Barney Miller

Season 7

Barney Miller is the kind of cop we'd all like to run into. He is always sensible. He maintains order over a squad room of detectives who gamble for a hobby, get hit on by anything in skirts, go to renaissance philosophy conventions for fun, and would really prefer to be writing. Nearly all of the action takes place in the squad room where the citizens and criminals are brought in to complicate the mix.

Where to Watch Season 7

22 Episodes

  • Homicide (1)
    Homicide (1)When the NYPD restructures its precincts as specialty squads, Luger pulls some strings and gets the 12th assigned as a homicide squad. Business is good; a man murders his barber, and a woman hires a hit man to kill her husband, and then changes her mind.
  • Homicide (2)
    Homicide (2)Harris woos the precinct's crime photographer, while Dietrich tracks down the hit man's intended target; Barney's frustration boils over when the new homicide-only edict results in the death of an old friend.
  • The Delegate
    The DelegateA drunk and disorderly turns out to be a delegate from the 1976 Democratic convention; Barney discovers a problem with the newly assigned Officer Nash - he's not a cop.
  • Dorsey
    DorseyThe new detective is convinced that his compatriots are on the take and asks to be dealt out.
  • Agent Orange
    Agent OrangeAnother domestic dispute at the Brauer household occurs when their apartment building becomes ""clothing optional""; Wojo takes a personal interest in the plight of a fellow vet whose crime spree may be a result of the Agent Orange chemical.
  • Call Girl
    Call GirlThe precinct is besieged by a large group of prostitutes. Dorsey develops a protective stance with a young one. Harris receives stock tips from another. Dietrich is tempted by all of them as he experiments with celibacy.
  • Resignation
    ResignationDietrich, stricken with guilt when he shoots a felon, tenders his resignation; a playwright assaults an incompetent actor.
  • Field Associate
    Field AssociateThe detectives are edgy because someone is sending specific information about them to Internal Affairs. Harris sets up a reunion between an elderly cat burglar and his wife who reported him missing years ago.
  • Movie (1)
    Movie (1)Harris is assigned to direct a pornographic movie; an old-time radio newsman assaults a vacuous television anchor.
  • Movie (2)
    Movie (2)A blind mugging victim and an overzealous charity collector are among the disparate audience members at the screening of Harris' overbudget film.
  • The Psychic
    The PsychicAn accused mugger claims that he was answering a psychic vision; a language professor takes vandalistic umbrage to a grammatically incorrect billboard.
  • Stormy Weather
    Stormy WeatherA deaf woman is arrested for prostitution; Barney anxiously awaits news of Wojo, who dived into the Hudson River in pursuit of a looter.
  • The Librarian
    The LibrarianA serious tone pervades this episode about a gypsy and his harassment of the owner of a novelty store; on the lighter side, a librarian takes extreme measures to ensure quiet amongst the stacks.
  • Rachel
    RachelRipner is suing Harris over the lawyer's portrayal in the detective's novel; Wojo asks Barney's daughter out on a date; a sporting-goods storeowner takes the law in his own hands.
  • Contempt (1)
    Contempt (1)A restaurant may have refused a man service because of his appearance; Barney won't name an informant so he's charged with contempt of court.
  • Contempt (2)
    Contempt (2)When Barney spends the night in jail, the squad room is left in the natty hands of Sergeant Harris.
  • The Doll
    The DollAn expensive doll is abducted for ransom; a man claims he was swindled in exchange for a ticket on the space shuttle; Luger informs Barney that he's in his will.
  • Lady and the Bomb
    Lady and the BombThe verdict is in on the Harris/Ripner libel suit, and a woman threatens to blow up the squad room with a homemade bomb. What better time for Detective Fish to drop by for a visit?
  • Riot
    RiotLuger takes a small disturbance with the Hassidic community and turns it into a full-scale riot; the squad discovers a survivalist couple setting up housekeeping in the sewers.
  • The Vests
    The VestsThe detectives are reluctant to wear their new bulletproof vests; Luger interviews them in case of the need for a quick obituary.
  • The Rainmaker
    The RainmakerThe officers arrest a rainmaker, only discover that he was hired by the drought-ridden city; Wojo, Harris and Dietrich each consider a job opening in vice.
  • Liquidation
    LiquidationHarris is forced to liquidate his possessions to pay off his lawsuit.

Cast of Season 7

  • Hal LindenBarney Miller
  • Max GailStan Wojciehowicz
  • Ron GlassRon Harris
  • Steve LandesbergArthur Dietrich
  • Ron CareyCarl Levitt



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