Beckand en Beethoven & Tijl en de negende van Beethoven
Season 2
Tijl Beckand is 14 jaar oud wanneer hij voor het eerst een stukje van de Negende van Beethoven hoort. Vanaf dat moment zit de ‘Negende’ in zijn DNA en ontstaat een levenslange droom die dit jaar gaat uitkomen; de Negende dirigeren!
Where to Watch Season 2
7 Episodes
- Tijl en de negende van Beethoven: concertE7
Tijl en de negende van Beethoven: concert2020 was the Beethoven year, but unfortunately his 250th birthday could not be celebrated in a big way. Tijl therefore had to postpone his lifelong dream for another year, but now it is really coming true. He conducts Beethoven's Ninth Symphony. Tijl practiced for more than two and a half years under the direction of conductor Jules van Hessen. And this without being able to read a note of sheet music. Tijl takes up the challenge together with the Residentie Orkest and soloists Jeannette van Schaik, Maria Fiselier, Linard Vrielink and Frans Fiselier. Will he be able to lead the orchestra and have his favorite piece of music play in a room full of audience for more than five quarters of an hour?