Beauty & The Beast: Ugly Face of Prejudice
Season 2
This series investigates the extremes of discrimination by bringing together two people often defined by the way they look: one has a facial disfigurement, the other an intense preoccupation with their appearance.
Where to Watch Season 2
4 Episodes
- Gary and ReggieE1
Gary and ReggieTwenty-one-year-old beautyholic and drama student Gary Thompson meets 47-year-old Reggie Bibbs from Houston, Texas. Gary has spent up to £31,000 in the last five years on looking good. He wants to have a nose job and look like Kim Kardashian. Reggie has one the world's most extreme cases of neurofibromatosis, a condition where tumours grow all over the body. Gary learns about Reggie's past and how he spent 30 years hiding from other people. Reggie sends Gary to watch a rhinoplasty operation and he sees a surgeon breaking a patient's nose. He also meets Tammy, a former rhinoplasty patient whose operation went wrong and now she has no sense of smell. Will Reggie persuade Gary not to have a nose job? - Amanda and DebbieE2
Amanda and DebbieTravel agent and beauty addict Amanda Hughes meets civil servant Debbie Hanson. Forty-three-year-old Amanda has spent £20,000 perfecting her appearance over the years and exercises for two hours a day, seven days a week, in a desperate bid to maintain her looks - even spending eight hours getting ready for a Saturday night. Forty-six-year-old Debbie was born with a congenital facial disfigurement that left her blind in one eye and severely short-sighted in the other. Debbie introduces Amanda to her family and shows Amanda what it is like living with a facial disfigurement. The two women go to meet celebrity and former plastic surgery addict Alicia Duvall. Will the visit be enough to convince Amanda that there is more to life than looks? - Holly and NellyE3
Holly and NellyTwenty-one-year-old glamour model Holly Kent meets 27-year-old Nelly Shaheen. Nelly was born with harlequin ichthyosis, a rare skin condition, which makes Nelly look like a burns victim. Nelly's skin could literally suffocate her if she doesn't take care of it. She is the oldest known survivor in the UK with the condition. Holly believes her image is her bread and butter and is proud of her career as a glamour model posing for lads magazines. She takes Nelly to visit strip clubs, where she auditions as a pole dancer. Then it's Nelly's turn to try and convince Holly that the job she does and the image she projects is fake and will never make her truly happy. - Corinne and SimonE4
Corinne and SimonBeauty obsessed hairdresser Corinne Harrison meets teacher Simon Moore. Corinne spends up to £3000 a month on beauty treatments, has had two boob jobs and is considering a third, and liposuction. Simon has Treacher Collins Syndrome, a condition which means his skull and jaw did not form properly in the womb, leaving him profoundly deaf. Corinne tries to persuade Simon that her beauty regime is normal and natural. He learns why Corinne hates her nose and hair. Then it's time for Corinne to see what it's like to live with a facial disfigurement. Their meeting concludes with a trip to Jamaica, where Simon hopes Corinne will learn to love her Jamaican heritage and ditch her plans for more surgery.