Armstrong and Miller

Season 6

Armstrong and Miller is a comedy sketch television show that aired between 1997 and 2001 featuring Alexander Armstrong and Ben Miller, known together as Armstrong and Miller. Following a series on the Paramount Comedy Channel in 1997, a further two were made for Channel 4.

The duo moved to BBC One in 2007 with The Armstrong and Miller Show.
Where to Watch Season 6
6 Episodes
  • Episode 1
    Episode 1Featuring the RAF pilots, and new characters including TV presenter Dennis Lincoln-Park.
  • Episode 2
    Episode 2Jilted Jim's honeymoon from hell continues, Dennis Lincoln-Park has another treasured antiquity, and the pilots are in a spot of bother.
  • Episode 3
    Episode 3Dennis destroys more priceless artefacts, and a Royal Correspondent tells all.
  • Episode 4
    Episode 4A boxer and trainer struggle to fill the time between rounds and the RAF pilots mount an escape attempt from a POW camp.
  • Episode 5
    Episode 5A vicar goes to hilarious lengths to boost his congregation, and a time traveller meets Michael Faraday and tells him everything he knows...
  • Episode 6
    Episode 6Featuring Brabbins and Fyffe, and a nightmarish experience for one man in a bank.
Cast of Season 6
  • Alexander ArmstrongVarious Characters
  • Ben MillerVarious Roles
  • Sarah AlexanderVarious Roles
  • Emma Pierson

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