Forty-year-old sailor Roman Malyshev, an eternal wanderer and a convinced bachelor, who devoted most of his adult life to the fleet, comes to his native village for a short time for family reasons.
Here he takes part in the restoration of the Temple, destroyed during the years of socialist construction. Before Roman’s eyes and with his direct participation, the Orthodox community in the village begins to slowly revive, parish life awakens: fellow villagers are drawn to a living, visible cause, who at first looked with distrust and a grin at the strange fuss of the small, scattered, and almost poor parishioners, mostly old people and old women, led by a bruiser boatswain decorated with tattoos.
Here he takes part in the restoration of the Temple, destroyed during the years of socialist construction. Before Roman’s eyes and with his direct participation, the Orthodox community in the village begins to slowly revive, parish life awakens: fellow villagers are drawn to a living, visible cause, who at first looked with distrust and a grin at the strange fuss of the small, scattered, and almost poor parishioners, mostly old people and old women, led by a bruiser boatswain decorated with tattoos.