The aliens, the Vok, send Tigerhawk to Earth to stop Megatron's meddling with time. He crashes into the Predacon base, but the Predacons have no intention of takeing this lying down... especially Tarantulas.
Cast of Other Victories
Garry ChalkOptimus Primal (voice)
David KayeMegatron (voice)
Colin MurdockQuickstrike (voice)
Scott McNeilDinobot / Rattrap / Waspinator (voice)
Ian James CorlettCheetor (voice)
Richard NewmanRhinox (voice)
Venus TerzoBlackarachnia (voice)
Jim ByrnesInferno (voice)
David SobolovDepth Charge (voice)
Campbell LaneRampage (voice)
Alec WillowsTarantulas (voice)
Blu MankumaTigerhawk / Vok #1 (voice)
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