Alien Nine

Season 1

In a world where humanity is intertwined with aliens, a trio of young adolescent girls are elected for alien fighting as they are forced into growing up with symbiotic life-forms.
Where to Watch Season 1
4 Episodes
  • 9th Elementary Anti-Alien Squad
    Episode 19th Elementary Anti-Alien SquadYuri has to fight aliens invading her school, and must wear some kind of yucky alien helmet...
  • Boredom, Spaceship and Overgrowth
    Episode 2Boredom, Spaceship and OvergrowthWhen Yuri arrives at school, she finds a weird huge mushroom-like thing in the playground.
  • Summer Vacation, Borg and Death
    Episode 3Summer Vacation, Borg and DeathSummer vacations have come at last, but Yuri is depressed. She still hates fighting aliens…
  • The End of the Beginning
    Episode 4The End of the BeginningOne day, a gigantic alien appears on the school rooftop and won't move from there anymore…
Cast of Season 1
  • Juri IhataYuri Otani (voice)
  • Kaori ShimizuKumi Kawamura (voice)
  • Noriko ShitayaKasumi Tomine (voice)
  • Aya HisakawaMegumi Hisakawa (voice)
  • Akira IshidaYellow Knife (voice)
  • Ryusei NakaoBorg (voice)
  • Sara NakayamaMiyu Tamaki (voice)
  • Chinatsu KasaharaMino-San (voice)
  • Rei SakumaPrincipal (voice)

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