Almost Live!

Season 12

A mixture of skit comedy and stand-up from a Seattle-based group of performers. Skits tended to focus on social issues, such as "The Worst Girlfriend in the World". One regular feature was "Mind Your Manners, with Billy Quan", in which Quan would demonstrate proper behavior by beating the living daylights out of rude people.

Where to Watch Season 12

26 Episodes

  • Pat Cashman Demands An Open Air Studio
    Pat Cashman Demands An Open Air StudioPat Cashman demands an open air studio; Sequel Pictures presents Fall Movies; 1st Annual post Jerry Garcia Grateful Dead Convention; The Late Report; Puyallup Fair vendors
  • John's Jean Ad
    John's Jean AdJohn's Jean Ad; OJ trial; Almost Live Training Film No. 7 - How to Host a Garage Sale; Sales are down, any ideas?; Courtney Love PSA (1); The Late Report; Courtney Love PSA (2)
  • Messages from the Boeing Machinists and Management
    Messages from the Boeing Machinists and ManagementMessages from the Boeing Machinists and Management; Mariners back playing in Seattle; Roscoe's Oriental Rug Emporium Big Huge Grand Re-Opening; Pike St. or Pine St.; The Late Report; Gothic
  • Message From Boeing Management
    Message From Boeing ManagementMessage From Boeing Management; Mariners - old fans and new fans; High Five'n White Guys Catch Mariner Fever!; Miracle Meat!; Remembering at a funeral; The John Report; The Lame List or What's Weak This Week
  • Look Deep Into My Eyes
    Look Deep Into My EyesLook Deep Into My Eyes; Last minute costume ideas; Bill and Tom's Embalming Place and Cremation Hut; Public Service Announcement; Book Beat; The Late Report; Joy of Painting
  • Wrestling With Richard Simmons
    Wrestling With Richard SimmonsWrestling With Richard Simmons; Putting Halloween behind you; Ads for initiatives to vote on; A Conversation with Harper Putnam America's Least Successful Playwright; The Late Report; "Assassins" Seattle trailer
  • John Drops His Candidacy
    John Drops His CandidacyJohn drops his candidacy for the 1996 presidential election; Early warning signs of a flood; Copycat; Hghphra! beer; Chatting in the vasectomy waiting room; The Late Report; Commentary
  • Dole and Gingrich Government Shutdown
    Dole and Gingrich Government ShutdownDole and Gingrich government shutdown; If Boeing and McDonalds Merged; Goldenbutt; Man on the Street (1); Nordstrom return policy; Today Tonight - via satellite; Man on the Street (2); The Late Report; Man on the Street (3)
  • Sultanvision
    SultanvisionAlmost Live! brought to you in "Sultanvision"; Chip Hanauer gives tips fro driving on the water; Give me Back My Wee Wippy Yooo The Beth Hanes Story; The Lame List or What's Weak this Week; Fluorocarbon spokesman; The Late Report
  • It's A Wonderful But Unlikely Possibility
    It's A Wonderful But Unlikely PossibilityIt's A Wonderful But Unlikely Possibility; Uncle Fran's Greatest Hits; Hunting accident; The Grateful Dead Holiday Show; The Late Report; Truck stop
  • Funding Falls Through
    Funding Falls ThroughFunding falls through; Psychic Bob 1996 Predictions; "Hey Lenny, have you ever...?"; Today Tonight; The Cake Dancer; The Late Report; BeBo Brand Super Thick Deluxe
  • THX
    THXTHX; Telling apart liberals and conservatives; Motorola Megaphone; Here Comes the Groom...and Boy is He Stupid!; dts; The Late Report; In a Nutshell
  • Winter Storm '96 Weather Update
    Winter Storm '96 Weather UpdateWinter Storm '96 Weather Update; It's in the Mail: A paid advertisement for US Bell Long Distance; The Late Report; Big Billy's
  • The Joy of Painting the Seattle Skyline
    The Joy of Painting the Seattle SkylineThe joy of Painting the Seattle Skyline; State of the Union highlights; Sports commentators speculating; Uncle Fran's Superbowl Fun Fact (1); State of the Household Address; Uncle Fran's Superbowl Fun Fact (2); The Late Report; Uncle Fran's Superbowl Fun Fact (3)
  • A Message from Seattle Seahawks Owner Ken Behring
    A Message from Seattle Seahawks Owner Ken BehringA Message from Seattle Seahawks Owner Ken Behring; Canine Legal Clinic; Depressed psychiatrist; The Late Report; The Lesson; Another statement from Ken Behring
  • Steve Wilson's Apology to Behring
    Steve Wilson's Apology to BehringSteve Wilson's Apology to Behring; Confusing weather for the past week; Danger Date; Man on the Street (1); The king meets the palace staff; Valentine's Day gift ideas; Man on the Street (2); The Late Report; Man on the Street (3)
  • I Love You Man
    I Love You ManI Love You Man; John is 40; Oak Palace Furniture; "You have something stuck there", Me!; The Late Report; The Joy of Painting
  • Dumping on Brooks
    Dumping on BrooksDumping on Brooks; Meeting of the company safety committee; "What do you think about my ears?"; The Late Report; Phony Foods
  • Ken Behring's Return to Seattle
    Ken Behring's Return to SeattleKen Behring's Return to Seattle; RV B-Gon; "You checked her out!'; Kingdom Kookin'; The Late Report; The Lame List or What's Weak this Week
  • Gilbey's British Beef Hotdogs
    Gilbey's British Beef HotdogsGilbey's British Beef Hotdogs; Ways to Discourage Sea Lions; Almost Live Training Film No. 73 - How to Start a Company Softball Team; Office interrelations workshop; The Late Report; "There's nothing better then a good honk"
  • Joy of Painting - Unibomber
    Joy of Painting - UnibomberJoy of Painting - Unibomber; HMO Express; Focus on Education; The Late Report; Bill Dugan's Flame Restaurant Poetry Night
  • Brooks' Offer to Women of Washington
    Brooks' Offer to Women of WashingtonBrooks' Offer to Women of Washington; "Hey Lenny, what ya doing Lenny?"; King County Counsel Meeting April 15th, 1996; The Late Report; A very confused meeting
  • John Can't Read
    John Can't ReadJohn Can't Read; Good Teacher/Bad Teacher; Music from Garth Clinton; "What do you mean by that?"; The Late Report; The Bra Club
  • Earthquake '96 Update
    Earthquake '96 UpdateEarthquake '96 Update; "I'm kinda not eating meat right now"; Bill Nye the Science Guy; The Late Report; Today Tonight
  • Twister
    TwisterTwister; For/Opposed to the Commons; Last Horizons; Pitchman wingman; Replacement sports commentator; The Late Report; Help to stop smoking;
  • Information Services on The Sonics
    Information Services on The SonicsInformation Services on The Sonics; Other Seattle Magazine Features; Mind our Manors with Billy Quan in Blades of Fury; Hot Talk radio; The Late Report; Special K moment



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