Season 1
The two Warner Brothers Yakko and Wakko and their Warner sister Dot had been (supposedly) created in the 1930's, but their cartoons were too screwy for the general public to handle. The three Warners were locked up in the studio water tower until they escaped in the 90's. There, they run wild, causing chaos everywhere!
Where to Watch Season 1
160 Episodes
- Jockey for PositionE65
Jockey for PositionIn order to win funds for his latest world-conquering scheme, Brain enters the Kentucky Derby as the world's smallest, lightest jockey. But Pinky's meddling alters the outcome of the race in an unexpected manner. First appearance of Phar Fignewton, a parody of Phar Lap. Tchaikovsky's "Romeo and Juliet: Love Theme" plays in this skit. - Clown And OutE83
Clown And OutA clown (who looks and speaks like the Jerry Lewis-esque Mr. Director) is hired by Mr. Plotz for Wakko's birthday party, but Plotz learns from Dr. Scratchansniff that, like Mr. Plotz, Wakko has a bad fear of clowns, resulting in the clown being battered and bruised. The skit has become somewhat of an internet meme. - Critical ConditionE89
Critical ConditionAfter movie critics Hiskel and Egbert (parodies of Siskel & Ebert) blast her cartoons on a review show, Slappy decides to get revenge: first by blowing their home up, then by sabotaging their latest film viewing. Note: Includes clips from the Looney Tunes shorts What's Opera, Doc?, Duck Amuck, and Porky in Wackyland. Shirley the Loon from Tiny Toon Adventures makes a non-speaking cameo. - The Warners And The BeanstalkE123
The Warners And The BeanstalkThe Warners get carried up a beanstalk where they face a hungry giant (based on Ralph the Guard). To get him to eat something other than them, the Warners pester him to eat gold eggs and meat in a style similar to Dr. Seuss' Green Eggs and Ham.