank-ing Card Game
    Dirty Blank-ing Card GameWe're going to have a [blank]-ing good time as we [blank] the [blank] out of "That Dirty Blank-ing Card Game". Hold onto your [blank]s!
  • Lost and Drunk
    Lost and DrunkMagical acorns? Drunken squirrels? It can only be Lost and Drunk. Also, Matt reveals his rap alter ego: Egotiztical Sniffff.
  • Game of Thrones Card Game
    Game of Thrones Card GameWinter is coming. Actually, it's April and winter is leaving, but just for the purposes of the Game of Thrones card game, let's just say "Winter is coming" shall we? Thanks.
  • Firefly The Game
    Firefly The GameStow your contraband in the hold, grab your pistol and blast off with us into space with Firefly The Board Game. It's going to be a (insert Chinese profanity here)-ing good time!
  • Drunk Vampire Roleplaying | Vampire The Masquerade
    Drunk Vampire Roleplaying | Vampire The MasqueradeGet ready for the roleplaying adventure of your (un)life: Vampire The Masquerade. Featuring a plethora of celebrity guests, including Morgan Freeman, Christopher Walken and, sadly, Randy Newman.
  • Morgan Freeman: Vampire | Vampire The Masquerade PART 2
    Morgan Freeman: Vampire | Vampire The Masquerade PART 2We're back and ready to bite you in the neck once again with part 2 of Vampire: The Masquerade. In this dramatic conclusion, we experience triumph and tragedy, gain and loss. There's more Gary Busey, more Morgan Freeman, more fun. Join us, won't you?
  • Drunk Star Wars VCR Game with Chad Vader
    Drunk Star Wars VCR Game with Chad VaderYou don't know the power...of the Drunk Side! Sneak around the Death Star with us as we play The Star Wars Interactive VCR Game, starring none other than everybody's favorite day shift manager, Chad Vader.
  • Drunk Battle at Sarlacc's Pit
    Drunk Battle at Sarlacc's PitJabba the Hutt gets attacked by 4 drunk jedi and Aaron reveals another pitiful story from his youth.
  • Drunk Pointing Fingers
    Drunk Pointing FingersThis game involves [spoiler alert] pointing. Also fingers -- specifically giant green foam ones. Now that we've ruined the surprise, we hope you can still enjoy "Pointing Fingers". There is also lots of singing, shouting and a scantily-clad Dylan, and who can't enjoy that?
  • Drunk Game Of Things
    Drunk Game Of ThingsIt's a game, and there are things.
  • Drunk Schmovie
    Drunk SchmovieIn which Tony becomes a one-man movie trailer juggernaut, spinning hilarious movie titles into trailers.
  • Drunk Ultimate Battle
    Drunk Ultimate Battle
  • Drunk Top Race
    Drunk Top RaceRacing cars has never been more saucy.
  • Drunk Help Wanted
    Drunk Help WantedYou want a day off work. Do you release a balloon full of bees in your workplace, a legion of poisonous dart frogs, or a 4 ft tall toad with a fog machine?
  • Drunk Rodney Dangerfield - John Green, Greg Benson and more
    Drunk Rodney Dangerfield - John Green, Greg Benson and moreJohn Green (The Fault In Our Stars) and Greg Benson (Mediocre Films), Sarah Urist Green (The Art Assignment) and Colin Hickey join us for a night of no respect and number arrangement.
  • Drunk WWF Wrestling - Wheezy Waiter, Joe Bereta, John Green
    Drunk WWF Wrestling - Wheezy Waiter, Joe Bereta, John GreenAn all star night of wrestling and beer with John Green (the fault in our stars) and Greg Benson (mediocre films), Wheezy Waiter, Mark Malkoff, Joe Bereta and Colin Hickey.
  • Drunk Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
    Drunk Teenage Mutant Ninja TurtlesA mutant bat, a mutant sheep, and a mutant bear walk into a bar. What do you think is gonna happen? If you guessed "roleplaying: you were correct. We play the original Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles roleplaying game back before the movie, tv show, or video games were popular.
  • NINJA FIGHT! Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 2
    NINJA FIGHT! Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 2Can a mutant sheep, a bear, and bat take on a ninja. How about 40 or 50 of them? It's more TMNT roleplaying.
  • Drunk Bigfoot
    Drunk BigfootThe truth about Bigfoot? Either he scares you or he craps on you.
  • Drunk Brain Surgery and Pac-Man
    Drunk Brain Surgery and Pac-ManSlapping, punching, and brain surgery are everywhere as the kid's game marathon continues with Operation Brain Surgery, Virtue Bingo, Picnic Panic, and Pac Man the board game. With Dylan and Annelise.
  • Drunk Jesus Game
    Drunk Jesus GamePrank calls to Sarah's Mom and Dylan, religious rapping, spray paint Confucius, and Cape Jesus. This episode has everything.
  • Moustache Guessing Game
    Moustache Guessing GameWe played a crap story game and then played an awesome moustache guessing game. We got pretty drunk. Snidely Whiplash!!!
  • Drunk Justin Bieber
    Drunk Justin BieberNotorious thug and criminal Justin Bieber has a board game where the goal is to try to get backstage and do it with him.
  • Get It Wrong To Win
    Get It Wrong To WinWe played a game that was really fun to play drunk because you have to answer the questions wrong. And Aaron told another Cape Date story.
  • Psycho Therapist
    Psycho TherapistHow do you help people with issues? With the most disturbing and insane therapy possible.
  • Slap 45 (from Cards Against Humanity)
    Slap 45 (from Cards Against Humanity)A classic old west card game of slapping and shooting.
  • Dungeon World RPG
    Dungeon World RPGA dragon's lair must be investigated and 3 drunk adventurers are just the idiots to do it.
  • Kill the Birdman! DUNGEON WORLD RPG II
    Kill the Birdman! DUNGEON WORLD RPG IIBirdmen are cruelly murdered and goblins are entertained by juggling. Also, Aaron tells the Story of the Acid Washed Jeans.
  • Drunk Art Nazis (Operation FAUST)
    Drunk Art Nazis (Operation FAUST)
  • S*x Toy Poker
    S*x Toy Poker
  • The Walking Dead
    The Walking DeadDale, Rick , Shane, and Glen try to survive the zombie apocalypse while muttering Carl over and over.
  • Drunk Cthulhu Gloom
    Drunk Cthulhu GloomOur brains are pushed to the limits by strange angles and curious colors, and families of frog people in Cthulhu Gloom.
  • Snake Oil (from Apples To Apples)
    Snake Oil (from Apples To Apples)Step right up and get a healthy dose of Snake Oil Elixir, the latest fun board game from Out of the Box Games (creators of Apples to Apples).
  • Drunk Music Trivia
    Drunk Music Trivia
  • Drunk Personal Preference
    Drunk Personal Preference
  • Drunk Teen Choices
    Drunk Teen Choices
  • Cards Against Humanity 5th expansion
    Cards Against Humanity 5th expansionTemper the joy of your holiday season with the hot iron of nastiness that is Cards Against Humanity.
  • Drunk Xmas Games
    Drunk Xmas GamesWe replay some of our recent favorites: Get It Wrong To Win, Offensive Band Name Generator, Teen Choices Super Dilemmas, and Help Wanted.
  • 2014 Supercut
    2014 Supercut
  • More EDITED OUT!
    More EDITED OUT!



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