In 400 AD, the Roman Empire is the greatest power in the world. But to the east a fierce people arose: the Huns. They believe in a prophecy about a great king who will unite the tribes and challenge Rome for control of the world.
Where to Watch Attila
1 Season
Miniseries2 Episodes
Cast of Attila
Gerard ButlerAttila the Hun
Powers BootheFlavius Aetius
Simmone MackinnonN'Kara / Ildico
Reg RogersValentinian
Alice KrigePlacida
Pauline LynchGalen
Steven BerkoffKing Rua
Tommy FlanaganBleda
Andrew PleavinOrestes
Kirsty MitchellHonoria
Jonathan HydeFelix
Tim CurryTheodosius
Janet HenfreyPalcharia
Liam CunninghamKing Theodoric
Rollo WeeksYoung Attila
Kate Steavenson-PayneLydia
Richard LumsdenPetronius
Isla FisherCerca
Daz CrawfordLygus
Finbar LynchValorus
Mark LetherenThorismund
Jolyon BakerMundzuk
David BailieShaman
Gabija Jaraminaitė RyškuvienėVerona
Siân PhillipsGrandmother
Alun RaglanSecond horseman
Nickie RainsfordEdeka
David S. Cass Sr.Third Companion
Aurimas MeliešiusWarrior
Jurgis DomaseviciusRoman Officer
Max RyanRoman Officer
Ignas MiškinisRoman Soldier
William MickleburghFirst Hun Officer
Neringa VarnelytėFirst Woman
Nigel WhitmeyGrachia
Tauras CizasHun Officer
Dainius KazlauskasPoisoned Servant
Elvyra ŽebertavičiūtėMidwife
Ramūnas AbukevičiusKing Cnute
Andrius ŽebrauskasMeloch
Dallas CampbellEugenis
Graham CrowdenSenator
Paul EasomMessengers
Leon FleuryMessengers
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