All the Sins

Season 2

Year 1999. The upcoming millennium is a cause for concern in both, the secular world and the Laestadian community of Varjakka, where a married couple is found dead in the kitchen of their home. Senior Constable Jussi Ritola of the Varjakka local police takes the case, but it throws his personal life into chaos.

Where to Watch Season 2

6 Episodes

  • Woman's bounds
    Woman's boundsYear 1999. Young Aaro finds his parents dead. Constable Jussi Ritola starts to investigate the deaths, but it throws his stable life into chaos. Varjakka’s daily life is also shaken by the Millennium movement, which is led by women.
  • Dig Two Graves
    Dig Two GravesYoung Aaro is bullied at school. Millennium women work miracles. Jealousy haunts Ritola. When Meeri gets in danger, Ritola realizes that the killer is still on the loose.
  • Debate With a Snake
    Debate With a SnakeA former mercenary suffers from his traumas at the Millennium Center. Police chief protects the business executive, but Ritola gets a hint and attacks the Mafia of the believers. Aaro is in dire need of Ritola.
  • Temple Defiler
    Temple DefilerThe mercenary is treated in the cleansing rituals of the Millennium Center. The business executive openly celebrates his success. Ritola lies to the police chief as his relationship with Meeri is getting warmer.
  • Last Rites
    Last RitesThe mercenary is arrested, and the Millennium women protest. People of Varjakka are worried about the end of the world. Aaro befriends his bully. Ritola makes an irreversible mistake.
  • Fall of Man
    Fall of ManThe truth is finally fully revealed to Ritola. Aaro helps Ritola, and the duo's relationship deepens. Ritola finds out who the murderer is, but will the justice get served?

Cast of Season 2

  • Johannes HolopainenLauri Räihä
  • Matti RistinenJussi Ritola
  • Risto TuorilaMatti Mustapää
  • Kreeta SalminenLeena Niemitalo
  • Hannu KiviojaMartti Räihä
  • Tuula VäänänenMaarit Räihä
  • Eeli JurvelinAaro Leppihalme
  • Toni KamulaJanne Vanhatalo
  • Aino MorkoJenni Vanhatalo
  • Tuija NuojuaMirja Vanhatalo
  • Inka KallénMeeri Ritola
  • Laura MalmivaaraAnu Leinonen
  • Ari PiispaNimismies Kaarlo Ahola
  • Anne NielsenRitolan äiti
  • Milla KangasTarja Leinonen
  • Joose Kääriäinenpoliisimies
  • Annika AapalahtiHeidi Leppihalme
  • Minttu MustakallioTeija Leppihalme
  • Jukka PeltolaKari Leppihalme
  • Hannu KangasJunno
  • Pirjo LeppänenElma Sillanpää



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