
Season 4

With both Angel and Cordelia still missing, Fred, Gunn and Connor try to keep Angel Investigations running while they search for their friends.

22 Episodes

  • Deep Down
    Deep DownFred and Gunn have been searching for Angel and Cordelia for the past three months whilst looking after Connor, unaware that Connor is the one behind his father's disappearance and that Cordelia has been summoned to a higher plane of existence. Meanwhile, Wesley has pieced together what happened to Angel and has come up with a plan to save his former friend.
  • Ground State
    Ground StateAngel is desperate to find Cordelia, unaware that she's become a higher power. He seeks help from Wesley, who remains bitter but points him in the direction of a magical relic that can help locate her. Angel, Fred and Gunn break into an auction house to steal the artifact, only to run into a rival thief: a cat burglar named Gwen, who possesses the power to control electricity.
  • The House Always Wins
    The House Always WinsAngel and his friends discover that Lorne is being held prisoner in a corrupt Las Vegas casino.
  • Slouching Toward Bethlehem
    Slouching Toward BethlehemAfter Cordelia returns, she doesn't remember her friends and Lorne senses a major evil brewing. Scared by the world of demons and vampires, Cordelia takes refuge with Connor, who saves her from a demon attack.
  • Supersymmetry
    SupersymmetryWhen Fred writes an article on superstring theory that gets published in a physics journal, she is invited to her old college as a guest lecturer. Angel, Gunn and Wesley all attend her presentation, but when a portal opens up over Fred's head it looks like history may be about to repeat itself.
  • Spin the Bottle
    Spin the BottleIn an attempt to restore Cordelia's memory, Lorne accidentally reverses everyone's memory to making them think they are 17 and on a vampire chase. When they find out Angel is a vampire, everyone sets out to get him. As Cordelia's memory is revived, a demon inside her is awakened.
  • Apocalypse, Nowish
    Apocalypse, NowishPlagues of rats, earthquakes and a string of strange events lead Angel and the gang to one realization: the apocalypse has come at last. Meanwhile, Connor and Cordelia encounter The Beast, who has come to Los Angeles on the verge of Armageddon to help bring about the end of the world.
  • Habeas Corpses
    Habeas CorpsesAfter the Beast arrives at Wolfram & Hart, Angel and the gang must break in to rescue Connor from another, creepier force. Meanwhile, Wesley comes to an important decision regarding his relationship with Lilah, Cordelia and Connor try to resolve what they've done together, and Fred is torn between trusting Wesley and reconnecting with Gunn.
  • Long Day's Journey
    Long Day's JourneyAfter a group of totems linked to the ancient sun god Ra are killed by the Big Bad beast, Angel and his friends realize he's plotting to turn off the sun.
  • Awakening
    AwakeningAfter realizing that Angelus might have some information on the Beast, the team reluctantly decides to remove Angel's soul. Wesley brings in a dark mystic who can extract Angel's soul and return it safely to his body after Angelus gives them the information they need, but when the ceremony doesn't go according to plan, they discover a magic sword that might kill the Beast instead.
  • Soulless
    SoullessWith Angel's soul successfully removed, Wesley interrogates Angelus in an attempt to find out everything he knows about the Beast. But after Angelus starts exploiting all of the damaging secrets that Angel had been keeping about his friends, the team starts turning against each other and Cordelia strikes a deal with Angelus to get the information they need.
  • Calvary
    CalvaryWith Angel's soul stolen from the hotel safe, Team Angel is worried. They have no idea how to get Angel back again before it's too late. When Cordy comes up with a spell that might work, the others agree that it's their best hope. Meanwhile, Lilah shows up at the hotel, looking for some allies in her quest to destroy the Beast.
  • Salvage
    SalvageWhile Lorne casts a sanctuary spell on the hotel, and Wesley brings in the slayer, Faith, to help get Angelus back... the Doomsday Beast and its boss also try to woo Angelus.
  • Release
    ReleaseFaith and Wesley continue to try and find Angelus, determined to contain him so that they return Angel's soul. Meanwhile, Cordelia intends to bring Angelus over to her side of the apocalypse. Unfortunately for all of them, Angelus has plans of his own.
  • Orpheus
    OrpheusFred calls Willow to re-en soul Angel. She encounters unexpected resistance from a mysterious source. Faith's strategy to capture Angelus has an unexpected side effect. She enters Angel's mind and witnesses some of his past.
  • Players
    PlayersGwen Raiden returns to the Hyperion and asks Gunn for his help on a mission to rescue a young girl from a wealthy and powerful tycoon. Meanwhile, Angel and the team are stunned to discover that Cordelia is pregnant and begin researching, worried by the baby's rapid growth.
  • Inside Out
    Inside OutAs Cordelia prepares to give birth, Angel and his friends finally learn that she - or an evil presence controlling her - is the Beast's master.
  • Shiny Happy People
    Shiny Happy PeopleWhen the demon Cordelia gives birth to turns out to be a saintly, beautiful woman, all who lay eyes on her become entranced by her spell. With Cordelia in a coma, Angel and the gang help the new, unnamed prophet create the perfect Utopian L.A. But as every spell is a deception, even the most peaceful and reasonable ideals may conceal the darkest of secrets.
  • The Magic Bullet
    The Magic BulletMysteriously free of Jasmine's spell, Fred must take refuge with dubious allies as Angel and the gang hunt her down. Jasmine's powers expand as the citizens of L.A. begin to develop a psychic connection which could potentially pave the way for collective consciousness. Using this new power to find Fred, she hides outside the city, desperately trying to find the cure for Jasmine's "love".
  • Sacrifice
    SacrificeAngel's team continues to fight against Jasmine's growing power. After escaping the Hyperion, they find themselves hiding in the sewers whilst trying to come up with a plan, and Wesley discovers a demon that may hold the key to defeating Jasmine. Meanwhile, Conner continues to serve Jasmine, even after she has Cordelia moved to an undisclosed location.
  • Peace Out
    Peace OutAngel arrives in Jasmine's former dimension, looking for a way to break her spell. Back on Earth, the rest of the team is locked up in the Hyperion as Jasmine prepares to brainwash the world through a global media event. Conner goes searching for Cordelia.
  • Home
    HomeLilah returns from Hell to offer Angel Investigations the L.A. branch of Wolfram and Hart. They are given the option of going to see what it has to offer, which all of them decide to take. When on their tours, Fred is offered the science department, Gunn is taken to the White Room to see who replaced the Girl, Wesley is offered books with infinite knowledge and Lorne is offered the entertainment department, with Angel as CEO.

Cast of Season 4

  • David BoreanazAngel
  • Charisma CarpenterCordelia Chase
  • Amy AckerFred Burkle
  • Vincent KartheiserConnor
  • Alexis DenisofWesley Wyndam-Pryce
  • J. August RichardsCharles Gunn

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